
OpenText Cloud Editions 24.3 Unlocks Innovation and Productivity for Developers and Knowledge Workers Through Trusted Data

OpenText Cloud Editions 24.3 Unlocks Innovation and Productivity for Developers and Knowledge Workers Through Trusted Data

通过可信数据,OpenText Cloud Editions 24.3 释放开发人员和知识工作者的创新与生产力。
PR Newswire ·  07/16 07:30

New cloud, security, AI – integrated product innovations let the machines do the work to elevate human potential

新的云计算、安全和人工智能 - 集成的产品创新使机器为提升人类潜力而工作

WATERLOO, Ontario, July 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX), (TSX: OTEX) today announced its latest groundbreaking product innovations with Cloud Editions (CE) 24.3. This release represents a significant leap forward in integrating advanced information management capabilities, trusted cloud solutions, robust security measures, and cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize data performance for simpler, but superior, results.

加拿大滑铁卢市,2024年7月16日 / PRNewswire / - OpenText (纳斯达克:OTEX),(TSX:OTEX) 今天宣布推出了其最新的突破性产品创新,Cloud Editions(CE)24.3。此次发布是在集成先进的信息管理能力、可信的云解决方案、强大的安全措施和尖端人工智能(AI)的基础上,对数据性能进行优化的一次重大跨越,从而实现更简单而优越的结果。

Today's CIOs are now navigating the challenge of balancing both AI and cloud as strategic drivers of business transformation for today's organizations. According to a report by Morgan Stanley, 68% of CIOs anticipate that generative-AI and large language models (LLMs) will directly impact their investment priorities. Coupled with the continued shift to the public cloud - hosting an estimated 36% of application workloads and projected to reach 53% by the end of 2026 - both areas have become top IT expenditure priorities. Leveraging over 30 years of information management expertise, OpenText's latest AI-enabled innovations are designed to meet this need, delivering robust solutions that drive growth.

今天的CIO现在正面临平衡将AI和云作为当今组织业务转型的战略驱动程序的挑战。 根据大摩资源(Morgan Stanley)的一份报告,68%的CIO预计生成式AI和大型语言模型(LLM)将直接影响他们的投资重点。再加上持续的公共云转移 - 托管估计36%的应用程序工作负载,并计划在2026年底达到53% - 这两个领域已成为IT支出的头号重点。 OpenText本着30多年的信息管理专业知识,旨在满足这种需求,提供能够推动增长的强大解决方案的最新AI启用创新。

"2023 was the year to trial and test basic AI fundamentals; 2024 is about oiling the entire machine for the widescale adoption and scalability of gen-AI.," said Muhi Majzoub, EVP and Chief Product Officer, OpenText. "OpenText enables customers to confidently navigate their cloud, security, and AI journeys, establishing trust in data integrity as we enter a new era of integrated information growth and agility. Our key innovation in this release centers around helping our customers shift left and adopt DevSecOps with AI. OpenText Cloud is helping customers rethink software delivery with OpenText Aviator."

"2023年是试验和测试基本AI基础知识的一年;2024年是为广泛采用和可伸缩的基因-AI调整整个机器的一年" ,OpenText执行副总裁兼首席产品官Muhi Majzoub说。 OpenText使客户能够自信地引导他们的云计算、安全和AI之旅,建立对数据完整性的信任,因为我们进入了一个集成信息增长和敏捷性的新时代。我们在这个版本中的关键创新集中在帮助我们的客户向左转移并采用带有AI的DevSecOps。 OpenText Cloud正在帮助客户重新思考OpenText Aviator的软件交付。

OpenText continues to drive digital transformation with its Titanium X strategic product roadmap, set to be delivered by CE 25.2. In this latest release, OpenText elevates human potential, unleashes creativity, and unlocks limitless opportunities across its comprehensive suite of solutions in Business Clouds, Business AI, and Business Technology with significant new offerings in CE 24.3. These include:

OpenText继续推动数字化转型,其钛X战略产品路线图预计将在CE 25.2中推出。在这个最新版本中,OpenText通过CE 24.3中的重大新增功能在Business Clouds、Business AI和Business Technology的全面解决方案套件中提升人类潜力、释放创造力并解锁无限机遇。这些新增功能包括:

Business AI


  • OpenText DevOps Aviator accelerates application delivery by using testing bots to automatically generate codeless tests from manual tests, reducing risks and talent shortages. Its integrated AI-guided smart assistant provides quick answers and summaries on features, tasks, tests, and user stories, streamlining development workflows for greater efficiency.
  • OpenText Fortify Aviator automates the manual tasks of auditing and remediating SAST (Static Application Security Testing) vulnerabilities, leveraging AI to identify and fix issues in one tool. For the Developers coding applications, Fortify Aviator seamlessly integrates fix suggestions into the DevOps workflow, while also providing audits and explanations in user-friendly terms, simplifying the entire process. For the Data Scientist responsible for model design, the new Aviator capabilities protect against prompt injection attack, model compromise, and vulnerabilities in LLMs.
  • OpenText DevOps Aviator通过使用测试机器人从手动测试自动生成无代码测试,从而减少风险和人才短缺,加快应用程序交付速度。其集成的AI引导智能助手为功能、任务、测试和用户故事提供快速答案和摘要,简化了开发工作流程,提高了效率。
  • OpenText Fortify Aviator自动化审核和修复SASt(静态应用程序安全测试)漏洞的手动任务,利用AI在一个工具中识别和修复问题。针对编写应用程序的开发人员,Fortify Aviator无缝集成修复建议到DevOps工作流程中,同时以用户友好的术语提供审核和解释,简化了整个过程。针对负责模型设计的数据科学家,新的Aviator功能可保护免受提示注入攻击、模型妥协和LLM中的漏洞。

According to OpenText State of Code Security, 57% of organizations are already adopting DevSecOps practices. A staggering 72% are focused on securing business-critical apps as digital threats evolve in the age of AI. Integrating security into DevOps and IT operations is essential. Read more here.


Business Cloud


  • OpenText Content Aviator with is now available on OpenText Core Content, OpenText Extended ECM, and OpenText Documentum, enhancing automation and speed in content management workflows. This release empowers users to efficiently interact with content and extract knowledge in the cloud and on-premises. OpenText Content Aviator now expands its collaborative content capabilities to encompass high-quality video content, enabling conversion, streaming, annotation, and clipping directly within the platform, thereby improving workflow efficiency and user productivity.
  • OpenText Content Aviator现在可在OpenText Core Content、OpenText Extended ECm和OpenText Documentum上使用,增强了内容管理工作流程的自动化和速度。该发布使用户能够在云和本地高效地与内容进行交互并提取知识。OpenText Content Aviator现在将其协作内容能力扩展到涵盖高质量视频内容,从而在平台内直接实现转换、流式处理、注释和剪辑,从而提高了工作流的效率和用户生产力。

Business Technology


  • OpenText Thrust Studio, now available on general release, provides developers with a real-time digital assistant powered by generative-AI. On-demand support accelerates development processes by providing quick access to relevant code samples and API documentation within the Visual Studio environment, boosting application development and end-to-end productivity.
  • OpenText Cloud for Government has achieved "fully authorized" status by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) in the United States for OpenText Extended ECM and OpenText AppWorks, joining OpenText Fortify on Demand and OpenText IT Management Platform (ITMX) on the FedRAMP marketplace. This authorization enables federal agencies to automate workflows, manage content throughout its lifecycle, and gain a comprehensive view of their content, all while ensuring robust security controls and compliance measures.
  • OpenText Thrust Studio,现在发布,为开发人员提供由生成式AI驱动的实时数字助手。按需支持通过Visual Studio环境快速访问相关代码示例和API文档,提高了应用程序开发和端到端生产率。
  • OpenText Cloud for Government已在联邦风险和授权管理计划(FedRAMP)在United States中实现"完全授权"状态,用于OpenText Extended ECm和OpenText AppWorks,加入OpenText Fortify on Demand和OpenText It Management Platform (ITMX)在FedRAMP市场上。此授权使联邦机构能够自动化工作流程、管理其整个生命周期的内容,并获得其内容的全面视图,同时确保强大的安全控件和合规措施。

"At Uniper, we are investing in a significant IT transformation to accelerate our green energy efforts and provide our diverse customers with flexible, balanced, and bespoke solutions," said Hans Pezold, senior vice president of Information Technology and managing director at Uniper. "Partnering with OpenText, with their expertise in information management, cloud, and AI, was a natural fit because it allowed us to reduce resource consumption and administrative effort – a huge win for us. Working with OpenText is just the beginning of our digital transformation journey, and their forward-thinking approach to developing innovative suites of capabilities – whether that is cloud or AI - will be integral in further optimizing our processes and driving innovation forward."

"在Uniper,我们正在投资于进行重大IT转型,以加速我们的绿色能源工作,并为我们多样化的客户提供灵活、平衡且量身定制的解决方案",Tom Sieber,Uniper的计算机科学和数字服务空间负责人说道。 "与OpenText合作,充分利用他们在信息管理、云和AI方面的专业知识,是理所当然的选择,因为它允许我们减少资源消耗和管理工作-这对我们来说是一个巨大的胜利。与OpenText合作只是我们数字化转型之旅的开始,他们开发创新的功能套件的前瞻性思维无论是云还是人工智能,都将在进一步优化我们的流程和推动创新方面发挥至关重要的作用。"

As a part of the quarterly OpenText Cloud Editions releases, customers benefit from new AI capabilities every 90-days. For more information on availability or to join a beta program for future innovations, contact OpenText.

作为季度性OpenText Cloud Editions的发布的一部分,客户每90天受益于新的AI功能。欲了解更多信息或加入未来创新的测试程序,请联系OpenText。

Additional Resources:


  • For further insights into the latest release, please visit our Chief Product Officer's blog post.
  • Learn more about OpenText's AI strategy.
  • 如需了解有关最新发布的更多信息,请访问我们的首席产品官博客文章。
  • 了解更多有关OpenText的人工智能策略的信息。

About OpenText


OpenText is the leading Information Management software and services company in the world. We help organizations solve complex global problems with a comprehensive suite of Business Clouds, Business AI, and Business Technology. For more information about OpenText (NASDAQ/TSX: OTEX), please visit us at .


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来源 Open Text Corporation

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