
Atlanta Motorsports Park Lights Up the Track for Night Go-Karting

Atlanta Motorsports Park Lights Up the Track for Night Go-Karting

PR Newswire ·  07/23 09:05

Night Go-Karting at Atlanta Motorsports Park


DAWSONVILLE, Ga., July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Excitement abounds at Atlanta Motorsports Park (AMP) with the announcement of a major project completion—the illumination of the AMP Kart Track! On July 27th, AMP will light up its kart track for the first time, extending public go-karting hours. Starting Saturday, July 27th, the track will be open until 11:00 PM on Fridays and Saturdays, allowing visitors to enjoy extended go-karting under cutting-edge, state-of-the-art lighting. This upgrade not only enhances the thrill of nighttime racing but also offers a unique experience for go-kart enthusiasts, making AMP the ultimate destination for motorsport fun and excitement..

乔治亚州道森维尔,2024 年 7 月 23 日 /PRNewswire/ — 激动人心比比皆是 亚特兰大赛车公园 (AMP) 宣布重大项目完成——AMP 卡丁车赛道的照明!7月27日,AMP将首次点亮其卡丁车赛道,延长 公共卡丁车 小时。从7月27日星期六开始,该赛道将在周五和周六开放至晚上 11:00,让游客可以在尖端、最先进的照明下享受长时间的卡丁车比赛。此次升级不仅增强了夜间赛车的快感,还为卡丁车爱好者提供了独特的体验,使AMP成为享受赛车乐趣和刺激的终极目的地。


Revolutionizing the Go Karting Experience


The newly installed MUSCO lighting system, meeting the highest standards in the industry, is set to revolutionize the AMP Kart Racing experience. Known for their superior illumination and energy efficiency, MUSCO lights ensure that every twist and turn of the track is perfectly visible, creating a safer and more exhilarating environment for racers. This top-tier upgrade not only enhances visibility but also adds a new dimension to the racing experience. With extended hours of operation and new event opportunities, racers can now enjoy the thrill of karting well into the night, making every session at AMP unforgettable.

新安装的 MUSCO 照明系统符合业内最高标准,将彻底改变 AMP 卡丁车赛车 经验。MUSCO 灯以其卓越的照明和能效而闻名,确保赛道的每一个曲折都清晰可见,为赛车手创造了一个更安全、更令人兴奋的环境。这次顶级升级不仅提高了知名度,还为赛车体验增添了新的维度。有了更长的营业时间和新的赛事机会,赛车手们现在可以尽情享受卡丁车的快感,让AMP的每场比赛都令人难忘。

Meeting Community Demand


The project to install lights at Atlanta Motorsports Park's Kart Track was initiated in response to a growing demand for extended track hours. Recognizing the need to accommodate their community's enthusiasm and schedules, AMP Kart Racing embarked on this ambitious project to enhance the racing experience. Now, with the completion of the new lighting system, guests can not only enjoy additional hours on the track but also revel in the unique thrill of night racing under the Dawsonville stars. This upgrade promises to transform the racing atmosphere, offering an unforgettable experience that blends the excitement of go-kart racing with the beauty of a starlit night.

在亚特兰大赛车公园的卡丁车赛道安装灯光的项目是为了应对不断增长的延长赛道时间的需求而启动的。AMP Kart Racing 意识到需要适应社区的热情和日程安排,因此启动了这个雄心勃勃的项目,以增强赛车体验。现在,随着新照明系统的完工,宾客不仅可以在赛道上享受额外的时间,还可以在道森维尔的星空下陶醉于夜间赛车的独特刺激。此次升级有望改变赛车氛围,提供令人难忘的体验,将卡丁车赛车的刺激与星光之夜的美景融为一体。

A Versatile Venue for Events


Beyond extending track hours, the new lights offer the perfect setting for special events and corporate functions. From team-building exercises to group events to birthday parties, Atlanta Motorsports Park provides the ideal backdrop for unforgettable experiences that combine the excitement of motorsports with the thrill of nighttime racing. These new facilities will benefit more than just the guests who will be karting; they will create a versatile venue capable of hosting a wide range of events, making AMP a premier destination for more than just motorsport enthusiasts.


Grand Opening Event


To mark this special occasion, AMP Kart Racing is hosting a grand opening event on Saturday, July 27th - OUR FIRST NIGHT OF PUBLIC KARTING UNDER THE LIGHTS - WALK-IN ONLY ($25) SESSIONS FROM 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM. Don't miss the chance to be part of this historic moment and experience the electrifying atmosphere of night racing at its finest. The event promises an unforgettable night for all attendees, complete with a DJ and good vibes, come celebrate with us under the lights!

为了纪念这一特殊时刻,AMP Kart Racing将于7月27日星期六举办盛大的开幕活动——我们的灯光下公共卡丁车比赛的第一晚——仅限步入(25美元),时间为晚上 7:30 至晚上 11:00。千万不要错过参与这个历史性时刻的机会,尽情体验夜间赛车的激动人心的气氛。该活动将为所有与会者带来一个难忘的夜晚,再加上DJ和美好的氛围,快来灯光下与我们一起庆祝吧!

Book Your Go-Karting Reservation


Ready to experience the thrill of go-karting on the world's most unique kart track? AMP Kart Racing is open for public karting from Wednesday to Sunday, starting at 1:00 PM each day. Book your reservation online and come experience the excitement of AMP Kart Racing!

准备好在世界上最独特的卡丁车赛道上体验卡丁车的快感了吗?AMP Kart Racing在周三至周日对公众卡丁车开放,每天下午 1:00 开始。在线预订,快来体验 AMP Kart Racing 的刺激吧!

How to Book


Ready to race? Booking your public go-karting session is easy. Simply visit our booking page to secure your spot.

准备好比赛了吗?预订您的公开卡丁车课程很容易。只需访问我们的 预订页面 为了确保你的位置。

What to Expect


  • Public Karting: For ages 12+, reservations are recommended for guaranteed track time.
  • Packages: Choose from various session packages to suit your needs, from single sessions to multi-session deals for better value.
  • Track Details: Experience the world's most extreme and unique kart track with unbeatable elevation changes and thrilling turns.
  • 公共卡丁车:对于 12 岁以上的儿童,建议提前预订,以确保赛道时间。
  • 套餐:从各种会话套餐中进行选择,以满足您的需求,从单一会话到多会话优惠,以获得更高的价值。
  • 赛道详情:体验世界上最极端、最独特的卡丁车赛道,体验无与伦比的海拔变化和惊险的转弯。

Additional Information


  • Location: Nestles in the picturesque Dawsonville mountain foothills, just outside of Metro Atlanta.
  • 地点:雀巢在风景如画的道森维尔山脚下,就在亚特兰大都会郊外。

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to enjoy karting like never before. Visit our website for more information and to book your session today. See you on the track!

千万不要错过这个前所未有地享受卡丁车的激动人心的机会。访问我们的 网站 获取更多信息并立即预订会议。赛道上见!



Atlanta Motorsports Park (AMP) is a premier destination for motorsports enthusiasts, nestled in the picturesque Dawsonville, GA. Founded by Jeremy Porter, AMP offers world-class facilities, including a state-of-the-art road racing track and a professional karting circuit. The park is dedicated to providing an exceptional motorsports experience with comprehensive amenities and a strong commitment to the local community.

亚特兰大赛车公园(AMP)坐落在风景如画的乔治亚州道森维尔,是赛车爱好者的首选目的地。AMP 由杰里米·波特创立,提供世界一流的设施,包括最先进的公路赛道和专业的卡丁车赛道。该公园致力于提供卓越的赛车运动体验,提供全面的便利设施和对当地社区的坚定承诺。

AMP continuously sets the standard in motorsports, now featuring the added excitement of night go-karting with newly installed track lights. This milestone enhances the racing experience, offering thrilling adventures for both seasoned racers and newcomers.

AMP 不断树立赛车运动的标准,现在新安装的轨道灯为夜间卡丁车增添了刺激感。这一里程碑增强了赛车体验,为经验丰富的赛车手和新手提供了惊险刺激的冒险经历。

AMP also includes a unique residential community, allowing motorsports enthusiasts to live trackside. Additionally, the park is powered by solar energy, highlighting its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

AMP 还包括一个独特的住宅社区,允许赛车爱好者在赛道旁生活。此外,该公园由太阳能提供动力,凸显了其对可持续发展和环境责任的承诺。

Whether you're racing, living, or simply seeking the thrill of motorsports, Atlanta Motorsports Park stands as a premier destination for an unforgettable experience.


SOURCE Atlanta Motorsports Park, LLC


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