
Novogene to Power Cancer, Rare Disease, and Environmental Research With PacBio Sequencing

Novogene to Power Cancer, Rare Disease, and Environmental Research With PacBio Sequencing


Highly accurate long-read sequencing data will be used at Novogene's new lab in Munich, supporting customers across a network of leading research institutions


MENLO PARK, Calif., July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB), a leading developer of high-quality, highly accurate sequencing solutions, today announced that Novogene is using its Revio long-read sequencing system to expand the capabilities of its new lab in Munich, Germany, serving customers across the European scientific community. Novogene is a leading provider of genomic services and bioinformatics expertise, working with a wide range of leading research institutions, clinical and commercial organizations. The increased accuracy and throughput offered by the Revio are designed to enable Novogene's customers to scale in-depth genomic research across rare diseases, cancer, microbes, and agriculture in a cost-effective way.

加州门洛帕克,2024年7月23日/美通社/--高质量、高精度测序解决方案的主要开发商 PacBio(纳斯达克:PACB)宣布,诺禾真新正在使用其Revio长读长度测序系统扩展德国慕尼黑市的实验室能力,为欧洲科学社区的客户提供服务。诺禾真新是基因组服务和生物信息学专业知识提供商,在实验室界、临床、商业机构和众多领先研究机构上下工作。Revio所提供的增加的精度和吞吐量旨在让诺禾真新的客户以经济实惠的方式在罕见疾病、癌症、微生物和农业等领域扩大深度基因组研究。

"Bringing Revio to our German lab creates new opportunities for our customers to advance their groundbreaking research. We expect particularly high demand for the Revio from customers in the rare disease and cancer spaces, due to the sequencer's ability to uncover complex repetitive regions, structural variants, and novel isoforms that are typically missed by short-read and exome methods," comments Tingting Zhou, Vice President of Novogene. "The high fidelity of the Revio, combined with PacBio's various kits and data analysis capabilities, make it an ideal solution to provide our customers with long-read data in an economical way. We plan to integrate even more automation into the Revio's workflows to further increase efficiency and make long-reads accessible to a wider range of our customers."

“将Revio引入我们的德国实验室为我们的客户创造了新的机会,可以推进他们的开创性研究。 Novogene的副总裁周婷婷评论说:"我们预计从罕见疾病和癌症研究等领域的客户会有特别高的需求,因为该测序仪能够揭示通常被短读序列和外显子法忽略的复杂重复区域、结构变异和新型异构体。Revio的高保真度与PacBio的各种试剂盒和数据分析能力结合在一起,成为以经济实惠的方式为我们的客户提供长读数据的理想解决方案。我们计划将更多的自动化整合到Revio的工作流程中,从而进一步提高效率,使长读数据对我们更广泛的客户群体具有可操作性。”

The new lab at the Innovation and Start-Up Center for Biotechnology (IZB) in Munich serves as a strategic hub for Novogene's European operations and builds on its global network of labs across the UK, US, Singapore, Japan and China. The addition of the Revio will complement Novogene's existing sequencing portfolio, giving customers answers where other technologies have been unable to, due to depth or accuracy limitations. As well as rare disease and cancer research, Novogene anticipates high demand for the Revio from customers in the microbial and agrigenomics space, by enabling the de novo assembly of full genomes of rarely studied species and the identification of species.

Novogene的慕尼黑生物技术创新和创业中心(IZB)的新实验室是其欧洲业务的战略枢纽,建立在其覆盖英国、美国、新加坡、日本和中国的全球实验室网络之上。 Revio的增加将补充Novogene现有的测序组合,为客户提供在深度或准确性限制下无法获得答案的解决方案。除罕见疾病和癌症研究外,Novogene预计微生物和农业基因组学领域的客户也对Revio有很高的需求量,因为该仪器能够实现很少研究物种的全基因组de novo组装和物种鉴定。

"Novogene's services and expertise have been supporting pioneering research for more than a decade. Revio's high accuracy means PacBio is well placed to be supporting Novogene's customers, particularly those who are exploring more complex biological use cases. We are pleased to be enabling Novogene's mission of advancing genomics and improving life," comments Neil Ward, Vice President and General Manager EMEA, PacBio. "Working with a company like Novogene that has such a broad customer base is exciting for PacBio, as we'll get to see the Revio being used for new cutting-edge applications. Whether that's advancing human health or the health of our planet."

PacBio的EMEA(欧洲、中东、非洲)副总裁兼总经理Neil Ward评论说:“ Novogene的服务和专业知识已经支持了超过十年的开创性研究。Revio的高准确性意味着PacBio非常适合支持Novogene的客户,特别是那些正在探索更复杂的生物学用例的客户。与像Novogene这样拥有如此广泛客户基础的公司合作对PacBio来说非常令人兴奋,因为我们将看到Revio被用于新的前沿应用。无论是推进人类健康还是地球健康,都可以发挥重要作用。”

For more information about how PacBio is revolutionizing the field of genomics and to explore the capabilities of the Revio HiFi sequencing system, please visit our website at .

有关PacBio如何革新基因组学领域以及探索Revio HiFi测序系统的能力的更多信息,请访问我们的网站。

Contacts (PacBio)
Todd Friedman

Todd Friedman



About PacBio
PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) is a premier life science technology company that designs, develops, and manufactures advanced sequencing solutions to help scientists and clinical researchers resolve genetically complex problems. Our products and technologies stem from two highly differentiated core technologies focused on accuracy, quality and completeness which include our HiFi long-read sequencing and our SBB short-read sequencing technologies. Our products address solutions across a broad set of research applications including human germline sequencing, plant and animal sciences, infectious disease and microbiology, oncology, and other emerging applications. For more information, please visit and follow @PacBio.

PacBio (纳斯达克:PACB) 是一家卓越的生命科学技术公司,设计、开发和制造先进的测序解决方案,帮助科学家和临床研究人员解决遗传复杂问题。我们的产品和技术源自两个高度差异化的核心技术,着眼于精度、质量和完整性,包括我们的HiFi长读长度测序和SBb短读长度测序技术。我们的产品解决了广泛的研究应用,包括人类生殖细胞系列测序、植物和动物科学、传染病和微生物学、肿瘤学和其他新兴应用领域。欲知详情请访问我们的网站并关注@PacBio。

PacBio products are provided for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


About Novogene


Novogene is a leading provider of genomic services and solutions with cutting edge Next Generation Sequencing and bioinformatics expertise. With one of the leading sequencing capacities in the world, Novogene utilises scientific excellence, a commitment to customer service and unsurpassed data quality to help our clients realise their research goals in the rapidly evolving world of genomics. With almost 2,000 employees, multiple locations around the world, 66 NGS related patents, and over 22,000 publications in top tier journals such as Nature and Science, the company has become a world-leader in NGS services and a trusted genomics partner. Our services are supported by the latest platforms from Illumina, PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technology.

Novogene是一个拥有先进的新一代测序和生物信息学专业知识的基因组服务和解决方案的领先提供商。作为全球领先的测序服务提供商之一,Novogene通过科学卓越、承诺客户服务以及无与伦比的数据质量来帮助我们的客户在基因组学迅速发展的世界中实现他们的研究目标。凭借近2000名员工,多个全球研究中心,66项与NGS相关的专利,以及超过22,000篇发表在像Nature和Science这样的顶级期刊上的论文,该公司已成为NGS服务领域的世界领先者和值得信赖的基因组伙伴。我们的服务得到Illumina、PacBio和Oxford Nanopore Technology等先进平台的支持。

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the uses, coverage, advantages, quality or performance of, or benefits or expected benefits of using, PacBio products or technologies, including in connection with Novogene's anticipate use of Revio; and other future events. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because they are subject to assumptions, risks, and uncertainties and could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from currently anticipated results, including, challenges inherent in sequencing a large number of genomes, and the difficulty of generating discoveries across various areas of research; potential product performance and quality issues; third-party claims alleging infringement of patents and proprietary rights or seeking to invalidate PacBio's patents or proprietary rights; and other risks associated with international operations. Additional factors that could materially affect actual results can be found in PacBio's most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including PacBio's most recent reports on Forms 8-K, 10-K, and 10-Q, and include those listed under the caption "Risk Factors." These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and speak only as of the date hereof; except as required by law, PacBio disclaims any obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances in the future, even if new information becomes available.


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