
Altair Announces Winner of the 2023-2024 Altair Global Student Contest

Altair Announces Winner of the 2023-2024 Altair Global Student Contest

PR Newswire ·  07/25 07:00

Luca Sutton of the TUfast Eco Team slashed 41% of weight from Shell Eco-marathon vehicle suspension with Altair Inspire

TUfast Eco Team的Luca Sutton使用Altair Inspire将Shell Eco-marathon车辆的悬挂减重41%。

TROY, Mich., July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR), a global leader in computational intelligence, is thrilled to announce Luca Sutton, a member of the TUfast Eco Team, as the grand prize winner of the 2023-2024 Altair Global Student Contest. Sutton earned the contest's $7,500 grand prize by using Altair Inspire to slash his team's Shell Eco-marathon vehicle suspension weight by 41%.

密歇根特洛伊,2024年7月25日/新华社/ - 具有计算智能全球领导地位的Altair(纳斯达克:ALTR)非常高兴地宣布TUfast Eco Team的成员Luca Sutton为2023-2024年度Altair全球学生比赛的大奖得主。 Sutton使用Altair Inspire将他的团队Shell Eco-marathon车辆的悬挂减重41%,赢得了比赛的7500美元大奖。

Altair is thrilled to announce Luca Sutton, a member of the TUfast Eco Team, as the grand prize winner of the 2023-2024 Altair Global Student Contest. Sutton earned the contest's $7,500 grand prize by using Altair Inspire to slash his team's Shell Eco-marathon vehicle suspension weight by 41%.
Altair非常高兴地宣布TUfast Eco Team的成员Luca Sutton为2023-2024年度Altair全球学生比赛的大奖得主。 Sutton使用Altair Inspire将他的团队Shell Eco-marathon车辆的悬挂减重41%,赢得了比赛的7500美元大奖。

In Sutton's winning entry, he used Inspire to develop accurate road loads to optimize five total parts. The optimization nearly halved the TUfast Eco Team's vehicle suspension weight and maintained a 1.3x factor of safety, ensuring its suspension will meet performance and durability targets when used in the field. Though Sutton won the competition for his individual entry, he will donate the grand prize earnings back to the TUfast Eco Team.

Sutton在他的获奖作品中使用Inspire开发准确的路面载荷来优化5个零部件。 优化几乎使TUfast Eco Team的车辆悬挂重量减半,并保持1.3倍的安全系数,确保其悬架在使用时能够达到性能和耐久性的目标。 尽管Sutton是凭借个人作品赢得比赛的,但他将大奖所得捐赠给TUfast Eco Team。

"This year's edition of the Altair Global Student Contest was outstanding – countless participants worldwide went above and beyond to demonstrate how they can use Altair's world-class solutions to enable next-generation innovation and sustainability," said Jim Ryan, vice president of academic programs, Altair. "Moreover, the contest helped every student build their portfolio and demonstrate to potential employers worldwide that they're real-world ready like never before. These students and their work prove that the future of engineering and sustainability is in good hands."

Altair的副总裁Jim Ryan表示:“今年的Altair全球学生比赛非常出色-来自世界各地的无数参赛者超越了自己,展示了他们如何使用Altair的世界一流解决方案来实现下一代创新和可持续发展。此外,比赛帮助每个学生构建自己的作品集,并向全球潜在雇主证明他们比以往任何时候都更具现实世界的准备能力。这些学生及其作品证明了工程和可持续性的未来是值得信赖的。”

To celebrate the achievement, Sutton and the TUfast Eco Team were honored at a July 24 event at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Munich, Germany. The event also showcased how Altair technology contributed to the winning entry and how users of all kinds – including students and industry professionals alike – can benefit from the power, flexibility, and ease of use of Altair's portfolio. Special attention was paid to TUM's use of a special campuswide Altair license through the Altair Global Academic Program since 2022.

为了庆祝这一成就,Sutton和TUfast Eco Team在2022年以来一直在使用Altair全球学术计划中的特殊校园许可证的德国慕尼黑技术大学(TUM)于7月24日的活动中受到了表彰。该活动还展示了Altair技术如何为获奖作品做出贡献,以及各种用户(包括学生和行业专业人员)如何从Altair的组合的强大性,灵活性和易用性中受益。特别关注了TUM自2022年以来一直在使用的特殊校园范围的Altair许可证。

As a student-focused equivalent of the professional-grade Altair Enlighten Award, the Altair Global Student Contest challenges students, as individuals or teams, to lightweight anything while meeting or exceeding structural integrity, performance, and sustainability targets. In a global marketplace where sustainability and efficiency are key, the Altair Global Student Contest gives young engineers and designers the chance to showcase their optimization and lightweighting challenges on a global scale, compete for cash prizes, and build an outstanding portfolio in preparation to enter the workforce. 36 participants from 18 different countries took home prizes in this year's edition of Altair Global Student Contest.

作为专业级Altair Enlighten奖的以学生为中心的相当奖项,Altair全球学生比赛挑战学生(单独或团队),在满足或超过结构完整性,性能和可持续性目标的同时减轻任何重量。 在一个可持续性和效率至关重要的全球市场中,Altair全球学生比赛为年轻的工程师和设计师提供了展示其优化和轻量化挑战,并在全球范围内竞争现金奖的机会,并构建卓越的作品集以准备进入劳动力市场。 来自18个不同国家的36名参赛者赢得了今年的Altair全球学生比赛奖品。

The TUfast Eco Team is a TUM-based student team that competes in international motorsport competitions. The team designs and manufactures urban concept vehicles engineered for extreme electrical and aerodynamic efficiency to fulfill their vision of a mobility industry built on efficiency, sustainable electrification, and autonomous driving.

TUfast Eco Team是一支参加国际赛车比赛的TUm-based学生团队。 该团队设计和制造城市概念车,以满足其对建立在效率,可持续电气化和自动驾驶的移动产业的愿景。

"I am honored to accept this award, and would like to thank Altair and the competition's judges for selecting myself and the TUfast Eco Team as this year's winners. Inspire is a remarkable, easy-to-use software that has all the professional features needed to model any real-world problems," said Luca Sutton, head of running gear and suspension team lead, TUfast Eco Team. "At TUfast Eco, we continue to introduce finite element analysis (FEA), topology optimization, and multibody simulation to new members of the team with Inspire, which offers a very clean and user-friendly interface that eases the learning process and dramatically reduces the steep learning curve of simulating physical problems."

TUfast Eco Team的Luca Sutton表示:“我很荣幸获得此项奖项,并要感谢Altair和比赛的评委会,选择我和TUfast Eco Team为今年的获奖者。 Inspire是一款非常出色,易于使用的软件,具有模拟任何实际问题所需的所有专业功能。在TUfast Eco,我们继续向团队的新成员介绍有限元分析(FEA),拓扑优化和多体动力学,使用Inspire能使学习过程更加轻松,大大降低物理问题的模拟曲线的陡度。

To learn more about the Altair Academic Program, visit . To learn more about Altair's lightweighting solutions, visit . To learn more about how Altair enables sustainability, visit .

要了解更多关于Altair学术计划的信息,请访问。 要了解有关Altair轻量级解决方案的更多信息,请访问。 要了解有关Altair如何实现可持续性的更多信息,请访问。

About Altair


Altair is a global leader in computational intelligence that provides software and cloud solutions in simulation, high-performance computing (HPC), data analytics, and AI. Altair enables organizations across all industries to compete more effectively and drive smarter decisions in an increasingly connected world – all while creating a greener, more sustainable future. To learn more, please visit .


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