
Cloverleaf Infrastructure Raises $300 Million From NGP and Sandbrook Capital

Cloverleaf Infrastructure Raises $300 Million From NGP and Sandbrook Capital

Cloverleaf制造行业从NGP和Sandbrook Capital获得了3,000万美元的资金
PR Newswire ·  07/17 08:00

The power infrastructure company will use the capital to develop a new generation of large-scale clean-powered data center sites across the US


HOUSTON, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cloverleaf Infrastructure ("Cloverleaf") today announced that it has secured capital commitments totaling over $300 million from private equity investors NGP and Sandbrook Capital ("Sandbrook"), alongside contributions from its management team.

2024年7月17日,休斯敦/美通社--Cloverleaf Infrastructure ("Cloverleaf") 今天宣布,该公司已获得了由私募股权投资者NGP和Sandbrook Capital ("Sandbrook") 以及管理团队通过提供的捐款总额超过3000万美元的资本承诺。

Cloverleaf is a recently-formed developer of large-scale digital infrastructure sites powered by low-carbon electricity. The company is led by a team of seasoned executives with backgrounds from renowned independent power developers such as Pattern Energy and ConnectGen, as well as major data center operators such as Microsoft. Building on this extensive expertise in the power and data center sectors, Cloverleaf collaborates with regional US utilities and data center operators to deliver scalable clean electricity through strategic investments in transmission, grid interconnection, land, onsite power generation and electricity storage.

Cloverleaf是一家近期成立的大规模数字基础设施开发商,其与低碳电力相关联。该公司由一支经验丰富的行业高管领导,成员拥有 Pattern Energy 和 ConnectGen 等著名的独立电力开发商以及微软等大型数据中心运营商的背景。基于在电力和数据中心领域的广泛专业知识,Cloverleaf与美国地区的公用事业和数据中心运营商合作,通过对输电、电网互连、用地、场内电力发电和电力存储进行战略性投资,提供可扩展的清洁电力,实现更加智能和可持续的电力系统,并在快速增长的云计算和人工智能电力需求的背景下促进美国电网的现代化。Cloverleaf企业家承诺在Sandbrook和NGP等领先的气候投资者的支持下,使这一愿景变为现实。

"The rapid growth in demand for electricity to power cloud computing and artificial intelligence poses a major climate risk if fueled by high-emission fossil fuels. However, it's also a major opportunity to catalyze the modernization of the US grid and the transition to a smarter and more sustainable electricity system through a novel approach to development. Cloverleaf is committed to making this vision a reality with the support of leading climate investors like Sandbrook and NGP", said David Berry, Cloverleaf's CEO. Mr. Berry was previously Cofounder and CFO at clean energy and transmission developers ConnectGen and Clean Line Energy Partners.

Cloverleaf的首席执行官David Berry表示: "云计算和人工智能的快速发展对高碳排放化石燃料的需求增长构成了重大气候风险。然而,这也是通过新方式开发实现美国电网现代化和更智能、更可持续电力系统的重大机会。Cloverleaf承诺在优势投资者(如Sandbrook和NGP)的支持下将其愿景变成现实。Berry先生曾是干净能源和输电开发商ConnectGen和Clean Line Energy Partners的联合创始人兼首席财务官。

Brian Janous, Cloverleaf's Chief Commercial Officer and former Vice President of Energy at Microsoft, added, "The large tech companies have become dominant players in the electricity sector, and they are genuinely determined to power their growth with the lowest possible emissions. Achieving this objective doesn't depend on disruptive new technologies as much as it does on dedicated teams working hand in hand with utility partners to maximize the use of the clean generation, storage, and other technologies we already have."

Cloverleaf的首席商业官Brian Janous曾是微软的能源副总裁,他补充道:"大型科技公司已成为电力行业中的主导者,并真诚地决心以最低排放量驱动其增长。实现这一目标不取决于破坏性新技术,而更依赖于专业团队与公用事业合作,以最大化使用我们已经拥有的清洁发电、储能和其他技术。"

The Cloverleaf management team also includes Chief Technical Officer Jonathan Abebe, who has held senior engineering and technical roles at the Department of Energy, Pattern Energy and Clean Line Energy and Vice President Nur Bernhardt, formerly Director or Energy Strategy at Microsoft.

Cloverleaf的管理团队还包括首席技术官Jonathan Abebe,他曾在能源部、Pattern Energy和Clean Line Energy担任高级工程和技术职位,以及副总裁Nur Bernhardt,前微软能源战略主管。

Alfredo Marti, Partner at Sandbrook, remarked, "The sustainable development of digital infrastructure at scale is fundamentally a technical power problem. We have witnessed members of the Cloverleaf team effectively address this challenge for many years through a blend of creativity, specialized engineering, a partnership mindset, and astute capital deployment."

Sandbrook的合伙人Alfredo Marti评论道:"大规模数字基础设施的可持续发展基本上是一个技术性的电力问题。我们目睹了Cloverleaf团队多年来如何通过创造力、专业工程、伙伴关系思维和敏锐资本部署的结合,有效地解决了这一挑战。"

Sam Stoutner, Partner at NGP, noted, "Having backed hundreds of energy companies in the US over more than 30 years, we believe the opportunity set for clean-powered digital infrastructure development is as compelling as anything we've seen before, and the convergence of exceptional talent from both the power and digital sectors at Cloverleaf is truly extraordinary."

NGP的合伙人Sam Stoutner指出: "在过去30多年中,我们支持了美国数百家能源公司。我们认为,清洁动力数字基础设施开发的机会与我们之前见过的任何东西一样具有吸引力,并且Cloverleaf的电力和数字领域的杰出人才的融合真的是非常了不起的。"

About Cloverleaf Infrastructure

Cloverleaf Infrastructure简介

Cloverleaf Infrastructure is a recently established platform focused on developing clean-powered, ready-to-build sites for the largest electric loads in the U.S., including real estate acquisition, grid interconnection, onsite storage and generation and low-carbon energy supply. The Company is headquartered in Houston, Texas and Seattle, Washington.

Cloverleaf Infrastructure是一家近期建立的平台,专注于为美国最大的电力负载开发清洁能源、准备建造的用地(涵盖房地产收购和低碳能源供应等),为美国基础设施奠定坚实的基础。公司总部位于休斯敦和华盛顿州的西雅图。

About Sandbrook Capital

Sandbrook Capital简介

Sandbrook Capital is a private investment firm dedicated exclusively to partnering with world-class management teams to build impactful companies that are essential to transforming the world's energy infrastructure. The firm, founded by five partners with decades long experience in the renewable energy sector, is headquartered in Stamford, CT, with European headquarters in London, UK. For more information, visit .

Sandbrook Capital是一家专注于与世界级管理团队合作,建立对转换全球能源基础设施至关重要的有影响力的公司的私人投资公司。该公司由五位在可再生能源领域长达数十年经验的合伙人创立,总部位于康涅狄格州斯坦福市,并在英国伦敦设有欧洲总部。

About NGP


NGP is a premier private equity firm that believes energy is essential to progress. Founded in 1988, NGP is moving energy forward by investing in innovation and empowering energy entrepreneurs in natural resources and energy transition. With over $20 billion of cumulative equity commitments, we back portfolio companies focused on responsibly solving and securing the energy needs of today and leading the way to a cleaner, more reliable, more affordable energy future. For more information, visit .


Media contacts


Kekst CNC: Daniel Yunger, [email protected] ; James Hartwell, [email protected]

Kekst CNC: Daniel Yunger,[email protected] ; James Hartwell,[email protected]

SOURCE Sandbrook Capital

来源:Sandbrook Capital

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