
Catalyst Pharmaceuticals Enters Into an Exclusive License, Supply and Commercialization Agreement With Kye Pharmaceuticals for AGAMREE in Canada

Catalyst Pharmaceuticals Enters Into an Exclusive License, Supply and Commercialization Agreement With Kye Pharmaceuticals for AGAMREE in Canada

catalyst pharmaceuticals与Kye Pharmaceuticals达成了在加拿大供货和商业化AGAMREE的独家许可协议。
Catalyst Pharmaceuticals ·  07/24 00:00

CORAL GABLES, Fla., July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Catalyst" or "Company") (Nasdaq: CPRX), a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on in-licensing, developing, and commercializing novel medicines for patients living with rare and difficult-to-treat diseases, today announced that it has entered into a License, Supply, and Commercialization Agreement with Kye Pharmaceuticals Inc., ("Kye" or "Kye Pharmaceuticals") granting Kye the exclusive Canadian commercial rights to AGAMREE (vamorolone), a novel corticosteroid for the treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy ("DMD") and potentially other indications. Under the terms of the agreement, Catalyst will supply the product to Kye, which will assume full responsibility for obtaining regulatory approval for AGAMREE for the treatment of DMD from Health Canada and all future aspects of commercialization of the product within Canada. Kye currently markets FIRDAPSE, Catalyst's flagship product for the treatment of Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome, in Canada.

2024年7月24日佛罗里达州CORAL GABLES(全球新闻社) - Catalyst Pharmaceuticals,Inc.(“ Catalyst”或“公司”)(纳斯达克:CPRX)是一家商业化阶段的生物制药公司,专注于转让许可,开发和商业化用于罕见和难以治疗的疾病患者的新药。今天宣布,公司已与Kye Pharmaceuticals Inc.(“Kye”或“Kye Pharmaceuticals”)签订了许可,供应和商业化协议,授予Kye AGAMREE(vamorolone)独家加拿大的商业权,这是一种治疗肌萎缩性侧索硬化(“DMD”)和其他潜在适应症的新型糖皮质激素。根据协议的条款,Catalyst将向Kye提供产品,Kye将全权负责从加拿大卫生部获得AGAMREE用于治疗DMD的监管批准以及将来的全部商业化工作。Kye目前在加拿大市场上销售FIRDAPSE,这是Catalyst用于治疗兰贝尔特伊顿肌无力综合征的旗舰产品。

"We are pleased to enter into this agreement with Kye Pharmaceuticals for AGAMREE, marking a pivotal milestone in our strategic initiative to expand the product's footprint in North America. This collaboration leverages our combined expertise, fortifies our alliance by licensing our second therapeutic rare disease product for Canada, and demonstrates our sustained commitment to patient care," stated Richard J. Daly, CEO and President of Catalyst. "Building upon the U.S. approval of AGAMREE, we are committed to helping facilitate access to this novel corticosteroid treatment to DMD patients and their healthcare providers in Canada. We look forward to working closely with our partner, who will spearhead the regulatory approval process for AGAMREE, with application submission to Health Canada anticipated by early 2025."

“我们很高兴与Kye Pharmaceuticals签订这份关于AGAMREE的协议,这是我们扩大北美产品规模战略计划的关键里程碑。这项合作利用了我们的联合专业知识,通过为我们在加拿大授予第二种稀有病治疗产品的许可来巩固了我们的联盟,展示了我们对患者护理的持续承诺, ”Catalyst的CEO和总裁Richard J. Daly说道。“在美国AGAMREE获得批准的基础上,我们致力于帮助加拿大DMD患者及其医疗保健提供者获得这种新型糖皮质激素治疗的便利性。我们期待与我们的合作伙伴密切合作,由他们领导AGAMREE的法规批准过程,预计将于2025年初向加拿大卫生部提交申请。”

"Our expanded partnership with Catalyst highlights the intrinsic value of our collaboration in developing innovative treatments for rare diseases, including DMD, and exemplifies our shared dedication to improving health outcomes across the U.S. and Canada. Together, we are committed to delivering novel therapies and bridging clinically significant treatment gaps," stated John McKendry, CEO and President of Kye Pharmaceuticals.

“我们与Catalyst的扩展合作强调了我们合作开发罕见病,包括DMD,以及跨美国和加拿大改善健康结果的内在价值。我们致力于提供新型疗法,并填补治疗领域的显著差距。”Kye Pharmaceuticals的首席执行官兼总裁John McKendry表示。

Under the terms of the agreement, Kye Pharmaceuticals, Inc. will have the exclusive Canadian rights to commercialize AGAMREE (vamorolone) oral suspension and will be responsible for funding all regulatory, marketing, and commercialization activities in Canada. Catalyst will be responsible for clinical and commercial supply and provide support to Kye Pharmaceuticals in its efforts to obtain regulatory approval for the product from Health Canada. Subject to the satisfaction of terms and conditions set forth in the License, Supply, and Commercialization Agreement, Catalyst will receive an upfront payment and be eligible to receive further reimbursement and sales milestones and sales royalties for AGAMREE.

根据协议的条款,Kye Pharmaceuticals,Inc.将拥有商业化AGAMREE(vamorolone)口服悬液的加拿大专营权,并将负责在加拿大进行所有的监管,营销和商业化活动。Catalyst将负责临床和商业供应,并支持Kye制药公司努力从加拿大卫生部获得产品的监管批准。在许可,供应和商业化协议中列出的条款和条件得到满足的前提下,Catalyst将获得初始支付,并有资格获得更多的补偿和销售里程碑以及对AGAMREE的销售版税。

About Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness. It primarily affects males, with symptoms typically appearing in early childhood, around ages 3 to 5. DMD is caused by mutations in the gene that encodes dystrophin, a protein that plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and function of muscle fibers. Without dystrophin, muscle cells become fragile and easily damaged, leading to progressive muscle degeneration. Symptoms of DMD usually begin with difficulty in walking, frequent falls, and muscle weakness, particularly in the legs and pelvis. As the disease progresses, individuals may experience difficulty standing, climbing stairs, and eventually, complete loss of mobility. Other complications can include respiratory and cardiac issues due to muscle weakness.

关于Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

About AGAMREE (vamorolone)
AGAMREE's unique mode of action is based on differential effects on glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors and modifying further downstream activity. As such, it is considered a novel corticosteroid designed to achieve dissociative properties while maintaining efficacy that has the potential to demonstrate comparable efficacy to steroids, with the potential for a better-tolerated side effect profile. This mechanism of action may allow AGAMREE to emerge as an effective alternative to the current standard of care corticosteroids in children, adolescents, and adult patients with DMD. In the pivotal VISION-DMD study, AGAMREE met the primary endpoint Time to Stand (TTSTAND) velocity versus placebo (p=0.002) at 24 weeks of treatment and showed a good safety and tolerability profile. The most commonly reported adverse events versus placebo from the VISION-DMD study were cushingoid features, psychiatric disorders, vomiting, weight increases, and vitamin D deficiency. Adverse events were generally of mild to moderate severity.

AGAMREE的独特作用模式基于糖皮质激素和矿质皮质激素受体的差异效应以及进一步下游活性的修饰。因此,它被认为是一种设计用于实现分离性质并保持有效性的新型糖皮质激素,具有可能证明与类固醇相当的疗效,并具有更好的副作用耐受性潜力。这种作用机制可以使AGAMREE成为儿童,青少年和成人患者肌萎缩性侧索硬化(DMD)的有效替代当前的标准糖皮质激素治疗。在关键的VISION-DMD研究中,AGAMREE在治疗24周后满足了时间站(TTSTAND)速率对安慰剂(p = 0.002)的主要终点,并显示出良好的安全性和耐受性。与安慰剂相比,VISION-DMD研究中常见的不良事件包括库欣样特征,精神障碍,呕吐,重量增加和维生素D缺乏症。副作用通常是轻度至中度的。

About Kye Pharmaceuticals
Kye Pharmaceuticals is a growth-stage Canadian specialty pharmaceutical company committed to bringing value to Canadians by identifying, licensing, and commercializing novel prescription medicines that may not otherwise be available to patients across Canada. Fueled by courage and agility, our corporate philosophy is rooted in the pursuit of innovation and driven by our entrepreneurial spirit. With a growing pipeline of novel medicines, Kye's portfolio spans a range of therapeutic areas, including cardiology, psychiatry, pediatrics, rare diseases, hematology, and neurology. Kye Pharmaceuticals is a private company headquartered in Toronto focused on bringing medications to the Canadian market which fulfill clinically significant unmet needs. Kye is committed to licensing and launching medicines that matter by delivering better outcomes to our partners, Canadian healthcare professionals, and, most importantly, patients across Canada. For more information, please visit .

关于Kye Pharmaceuticals
Kye Pharmaceuticals是一家快速增长的加拿大专业制药公司,致力于通过识别,许可和商业化可能不会为加拿大患者提供的新型处方药物,为加拿大人带来价值。由勇气和敏捷性激发,我们的企业哲学根植于追求创新,驱动我们的企业精神。凭借日益增长的新型药物管道,Kye的产品组合涵盖了各种治疗领域,包括心脏病学,精神病学,儿科学,罕见病,血液学和神经病学。 Kye Pharmaceuticals是一家总部位于多伦多的私人公司,专注于为加拿大市场带来填补重要未满足需求的药物。Kye致力于通过向我们的合作伙伴,加拿大医疗保健专业人员以及最重要的加拿大患者提供更好的成果,来执照和推出有意义的药物。更多信息请访问网站。

About Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
With exceptional patient focus, Catalyst is committed to developing and commercializing innovative first-in-class medicines that address rare and difficult-to-treat diseases. Catalyst's flagship U.S. commercial product is FIRDAPSE (amifampridine) Tablets 10 mg, approved for the treatment of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome ("LEMS") in adults and pediatric patients 6 years of age and older. In January 2023, Catalyst acquired the U.S. commercial rights to FYCOMPA (perampanel) CIII, a prescription medicine approved in people with epilepsy aged four and older alone or with other medicines to treat partial-onset seizures with or without secondarily generalized seizures and with other medicines to treat primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures for people with epilepsy aged 12 and older. Further, Canada's national healthcare regulatory agency, Health Canada, has approved the use of FIRDAPSE for the treatment of adult patients in Canada with LEMS. On July 18, 2023, Catalyst acquired an exclusive license for North America for AGAMREE (vamorolone) oral suspension 40 mg/mL, a novel corticosteroid treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. AGAMREE previously received FDA Orphan Drug and Fast Track designations and was approved by the FDA for commercialization in the U.S. on October 26, 2023. AGAMREE became commercially available by prescription in the U.S. on March 13, 2024.

关于Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Catalyst注重患者,致力于开发和商业化创新的一类治疗罕见和难以治疗疾病的药物。 Catalyst的旗舰美国商业产品是FIRDAPSE(Amifampridine)10毫克片,获得批准用于治疗成人和6岁及以上的小儿Lambert-Eaton肌无力综合症(“LEMS”)。在2023年1月,Catalyst获得了FYCOMPA(Perampanel)CIII的美国商业权,这是一种处方药,用于治疗年龄超过4岁的癫痫患者,单独或与其他药物一起治疗具有或不具有次生广泛发作和其他药物治疗原发性肌阵挛大发作的癫痫患者,年龄为12岁及以上。此外,加拿大的国家卫生保健监管机构Health Canada已批准使用FIRDAPSE治疗加拿大成年患者的LEMS。在2023年7月18日,Catalyst收购了AGAMREE(Vamorolone)口服悬液40毫克/毫升的北美专有许可证,这是一种用于杜氏肌肉萎缩症的新型皮质类固醇治疗药物。 AGAMREE(先前获得FDA有孤儿药和快速通道认证)在2023年10月26日获得了FDA进行商业化的批准。 AGAMREE于2024年3月13日通过处方在美国上市。

For more information about Catalyst, please visit the Company's website at . For Full Prescribing and Safety Information for FIRDAPSE, please visit . For Full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING for FYCOMPA, please visit . For Full Prescribing Information for AGAMREE, please visit .


Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause Catalyst's actual results in future periods to differ materially from forecasted results. A number of factors, including (i) whether Catalyst's Licensee, Kye Pharmaceuticals, Inc., will successfully obtain the approvals required to commercialize the AGAMREE product in the licensed Canadian territory, (ii) if approved, whether AGAMREE will be successfully commercialized by Kye Pharmaceuticals in the licensed territory, and (iii) those factors described in Catalyst's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year 2023, its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the first quarter of 2024, and its other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), could adversely affect Catalyst. Copies of Catalyst's filings with the SEC are available from the SEC, may be found on Catalyst's website, or may be obtained upon request from Catalyst. Catalyst does not undertake any obligation to update the information contained herein, which speaks only as of this date.

本新闻稿包含前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险和不确定性,可能导致Catalyst在未来时期的结果与预期结果不符。包括(i)Catalyst的被许可方Kye Pharmaceuticals,Inc.®是否成功获得在授权加拿大领土内商业化AGAMREE产品所需的批准,(ii)如果获批,Kye Pharmaceuticals是否成功在授权领土内商业化AGAMREE产品,以及(iii)在Catalyst的年度报告中提到的那些因素,2023年10-K,其2024年第一季度10-Q以及其提交给美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)的其他文件可能会对Catalyst产生不利影响。 Catalyst的拷贝提交给SEC的文件可从SEC处获取,可从Catalyst的网站上找到,或可从Catalyst索取。Catalyst不承担任何更新此处所述信息的义务,该信息仅作本日期。

Source: Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

来源:catalyst pharmaceuticals

Investor Relations Contact:
Mary Coleman, Catalyst Pharmaceuticals
(305) 420-3200

Media Contact:
David Schull, Russo Partners
(858) 717-2310
Mary Coleman,Catalyst Pharmaceuticals

David Schull,Russo Partners
(858) 717-2310


Source: Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

来源:catalyst pharmaceuticals

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