
JLL and IBM Collaborate on ESG Reporting and Data Management Solution for Commercial Properties

JLL and IBM Collaborate on ESG Reporting and Data Management Solution for Commercial Properties

仲量联行 ·  07/15 00:00

CHICAGO, IBM (NYSE:IBM) and JLL (NYSE:JLL) today announced a sustainability solution powered by IBM Envizi technology and delivered by JLL's sustainability services team, available globally.

今天,IBm(纽交所:IBM)和JLL(纽交所:JLL)宣布推出了一种可全球使用的基于IBm Envizi技术提供的、由JLL可持续性服务团队提供的可持续性解决方案。

JLL's Sustainability Program Management, which provides sustainability services, such as decarbonization strategies to the commercial real estate (CRE) sector, will now be underpinned by ESG reporting and data management software in the form of the IBM Envizi ESG Suite.

JLL可持续性项目管理提供可持续性服务,例如碳减排战略,赋予商业房地产(CRE)板块ESG报告和数据管理软件的支持,即IBm Envizi ESG套件。

The solution is designed to help address the challenges organizations in the CRE sector are facing, such as capturing and managing data across real estate portfolios for decision-making and public reporting. According to a research report provided by JLL, "The green tipping point", while some corporate lease demand is already shifting based on ESG requirements, the next 12 to 24 months will bring widespread change. By 2025, 30% of market demand for low carbon office space will not be met – creating a tipping point for net zero carbon target penetration in lease markets.1


However, across organizations, the integration of ESG metrics into core functions is limited. The IBM Institute for Business Value report, "The ESG Data Conundrum", showed that only 20% of respondents are integrating ESG metrics into supply chain operations; 26% into procurement and sourcing; and just 11% of those surveyed, into real estate and facilities management2. It follows that in order to address their sustainability goals companies must increase this integration. In fact, according to the IBM Institute for Business Value report, "Beyond Checking The Box", those organizations that operationalize sustainability are 52% more likely to outperform their peers on profitability, and enjoy a 16% higher rate of revenue growth3. In this scenario, one way to achieve these results is through the help of robust data management and reporting platforms.

然而,在公司内部,将ESG指标整合到核心功能中的比例有限。IBm商业价值研究所的报告《ESG数据难题》显示,只有20%的受访者将ESG指标整合到供应链运营中,而26%的人则将其整合到采购和采购来源中。在受访者中只有11%的人将其整合到房地产和设施管理中。因此,为了实现可持续性的目标,公司必须增加这种整合。事实上,根据IBm商业价值研究所的报告《 Beyond Checking The Box》 ,那些有效执行可持续性的组织比同业盈利能力高出52%,并享有16%更高的营收增长率。在这种情况下,实现这些结果的一种方法就是借助强大的数据管理和报告平台。

JLL recognizes the importance of data management and reporting software to support their clients' sustainability strategies, and IBM Envizi is a critical part of the JLL Sustainability Program Management solution. The initial roll out will offer thousands of JLL clients' sites the opportunity to onboard to the IBM Envizi software.

JLL认识到数据管理和报告软件在支持客户的可持续性战略方面的重要性,而IBm Envizi是JLL可持续性计划管理解决方案的关键部分。最初的推出将为数千个JLL客户站点提供使用IBm Envizi软件的机会。

Guy Grainger, Global Head of Sustainability Services at JLL, said: "As ESG reporting requirements are increasingly mandated, our clients rely on us to help deliver decarbonization strategies across their portfolios. We identified IBM Envizi as our preferred solution that will allow our expansive team of sustainability subject matter experts to provide more robust reporting and data management around these strategies."

JLL的全球可持续性服务主管Guy Grainger表示:“随着ESG报告要求的逐渐强制执行,我们的客户依赖我们在其投资组合内提供脱碳策略。我们确定IBm Envizi是我们首选的解决方案,它将使我们规模庞大的可持续性专家团队能够在这些策略周围提供更加稳健的报告和数据管理。”

Kendra DeKeyrel, Vice President of ESG and Asset Management at IBM, said: "Now more than ever, organizations need ESG data to underpin their sustainability performance initiatives and reporting. We look forward to working with JLL to enable their customer base with our AI-infused, specialized software to meet their evolving business needs."

IBm的ESG和资产管理副总裁Kendra DeKeyrel表示:“现在,组织需要ESG数据来支持其可持续性绩效计划和报告。我们很高兴能与JLL合作,为其客户群体提供我们的AI增强、专业的软件,以满足其不断变化的业务需求。”

To learn more about IBM Sustainability, please visit . To learn more about JLL's Sustainability Services, please visit .

欲了解更多关于IBm可持续性方面的信息,请访问 。欲了解更多有关JLL可持续性服务的信息,请访问 。

1 JLL's The green tipping point:
2 Download "The ESG data conundrum" report, IBM Institute for Business Value:
3 Download "Beyond checking the box" report, IBM Institute for Business Value:

JLL 的《绿色转折点》:

About JLL

For over 200 years, JLL (NYSE: JLL), a leading global commercial real estate and investment management company, has helped clients buy, build, occupy, manage and invest in a variety of commercial, industrial, hotel, residential and retail properties. A Fortune 500 company with annual revenue of $20.8 billion and operations in over 80 countries around the world, our more than 108,000 employees bring the power of a global platform combined with local expertise. Driven by our purpose to shape the future of real estate for a better world, we help our clients, people and communities SEE A BRIGHTER WAYSM. JLL is the brand name, and a registered trademark, of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated. For further information, visit

成立200多年来,JLL(纽交所:JLL)一直致力于为客户购买、建造、占用、管理和投资各种商业、工业、酒店、住宅和零售物业提供服务。作为一家财富500强公司,全球年营收208亿美元,在全球80多个国家开展业务,公司拥有108,000名员工,综合了全球平台的优势和当地的专业知识。我们的使命是为未来的房地产形态创造更好的贡献,帮助客户、员工和社区看到更美好的未来。JLL是Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated的品牌名称和注册商标。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

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