
Mako Mining Announces Q2 2024 Operational Results With Record Revenue of US$28.3 Million and Record Recovered Gold Ounces of 12,206 Oz and Approval of the Las Conchitas Environmental Impact Assessment

Mako Mining Announces Q2 2024 Operational Results With Record Revenue of US$28.3 Million and Record Recovered Gold Ounces of 12,206 Oz and Approval of the Las Conchitas Environmental Impact Assessment

Mako Mining宣布2024年第二季度运营业绩,创下2830万美元的营业收入和12,206盎司的黄金产量记录,同时批准了Las Conchitas环保母基评估。
Accesswire ·  07/15 07:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 15, 2024 / Mako Mining Corp. (TSX-V:MKO)(OTCQX:MAKOF) ("Mako" or the "Company") is pleased to provide second quarter 2024 ("Q2 2024") production results from its San Albino gold mine ("San Albino") in northern Nicaragua, which is the 3rd year of production results since declaring commercial production on July 1st, 2021. Certain amounts shown in this news release may not total to exact amounts due to rounding differences.

2024年7月15日,Mako Mining Corp.(TSX-V:MKO)(OTCQX:MAKOF)(以下简称Mako或公司)很高兴宣布其位于尼加拉瓜北部的San Albino金矿(以下简称San Albino),自2021年7月1日宣布商业生产以来第3年的生产结果。由于舍入差异,本新闻稿中显示的某些金额可能不会总计到精确金额。

Q2 2024 Operational Highlights


  • Record 59,549 tonnes mined containing 14,855 ounces of gold ("oz Au") at an average grade of 7.76 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au") and 20,970 ounces of silver ("oz Ag") of 10.95 grams per tonne silver ("g/t Ag")

    • 24,365 tonnes mined containing 11,160 oz Au at 14.25 g/t Au and 14,885 oz Ag at 19.00 g/t Ag from diluted vein material

    • 35,185 tonnes mined containing 3,695 oz Au at 3.27 g/t Au and 6,085 oz Ag at 5.38 g/t Ag from historical dump and other mineralized material above cutoff grade ("historical dump + other")

    • 34.4:1 strip ratio

  • 52,681 tonnes milled containing 14,888 oz Au at an average grade of 8.79 g/t Au and 19,953 oz Ag at 11.78 g/t Ag

    • 39% and 61% from diluted vein and historical dump and other, respectively

    • 598 tonnes per day ("tpd") milled at 97% availability

    • Recoveries of 82.0% for gold in Q2 2024

  • At the end of the quarter, an estimated 157,612 tonnes in stockpile containing 12,436 oz Au at an average grade of 2.45 g/t Au

  • 12,206 oz Au recovered and 12,313 oz Au sold during the quarter

  • Delivered 40,500 oz of silver on the Sailfish Silver Loan for a total of US$ 1.1 million during Q2 2024

  • NCIB share repurchases of CAD$3.4 million shares equating to 1 million shares at an average price of CAD$3.38 /share in Q2 2024

  • Exploration Expenses of US$ 1.6 million in Q2 2024

  • Cash Balance of aprox. US$ 6.7 million and Gold in Sales Receivable of US$3.2 million as of June 30th, 2024, an increase of US$ 2.4 million from Q1 2024

  • 纪录性生产59549吨,含黄金14855盎司(oz Au),平均品位7.76克/吨(grams per tonne gold,g/t Au),银20970盎司(oz Ag),平均品位10.95克/吨(g/t Ag)

    • 从稀释脉石材料挖掘24365吨,含黄金11160盎司(oz Au),品位14.25克/吨(g/t Au),银14885盎司(oz Ag),品位19.00克/吨(g/t Ag)

    • 从历史垃圾堆和其他高于截止品位(以下简称历史垃圾和其他)的矿化材料开采35185吨,含黄金3695盎司(oz Au),平均品位3.27克/吨(g/t Au),银6085盎司(oz Ag),平均品位5.38克/吨(g/t Ag)

    • 脱硫比为34.4:1

  • 加工52681吨,含黄金14888盎司(oz Au),平均品位8.79克/吨(g/t Au),银19953盎司(oz Ag),平均品位11.78克/吨(g/t Ag)

    • 稀释脉石和历史垃圾和其他矿石分别占总开采量的39%和61%

    • 每日加工598吨,可用率为97%

    • 2024年Q2金选回收率为82.0%

  • 季末,估计库存金含量为157612吨,平均品位为2.45克/吨(oz Au)

  • 本季度回收黄金12206盎司,销售黄金12313盎司

  • 2024年Q2通过Sailfish Silver Loan交付了40500盎司银,总金额为110万美元

  • 2024年Q2,NCIb购回了340万加元的股份,相当于100万股,平均价格为3.38加元/股

  • 2024年Q2勘探费用为160万美元

  • 截至2024年6月30日,现金余额约为670万美元, 销售应收金含量为320万美元,较2024年Q1增加240万美元

Akiba Leisman, Chief Executive Officer of Mako states that, "Q2 2024 was another highly profitable quarter for the Company, with record revenue of US$28.3 million, and record recovered gold ounces of 12,206 at industry leading costs. The Las Conchitas EIA was recently approved and certified, although the Company continued to operate as usual with the bulk sample permit obtained last year. Exploration has ramped up at site, the NCIB has been accelerated, and cash is building on the balance sheet as we prepare to advance the newly acquired Eagle Mountain Gold Project in Guyana.

Mako首席执行官Akiba Leisman表示:“2024年Q2对公司来说又是一个高利润季度,收入创下了2830万美元的纪录,回收黄金12206盎司,以领先行业成本。 Las Conchitas EIA最近获得批准和认证,但公司仍然像去年获得的大样本许可一样继续运营。现场勘探加快了步伐,NCIb得到了加速,而资金也在余额表上积累,我们正准备推进新收购的圭亚那Eagle Mountain金矿项目。”

Table 1 - Operating Results


* Includes historical dump, hanging wall, footwall, historical muck and all other non-vein mineralized material above cutoff grade.
**For the purpose of calculating revenue, payments to Sailfish are deducted from the Average Realized Price.


(1) Equiv. Gold ounces are calculated by: Silver Rec. or Silver Sold (oz) / Avg. Realized Price of Gold (US$/oz) / Avg. Realized Price of Silver (US$/oz)


Table 2 - Quarter End Stockpile Statistics

表2 - 季度末储存统计数据。

** Includes historical dump, hanging wall, footwall, historical muck and all other non-vein mineralized material above cutoff grade.

** 包括历史转储、顶墙、底墙、历史浆料和所有其他高于截止品位的非脉状矿化物质。



The mine produced an average of 654 tonnes per day of diluted vein and historical dump + other material in Q2 2024, with a strip ratio of 34.4:1, including pre-stripping for the commencement of Bayacun Phase 2 within the Las Conchitas-South area. The strip ratio was elevated due to accelerated waste development in preparation for the rainy season that commenced in June 2024, allowing for access to Bayacun Phase 2 later this year. The current stockpile is estimated at 157,612 tonnes containing 12,436 oz Au at 2.45 g/t Au. The average grade of the diluted vein was 14.25 g/t Au containing 11,160 oz Au.

金矿在2024年Q2平均每日开采了654吨稀释脉石和历史垃圾+其他矿石,拆迁比为34.4:1,包括为Las Conchitas-South区的Bayacun Phase 2的开采前挖掘的前留煤垛。由于在2024年6月开始的雨季前进行了加速浪费开发,可以让我们于今年晚些时候进入Bayacun Phase 2.由于被稀释的矿脉的平均品位为14.25克/吨,含有11160盎司的黄金平均品位。

The total production of diluted vein material in the second quarter of 2024 came from five different zones: 16% of the total ounces were mined from the West Pit (San Albino), 51% from the Southwest Pit (San Albino),19% from Phase 1 in the Bayacun Pit (Las Conchitas South), and 14% from Phase 1 in the Limon and Mango zones (Las Conchitas South). The Company is undertaking an infill drilling program, that will continue in Q3, which is testing the high-grade Las Dolores zone (Las Conchitas South) and the Cruz Grande zone (Las Conchitas Central) and evaluating the extension of the high-grade zone in the final limit of the Southwest Pit.

2024年第二季度的稀释脉石总产量来自五个不同区域:16%的总盎司数来自西坑(San Albino),51%来自西南坑(San Albino),19%来自Bayacun Pit (Las Conchitas South)的第1阶段,14%来自Limon和Mango区的第1阶段(Las Conchitas South)。该公司正在进行一个文件钻探项目,在Q3期间继续进行,该项目正在测试Las Dolores区(Las Conchitas South)和Cruz Grande区(Las Conchitas Central)的高品位区域,以及评估西南坑的高品位区域的延伸。


选矿:选矿厂的500吨/日重力和碳浸式加工设备的所有元件从2021年5月初就开始完全运营。2024年第1季度,选矿厂的吞吐量为606吨/日,可用率为96%。选矿厂处理了36%的溶解脉状物料和64%的历史转储+其他物料,以达到混合进料品位7.27克/吨Au。黄金回收率在第1季度为80.6%,低于第4季度的84.6%,原因是黄金品位较低,磨矿进料具有更高的前妊娠现象。这是由于Las Conchitas脉型的上部形态与San Albino存在差异,导致溶解脉状包含了更多周边的低品位前妊娠物料。此外,加工的氧化物料很少,因为生产主要来自比较深的材料。在第2季度的后半段,选矿进料将有相当一部分来自El Limon的氧化物料,这应该逐步改善回收率。选矿厂的可用率为96%,回收黄金当量10,070盎司。

All components of the 500 tpd gravity and carbon-in-leach processing plant have been fully operational since the beginning of May 2021. During Q2 2024, the plant throughput rate was 598tpd with a plant availability of 97%. The plant processed 39% diluted vein material and 61% historical dump + other material to achieve an average feed grade of 8.79 g/t Au. The gold recovery was higher at 82.0% in Q2 compared to 80.6% in Q1 attributed to higher gold grades, and reduced preg-robbing potential of the mill feed. The reduced overall preg-rob potential was due to an increase of oxide material from the Las Conchitas mine and a reduction in the preg-rob potential in the mineralized material from the San Albino mine. The plant recovered 12,206 gold ounces. Both the availability and recovered gold production represent quarterly records for the San Albino site.

自2021年5月份以来,500吨/日重力碳悬浮浸出处理设备的所有元件均已投产。2024年第二季度,设备的处理量为598吨/日,可用性为97%。该设备处理了39%淡化的矿脉和61%历史堆积+其他矿石,以实现8.79克/吨Au的平均原料品位。由于金品位较高和磨矿入料的还原吸附能力降低,Q2的金回收率比Q1的80.6%高,达到了82.0%。总体上,还原吸附潜能降低是由于来自Las Conchitas矿坑的氧化物质量的增加和来自San Albino矿床中原矿物胎盘的还原吸附能力减少。该设备共回收了12206盎司黄金。设备的可用性和回收金产量均创下San Albino矿场季度记录。

Las Conchitas EIA Approval

Las Conchitas环境影响评估(EIA)已于2024年7月9日正式获得政府各部门的批准和认证。Mako去年获得了一份批准开采Las Conchitas物料的大质量样品开采许可证(请参阅2023年6月19日发布的新闻稿)。大量样品让公司开始从6个不同的区域(San Pablo,Mina Francisco,El Limon,Mango,Bayacun和Las Dolores)开始开采和处理Las Conchitas的最初阶段。新批准的EIA将使公司在没有风险中开采和处理Las Conchitas的剩余阶段。此外,目前的采矿顺序不会发生任何变化。

On July 9th, 2024 the Company had its Las Conchitas Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) formally approved and certified by various government agencies. Mako received a bulk sample permit to begin mining Las Conchitas material last year (see press release dated June 19th, 2023). The bulk sample allowed the Company to begin mining and processing the initial phases of Las Conchitas from 6 separate areas (San Pablo, Mina Francisco, El Limon, Mango, Bayacun and Las Dolores). The newly approved EIA will allow the Company to mine and process the remaining phases of Las Conchitas without the risk of interruption. Otherwise, no changes to the current mining sequences are anticipated.

前瞻性声明:此处所含的声明,除历史事实外,可能被视为“前瞻性信息”,依据相关证券法律的规定。 此处所含的前瞻性信息基于公司的计划,某些期望和假设,包括Q2 2024年详细的运营成本和财务结果将在本月底前出现;所提到的额外优化可能会进一步提高回收率;公司可以盈利性地运营San Albino以资助其区域尺度的土地包的潜在目标勘探。这种前瞻性信息可能受到各种风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际事件或结果与前瞻性信息所反映的事件或结果有所不同。这些风险和不确定性包括但不限于公司的债务还款和应付款项,特许权和税费以及现金余额的性质尚未被第三方审计;公司未能成功运营San Albino以及/或资助其区域尺度的土地包的潜在目标勘探;公司勘探物业涉及的政治风险和不确定性;造价估算的固有不确定性和意外费用和支出的潜在性等其他风险和不确定性,如在SEDAR的公司公开披露文件中披露的那样。此处所含的信息代表管理层截至此日期根据当前可用的信息的最佳判断,并包括为提供投资者有关公司San Albino金矿项目Q2 2024年生产结果的期望而包含在内。此处的信息可能不适用于其他目的。Mako不承诺更新任何前瞻性信息,除非依据适用的证券法律。

Qualified Person


John Rust, a metallurgical engineer and qualified person (as defined under NI 43-101) has read and approved the technical information contained in this press release. Mr. Rust is a senior metallurgist and a consultant to the Company.

前瞻性信息:本文包含的陈述,除历史事实外,可能被视为“前瞻性信息”,其依据是公司的计划、某些期望和假设,包括 2024年第1季度的详细运营成本和财务结果将在本月底公布;其他优化可能会进一步提高回收率;公司能够有盈利的经营San Albino以资助在其区域性土地包中探索有前途的目标。这种前瞻性信息可能受到各种风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际事件或结果与前瞻性信息不一致; 公司的债务偿还和应付款项,版税和税款以及现金余额属于初步性质,并未经第三方审计;公司未能成功地以盈利的方式经营San Albino和/或资助其区域性土地包中前景目标的探索;公司勘探物业涉及的政治风险和不确定性;成本估计的固有不确定性和意外成本和费用的潜在风险等因素,此类因素在公司在SEDAR上的公开披露文件中有披露。此处所包含的信息代表管理层截至本日关于当前可获得的信息做出的最佳判断,并提供有关公司在San Albino金矿项目方面的Q1 2024生产结果的期望,可能并不适合其他用途。Mako不承诺更新任何前瞻性信息,除非根据适用的证券法规。

On behalf of the Board,


Akiba Leisman
Chief Executive Officer

Akiba Leisman

About Mako


Mako Mining Corp. is a publicly listed gold mining, development and exploration company. The Company operates the high-grade San Albino gold mine in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua, which ranks as one of the highest-grade open pit gold mines globally. Mako's primary objective is to operate San Albino profitably and fund exploration of prospective targets on its district-scale land package.


For further information: Mako Mining Corp., Akiba Leisman, Chief Executive Officer, Telephone: 917-558-5289, E-mail: or visit our website at and SEDAR .

如需了解更多信息: Mako Mining Corp.,总裁兼首席执行官Akiba Leisman,电话: 917-558-5289,电子邮件: 或登录官网和SEDAR。

Forward-Looking Information: Statements contained herein, other than historical fact, may be considered "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The forward-looking information contained herein is based on the Company's plans and certain expectations and assumptions, including that Q2, 2024 detailed operating costs and financial results will be available by the end of this month; the additional optimizations noted may improve recoveries further; and that the Company can operate San Albino profitably in order to fund exploration of prospective targets on its district-scale land package. Such forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking information, including, without limitation; that the Company`s debt repayments and payables, royalties and taxes and cash balance are preliminary in nature and have not been audited by a third party; that the Company is not successful in operating San Albino profitably and/or funding its exploration of prospectus targets on its district-scale land package; political risks and uncertainties involving the Company's exploration properties; the inherent uncertainty of cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expense; commodity price fluctuations and other risks and uncertainties as disclosed in the Company's public disclosure filings on SEDAR at . Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof, based on information currently available and is included for the purposes of providing investors with the Company's expectations regarding the Company's Q2 2024 production results at San Albino gold project, and may not be appropriate for other purposes. Mako does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

前瞻性信息:除历史事实外,本文中可能被视为适用证券法“前瞻性信息”。本文中所包含的前瞻性信息基于该公司的计划以及某些期望和假设,包括2024年第二季度详细的运营成本和财务结果将在本月底前公布;所附加的优化可能进一步提高回收率;以及该公司可以有利可图地经营圣阿尔比诺以资助其区域性土地包中潜在目标的勘探。这样的前瞻性信息受到各种风险和不确定性的影响,这可能导致实际事件或结果与前瞻性信息所反映的不符,包括但不限于:公司的债务偿还和应付款项、版税和税收以及现金余额是初步性质的,尚未经第三方审计;公司无法成功地盈利圣阿尔比诺和/或资助其区域性土地包上的勘探;涉及该公司勘探项目的政治风险和不确定性;成本估算的不确定性和意外成本和费用的潜在风险和不确定性;商品价格波动以及该公司在的SEDAR上公开披露的其他风险和不确定性。本文所包含的信息代表管理层截至本日所能得出的最佳判断,基于当前可用信息,并被用于向投资者提供有关公司在黄金项目San Albino上的2024年第二季度生产结果的期望,并可能不适用于其他目的。Mako并不承诺更新任何前瞻性信息,除非按适用证券法规定执行。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Mako Mining Corp.

消息来源:Mako Mining Corp。

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