
Xali Gold Enters Agreement for Mining in Historic Underground Workings, Exploration and Reducing Debt at El Oro Mexico

Xali Gold Enters Agreement for Mining in Historic Underground Workings, Exploration and Reducing Debt at El Oro Mexico

Xali Gold达成协议,对El Oro Mexico进行历史地下工作的矿业勘探和减轻债务。
GlobeNewswire ·  07/22 07:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Xali Gold Corp. (TSXV:XGC) ("Xali Gold" or "the Company") is very pleased to announce it has signed a legally binding Letter of Intent ("LOI") with Rio Verde Resources ("Rio Verde") on portions of five mining concessions within the El Oro Mining District ("El Oro 5 Concessions") in the State of Mexico and Michoacán de Ocampo, Mexico.

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,2024年7月22日(环球新swire)——Xali Gold Corp.(TSXV:XGC)(以下简称“Xali Gold”或“公司”)非常高兴地宣布,已与Rio Verde Resources(以下简称“Rio Verde”)签署了一份法律约束力的意向书(以下简称“LOI”),涉及墨西哥瓜纳华托州和米却肯州的El Oro矿区(以下简称“El Oro 5 Concessions”)的五个采矿权部分。

Rio Verde has been granted the exclusive right to explore and extract gold, silver and any other economic minerals that may be found above the 2400 metre ("m") level in the historic workings covered by the El Oro 5 Concessions in exchange for payment of a 3% Net Smelter Return ("NSR") to Xali Gold. The initial agreement has a term of 5 years which may be extended for an additional 5 years providing Xali Gold is receiving benefits totalling $1 Million ("M") per year. Xali Gold retains the exclusive ownership of all mineral bodies discovered or delineated below the 2400 m level.

Rio Verde已被授权独家开采和提取以上2400米(“m”)高程内,位于El Oro 5 Concessions覆盖范围内的历史工作区内的黄金、白银和任何其他经济矿物以交换支付3%的净冶炼回报(“NSR”)给Xali Gold。最初的协议期限为5年,可以延长5年,前提是Xali Gold每年获得总计100万美元的利益。 Xali Gold保留对240000万以下的所有矿物体的独有所有权。

"There couldn't be a better time, since we acquired the property in 2006 and gold prices were much lower than the current $2400 per ounce, to be monetizing the mineralization left behind in the historic workings and to be exploring for new mineral bodies," states Joanne Freeze, President and CEO of Xali Gold. "Rio Verde is well known for their ability to get into production in record time, to make good profits and to discover mineral deposits. This new partnership will allow us to keep all the exploration upside we have demonstrated by our previous drilling underneath the historic workings, while we work together with Rio Verde to test exploration concepts and get underground access for future drilling as well as pay back our debts on the mineral rights."

Xali Gold的总裁兼首席执行官Joanne Freeze表示:“自2006年收购该物业以来,由于黄金价格远低于当前每盎司2400美元的价格,因此现在没有比利用历史工作中留下的矿化物和探索新的矿体更好的时机了。 Rio Verde以创纪录的速度进入生产,取得良好的利润并发现矿床而闻名。这种新的合作伙伴关系将使我们保留我们先前在历史工作区下方的钻井中展示的所有的探索潜力,并与Rio Verde一起测试探索理念并获得未来钻井的地下进入方式以及偿付我们在矿权上欠下的债务"。

Keith Piggott of Rio Verde has advised us that their production will initially focus on the exploration target identified by Luismin-Hillsborough in 1993. Luismin-Hillsborough estimated there to be a potential for 762,000 ounces ("ozs") gold ("Au") and 9.8M ozs silver ("Ag") (6.89M tonnes grading 3.44 g/t Au and 44 g/t Ag) in the historic workings after studying 2,600, 2 m interval mine level plans with grades, sections and production documentation as well as 8 new drill holes. The mineralization is understood to have been left behind in in-situ vein, pillars and back-fill as it had grades below historical cut-off of 8 g/t Au.

Rio Verde的Keith Piggott告诉我们,他们的生产最初将集中在Luismin-Hillsborough于1993年确定的勘探目标上。 Luismin-Hillsborough估计,在研究了2600个200万间隔矿井平面图、分级、截面和生产文档以及8个新钻孔后,历史工作区遗留下潜力约为762,000盎司(“ozs”)金(“Au”)和980万 ozs银(“Ag”)(689万吨,平均品位为每吨3.44克/吨Au和44克/吨Ag)。据了解,这种矿化物留在原位的矿脉、支柱和回填物中,因为它的品位低于8克/吨Au的历史切割点下。

The LOI shall initially pertain to only the 5 mining concessions of El Carmen, El Oro VII, Dos Estrellas 77 Fracc.1, Dos Estrellas 77 and Dos Estrellas 77 Fracc. II. Rio Verde shall maintain the concessions in good standing during this period, by paying the semi-annual concession fees, by incurring the minimum investments and the corresponding filings with the Mexican Mines Bureau, by making the filings of statistical reports and by paying the Governmental Royalties.

LOI最初仅涉及El Carmen,El Oro VII,Dos Estrellas 77 Fracc.1,Dos Estrellas 77和Dos Estrellas 77 Fracc. II的5个采矿权。在此期间,Rio Verde将保持这些权益的良好地位,支付半年度特许权费用,成立最低限度的投资并在Mexican Mines Bureau提交相应申报,并提交统计报告申报并支付政府专利权金。

In addition to the 3% NSR payments, Rio Verde has agreed to provide funding to pay concession fees owing, initially on the 5 Concessions they plan to mine. Rio Verde and Xali Gold will collaborate to negotiate a payment plan with the Mexican Tax Authority for mineral rights fees owed over the last 5 years (all fees owing prior to that are no longer due).

除了3%的NSR付款之外,Rio Verde还同意提供资金支付所欠的特许经营权费用,最初是在计划开采的5个特许经营权上。 Rio Verde和Xali Gold将合作与墨西哥税务机构协商支付计划,以支付过去5年中欠缴的矿业权利费用(此前所有应支付的费用均已不再到期)。

Funds provided for concession fees will be provided as participation in a Private Placement in Xali Gold under the following terms: A Unit comprising one share and one-half warrant will be priced at CAD$0.05. A full warrant will be exercisable at CAD$0.10 per share for two years. Xali Gold will grant Rio Verde the right to participate in future Private Placements, terms of which will be in the context of the market at the time when the funds are provided. Such funds are expected to come from income generated from operations on the five concessions and will be used to assist Xali Gold in paying off the remaining fees due on the rest of the El Oro Property.

为支付特许经营权费用提供的资金将作为参与Xali Gold的定向增发的一部分,具体条款如下:一个单位包括一股股票和半个认股权证,价格为0.05加元。 一份完整的认股权证在两年内按每股0.10加元的价格行使。 Xali Gold将授予Rio Verde参与未来定向增发的权利,其条款将在提供资金时与当时的市场接轨。这些资金预计将来自于五个特许经营权运营所产生的收入,并将用于帮助Xali Gold偿还其余的El Oro Property所欠费用。

Rio Verde has also been granted the right to appoint an additional member to the Board of Xali Gold and to the position of Chair of the Board, when Rio Verde holds greater than 20% of the outstanding shares in the Company, provided that person is deemed qualified by the current Board of Xali Gold.

Rio Verde还获得了一项权利,即在持有公司超过20%的已发行股份时,有权任命Xali Gold的一名额外董事和主席。前提是该人被现任Xali Gold董事会认为符合资格。

About Rio Verde Resources

关于Rio Verde Resources

Rio Verde is a private company controlled and managed by Keith Piggott, the former President and CEO of Goldgroup Mining Inc. and Core Gold Inc. Mr. Piggott is a mining engineer with over 50 years of experience in Zambia, Australia and PNG, Mexico and South America. In the recent past, as well as significant exploration success, he has started 3 mines: Cerro Colorado, El Boludo and Cerro Prieto in Sonora, Mexico plus a green-fields start in a record time of 3 months in Ecuador. These mines have collectively produced approximately 500,000 ozs of gold to date.

Rio Verde是一家私人公司,由Goldgroup Mining Inc.和Core Gold Inc.的前总裁兼首席执行官Keith Piggott控制和管理。Piggott先生是一名采矿工程师,在赞比亚,澳大利亚和巴布亚新几内亚,墨西哥和南美拥有50多年的工作经验。最近,在取得重大勘探成功的同时,他启动了3个矿山:Sonora,Mexico的Cerro Colorado,El Boludo和Cerro Prieto以及Ecuador的绿地启动,创纪录地用了3个月。这些矿山总共生产了约50万盎司的黄金。

About Xali Gold

关于Xali Gold

Xali Gold has gold and silver projects in Peru and Mexico. The Company's flagship project El Oro is a district scale gold project encompassing a well-known prolific high-grade gold dominant gold-silver epithermal vein system in Mexico. The project covers 20 veins with past production and more than 57 veins in total, from which approximately 6.4M ozs of gold and 74M ozs of silver were reported to have been produced from just two of these veins (Ref. Mexico Geological Service Bulletin Nr. 37, Mining of the El Oro and Tlapujahua Districts. 1920, T. Flores).

Xali Gold在秘鲁和墨西哥拥有黄金和白银项目。该公司的旗舰项目El Oro是一个区域规模的黄金项目,涉及在墨西哥一个著名的多产高品位的金银热液脉系统。该项目涵盖了20条脉,其中两条脉仅就这些脉的生产记录就产生了大约640万盎司的黄金和7400万盎司的白银。 (参考:墨西哥地质服务公告第37号,El Oro和Tlapujahua地区的采矿。1920万亿。Flores)。

Modern understanding of epithermal vein systems indicates that several of the El Oro district's veins hold excellent discovery potential, particularly below and adjacent to the historic workings of the San Rafael Vein, which was mined to an average depth of only 200m.

对热液脉矿脉系统的现代理解表明,El Oro地区的几个矿脉具有出色的发现潜力,特别是在San Rafael Vein的历史作业的下方和相邻地段,这个矿脉的挖掘深度仅为200米的平均深度。

Xali Gold is dedicated to being a responsible Community partner.

Xali Gold致力于成为负责任的社区合作伙伴。

Joanne C. Freeze, P.Geo., President and CEO is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 for the projects discussed above. Ms. Freeze has reviewed and approved the contents of this release. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Joanne C. Freeze,P.Geo.,总裁兼首席执行官,是上述项目的符合43-101号国家规定的合格人士。 Freeze女士已经审查并批准了本发布的内容。任何TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供者都不对该发布内容的充分性或准确性承担责任。

Forward-looking Information
This news release may contain forward-looking information (as such term is defined under Canadian securities laws) including but not limited to historical production records. While such forward-looking information is expressed by Xali Gold in good faith and believed by Xali Gold to have a reasonable basis, they may address future events and conditions and are therefore subject to inherent risks and uncertainties including those set out in Xali Gold's MD&A. Factors that cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking information include, without limitation, gold prices, results of exploration and development activities, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, potential environmental issues, availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Xali Gold expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

此新闻稿可能包含前瞻性信息(根据加拿大证券法的定义),包括但不限于历史生产记录。虽然Xali Gold认为此类前瞻性信息是出于善意并且有合理的基础,并可能涉及未来事件和状况,但它们因此会受到固有的风险和不确定性的影响,包括Xali Gold的MD&A所述因素。导致实际结果与前瞻性信息不同的因素包括但不限于金价、勘探和开发活动的结果、监管变化、权属瑕疵、材料和设备的可用性、政府批准的及时性、潜在的环境问题、资本和融资的可用性以及普遍经济、市场或业务状况。Xali Gold明确声明不打算或不承诺更新或修订任何前瞻性信息,除非根据适用的证券法律。

On behalf of the Board of Xali Gold Corp.

代表Xali Gold Corp.董事会

"Joanne Freeze" P.Geo.
President, CEO and Director

“Joanne Freeze” P.Geo。

For further information please contact:
Joanne Freeze, President & CEO
Tel: + 1 (604) 689-1957
NR 133

总裁兼首席执行官Joanne Freeze
NR 133

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