
Northeastern Illinois University Board of Trustees Selects Dr. Katrina E. Bell-Jordan as University President

Northeastern Illinois University Board of Trustees Selects Dr. Katrina E. Bell-Jordan as University President

PR Newswire ·  07/15 11:49

The announcement follows an inclusive year-long national search focused on the University's renewed commitment to its mission with an eye toward the future.


CHICAGO, July 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Northeastern Illinois University Board of Trustees announces the selection of Dr. Katrina E. Bell-Jordan as the University's eighth president.

芝加哥,2024年7月15日 / PRNewswire / - 东北伊利诺伊大学董事会宣布选出卡特里娜·E·贝尔 - 乔丹博士为该校第八任校长。

For the past year, Dr. Bell-Jordan has served as Interim President at NEIU, a public university that stands out in Chicago's higher education landscape for its inclusion of full-time, transfer, non-traditional, graduate, and international students.

在过去的一年中,贝尔 - 乔丹博士一直担任 NEIU 的临时校长,这是一所公立大学,在芝加哥的高等教育领域中以其包容全日制、转学生、非传统、研究生和国际学生而脱颖而出。

Dr. Katrina E. Bell-Jordan
卡特里娜·E·贝尔 - 乔丹博士

"During her time as interim president, Dr. Bell-Jordan has proven to be a leader whose consensus-building, growth-oriented, fiscally-responsible style will continue to unite the NEIU community and propel us forward," Chair of the NEIU Board of Trustees J. Todd Phillips said. "The Board sees NEIU as the region's destination of choice for higher ed students, faculty and staff from all walks of life. The vision, inclusive approach, and steady hand that Dr. Bell-Jordan brings to the President's Office reinforces our unwavering commitment to the excellence NEIU students deserve."

"在担任临时校长期间,贝尔 - 乔丹博士已经证明了自己是一位具有共识建立、成长导向、负责任的领导者,将继续团结 NEIU 社区,推动我们向前发展," NEIU 董事会主席 J.Todd Phillips 表示。 "董事会认为 NEIU 是该地区各行各业高等教育学生、教师和工作人员的首选目的地。贝尔 - 乔丹博士带来的愿景、包容性方法和稳定的手势将强化我们对 NEIU 学生应得卓越教育的不懈承诺。"

The selection of Dr. Bell-Jordan as NEIU President follows a thorough year-long national search that included feedback and participation from Board members, faculty, students, and other NEIU stakeholders.

贝尔 - 乔丹博士被选为 NEIU 校长,是经过一年全面的国家搜索,并得到董事会成员、教师、学生和其他 NEIU 利益相关者的意见和参与后做出的选择。

"NEIU is about to embark on a renaissance that stands firmly on its roots, and Dr. Bell-Jordan is the right leader to move NEIU from the shadows as we claim our space as the premier university for Latino/a/x students and nontraditional students," Vice Chair of the NEIU Board of Trustees
Michelle Morales said. "Dr. Bell-Jordan's leadership affirms NEIU's commitment to social justice and its legacy as the longest federally-recognized, four-year Hispanic Serving Institution in the Midwest."

"NEIU 即将开始一场文艺复兴,坚定地站在根基上,贝尔 - 乔丹博士是合适的领导者,可以让 NEIU 摆脱阴影,成为拉丁裔、非传统学生的首选大学," NEIU 董事会副主席 米歇尔·莫拉莱斯表示。 "贝尔 - 乔丹博士的领导力确认了 NEIU 对社会正义的承诺,以及其作为中西部地区最长寿命的四年制联邦认可拉丁裔服务机构的遗产。"
贝尔 - 乔丹博士的新职位将于2024年8月1日生效,并将在 NEIU 董事会的即将举行的特别会议上得到确认。 她在东北伊利诺伊大学的旅程始于1997年,当时她加入了通信、媒体和戏剧系(CMT)的助理教授。 她此后担任过多种领导职务,包括担任 CMt 系主任、担任 NEIU 艺术与科学学院的副院长和代理院长。 她于2020年3月被任命为艺术与科学学院的院长,并于2023年7月1日担任代理校长。

Dr. Bell-Jordan's new role will take effect August 1, 2024, and her appointment will be confirmed at an upcoming Special Meeting of the NEIU Board of Trustees. Her journey at Northeastern Illinois University began in 1997 when she joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Theatre (CMT). She has since held various leadership roles, including serving as CMT Department Chair, Associate Dean in NEIU's College of Arts and Sciences, and Interim Dean. She was appointed Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in March 2020 and took on the role of Interim President on July 1, 2023.

"当我开始担任东北伊利诺伊大学第八任校长时,我充满了对这个令人难以置信的机构以及我们服务的多元化学生社区的感激和钦佩," 贝尔 - 乔丹博士说。 "在东北伊利诺伊大学近27年之后,我为支持其使命作为服务拉丁裔族裔和少数族裔的机构感到自豪,我很荣幸能够有机会担任校长。我渴望与大学社区合作,规划我们的未来,并展示东北伊利诺伊大学的影响和精神 - 我们的适应性、韧性和对学生的成功具有不屈不挠的承诺。"

"As I begin my term as Northeastern Illinois University's eighth President, I am filled with gratitude and admiration for this incredible institution and for the diverse community of students we serve," Dr. Bell-Jordan said. "After nearly 27 years at Northeastern, I am proud to support its mission as an Hispanic-Serving Institution and Minority-Serving Institution, and I am honored to have the opportunity to lead as President. I am eager to collaborate with the University community to plan our future and showcase the impact and spirit of NEIU—our adaptability, resilience, and unwavering commitment to access, excellence, and the success of our students."

在她担任代理校长期间,贝尔 - 乔丹博士招募了多位卓越的领导者担任关键职位,以帮助大学取得成功,在财务上负责任,并实施了保留和增加 NEIU 学生群体并使校园现代化的变革。

During her time as Interim President, Dr. Bell-Jordan recruited several exceptional leaders to key positions to help situate the University for success, managed in a fiscally-responsible way, and implemented changes to retain and grow the NEIU student body and modernize the campus.

贝尔 - 乔丹博士在俄亥俄大学人际交流学院获得修辞学和媒体研究博士学位和修辞学硕士学位,在俄亥俄大学 E.W. Scripps 新闻学院获得新闻编辑新闻学学士学位。 她的教学背景包括媒体素养和媒体理论、修辞理论和批评、新闻写作/新闻学。 她的研究重点是批判性媒体研究,包括媒体中性别、种族和代表性政治、流行文化的修辞学以及新闻文化。

Dr. Bell-Jordan earned a Ph.D. in Rhetorical Studies and Media Studies and a M.A. in Rhetorical Studies at the Ohio University School of Interpersonal Communication. She earned a B.S.J. in News Editorial Journalism from the Ohio University E.W. Scripps School of Journalism.

贝尔 - 乔丹博士在 NEIU 担任各种咨询、课程和招聘委员会的领导职务,包括担任 NEIU 2017 年认证访问的 HLC 团队、NEIU 学士学位目标工作组和 NEIU 首个写作密集型教师咨询委员会(WI-FAC)的联合主席。 她还是 NEIU 经济不平等计划的共同负责人,该计划是 NEIU 艺术与科学学院和 NEIU 学生事务部门之间的合作伙伴关系,并持续了两年(2015-2017年)。

Her teaching background includes media literacy and media theory, rhetorical theory and criticism, and news writing/journalism. Her research has focused on critical media studies, including the politics of gender, race, and representation in the media, the rhetoric of popular culture, and news culture.

她是伊利诺伊州斯科基教育委员会的当选成员,自2011年以来连任四届,并目前担任副主席。 她还是俄亥俄大学传播研究学院校友顾问委员会的成员。

Dr. Bell-Jordan has served in leadership roles on various advisory, curriculum, and hiring committees at NEIU, including serving on the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Team for NEIU's 2017 accreditation visit, the NEIU Baccalaureate Goals Working Group, and NEIU's first Writing Intensive Faculty Advisory Committee (WI-FAC) as Co-Chair. She also co-led the two-year (2015-2017) NEIU Economic Inequality Initiative, a partnership between the College of Arts and Sciences and the NEIU Division of Student Affairs.

贝尔 - 乔丹博士是本地治理委员会、课程和招聘委员会的各种咨询委员会的领导人物,包括担任东北伊利诺伊大学2017年认证访问的 HLC 团队、NEIU 学士学位目标工作组和 NEIU 首个写作密集型教师咨询委员会(WI-FAC)的联合主席。 她还共同领导了 NEIU 的经济不平等计划,这是艺术与科学学院和 NEIU 学生事务部门之间的合作伙伴关系,历时两年(2015-2017 年)。

She is an elected member of the Board of Education for Skokie, Illinois District 68, where she has served four terms since 2011 and is currently Board Vice President. She is also a member of the Alumni Advisory Council of the School of Communication Studies at Ohio University.

她是伊利诺伊州斯科基第68区的教育委员会当选成员,自2011年以来连任四届,并目前担任副主席。 她还是俄亥俄大学传播研究学院校友顾问委员会的成员。

A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Bell-Jordan appreciates the support of her husband and son and enjoys travel and culinary experiences, vintage bookstores, trivia, and movies.

贝尔 - 乔丹博士是克利夫兰,俄亥俄州的当地人,感激她的丈夫和儿子的支持,喜欢旅行和烹调的体验、古老的书店、知识竞赛和电影。


关于东北伊利诺伊大学 东北伊利诺伊大学提供40多个本科学位和证书课程以及50多个研究生学位、证书、执照和认可计划。 主校区位于芝加哥西北部一个宜人的住宅区,占地67英亩。 东北成立于1867年,是少数族裔服务机构,并且是中西部最长期的四年制联邦认可拉丁裔服务机构。 大学还在芝加哥地区包括雅各·H·卡鲁瑟斯城市研究中心、El Centro和佛罗里达州斯克内克市的大学中心等其他位置。

Northeastern Illinois University offers more than 40 undergraduate degree and certificate programs and more than 50 graduate degree, certificate, licensure and endorsement programs. The Main Campus is located on 67 acres in an attractive residential area on the Northwest Side of Chicago. Founded in 1867, Northeastern is a Minority-Serving Institution and the longest-standing four-year public Hispanic-Serving Institution in the Midwest. The University has additional Chicagoland locations, including the Jacob H. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies, El Centro, and the University Center of Lake County.




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