
Site Visit Assay Results to 7% Copper

Site Visit Assay Results to 7% Copper

Accesswire ·  2024/07/24 20:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / July 24, 2024 / IC CAPITALIGHT CORP. (the "Company" or "Capitalight") (CSE:IC), is pleased to announce final results from a late May 2024 site visit to our Blue Lake Cu Ni Pt Pd property, located 65km northeast of Schefferville, Quebec. The purpose of the visit, conducted by two IC Directors and two consulting geologists, was to complete necessary claims assessment work.

IC CAPITALIGHt CORP.(以下简称“公司”或“Capitalight”)(CSE:IC)非常高兴地宣布2014年5月底对位于魁北克省谢夫里维尔东北65公里处的蓝湖Cu Ni Pt Pd物业进行的现场考察的最终结果,该考察由两名IC董事和两名咨询地质学家完成,旨在完成必要的申索评估工作。



Mike Muggridge. P.Geo (NL), based on the assay results from 72 grab samples of rusty boulders, outcrop, massive sulfide mineralization from multiple widespread showings, and from the Blue Lake Adit stockpile, noted the following:

基于对72个锈迹斑斑的卵石、露头、多个广泛矿化展示区的硫化物、蓝湖采矿隧道堆存料的化验结果,Mike Muggridge. P.Geo (NL)指出:

  • A random grab of semi-massive sulfides found at the Blue Lake adit stockpile graded 7.67% Cu, 0.11% Ni, 1,890 ppb Pd, 237 ppb Pt (2.13 g/t Pt+Pd), 8.4% S, 74 ppb Au.

  • Pt-Pd values are strongly correlated with Cu-Ni-S and often Au. Of the 72 samples, 48 exceeded 100 ppb Pt+Pd (combined) indicating widespread anomalous PGE values.

  • 16 of these 48 were from outcrops on various showings / deposits around the property (see Figure 1 below). The Nancy Lake South showing yielded the best sample result at 292 ppb Pt+Pd (238 Pd, 54 Pt), 13 ppb Au, 0.21% Cu, 0.18% Ni, 6.4% S. Mineralized ultramafic 'sill' outcrops were easily traced over > 200m strike lengths.

  • Sample results from showings at Berry Lake and NW Syncline Nose were close 2nd and 3rd ranked: 229 and 212 ppb Pt+Pd respectively.

  • Average results for various metals in 27 grab samples of outcropping 'non-sediments', were 94 ppb Pd, 35 ppb Pt, (129 ppb Pt+Pd), 756 ppm Cu, 1397 ppm Ni, 4.0% S, 7.9 ppb Au.

  • On average, the results for various metals in 34 samples of 'non-sediment' 'rusty' boulders were marginally higher than in the outcrop samples, as follows: 115 ppb Pd, 35 ppb Pt, (150 ppb Pt+Pd), 991 ppm Cu, 1198 ppm Ni, 4.3% S, and 7.1 ppb Au. Bedrock sources of most of the sampled boulders are considered to be close to the sample site.

  • 蓝湖采矿隧道堆存料中的半块状硫化矿随机抓取,品位为7.67% Cu、0.11% Ni、1,890 ppb Pd、237 ppb Pt(2.13 g/t Pt+Pd)、8.4% S、74 ppb Au。

  • Pt-Pd值与Cu-Ni-S和Au通常强相关。在72个样品中,48个超过100 ppb Pt+Pd(合并),表明存在广泛的异常铂族金属含量。

  • 48个样品中,16个来自产权周边不同展示区的露头(请参见下面的图1)。Nancy Lake South展示区获得了最佳样品结果,为292 ppb Pt+Pd(238 Pd,54 Pt)、13 ppb Au、0.21% Cu、0.18% Ni、6.4% S。矿化的超镁性岩石床层露头可以轻松地追溯超过20000万的大型展示區。

  • 莓湖和NW Syncline Nose展示区的样品结果排名第二和第三:分别为229和212 ppb Pt+Pd。

  • 27个露头'非沉积物'抓样的各种金属的平均结果是:94 ppb Pd、35 ppb Pt、(129 ppb Pt+Pd)、756 ppm Cu、1397 ppm Ni、4.0% S、7.9 ppb Au。

  • 34个'非沉积物'的'锈迹斑斑'卵石抓样的各种金属结果平均略高于露头样品,如下所示:115 ppb Pd、35 ppb Pt、(150 ppb Pt+Pd)、991 ppm Cu、1198 ppm Ni、4.3% S和7.1 ppb Au。多数采样卵石的岩基源被认为靠近采样点。



Prior to departing for the project, the company reached out to local communities of the Schefferville region. An initial meeting occurred between the company and the Mining Liaison Officer for the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach. This meeting is first of many to be held as the community consultation, community outreach, project planning, and work programs move forward. The initial meeting focused on each party's desire for a long term, broad and mutually advantageous relationship.

在启程前,公司与谢夫里维尔地区的当地社区联系。公司和Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach的矿业联络官进行了第一次会议。这次会议是众多会议的第一次,其目的是进行社区咨询、社区外展、项目规划和工作计划。最初的会议侧重于各方希望建立长期、广泛和互惠的关系。

The company has expanded the property by 702 claims to 993, covering 488 sq. km. A much-enlarged exploration program is being planned, commencing immediately. Please see our news release July 22, 2024, for further details LINKED HERE. Capitalight will host a Q&A for the Blue Lake Copper project on Thursday July 25 at 2pmEST. Register to join the discussion with Douglas MacQuarrie and Brian Bosse. EVENT LINK HERE.

公司将采取702项申请扩大该物业的范围,从而覆盖488平方公里。正在制定一项扩大的勘探计划,将立即启动。有关更多详细信息,请参见我们的2024年7月22日新闻稿链接。Capitalight将于7月25日星期四美东时间下午2点举行蓝湖铜项目的问答活动。点击此处以注册并与Douglas MacQuarrie和Brian Bosse进行讨论。

The Blue Lake project has historically been serviced by winter road access from Schefferville. Schefferville hosts rail head to the major iron ore shipping port at Sept-Iles, Quebec. A future source of potentially low-cost hydro electric power exists at the nearby Menihek hydroelectric generating facility. The historical Blue Lake underground workings had been supported by equipment brought overland from Schefferville. The company was able to trace from the air most of the ice road route used.


Surface travel from Schefferville's operating railway infrastructure to the project area during winter is via approximately 20 kilometres of existing gravel road followed by 45 kilometers of ice road and then 19 kilometers of tote road. This represents a seasonal financial advantage over helicopter supported exploration, and for eventual, if then warranted, economic development.


Capitalight Director Douglas MacQuarrie remarked; "Before this site visit our Blue Lake project was technically interesting and required further exploration but was limited by our available funding. Now having seen the widespread mineralization in the context of a surrounding +800 sq km copper in lake sediments anomaly and the increased worldwide demand for copper, it has become exciting and has focused management on rapidly ramping up land acquisition, funding and exploration.
Though the exploration area is very large, in fact a major company sized project, the targeted regionally mineralized ultramafic intrusions (sills) are outcropping, easily traced with airborne and ground geophysics, and where producing significant massive sulfides such as at the Blue Lake 1 to 5 adit area, easily outlined with low cost electromagnetic and gravimetric techniques. Going forward our challenge is to discover +30MT of high-grade Cu Ni Pt Pd deposits of similar type to those already noted, while keeping an eye out for potential large scale open cut low grade opportunities."

Capitalight董事Douglas MacQuarrie表示:“在这次现场考察之前,我们的蓝湖项目在技术上很有趣,需要进一步探索,但受到我们可用资金的限制。现在,在看到周围超过800平方公里有铜的湖泊沉积物异常广泛的矿化情况及全球对铜的需求增加后,它变得令人兴奋,并迫使管理层快速加强土地收购、资金和勘探。”
尽管勘探面积非常大,实际上是一个大型企业项目,但区域性矿化超镁性岩体(岩床)易于露头,可以通过航空和地面地球物理追踪,并且由低成本的电磁和重力技术轻松轮廓化,因为其中产生了重要的大量硫化物,例如在蓝湖1至5采掘区。今后我们的挑战是发现具有类似特征的高品位Cu Ni Pt Pd矿床的三十多吨,并密切关注潜在的大型露天低品位机会。

The former LaFosse Special Mining Lease, had been previously bulk sampled and estimated to contain a Historical resource estimate of 4.8 million tons at 0.85% Cu, 0.52% Ni, 0.84g/t Pt+Pd. Locally grades up to 4.03g/t Pt, 16.5g/t Pd, 2.94% Cu, and 0.12% Ni have been noted. Sufficient work has not been done to classify the historical resource estimate (as reported by La Fosse Platinum Group and T. Clark, 1991) as current mineral resources or mineral reserves, and the Company is not treating the historical resource estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. The economic viability of deposits such as these has not been established. In general, these historical estimates are included herein only as an example of the type and grade potential of Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization occurring in our newly expanded Blue Lake Project area.

之前的LaFosse特许矿权已进行过大样本采样,历史资源估算为:含铜量0.85%,含镍量0.52%,Pt+Pd含量0.84g/t,局部品位高达4.03g/t Pt,16.5g/t Pd,2.94% Cu和0.12% Ni。历史资源估算(由La Fosse铂金集团和T. Clark在1991年报告)尚未进行充分工作以确定其属于当前矿产资源或矿产储量,本公司不将历史资源估算当作当前矿产资源或矿产储量加以处理。这类矿床的经济可行性尚未得到确认。总体而言,这些历史估计仅作为说明我们新扩大的Blue Lake项目区内铜-镍-PGE成矿潜力类型和品位的示例而列于此处。

Scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Douglas R. MacQuarrie, P.Geo. (B.C.) Geology & Geophysics, MAusIMM, Director of IC Capitalight Corp., who is a "qualified person" under NI 43-101. Assessment sampling and reporting was overviewed by Mike Muggridge, P.Geo. (NL), and supported by Pierre-Luc Lalonde, P.Geo. (QC).

本新闻发布中所包含的科学技术信息已由IC Capitalight Corp.的地质和地球物理学家、MAusIMm、董事Douglas R. MacQuarrie (B.C.) 审查和批准,他是符合 NI 43-101 要求的"合格人员"。Mike Muggridge (NL)进行了评估取样和报告的概述,并得到Pierre-Luc Lalonde (QC)的支持。



The Company provides shareholders with long-term capital growth by investing in a portfolio of private company investments and mineral exploration properties that are expected to generate positive cash flows. The company is listed on the CSE under the symbol "IC." 1.416.844.5712 or


Figure 1 - Blue Lake Mineral Showings, claims, copper in lake sediments anomaly on Satellite image

图1 - Blue Lake矿区显示,申请,湖泊沉积物中的铜异常现象卫星影像

Figure 2 - Ultramafic/Massive Cu Ni Pt Pd sulfides contact in boulder, Blue Lake North

图2 - Blue Lake North岩石中的超镁铁质/巨晶铜镍铂钯硫化物接触点

SOURCE: IC Capitalight Corp.

来源:IC Capitalight Corp。

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