
Embraer Reveals Upgrades Across Its Commercial E-Jet Range

Embraer Reveals Upgrades Across Its Commercial E-Jet Range

Embraer S.A. ·  07/23 00:00

Farnborough International Airshow, UK, 23 July 2024 – Embraer has revealed wide ranging upgrades and performance improvements across its commercial jet product line up. The upgrades on the E195-E2, E190-E2, and E175, including fuel burn and range improvements, avionics and cabin upgrades, were announced at the Farnborough Air Show today. As well as improving operational effectiveness these measures also deliver a net present value of US$6million per aircraft over 15 years in cost reduction and additional revenue.

英国范堡罗国际航展,2024年7月23日——巴西航空工业公布了其商用飞机产品系列的广泛升级和性能改进。E195-E2、E190-E2 和E175的升级,包括燃油消耗和航程改进、航空电子设备和客舱升级,已在今天的范堡罗航展上宣布。除了提高运营效率外,这些措施还在15年内为每架飞机带来了600万美元的净现值,从而降低了成本并增加了收入。

Arjan Meijer, President and CEO, Embraer Commercial Aviation, said, "We aim to continually improve our aircraft and these upgrades announced today – reducing fuel burn and emissions; increasing range; improving the passenger and cabin experience; and adding new technology and connectivity – is great news both for our customers and their guests. Embraer is committed to providing the safest, most efficient, most comfortable, and most commercially savvy jets to our customers."

巴航工业商用航空总裁兼首席执行官Arjan Meijer表示:“我们的目标是不断改进我们的飞机,今天宣布的这些升级——减少燃油消耗和排放;扩大航程;改善乘客和客舱体验;增加新技术和连接——对我们的客户及其客人来说都是个好消息。巴航工业致力于为我们的客户提供最安全、最高效、最舒适、最具商业头脑的喷气式飞机。”

E175 improvements – adding E2 features

E175 改进 — 添加 E2 功能

  • Larger overhead bins and mood lighting

  • 更大的头顶垃圾箱和情绪照明

  • Multi-band satellite connectivity

  • 多频段卫星连接

  • Recaro Seats

  • Recaro 座椅

  • Next generation weather and data avionics

  • 下一代天气和数据航空电子设备

The E175 is also receiving a set of upgrades following its last update in 2016 which improved fuel burn by 6.4%. The improvements, available to customers upon request, focus on the cabin and passenger experience, as well as updating some avionics to be more in line with the E2's.


  • The E175's overhead luggage bin capacity will double in size to be similar to those on the E2, now fitting one bag 'wheels first' per customer as in the E2. Mood cabin lighting as seen on the E2 will also become available, as will new Recaro seats.

  • E175的头顶行李箱容量将增加一倍,与E2相似,现在像E2一样,每位乘客 “轮子优先” 地装一个行李。在E2上看到的情绪舱照明也将上市,新的Recaro座椅也将上市。

  • Satellite connectivity will soon be available for the first time on the E175, a major boost for business travelers and those that want to stay connected in the sky. Both Ku and Ka band satellite connectivity will be available for retrofit by 2026.

  • 不久将在E175上首次提供卫星连接,这对于商务旅客和希望在空中保持连接的人来说是一个重大推动力。到2026年,Ku和Ka波段的卫星连接都将可供改造。

  • Finally, data transfer solutions and the weather radar will be upgraded to match the capabilities of the E2. This will enable digital transformation and wireless retrieval of flight data and will be available by Q4/2024The next generation weather radar provides turbulence detection and alert, predictive windsheer detection, and 3-D volumetric scanning and will be available by Q2/2026.

  • 最后,数据传输解决方案和气象雷达将进行升级,以匹配E2的功能。这将实现飞行数据的数字化转型和无线检索,并将于 2024 年第 4 季度上市。下一代天气雷达提供湍流探测和警报、预测性挡风玻璃探测以及三维体积扫描,并将于 2026 年第二季度上市。

E2 Improvements

E2 改进

  • Fuel burn

  • 燃料消耗

  • Improved range

  • 射程有所改善

  • GTF time on wing improved

  • GTF 机翼上线时间有所改善

  • Enhanced take off system

  • 增强型起飞系统

  • Cabin optimisation

  • 客舱优化

Fuel Burn – Reduced by 2.5%

燃料消耗 — 减少 2.5%

E195-E2 12.5% more fuel efficient than competitor aircraft (was 10%)

E195-E2 的燃油效率比竞争对手的飞机高 12.5%(原为 10%)

  • Fuel burn on the both E2s is improved by 2.5%, making the E195-E2 12.5% more fuel efficient than the closest competitor aircraft. On entry into service the E2 was notably more fuel efficient than advertised. The better burn rates airlines experienced in real world operations have now been ratified. This is also helped by an improvement to the bleed management system which extracts less bleed, demanding less from the engine and therefore saving fuel. The improvement worth US$1 million per aircraft and reinforces a E2 ́s potion as the most sustainable aircraft in single aisle market.

  • 两架 E2 的燃油消耗量都提高了 2.5%,使得 E195-E2 的燃油效率比最接近的竞争对手飞机高出 12.5%。投入使用后,E2的燃油效率明显高于广告宣传的燃油效率。航空公司在现实世界运营中获得的更高燃烧率现已获得批准。这也得益于对排气管理系统的改进,该系统减少了排气量,降低了对发动机的要求,从而节省了燃料。每架飞机价值100万美元的改进,进一步增强了E2作为单通道市场中最可持续飞机的竞争力。

Improved range – from 2600NM to 3000NM

改进了续航里程 — 从 2600Nm 到 3000Nm

  • Range on the E195-E2 has been boosted to 3000NM. The new Max Take Off Weight of 62,500kg was recently certified, which combined with the lower fuel burn provides this range improvement.

  • E195-E2 的射程已提高到 3000Nm。新的最大起飞重量为62,500kg,最近获得了认证,再加上较低的燃油消耗,续航里程有所改善。

GTF time on wing – up 10%

GTF 开机时间 — 增加 10%

  • Engine improvements on the E2s GTF engines will increase time on wing by 10%. This is achieved by optimizing climb thrust which demands less of the engine, therefore reducing engine degradation and increasing time on wing. It is expected this will save operators US$0.5million over 15 years.

  • 对E2s GTF发动机的发动机改进将使飞行时间延长10%。这是通过优化爬升推力来实现的,这需要更少的发动机,从而减少发动机的衰减并延长机翼停留时间。预计这将在15年内为运营商节省50万美元。

Range/Payload improvements from challenging airports


  • Embraer also unveiled its E2 Enhanced Take Off System for the first time. This automatic take off system produces a more precise and efficient rotation moment and flight trajectory, reducing the required field length and pilot workload; meaning more payload and more range from challenging airports. This gives the E2 best in class performance from airports like London City, Florence, and Santos Dumont. Adding 350NM in range from LCY for example.

  • 巴西航空工业还首次推出了其E2增强型起飞系统。这种自动起飞系统可产生更精确、更高效的旋转力矩和飞行轨迹,从而减少了所需的飞行距离和飞行员的工作量;这意味着更多的有效载荷和更大的航程距离具有挑战性的机场。这使得伦敦城市、佛罗伦萨和桑托斯·杜蒙特等机场的E2在同类中表现最佳。例如,从 LCY 的射程中增加 350 纳米。

Cabin optimization– reducing gaps, adding one row, Recaro seats

客舱优化 — 缩小间隙,增加一排,Recaro 座椅

  • Cabin optimization on the E195-E2 has allowed Embraer to fit in an extra row of four seats to most configurations. For example, an aircraft configured for 136 seats, would now be able to seat 140 passengers. Max seating remains 146. Recaro seats will now also be an available option. One extra row of seats can generate extra revenue to airlines equivalent to US$4.5m per aircraft over a period of 15 years.

  • E195-E2 的客舱优化使 Embraer 能够在大多数配置中增加一排四个座位。例如,一架配置为 136 个座位的飞机现在可以容纳 140 名乘客。最大座位数仍为 146 个。Recaro座椅现在也将是一个可用的选项。增加一排座位可以为航空公司在15年内产生相当于每架飞机450万美元的额外收入。

Image: Shared File – Embraer Commercial Jets – Powered by Image Relay

图片:共享文件 — Embraer 商用喷气机 — 由 Image Relay 提供支持

About Embraer

关于 Embraer

Embraer is a global aerospace company headquartered in Brazil. It manufactures aircraft for Commercial and Executive aviation, Defense & Security, and Agricultural customers. The company also provides after-sales services & support through a worldwide network of wholly owned entities and authorized agents.

Embraer 是一家总部位于巴西的全球航空航天公司。它为商用和公务航空、国防与安全以及农业客户制造飞机。该公司还通过由全资实体和授权代理组成的全球网络提供售后服务和支持。

Since it was founded in 1969, Embraer has delivered more than 8,000 aircraft. On average, about every 10 seconds, an aircraft manufactured by Embraer takes off somewhere worldwide, transporting over 145 million passengers a year.


Embraer is the leading manufacturer of commercial jets with up to 150 seats and is the leading exporter of high-value-added goods in Brazil. The company maintains industrial units, offices, service and parts distribution centers across the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Embraer's APAC headquarters is in Singapore, and its China headquarters is in Beijing.


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