
Viatris 2023 Sustainability Report: Building Access Through a Global and Flexible Supply Chain

Viatris 2023 Sustainability Report: Building Access Through a Global and Flexible Supply Chain

viatris 2023可持续发展报告:通过全球和灵活的供应链构建通达性。
Accesswire ·  07/23 10:30

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 23, 2024 / No country can make every medicine people need, and no medicine is made in every country. If a country or region relies on supply only from within their region and they experience a crisis, there is a risk people won't get the medicines they need, when they need them. A secure supply of medicines from multiple regions and countries around the world is more reliable and at less risk of being disrupted. Global, diverse and flexible supply chains are key to timely and affordable access to medicine.

马萨诸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 7 月 23 日/没有一个国家可以生产人们需要的所有药物,每个国家都不生产任何药品。如果一个国家或地区仅依赖本地区内部的供应并经历危机,那么人们就有可能无法在需要时获得所需的药品。来自世界各地多个地区和国家的安全药品供应更加可靠,中断的风险也较小。全球化、多样化和灵活的供应链是及时和负担得起的药品供应链的关键。

As an essential business, Viatris has taken actions to maintain a reliable supply of medicines, with special measures around critical medicines in times of volatile demand. Our ability to supply medicines and maintain high levels of service around the world is rooted in our global network of suppliers with a robust ability to manage shocks affecting any particular country or region. Our network allows us to offset risk and build resilience. In 2023, we were able to maintain a global customer service level of 90% amid volatility in demand, inflation and supply chain disruptions in general. Recently, we have experienced surges in demand, in part due to other pharmaceutical companies being out of stock, so we are increasing the frequency that we refresh our safety stock settings so that we can be more flexible to meet unmet needs.


Viatris has Supply Chain colleagues in more than 55 countries around the world, responsible for monitoring demand and supply daily. They look out over a 24-month horizon to preempt and circumvent supply gaps, collaborating with markets and manufacturing plants on cross-functional action plans.

Viatris 的供应链同事遍布全球超过 55 个国家,负责监控每日需求和供应。他们展望24个月,以抢占和规避供应缺口,与市场和制造工厂合作制定跨职能行动计划。

Learn more about our global and local supply network here.


In 2023, our global customer service level was 90%.

2023 年,我们的全球客户服务水平为 90%。

Our customer service level metric is on-time in-full (OTIF) delivery to our customers. On-time is customer specific and measured against customer agreements. In-full is 100% of volume ordered. It is important to Viatris to measure service from our customers' perspective.

我们的客户服务水平指标是按时向客户全额交付 (OTIF)。准时是根据客户的具体情况来衡量的,是根据客户协议来衡量的。满额是订购量的 100%。对于 Viatris 来说,从客户的角度来衡量服务非常重要。

We have invested in facilities around the world, including in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs), to bolster our global supply chain network and support local capacity building and economic development in communities. These local facilities make up our strong global network, which is our best tool for maximizing product availability to countries across all income bands, as evidenced by our track record for reliable supply.


In Vietnam, for example, we've worked in collaboration with the government to enhance local production capacity as part of supporting the global supply of medicines and also supporting economic resilience in the country. Our project, one of the first innovative drug production technology transfer projects in Vietnam, started in 2015, and was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2019 for Amlor tablet (Norvasc); Lipitor 10mg, 20mg, 40mg; and Celebrex 200mg.

例如,在越南,我们与政府合作提高当地生产能力,这是支持全球药品供应和支持该国经济弹性的一部分。我们的项目是越南首批创新药物生产技术转让项目之一,于2015年启动,并于2019年获得科学技术部的批准,用于Amlor片剂(Norvasc);立普妥10mg、20mg、40mg和Celebrex 200mg。

In India, Viatris manufactures infectious disease medicines used in programs across LMICs. To supplement this network, Viatris has invested in building a packaging and distribution facility in Zambia, which achieved WHO Prequalification of Medicines (WHO PQ) accreditation in March 2023. Finished medicines are shipped from our facilities in India to the Zambia facility for final packaging and release. The value-add of packaging in Zambia is not necessarily to improve availability in its absolute vicinity, as our existing global network continues to provide high levels of product delivery, but to help develop local capacity and experience with quality-assured production.

在印度,Viatris生产传染病药物,用于中低收入国家的项目。为了补充这一网络,Viatris已投资在赞比亚建设包装和分销设施,赞比亚于2023年3月获得了世卫组织药品资格预审(WHO PQ)认证。成品药品从我们在印度的工厂运送到赞比亚工厂进行最终包装和发布。赞比亚包装的增值不一定是为了提高其绝对附近的可用性,因为我们现有的全球网络继续提供高水平的产品交付,而是为了帮助发展当地的产能和经验,实现有质量保证的生产。

Goal: Provide ARV therapy equivalent to a total of 30 million patients, including more than 2 million children living with HIV/AIDS, between 2022 and the end of 2025.*


Our Progress: In 2023, we provided treatments for approximately 8.6 million patients, including more than 670,000 children living with HIV/AIDS. Since 2022, we have provided treatments for nearly 17 million adults and children.


View the full 2023 Sustainability Report.

查看完整的 2023 年可持续发展报告。

1 The number of patients served is an estimate calculated using internal sales data (global volume of doses sold in 2023 in all markets as aligned with IQVIA standard units), divided by estimated per patient usage, which is based on treatment dose, treatment duration, and treatment adherence as estimated by Viatris Medical Affairs based on approved label indication and instructions for use, current international guideline recommendations, and common usage in clinical practice. Patients using multiple Viatris medicines may be counted as multiple patients. Certain adjustments were applied in consideration of pending and completed divestitures and to account for acceptable alternatives to the patient usage factors noted above, and rounded to the nearest hundred million. Estimates may be subject to reassessment.

1 服务的患者人数是根据内部销售数据(2023年在所有市场上与IQVIA标准单位一致的全球剂量销售量)计算得出的估计值,除以每位患者的估计用量,该估计值基于Viatris Medical Affairs根据批准的标签适应症和使用说明、当前的国际指南建议以及临床实践中的常用用情况估算的治疗剂量、治疗持续时间和治疗依从性。使用多种Viatris药物的患者可以算作多名患者。考虑到待处理和已完成的资产剥离,并考虑到上述患者使用系数的可接受替代方案,进行了某些调整,并四舍五入至最接近的1亿美元。估算值可能需要重新评估。

*Our ability to make progress on our goals depends on several factors, some of which are outside of our control.


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Spokesperson: Viatris


SOURCE: Viatris


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