
IBM Intends to Partner With Fermilab's SQMS Center to Advance Critical Quantum Information Science Initiatives

IBM Intends to Partner With Fermilab's SQMS Center to Advance Critical Quantum Information Science Initiatives

IBM Corp ·  07/18 00:00

The addition of IBM (NYSE: IBM) as a new partner in the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, a DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Center, hosted by Fermilab, has been approved by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Science Programs. As a major national and international research center, SQMS is dedicated to advancing critical quantum technologies, with a focus on superconducting quantum systems. IBM is an industry leader in developing superconducting quantum computing technology. This collaboration intends to leverage the strengths of these two organizations to address key hurdles in quantum computing, communication and large-scale deployment of superconducting quantum platforms.

美国能源部科学办公室和科学项目批准了IBm(纽交所:IBM)作为新合作伙伴加入超导量子材料和系统中心的行列,该中心是一个由费米实验室主办的DOE国家量子信息科学研究中心。作为一个重要的国家和国际研究中心,SQMS致力于推进关键量子技术的发展,重点是超导量子系统。 IBm是超导量子计算技术的行业领导者。这次合作旨在利用这两个组织的优势来解决量子计算、通讯和超导量子平台大规模部署等关键问题。


Pictured (left to right) at the SQMS Quantum Garage at Fermilab are: Akshay Murthy, associate scientist at Fermilab; Yao Lu, associate scientist at Fermilab; Jason Orcutt, principal research scientist at IBM; Tanay Roy, associate scientist at Fermilab; Andre Vallieres, PhD student at Northwestern University; Silvia Zorzetti, department head, quantum computing co-design and communication at Fermilab; Jacob Hanson-Flores, summer intern at Fermilab; Alessandro Reineri, PhD student at Illinois Institute of Technology; Joey Yaker, PhD student at Northwestern University. (Photo: Dan Svoboda, Fermilab)

在费米实验室的SQMS 量子车库,从左到右分别是:Fermilab的副研究员Akshay Murthy和Yao Lu,IBm的主要研究员Jason Orcutt,Fermilab的副研究员Tanay Roy,西北大学的博士生Andre Vallieres和Fermilab的量子计算协同设计和通讯部门负责人Silvia Zorzetti,Fermilab的暑期实习生Jacob Hanson-Flores,伊利诺伊理工学院的博士生Alessandro Reineri和西北大学的博士生Joey Yaker。 (照片:Dan Svoboda,费米实验室)

"We welcome the addition of IBM to the SQMS collaboration, which brings together some of the world's top experts in superconducting materials, devices and quantum systems. This collaboration aims to leverage our complementary technical strengths and shared goals to advance superconducting quantum systems for progressing toward a fault-tolerant quantum computer," said Anna Grassellino, SQMS Center Director.

“我们欢迎IBm加入SQMS合作,这汇聚了世界领先的超导材料、器件和量子系统专家。这次合作旨在利用我们的互补技术优势和共同目标,推动超导量子系统的发展,以实现容错量子计算,” SQMS中心主任Anna Grassellino表示。

The SQMS Center brings together more than 30 partner institutions representing national labs, industry and academia. The diverse collaboration unites over 500 experts from around the world working together to bring transformational advances in quantum information science.


As part of the collaboration, IBM intends to focus on five critical areas: large-scale cryogenics, superconducting qubit noise sources, quantum interconnects, quantum computing applications for fundamental physics, and quantum workforce development.


"Fermilab and the SQMS Center are the ideal places to develop these key technologies and produce them at scale," said Lia Merminga, Fermilab director. "We have decades of experience building large, complex superconducting cryogenic systems for accelerators and adopting advanced instrumentation to further our science mission. The advancement of quantum information science is a national priority, and Fermilab is deeply engaged in that progress."

“费米实验室和SQMS中心是开发这些关键技术并大规模生产的理想场所。我们有数十年建造大型复杂超导冷却系统加速器的经验,并采用先进的仪器来促进我们的科学任务。量子信息科学的进步是一个国家优先事项,费米实验室深度参与其中。”Lia Merminga,费米实验室主任说。

Large-scale cryogenics
SQMS and IBM intend to work together to advance technologies critical for scaling up quantum computers to large-scale data centers. SQMS is already proposing novel solutions for higher efficiency, large-scale milli-Kelvin cryogenics at Fermilab. These developments in cryogenics will include the world's largest dilution refrigerator to host 3D superconducting radiofrequency (SRF)-based quantum computing and sensing platforms, called "Colossus." IBM will provide practical information and specifications to broaden the impact of Colossus. This includes developing a large-scale cooling system based on LHe/N2 plants, which would suit IBM's future large-scale commercial quantum computing systems.

SQMS和IBm打算共同积极开发扩大量子计算机到大规模数据中心的关键技术。SQMS已经提出利用费米实验室的新颖解决方案,用于更高效的大规模毫开尔文低温腔。这些低温制冷系统将包括世界上最大的稀释冰箱,以便承载3D超导射频(SRF)基quantum computing and sensing platforms,即“Colossus”。IBm将提供实际信息和规格,以扩大Colossus的影响。这包括开发基于LHe/N2植物的大规模制冷系统,适用于IBM未来的大规模量子计算系统。

High-quality and high-density quantum interconnects


SQMS is designing and prototyping high-quality and high-density quantum interconnects based on 3D SRF platforms for quantum computing platforms being developed at Fermilab. These developments are also applicable to scaling up chip-based modular systems. Fermilab and IBM aim to explore the feasibility and usability of quantum links as part of a commercial quantum system with a focus on high-quality microwave cables.

SQMS正在设计和原型制作基于3D SRF平台的高质量高密度量子互联,以用于费米实验室正在开发的quantum computing platforms。这些开发还适用于扩大芯片模块化系统。费米实验室和IBm的目标是研究量子链接的可行性和可用性,其中重点是高质量的微波电缆。

Noise reduction in qubits and processors


As part of the SQMS Center, IBM and SQMS partners intend to work together to further the scientific understanding of mechanisms limiting the performance of superconducting qubits and developing practical schemes for the so-called "1/f flux noise" abatement.

作为SQMS中心的一部分,IBm和SQMS的合作伙伴们将合作进一步了解限制超导比特性能的机制,并开发实用的计划来减少所谓的“1/f flux noise”。

Development of scientific applications of quantum computing systems


SQMS partners and IBM plan to advance the study of physics-based applications of quantum computing systems. For example, in condensed matter physics, researchers aim to explore the use of IBM's utility-scale processors to support a quantum many-body dynamics simulation whose complexity approaches a quantum advantage regime. For high-energy physics, partners will explore simulations of lattice quantum field theories.


Quantum workforce development programs


To attract and train the next generation of a diverse quantum workforce, SQMS established several successful workforce development programs, including the U.S. Quantum Information Science School shared with the other four National Quantum Information Science Research Centers (NQISRC) funded by DOE. IBM has a robust quantum education program that has enabled millions of learners worldwide and helped provide industry and domain expertise at Fortune 500 companies, universities, laboratories and startups within the IBM Quantum Network by providing tools to build their quantum workforce. SQMS and IBM plan to join forces to strengthen national quantum workforce development programs.

为了吸引和培训下一代多元化量子人才,SQMS建立了几个成功的人才培养计划,其中包括与其他四个由美国能源部资助的国家量子信息科学研究中心共享的美国量子信息科学学校。 IBm拥有一个强劲的量子教育计划,已使全球数百万学习者受益,并帮助提供了Fortune 500公司、大学、实验室和初创公司的行业和领域专业知识,通过提供工具来建立他们的量子人才队伍。 SQMS和IBm计划联手加强国家量子人才培养计划。

"As we accelerate towards building a large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computer, we need to solve and scale complex challenges, such as efficient, large-scale refrigeration and high-density and low-loss quantum interconnects, and advance our understanding of noise sources and how to reduce them," said Jay Gambetta, IBM Fellow and Vice President, IBM Quantum. "The planned participation in the SQMS Center's research is a pillar for progressing our roadmap towards large-scale quantum computing. Alongside the collaboration to break through quantum hardware barriers, IBM and Fermilab intend to work together to drive scientific applications of quantum computing and build a quantum-ready workforce."

“当我们加速建造大规模、容错量子计算机时,我们需要解决和扩展复杂问题,例如高效的大规模制冷和高密度低损耗量子互联,以及提高我们对噪声源的理解并减少它们,” IBm量子运行副总裁和IBm研究员Jay Gambetta说:“计划参与SQMS中心的研究是推动我们走向大规模量子计算机路线图的支柱。除了打破量子硬件障碍的合作之外,IBm和费米实验室还打算合作推动量子计算的科学应用,并建立一支准备好的量子人才队伍。”

The start of the collaboration is pending final approval of a legal agreement between IBM and Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.

合作的开始取决于IBm和Fermi Research Alliance,LLC之间法律协议的最终批准。

The Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center at Fermilab is supported by the DOE Office of Science.


The Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center is one of the five U.S. Department of Energy National Quantum Information Science Research Centers. Led by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, SQMS is a collaboration of more than 30 partner institutions — national labs, academia, and industry — working together to bring transformational advances in the field of quantum information science. The center leverages Fermilab's expertise in building complex particle accelerators to engineer multiqubit quantum processor platforms based on state-of-the-art qubits and superconducting technologies. Working hand in hand with embedded industry partners, SQMS will build a quantum computer and new quantum sensors at Fermilab, which will open unprecedented computational opportunities. For more information, please visit


Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is America's premier national laboratory for particle physics research. A U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory, Fermilab is located near Chicago, Illinois, and operated under contract by the Fermi Research Alliance LLC. Visit Fermilab's website at and follow us on Twitter @Fermilab.

费米国家加速器实验室是美国粒子物理研究的首要国家实验室。作为美国能源部科学办公室的一部分,费米实验室位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥附近,由费米研究联盟有限责任公司承包运营。请访问费米实验室网站并关注我们的Twitter @Fermilab。

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关于IBM:IBM是全球领先的混合云、人工智能和咨询专家提供商。我们帮助客户在175多个国家利用自己的数据洞见,简化业务流程,降低成本,并在各自的行业中获得竞争优势。超过4,000家金融服务、电信和医疗保健等重要基础设施领域的政府和企业实体依靠IBM的混合云平台和Red Hat OpenShift,快速、高效且安全地实现数字化转型。IBM在人工智能、量子计算、行业专用的云解决方案和咨询方面的突破性创新为客户提供了开放和灵活的选择。所有这些都得到IBM长期承诺的信任、透明、责任、包容和服务的支持。访问ibm.com了解更多信息。

IBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. More than 4,000 government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and consulting deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's long-standing commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service.

IBM是全球混合云和人工智能以及咨询专业知识的领先提供商。我们帮助超过175个国家的客户利用其数据见解,简化业务流程,降低成本,并在其行业中获得竞争优势。超过4,000个政府和企业实体在金融服务、电信和医疗保健等关键基础设施领域依赖于IBM的混合云平台和Red Hat OpenShift来快速、高效、安全地实现数字化转型。IBM在人工智能、量子计算、行业特定的云解决方案和咨询方面的突破性创新为客户提供开放、灵活的选择。所有这些都是以IBM长期承诺的信任、透明度、责任、包容性和服务为支撑的。

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Media contacts:

媒体联系人: Hugh Collins (646) 275-4815 Fermilab Tracy Marc (224) 290-7803

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(646) 275-4815

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