
Singing Machine Launches Official TikTok Shop

Singing Machine Launches Official TikTok Shop

Singing Machine启动官方TikTok商店
GlobeNewswire ·  07/23 07:00

Company Significantly Expands Socia Media-Based Marketing Capabilities
Through New TikTok Shop Seller Storefront

2024年7月23日,佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡,环球新闻网(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-世界领先的消费卡拉OK产品制造商 The Singing Machine Company, Inc.(“Singing Machine”)(纳斯达克股票代码:MICS)宣布,已与TikTok Shop正式建立合作伙伴关系,Singing Machine现已正式被指定为TikTok商家卖家。有了这个新状态,公司将其在线覆盖面扩大到TikTok每天超过15000万的用户群,这是当今消费者可用的最大和增长最快速的零售渠道之一。

Fort Lauderdale, FL, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Singing Machine Company, Inc. ("Singing Machine") (NASDAQ: MICS) – the worldwide leader in consumer karaoke products, announces it has entered into a formal partnership with TikTok Shop pursuant to which The Singing Machine is now officially designated as a TikTok Shop Seller. With this new status, the Company expanded its online reach to over 150 million daily users on TikTok, one of the largest and fastest growing retail channels available to consumers today.

Singing Machine TikTok Shop的发布彰显了在TikTok平台上为卡拉OK产品丰富直播购物经验的共同承诺。作为一家官方卖家,Signing Machine开始实现扩大和增强电子商务能力的愿景,认识到用户生成的内容和直播购物在今天数字化卡拉OK消费者的领域中的变革潜力。

The launching of the Singing Machine TikTok Shop underscores a shared commitment to enriching the livestream shopping experience for karaoke products on the TikTok platform. As an official Seller, Signing Machine embarks on its vision to expand and enhance ecommerce capabilities, recognizing the transformative potential of user-generated content and livestream shopping in today's digital landscape for karaoke consumers.

The Singing Machine的首席执行官Gary Atkinson评论道:“我们很高兴成为TikTok批准销售合作伙伴大家庭的一员。超过15000万美国零售消费者积极使用TikTok平台,我们相信接触这个消费者基础有能力改变我们直接面向消费者的数字策略。他们在社交媒体影响者领域的无与伦比的规模和影响力使得TikTok成为我们公司的明确和容易的选择,因为我们力求扩大我们对数字消费者的访问”。

"We are excited to become part of the TikTok family of approved selling partners," commented Gary Atkinson, CEO of The Singing Machine. "More than 150 million US retail consumers actively use the TikTok platform and we believe access to this consumer base has the ability to transform our direct-to-consumer digital strategy. Their unmatched scale and reach in the social media influencer segment made TikTok the clear and easy choice for our Company as we strive to expand our access to digital consumers."

“在疫情期间,我们推出了一款新产品,官方版《Carpool Karaoke》麦克风,”Atkinson先生继续说,“我们通过Tik Tok完全自然地体验到了用户参与度和用户生成的内容,创造了数亿次的浏览量。这种病毒性参与导致我们在所有电子商务平台上几乎立即产生销售。这是我们的技术带给数百万用户快乐的有力例证,而这一切均由TikTok成为可能。”

"During the pandemic, we launched a new product, the official Carpool Karaoke microphone," continued Mr. Atkinson. "We experienced fantastic success with user engagement and user-generated content completely organically through Tik Tok, generating hundreds of millions of views. This viral engagement led to almost instantaneous sales across all of our e-commerce platforms. This is a compelling example of the power of our technology bringing joy to million of users nationwide, and all of that was made possible by TikTok."

“我们已经享受了许多年作为卡拉OK消费品牌的成功。我们在美国最大的零售商,包括沃尔玛,Sam's Club和好市多,享有最佳的店内存在感。亚马逊是我们的第一个真正的数字零售合作伙伴,多年来我们已经看到这个渠道是销售的重要来源。将TikTok商店添加到我们的营销平台和直接面向消费者渠道将是一个关键的下一步,因为我们继续在传统实体零售之外扩大我们的数字能力”,Atkinson先生总结道。

"We have enjoyed many years of success as the dominant US brand for karaoke consumer products. We enjoy the greatest in-store presence at the largest US retailers, including, Walmart, Sam's Club and Costco. Amazon was our first true digital retail partner, and we have seen this channel as an meaningful source of sales for many years now. Adding the TikTok Shop to our marketing platform and direct-to-consumer channel will be a critical next step as we continue to expand our digital capabilities outside of traditional brick and mortar retail," concluded Mr. Atkinson.

关于Singing Machine Singing Machine公司(NASDAQ:MICS)是全球最大的消费者卡拉OK制造商。总部位于佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡,成立于四十多年前,公司设计和分销业内最广泛的家庭和汽车卡拉OK娱乐产品。他们的产品组合通过专有品牌和受欢迎的许可证营销,其中包括卡拉OK车载唱机和华尔街传媒的《Carpool Karaoke》。Singing Machine产品采用最新技术,并通过其移动应用程序和支持Wi-Fi的选定产品提供访问超过100,000首歌曲的流媒体服务,并正在开发世界上第一个可全球使用的全面集成汽车卡拉OK系统。该公司还有一个新的慈善倡议,由Singing Machine提出的CARE-eoke,致力于关注儿童和成年人的卡拉OK的社会影响。他们的产品在全球25000多个地点销售,包括亚马逊,好市多,Sam's Club,Target和沃尔玛等。 要了解更多信息,请访问

About Singing Machine

关于Singing Machine

The Singing Machine Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: MICS) is the worldwide leader in consumer karaoke products. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and founded over forty years ago, the Company designs and distributes the industry's widest assortment of at-home and in-car karaoke entertainment products. Their portfolio is marketed under both proprietary brands and popular licenses, including Carpool Karaoke and Sesame Street. Singing Machine products incorporate the latest technology and provide access to over 100,000 songs for streaming through its mobile app and select WiFi-capable products and is also developing the world's first globally available, fully integrated in-car karaoke system. The Company also has a new philanthropic initiative, CARE-eoke by Singing Machine, to focus on the social impact of karaoke for children and adults of all ages who would benefit from singing. Their products are sold in over 25,000 locations worldwide, including Amazon, Costco, Sam's Club, Target, and Walmart. To learn more, go to .

Singing Machine公司(NASDAQ:MICS)是全球最大的消费者卡拉OK制造商。总部位于佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡,成立于四十多年前,公司设计和分销业内最广泛的家庭和汽车卡拉OK娱乐产品。他们的产品组合通过专有品牌和受欢迎的许可证营销,其中包括卡拉OK车载唱机和华尔街传媒的《Carpool Karaoke》。Singing Machine产品采用最新技术,并通过其移动应用程序和支持Wi-Fi的选定产品提供访问超过100,000首歌曲的流媒体服务,并正在开发世界上第一个可全球使用的全面集成汽车卡拉OK系统。该公司还有一个新的慈善倡议,由Singing Machine提出的CARE-eoke,致力于关注儿童和成年人的卡拉OK的社会影响。他们的产品在全球25000多个地点销售,包括亚马逊,好市多,Sam's Club,Target和沃尔玛等。.

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This press release contains or may contain forward-looking statements and information that is based upon beliefs of, and information currently available to, the Company's management, as well as estimates and assumptions made by the Company's management. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "future," "intend," "plan" or the negative of these terms and similar expressions as they relate to Company or Company's management identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current view of the Company with respect to future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors relating to the Company's industry and Company's operations and results of operations. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may differ significantly from those anticipated, believed, estimated, expected, intended or planned.


Risks and uncertainties related to the proposed transaction include, among others: the risk that the conditions to the closing of the acquisition are not satisfied; potential adverse reactions or changes to business, including those resulting from the announcement or completion of the transaction; unexpected costs, charges or expenses resulting from the transaction; and any changes in general economic and/or industry specific conditions. Consequently, all of the forward-looking statements made by the Company, in this and in other documents or statements are qualified by factors, risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, those set forth under the headings titled "Disclosure Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" and "Risk Factors" in the Company's Transition Report on Form 10-KT for the transition period from April 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, and other reports filed by the Company with the SEC, which are available at the SEC's website

与拟议交易相关的风险和不确定因素包括但不限于:收购结束的条件未被满足的风险;由于宣布或完成交易而产生的潜在负面反应或业务变化;由交易导致的意料之外的成本、费用或支出;以及一般经济和/或行业特定条件的任何变化。因此,所有由公司在本和其他文件或声明中所做的前瞻性声明,都经过资格,并受到因素、风险和不确定因素的约束,包括但不限于,文中标题为“关于前瞻性声明的披露”和“风险因素”的标题。公司过渡报告从2023年4月1日到2023年12月31日(Form 10-Kt),公司截至2024年3月31日的季度报告(Form 10-Q)以及公司向SEC提交的其他报告,这些报告可在SEC网站上获得。你不应该对任何前瞻性声明施加太多依赖,每个前瞻性声明只适用于本新闻发布日。除法律规定外,我们不承担任何义务更新或修正在本新闻稿发表之后进行的任何前瞻性声明,以符合我们的声明实际结果或更改的期望,或者这些前瞻性声明的修订结果。

You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statement, each of which applies only as of the date of this press release. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release to conform our statements to actual results or changed expectations, or the results of any revision to these forward-looking statements.


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