
HealthpointCapital Investor Day at Ortho Summit (OSET): A Day of Musculoskeletal Innovation

HealthpointCapital Investor Day at Ortho Summit (OSET): A Day of Musculoskeletal Innovation

HealthpointCapital投资人日在Ortho Summit (OSET):一个关于肌肉骨骼创新的日子
PR Newswire ·  07/25 09:15

SAN DIEGO, July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- HealthpointCapital is excited to announce the Inaugural Investor Day at the 14th Annual Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques Conference (OSET) on Friday, September 13th, at The Fontainebleau Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada. This event will bring together industry leading executives & founders from early, growth, and later stage emerging companies alongside attendees from private equity, venture capital, investment banks and global strategics. The day will feature a series of 21 presentations from emerging technology companies at various stages of commercialization and fund raising interspersed with 3 C-Suite roundtable sessions including executives from Anika, ATI, DePuy Synthes, J&J MedTech, Stryker, Think Surgical, United Orthopedic, Smith + Nephew and ZimmerBiomet. Also participating in the day as panelists and keynote speakers are notable Investment experts from HIG Capital, Customers Bank, and Piper Sandler who will be sharing their perspectives on the current financial landscape and key market trends in all categories of the musculoskeletal sector.

HealthpointCapital很高兴宣布,将于2024年9月13日星期五,在内华达州拉斯维加斯的Fontainebleau酒店举行OSET(Orthopaedic Summit:Evolving Techniques Conference)第14届年度骨科峰会的就职投资者日。该活动将汇集行业领先的早期、成长和后期新兴公司的行政人员和创始人以及来自私募股权、风险投资、投资银行和全球战略的参会者。当天将呈现来自各个商业化和筹款阶段新兴科技公司的21场演讲,其中穿插着3场来自Anika、ATI、DePuySynthes、J&J MedTech、Stryker、Think Surgical、United Orthopedic、Smith+Nephew 和 Zimmer Biomet执行官的C-Suite圆桌会议和讨论。同时,HIG Capital、Customers Bank 和 Piper Sandler等知名投资专家也将作为小组讨论者和主题发言人参与当天的活动,分享他们对肌肉骨骼部门各类市场趋势和当前金融形势的看法。

The Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques (OSET) is in its 14th year and continues to be the premier gathering of Total Joint (Knee, Hip, Shoulder), Sports Medicine, Arthroscopic, Ortho & Neuro Spine, and Trauma Surgeons, Hand & Wrist, PAs, NPs, ATs, PTs, ATs from across the globe. The OSET course is designed to offer over 30 CME credits to participants and delegates, with over 1,000 innovative presentations and 400+ world recognized faculty.
Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques(OSET)已迎来其第14个年头,继续成为全球范围内总关节(膝、髋、肩)、运动医学、关节镜、骨科和神经外科、创伤外科、手和腕、PA、NP、AT、PT等专业医生的首要聚会。OSET课程旨在为参与者和代表提供超过30个CME学分,并且涵盖了超过1,000个创新演讲和400多位世界知名教师。
Gary Stevenson | Managing Director, HealthpointCapitalGary Stevenson joined HealthpointCapital as a Managing Director in 2023. As co-founder and managing partner of MB Venture Partners (MBVP), a Memphis, TN-based venture capital firm, Gary brings to Healthpoint more than 20 years of life sciences investing experience. With MBVP, Gary invested and was deeply involved with fast-growing musculoskeletal companies such as BioMimetic Therapeutics, Cayenne Medical, CrossRoads Extremity Systems, and Salient Surgical Technologies, all successfully sold to the leading strategic acquirers in the sector. For more than 20 consecutive years, Gary has organized and hosted one of the premier investment and networking events in the sector, the Musculoskeletal New Ventures Conference, bringing together over 35 emerging companies and broad range of entrepreneurs, investors, consultants and business development professionals from the industry. Earlier in his career, Gary worked in healthcare investment banking and equity research, and at Abbott Labs. Gary holds an accounting degree from the University of Missouri, an MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, and is a certified public accountant and chartered financial analyst.
Gary Stevenson | HealthpointCapital董事总经理Gary Stevenson于2023年加入HealthpointCapital,是Memphis,TN总部的风投公司Mb Venture Partners(MBVP)的联合创始人和总经理,具有20多年的生命科学投资经验。在MBVP,Gary与如生物模仿治疗、Cayenne Medical、CrossRoads Extremity Systems 和Salient Surgical Technologies等快速增长的肌肉骨骼公司进行了投资,并深度参与了这些公司成功被该行业领先的战略收购者收购。在过去的20多年里,Gary举办并主持了该领域破格影响力的投资和交际活动之一——肌肉骨骼新项目投资会议,汇聚了超过35家新兴公司和来自该行业的广泛企业家、投资者、顾问和业务发展专家。在他的职业生涯早期,Gary曾在医疗保健投资银行和股权研究公司以及Abbott Labs工作。Gary拥有密苏里大学的会计学学位,西北大学凯洛格商学院MBA学位,并拥有注册会计师和特许金融分析师资格认证。
Mike Mogul| Managing Partner, HealthpointCapitalMike Mogul is Managing Partner of HealthpointCapital. Prior to Healthpoint, Mike was last Chief Executive Officer and Director of DJO Global, a $1 billion firm in the Orthopedic sector owned by Blackstone, and market leading in non-operative segments including Bracing and Physical Therapy equipment. DJO was also the fastest growing firm in Total Joint implants and Consumer Sports Medicine under his leadership. Prior to joining DJO, Mike served as Group President for Stryker Corp. managing Stryker's global orthopaedic businesses, which represented approximately $3 billion in revenue. Additionally, in his 22 years in the musculoskeletal sector at Stryker, Mike served as Managing Director of all of Stryker's divisional segments in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Mike is currently Chairman of the Board of IlluminOss Medical and was most recently Chairman of the Board of Crossroads Extremities, which was sold to Johnson and Johnson. Mike received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Colorado and attended the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School.
Mike Mogul | HealthpointCapital董事总经理Mike Mogul是HealthpointCapital的董事总经理。在加入Healthpoint之前,Mike是Blackstone旗下的骨科领域公司DJO Global的首席执行官兼董事,该公司是规模达10亿美元的公司,是非手术部分市场(包括装具和理疗设备)的市场领导者。 在他的领导下,DJO总关节植入和运动医学在所有领域中是增长最快的。在加入DJO之前,Mike曾担任Stryker Corp的集团总裁,管理Stryker的全球骨科业务,该业务规模约为30亿美元。在他在Stryker的22年的肌肉骨骼行业的职业生涯中,Mike曾担任Stryker在德国、奥地利和瑞士所有分部的董事总经理。Mike目前是IlluminOss Medical的董事长,并曾担任被Johnson and Johnson收购的Crossroads Extremities的董事长。Mike毕业于科罗拉多大学,并参加了哈佛商学院的高级管理课程。
Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, FAAOS, FAOA, Founder of Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques (OSET), is a practicing Orthopedic Surgeon, and Clinical Professor Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Plancher is also the Founder of Plancher Orthopaedics with Offices in Manhattan, NY and Greenwich, CT.
Kevin D. Plancher,MD,MPH,FAAOS,FAOA,是Orthopaedic Summit:Evolving Techniques(OSET)的创始人,是一位执业的骨科医生,并担任阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦学院医学中心/蒙特菲奥瑞医疗中心的临床教授和康奈尔医学院的兼职临床助理教授。Plancher医生还是Plancher Orthopaedics的创始人,该公司在纽约曼哈顿和格林威治市均设有办事处。
Beth Best is the Chief Strategy Officer for the Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques (OSET Course). Beth is a Strategic Commercial Consultant specializing in marketing, branding, investor & public relations for the medical device and biopharmaceutical industries in the musculoskeletal sector. Beth works with many early stage companies in designing go-to-market plans at all stages of commercialization.
Beth Best是Orthopaedic Summit:Evolving Techniques(OSET)课程的首席战略官。Beth是一位战略商业顾问,专门从事肌肉骨骼部门的医疗器械和生物制药行业的营销、品牌、投资者和公共关系。Beth与许多早期阶段公司合作,设计商业化各个阶段的营销计划。
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HealthpointCapital Investor Day at Orthopaedic Summit; Evolving Techniques (OSET) Course. September 13th, 2024 at the Fonatinebleau Las Vegas. Agenda, Strategic Panelists and Keynote Speakers. OSET Conference continues on September 13th-18th.

Date: Friday, September 13th
Time: 7:00am-6:00pm PDT
Location: Fontainebleau Las Vegas Hotel 4th Floor
Attendee Registration:
Hotel Block: Fontainebleau Las Vegas Hotel

地点:Fontainebleau Las Vegas酒店4楼
酒店预订:Fontainebleau Las Vegas酒店

Gary Stevenson, Managing Director of HealthpointCapital, expressed his enthusiasm for the event, stating, "We are delighted to have a full agenda made up of innovative, emerging technologies focused on delivering highly differentiated products in the musculoskeletal sector. I look forward to co-hosting this event on the front end of the Annual Orthopaedic Summit (OSET) 5-day scientific meeting already known for being at the forefront of innovation."

HealthpointCapital董事总经理Gary Stevenson对此次活动表达了热情,他说:“我们很高兴有一个由创新且新兴的科技公司组成的充满机遇的议程,这些公司专注于在肌肉骨骼部门提供高度差异化的产品。我期待在已经以创新著称的Annual Orthopaedic Summit(OSET)5天科学会议的前端联合主持此次活动。”

Opportunities during HealthpointCapital Investor Day for networking will be possible throughout the entire day, for all companies, to ensure that the entire orthopaedic musculoskeletal health community benefits from interactions with the business development and strategic community.


Managing Partner of HealthpointCapital and industry Veteran, Mike Mogul shares his excitement for co-hosting the event "This event is an exceptional opportunity to showcase the innovative advancements in the field and explore the transformative potential these new technologies can bring to patient care. The OSET Conference is an ideal setting for innovative companies, investors, and strategics to come together, fostering collaboration and driving the next wave of advancements in orthopedic technology."

HealthpointCapital董事总经理和行业资深人士Mike Mogul分享了他共同主持此次活动的兴奋之情,他说:“这个活动是展示该领域创新进展和探索这些新技术可以为患者护理带来的变革潜力的卓越机会。OSET会议是创新公司、投资者和战略人员汇聚在一起的理想场所,促进协作并推动骨科技术的下一波创新。”

At the conclusion of HealthpointCapital Investor Day, all participants may choose to stay and register for the 14th Annual Ortho Summit Conference where participants can join over 400 world-renown faculty, 120 industry partners, 10 live surgeries, scientific debates, active innovation studios, cadaver labs, hands-on workshops, famous keynote speakers, and networking events.

在HealthpointCapital投资者日结束后,所有参与者都可以选择留下并注册参加第14届年度Ortho Summit会议,参会者可以与400多位世界知名教师、120家行业合作伙伴、10场手术现场、科学辩论、活跃的创新工作室、尸体实验室、实践研讨会、著名主题演讲者和交际活动一起参加。

Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, FAAOS, FAOA, Founder of Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques (OSET), a practicing Orthopedic Surgeon, and Clinical Professor Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor Weill Cornell Medical College reflected, "As we celebrate our 14th year at Ortho Summit (OSET) in Las Vegas we thank the educational planning committee, industry sponsors who support us, and the dedicated faculty and chairs who designed an outstanding, innovative program, not seen by any other orthopaedic meeting. The five days of intense scientific exchanges is a testament to our commitment to education with serious science and the opportunity to bring meaningful change in the way in which we practice medicine and deliver superior care to our patients. Our partnership with HealthpointCapital and the addition of Investor Day punctuates Ortho Summit's (OSET) commitment to offering a platform to those companies focused on patient-centered innovation and addressing unmet clinical needs in the field."

Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, FAAOS, FAOA,Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques (OSET)的创始人,是一位执业的骨科医生和Albert Einstein College of Medicine / Montefiore Medical Center的临床教授,Weill Cornell Medical College的兼职临床助理教授。他表示:“在我们在拉斯维加斯举办第14届Ortho Summit(OSET)之际,我们感谢教育策划委员会、支持我们的行业赞助商,以及设计了一项优秀的、创新的计划的专业党委和主持人们,这项计划在任何其他骨科会议中都不曾见过。五天的密集科学交流证明了我们致力于通过严谨科学教育和为患者提供优越护理的方式实现有意义变革的承诺。我们与HealthpointCapital的合作和投资者日的加入,加强了Ortho Summit(OSET)致力于为那些专注于以患者为中心的创新和解决领域内未满足的临床需求的公司提供平台的承诺。

About Orthopaedic Summit Evolving Techniques (OSET)
A Commitment to Excellence: Celebrating 14 Years of Ortho Summit

关于Orthopaedic Summit Evolving Techniques (OSET)
致力于卓越:庆祝Ortho Summit 14年

Founded by Dr. Kevin Plancher, Ortho Summit Evolving Techniques (OSET) has been dedicated to elevating orthopedic education and innovation for fourteen years. The Summit was created as a dynamic platform where orthopedic professionals could come together to share ideas, debate, and engage in hands-on workshops. This vision has blossomed into a unique and transformative educational experience that continues to grow and inspire.

由Kevin Plancher博士创立的Ortho Summit Evolving Techniques(OSET)致力于推进正骨教育和创新已有14年。该峰会被创建为一个动态平台,在这里,骨科专业人士可以聚在一起分享想法、进行辩论和进行亲身实践的工作坊。这一愿景已经演变成了一个独特而具有变革性的教育体验,并继续增长和激励人心。

Ortho Summit spans all orthopedic specialties, including hip and knee arthroplasty, shoulder arthroplasty, sports medicine, hip and spine surgery, trauma, physical therapy and rehab, foot and ankle surgery, and shoulder, wrist, and elbow treatments. By bringing together all disciplines of orthopedics, the Summit aims to advance musculoskeletal treatments comprehensively. The Course offers over 30 CME Credits each year with its comprehensive educational content designed by the program Chairs.

Ortho Summit涵盖所有骨科专业,包括髋关节和膝关节成形术、肩关节成形术、运动医学、髋部和脊柱手术、创伤、物理治疗和康复、足踝外科和肩膀、手腕、肘部治疗。通过将所有骨科专业结合起来,峰会旨在全面推进肌肉骨骼治疗。该课程每年提供超过30个CME学分,其综合教育内容由该计划主席设计。

Each year, orthopedic surgeons and practitioners from various specialties gather to challenge one another, share new ideas, and engage in hands-on workshops. The program features live surgeries with live moderation, providing an unparalleled learning experience. This year, the Summit welcomes keynote speakers such as Joe Theismann, Mike Eruzione, and Andre Agassi, whose commitment to excellence mirrors that of the orthopedic community.


The Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques (OSET) is in its 14th year and continues to be the premier gathering of Total Joint (Knee, Hip, Shoulder), Foot & Ankle, Sports Medicine, Arthroscopic, Ortho and Neuro Spine, and Trauma Surgeons, Hand & Wrist, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Athletic Trainers, Physical and Occupational Therapists from across the globe. The OSET course is designed to offer over 30 CME credits to participants and delegates, over 1,000 innovative presentations, rapid-fire debates, hands-on workshops and networking events and joined by over 100 Industry partners in the musculoskeletal industry.

Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques (OSET) 已经进入第 14 年,继续成为全球骨科医疗和康复领域,包括全关节(膝盖,髋关节,肩关节)、足踝、运动医学、关节镜、骨科和神经脊柱、创伤外科、手腕、医疗助理、护士从业员、运动员训练师、物理治疗和职业治疗师的重要展会。 OSEt课程旨在为参与者和代表提供超过30个CME学分,超过1,000个创新演示文稿,快速辩论,亲身实践的工作坊和网络活动,并与超过100个骨骼肌肉行业的行业伙伴一起参加。

About HealthpointCapital


HealthpointCapital is the leading private equity firm exclusively focused on the Musculoskeletal Healthcare sector. This Focus allows the HealthpointCapital Team to have unmatched expertise, relationships, and understanding of the greater than $50 billion global industry. The combination of deep private equity experience, decades of active mentorship of small rapidly growing firms and leadership from the top level in the musculoskeletal healthcare industry make HealthpointCapital a partner like no other. Both their investors and partner companies look to them to make well-informed decisions in this highly valuable and specialized sector.


SOURCE Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques

来源:Orthopaedic Summit: Evolving Techniques

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