
Sanu Identifies New High Potential Targets From Ground Geophysics at the Diguifara Project in Guinea, West Africa

Sanu Identifies New High Potential Targets From Ground Geophysics at the Diguifara Project in Guinea, West Africa

newsfile ·  07/16 07:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 16, 2024) - Sanu Gold Corporation (CSE: SANU) (OTCQB: SNGCF) ("Sanu Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the mapping of significant geophysical targets from the recent ground geophysics program completed on the Company's Diguifara Gold Exploration Permit ("Diguifara" or the "Project"), located in the prolific Siguiri Basin of Guinea, West Africa.

2024年7月16日,不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(新闻稿社 - ):Sanu Gold Corporation(CSE: SANU)(OTCQB: SNGCF)(以下简称“Sanu Gold”或“公司”)很高兴地宣布,近期完成了公司地铁票付费系统黄金勘探许可证“Diguifara”(或“项目”)的地面地球物理勘探计划,从中绘制出显著的地质物理目标。该项目位于西非几内亚Siguiri盆地,是一个丰富的黄金矿区。



  • Undrilled Targets: There are significant gold trends defined at Diguifara Targets 1, 2 and 3.

  • Wide-Spread Gold at Surface: These targets are supported by extensive gold-bearing termite mounds, high-grade rock chip samples, auger-hole anomalies, and widespread artisanal workings at surface.

  • Size and Scale: The geophysical surveys have identified significant trends of chargeability and resistivity both beneath and along strike from areas of known gold mineralization extending for over 4 km.

  • Blue Chip Address: These trends are linked to structures that are similar to those associated with operational mines and advanced prospects held by the majors in the immediate area of the Project.

  • 未钻探的目标:Diguifara目标1、2和3处均确定了显着的黄金趋势。

  • 广泛分布的地表黄金:这些目标由广泛的含金蚂蚁丘、高品位岩芯样品、螺旋孔异常和地表广泛的工艺品工作支持。

  • 规模大小:地球物理测量确定了电性和电阻率趋势,延伸到已知黄金矿化区域的延伸区域,延伸超过4公里。

  • 蓝筹股地址:这些趋势与与周边采矿业巨头持有的运营矿山和先进前景相关的结构相似。

Martin Pawlitschek, President, and CEO of Sanu Gold commented: "The survey lines of IP completed at Diguifara show clear trends that align with the gold anomalies delineated from surface and auger sampling. This will assist with the definition of targets for future drill testing. The Company plans to extend the gradient IP geophysics along the trends that are still open and supplement it with select lines of Pole Dipole IP prior to scout drill testing."

Sanu Gold总裁兼CEO马丁·帕维切克(Martin Pawlitschek)说:“Diguifara完成的IP测量线清晰地显示了与表面和螺旋取样确定的黄金异常对齐的趋势。这将有助于未来钻探测试的目标定义。该公司计划沿着仍然开放的趋势延伸梯度IP地球物理测量,并在策划钻探测试之前沿趋势补充精选的极性IP底杆线。”

Diguifara Permit


The Diguifara permit contains three priority gold targets that to date remain untested by drilling. The permit is host to a large number of alluvial workings in the northern part of the permit, and to a lesser extent in the south. At least some of this alluvial gold is likely sourced from NNW trending structures within and adjacent to the permit. The adjacent permit is operated by Anglo Gold, who have a large gold mining operation 20 Km to the southwest of Diguifara. The permit to the immediate east of Diguifara is host to at least four advanced gold prospects all within trucking distance to Anglo Gold's Siguiri mines and mill (Figure 1).[1]

Diguifara许可证中含有三个优先黄金目标,至今尚未进行钻探测试。 该许可证承载着该许可证北部地区众多的河滩开采区,南部地区河滩开采区相对较少。其中至少一些河滩金可能来自许可证内部及相邻地区的NNW趋势结构。 相邻的许可证由Anglo Gold运营,距Diguifara以西20公里处拥有一座大型金矿山。 Diguifara东侧的许可证承载着至少4个先进的金矿目标,其范围内所有的矿业卡车均可运往Anglo Gold的苏格里矿坑和矿厂(图1)[1]。

Figure 1. Diguifara Permit, Sanu Gold Targets, major mining company permits, regional structures, gold mines and prospects.


Program Summary


A ground geophysical survey was completed earlier this year. The survey covered two blocks and consisted of 16.8 line-kilometres of gradient array induced polarization geophysics (IP) at Diguifara Targets 1 and 2 in the south and 4.5 line-km at Target 3 in the north of the permit. The IP survey consisted of eleven east-north-east oriented and 200m spaced lines that varied from 1,600m to 1,000m in length at Diguifara Targets 1 and 2 (Figure 1). At Diguifara Target 3, a block of four east-north-east oriented, 200m spaced and 1,100m long lines were completed (Figure 2). The data was collected, processed, and interpreted by SAGAX Afrique from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso using the induced polarization/resistivity method. SAGAX is well experienced in these types of surveys over many other deposits in the region.

今年早些时候完成了地面地球物理测量。这项调查覆盖了两个区块,包括南部Diguifara 1号和2号目标的16.8公里线路的梯度阵列感应极化地球物理和北部目标3的4.5公里线路。 IP测量由11条长20000米的东北向定向线路组成,并且每行之间的距离为160000米至100000米(图1中Diguifara 1号和2号目标)。在Diguifara目标3处,完成了一个4个东北向定向线路的块,间距为20000米,长度为110000米(图2)。数据由布基纳法索瓦加杜古的SAGAX Afrique收集、处理和解释,使用感应极化/电阻率方法。SAGAX在该地区的多个沉积物质上有丰富的经验。

The objective of this ground geophysical survey was the detection and mapping of geophysical features (chargeability and resistivity) that can help identify bedrock structures that are associated with the gold mineralization and to help further with the definition of future drill targets.


Interpretation of the IP results indicate the occurrence of strong resistivity and chargeability trends that are parallel to known geology and mapped regional structures as defined from the detailed ground mapping and regional maps. Some of these features align with surface and auger gold geochemistry trends. These features and anomalies remain to date untested.


At Diguifara Targets 1, 2 The survey identified the presence of a large zone of high chargeability and high resistivity trending north-northwest and interpreted as fault zones, close to the main trend of the gold anomalies defined by auger sampling, surface geochemistry and artisanal workings. The gold anomalies at Diguifara Target 1 extend for at least 2.5 km with a width of 200 to 300 metres. The auger sampling returned multiple auriferous saprolite samples (including 1.88 g/t, 1.09 g/t, 0.88 g/t and 0.73 g/t Au) within several auger holes.

在Diguifara目标1、2处,测量确定了一个大的高电荷区和高电阻率区域,其趋势向北西,并被解释为故障区域,紧靠螺旋取样确定的黄金异常主趋势附近,表面地球化学和工艺品工作。 Diguifara目标1的黄金异常在至少2.5公里范围内延伸,宽度为200到300米。螺旋取样返回了多个含金腐殖岩样品(包括1.88克/吨、1.09克/吨、0.88克/吨和0.73克/吨Au),分布在几个螺旋孔中。

The gold anomalies at Diguifara Target 2 extend over 1.5 km in length and 200 to 300 metres width and are composed of a series of parallel trends of gold anomalism in zone of potential structural dilation. High-grade gold mineralization in previous rock chip sampling from outcrops included 2.26 g/t Au and 1.07 g/t Au, and anomalous gold values in auger saprolite include 4.82 g/t and 2.51 g/t Au.

Diguifara目标2的黄金异常在1.5公里之内延伸,宽度为200到300米,并由潜在结构膨胀带中的一系列平行趋势组成。 先前岩石岩芯取样中的高品位金矿化包括2.26克/吨Au和1.07克/吨Au,并且螺旋孔腐殖岩中的异常金值包括4.82克/吨和2.51克/吨Au。

The strong resistivity and chargeability features on the IP are interpreted as major faults zones that affected the volcaniclastic rocks of the Siguiri basin. The faulted rock is strongly sheared and fractured, hydrothermally altered and silicified and forms a north-northwest trending outcrop. These areas of high resistivity and chargeability are closely associated with sub parallel zones of low to medium resistivity and chargeability that underlie the main trend of gold anomalies defined by termite and auger sample gold anomalies (Figure 2).


Figure 2: Diguifara Targets 1 and 2, resistivity trends, termite mound anomalies, peak auger saprolite gold anomalies, positive rock chips samples, and artisanal workings.

图2:Diguifara 1和2目标、电阻率趋势、蚁丘异常、峰值螺旋腐殖岩黄金异常、阳性岩石碎屑样品和工艺品。

At Diguifara Targets 3: the interpreted high chargeability and high resistivity fault zone is closely associated with the main trend of gold anomalies and artisanal workings and extends over 1.1 km long with an average width of 300 metres (Figure 2). The main structure is associated with several secondary parallel structures. The best auriferous saprolite auger samples include 0.71 g/t Au and 0.46g/t Au within several auger holes.


Figure 3: Diguifara Target 3 Resistivity trend with termite mound anomalies and auger anomalies.


Next Steps


The Company plans to extend the gradient IP surveys along the 8km long gold anomalous corridor following the main structure (Figure 4). Additionally, the Company will complete a small number lines of pole-dipole IP lines to help guide drilling orientations. This will be followed by a program of lines of Air Core drilling testing the saprolite portions in key positions across the gold anomalous trends identified at Targets 1, 2 and 3.


Figure 4: Existing Surveys, planned IP survey extension, surface gold anomalies, peak gold in saprolite from auger sampling.


Quality Assurance / Quality Control ("QA/QC")


Sampling was completed following industry best practices, conducted under the supervision of the Company's project geologists and the chain of custody from the project to the sample preparation facility was continuously monitored. An appropriate number and type of certified reference materials (standards) and blanks totaling 5% of the total number of samples shipped to the laboratory was inserted approximately every 20th sample to ensure an effective QA/QC program was carried out. Data verification of the analytical results included a statistical analysis of the standards and blanks that must pass certain parameters for acceptance to ensure accurate and verifiable results. All samples were analyzed using Fire Assay FAA505 at the SGS Laboratory in Bamako, Mali ("SGS"). SGS is an internationally recognized and commercially certified laboratory and is independent of Sanu Gold.


The Company's geophysics consultant, in3D Geoscience, an independent geophysical consulting firm based in British Columbia undertook a high level of review of the data delivered by SAGAX. The data collection survey is subject to standard contractors' protocols including:

公司地球物理顾问in3D Geoscience是位于卑诗省的独立地球物理咨询公司,对SAGAX提供的数据进行了高水平的审查。数据收集调查受标准承包商协议的约束,包括:

  • daily checking of equipment
  • signal/noise ratio monitoring
  • checking of extreme readings
  • verification of equipment locations
  • monitoring of measurement cycles
  • data is checked at the end of each day by a team at the SAGAX Head Office
  • 每日检查设备
  • 大信噪比监控
  • 极端值的检查
  • 设备位置的验证
  • 测量周期的监控
  • SAGAX总部的团队在每天结束时检查数据

Sanu's geophysicists and SAGAX regularly review and discuss the progress of the work, program adjustments and data quality.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Serigne Dieng, Ph.D., M.Sc., a Member (MAIG) of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), Exploration Manager of the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新闻稿中包含的科学技术信息已由Serigne Dieng博士万.Sc.、公司的勘探经理和符合国家43-101号法规(矿产项目披露标准)规定的合格人员进行审查和批准。

The technical information with respect to the geophysical data contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Todd Ballantyne, P.Geo., a member of Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC), independent geophysical consultant (through in3D Geoscience Inc.) to the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新闻稿中有关地球物理数据的技术信息已由总部位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的工程师和地质学家协会(EGBC)会员,互不关联的地球物理咨询公司(通过in3D Geoscience Inc.)塔德·巴兰坦因(Todd Ballantyne)资格符合国家43-101号文件 - 刊载矿区工程披露标准。

About Sanu


Located within the world class Siguiri Basin, host to several operating mines, Sanu is exploring three high quality gold exploration permits in Guinea, West Africa targeting multi-million ounce gold discoveries. The Company has defined multi-kilometer scale gold bearing structures on each of the gold exploration permits, with multiple high-value drill targets. Sanu is operated by a highly experienced team with successful records of discovery, resource development and mine permitting.


Martin Pawlitschek
President & CEO, Sanu Gold Corp.

Martin Pawlitschek
总裁兼首席执行官,Sanu Gold Corp。

For further information regarding Sanu Gold, please visit the Company's website at or contact:

有关Sanu Gold的更多信息,请访问公司网站或联系:

Anthony Simone
Simone Capital

Anthony Simone
Simone Capital

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "indicates", "opportunity", "possible" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Sanu believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the Company's plans for exploration on its properties and ability to execute on plans, ability to raise sufficient capital to fund its obligations under its property agreements going forward, ability to maintain its material property agreements, mineral tenures and concessions in good standing, to explore and develop its projects; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associated with mineral exploration and mining operations, future prices of gold and other metals, changes in general economic conditions and local risks in the jurisdiction (Guinea) in which it operates, accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates, the potential for new discoveries, the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the projects and if obtained, to obtain such permits and consents in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the projects; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; and changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, dependence on key management personnel and general competition in the mining industry. Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.


[1] Reference to nearby properties is for information purposes only and there is no assurances the Company's properties will achieve similar results.

[1] 近邻物业的参考仅供参考,并不能确保公司的物业能获得类似的结果。

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