
Mako Mining Intersects 23.84 G/t Au and 12.1 G/t Ag Over 4.2m (Estimated True Width) and 36.88 G/t Au and 53.2 G/t Ag Over 4.0m (ETW) at Las Conchitas

Mako Mining Intersects 23.84 G/t Au and 12.1 G/t Ag Over 4.2m (Estimated True Width) and 36.88 G/t Au and 53.2 G/t Ag Over 4.0m (ETW) at Las Conchitas

Mako矿业在Las Conchitas区域探明23.84克/吨金和12.1克/吨银,估计真实宽度为420万,以及36.88克/吨金和53.2克/吨银,估计真实宽度为400万。
Accesswire ·  07/29 07:45

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 29, 2024 / Mako Mining Corp. (TSX-V:MKO)(OTCQX:MAKOF) ("Mako" or the "Company") is pleased to provide additional exploration results from the ongoing reverse circulation (RC) drill program at Mako's newest mining area, Las Conchitas, located immediately south of the Company's San Albino gold mine.

温哥华,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年7月29日 / Mako Mining Corp. (TSX-V: MKO) (OTCQX: MAKOF) ("Mako"或"公司")很高兴地提供来自Mako最新开采区拉斯孔奇塔斯(Las Conchitas)的持续反循环钻探计划的额外勘探结果,该区域位于公司圣阿尔比诺金矿的正南方。

Las Conchitas contains numerous mineralized structures over a 1,700 m by 800 m area, which has been subdivided into three primary areas: Las Conchitas North ("LC-N"), Las Conchitas Central ("LC-C") and Las Conchitas South ("LC-S"). Each area features multiple subparallel, northeast-southwest striking and gently dipping mineralized veins.


The main objective of this drill campaign is to test for possible extensions of the high-grade mineralization trends beyond the limits of the Company's most recent mineral resource estimate ("MRE") at the San Albino Project (see press release of December 6th, 2023). The results reported in this release are from four principal veins within LC-S: El Limon, Mango, Bayacun and Las Dolores, and the Intermediate vein located within the LC-N area.

此次钻探活动的主要目标是测试可能超出公司最近的矿产资源估计("MRE")限制的高品位矿化趋势的扩展,该估计位于圣阿尔比诺项目(请参见2023年12月6日的新闻稿)以外。本次发布的结果来自LC-S内的四个主要矿脉:El Limon、Mango、Bayacun和Las Dolores,以及LC-N区域内的Intermediate矿脉。

Drilling Highlights

Geo Hill和Camel Hill似乎在空间和遗传上相互关联,代表了一种仅经过部分钻探的大型斑岩岩体。

  • El Limon

    • 23.84 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au") and 12.1 g/t silver ("Ag") over 6.0m - (4.2m Estimated True Width - ETW)

      • Including 124.20 g/t Au and 41.6 g/t Ag over 1.0m - (0.7m ETW)

  • Bayacun

    • 36.88 g/t Au and 53.2 g/t Ag over 4.0m - (4.0m ETW)

    • 10.28 g/t Au and 42.1 g/t Ag over 3.0m - (3.0m ETW)

  • Las Dolores

    • 28.38 g/t Au and 13.6 g/t Ag over 2.0m - (2.0m ETW)

    • 30.85 g/t Au and 34.0 g/t Ag over 2.0m - (1.8m ETW)

  • Intermediate

    • 39.30 g/t Au and 66.0 g/t Ag over 1.0m - (0.7m ETW)

    • 25.01 g/t Au and 76.2 g/t Ag over 2.0m - (1.3m ETW)

    • 10.37 g/t Au and 14.2 g/t Ag over 3.0 m - (2.3m ETW)

  • El Limon

    • 每吨含金23.84克("g/t")和含银12.1克("Ag")的黄金,长度为600万米 - (估计真实宽度为420万米 - ETW)

      • 包括每吨含金124.20克和含银41.6克的Au和Ag,长度为100万米--(估计真实宽度为70万米),

  • Bayacun

    • 每吨含金36.88克和含银53.2克的黄金,长度为400万米 - (400万Estimated True Width - ETW)

    • 每吨含金10.28克和含银42.1克的黄金,长度为300万米 - (300万Estimated True Width - ETW)

  • Las Dolores

    • 每吨含金28.38克和含银13.6克的黄金,长度为200万米 - (200万Estimated True Width - ETW)

    • 每吨含金30.85克和含银34.0克的黄金,长度为200万米 - (180万Estimated True Width - ETW)

  • 中间的

    • 每吨含金39.30克和含银66.0克的黄金,长度为100万米 - (70万Estimated True Width - ETW)

    • 每吨含金25.01克和含银76.2克的黄金,长度为200万米 - (130万Estimated True Width - ETW)

    • 每吨含金10.37克和含银14.2克的黄金,长度为300万米 - (230万Estimated True Width - ETW)

Akiba Leisman, CEO of Mako states, "these exceptional results across multiple zones at Las Conchitas are showing high grade potential over hundreds of meters of strike. Now that the RC program has ramped up, averaging over 1,000 meters of drilling per week, we will be reporting results on a more frequent basis. In addition to testing the numerous zones at Las Conchitas, including LC-N, LC-C and LC-S, later this year, we will also be testing several regional exploration targets across our 188 square kilometer land package that have never been drilled before".

Mako的CEO Akiba Leisman表示:“拉斯孔奇塔斯多个区域呈现出高品位潜力,展示了数百米以上的高品级,这些异常的结果是由于我们反循环钻探活动已经提升,平均每周超过1,000米的钻井深度。除了测试拉斯孔奇塔斯的多个区域,包括LC-N、LC-C和LC-S等,今年晚些时候,我们还将测试我们188平方千米土地包内从未钻探过的几个区域勘探目标。"

Las Conchitas South: El Limon

拉斯孔奇塔斯南部:El Limon

Drilling in the southern portion of Las Conchitas ("LC-S"), together with prior results drilled since the MRE, supports the potential to expand the high-grade gold mineralization outside of the pits defined by the current MRE. Drilling results are highlighted by hole LC24-RC371, located in the El Limon zone, which intersected 23.84 g/t Au and 12.1 g/t Ag over 6m (4.2m ETW), including 124.20 g/t Au and 41.6 g/t Ag over 1m (0.7m ETW), at a vertical depth of 33m (see table below). This interval is located approximately 3.7m below the pit limit defined by the current MRE (see Figure 2) and is located approximately 47m up-dip of a previously announced drill hole, LC22-467 which intersected 37.02 g/t Au and 54.4 g/t Ag over 2.30m (2.0m ETW) at a vertical depth of 52m (see press release dated July 28th, 2022).

拉斯孔奇塔斯南部("LC-S")的钻探以及MRE以后的钻探结果支持在当前MRE定义的矿坑之外扩展高品位黄金矿化的潜力。钻探结果最为突出的是在El Limon区域内的孔LC24-RC371,在3300万垂直深度处交叉了23.84克Au和12.1克Ag的矿脉,长度为600米(420万ETW),包括位于当前MRE限制的挖掘限制以下约370万米的区间(请参见图2)和位于先前公布的钻孔LC22-467上游约4700万米交叉的区间。LC22-467交叉区间位于5200米垂直深度处,交点为37.02克Au和54.4克Ag的矿脉(请参见2022年7月28日的新闻稿)

Las Conchitas South: Bayacun


The key objective of this year's drill program at Bayacun is to verify structural continuity and demonstrate extensions of high-grade blocks within the current MRE. Drill hole LC24-RC476, which is the highest grade x thickness interval reported in this press release, intersected 36.88 g/t Au and 53.2 g/t Ag over 4.00m (ETW) at 9.2m below surface. This hole confirms a 10m southwest strike extension of the high-grade mineralization previously encountered in drill hole LC20-220 which intersected 93.30 g/t Au and 61.4 g/t Ag over 0.9m (0.8m ETW) (see press release dated June 15th, 2020).

今年Bayacun的钻探计划的关键目标是验证结构连续性,并证明当前MRE中高品位矿块的扩展。钻孔LC24-RC476是本新闻稿中报告的最高品位x厚度间隔,在地表以下920万米处交叉36.88克Au和53.2克Ag的矿脉(ETW 400万)。这个孔确认了高品位矿化的1000米西南向延伸,此前被钻孔LC20-220证实,后者交叉了93.30克Au和61.4克Ag的矿脉(90万米真宽度-即80万ETW)(请参见2020年6月15日新闻稿)。

Drill hole LC24-RC479 intersected 10.28 g/t Au and 42.1 g/t Ag over 3.00m (ETW), 33m below surface and confirmed high-grade mineralization 16m southwest along strike from drill hole LC24-RC476 described above.

钻孔LC24-RC479在地表以下3300万处交叉点上,经过300万(等周厚度),黄金含量为10.28 g/t,银含量为42.1 g/t,确认了高品位矿化物。该钻孔距离上面描述的钻孔LC24-RC476向西南方向1600万,也经过了高品位的矿化物。

Las Conchitas South: Las Dolores

Las Conchitas South: Las Dolores

The main objective of the 2024 drilling program at the Las Dolores area is to test for extensions of shallow, high-grade zones outside the current MRE limits. Drill holes LC24-RC436 intersected 28.38 g/t Au and 13.6 g/t Ag over 2.00m (ETW) at 9.8m below surface, and LC24-RC458 intersected 30.85 g/t Au and 34.0 g/t Ag over 2.00m (1.8m ETW) at 11.4m below surface.

2024年钻探计划在Las Dolores区域的主要目标是测试当前MRE限制之外浅层,高品位区域的扩展。钻孔LC24-RC436在地表以下980万处交叉点上,经过200万(等周厚度),黄金含量为28.38 g/t,银含量为13.6 g/t;LC24-RC458在地表以下1140万处交叉点上,经过200万(等周厚度)或180万(等周真宽),黄金含量为30.85 g/t,银含量为34.0 g/t。

Both drill holes mentioned above, intersected high-grade zones and confirm additional mineralized material outside the current MRE pit limits, and are located approximately 95m and 68m northeast of the pit defined by the current MRE (see Figure 1).


Las Conchitas North: Intermediate

Las Conchitas North: Intermediate

Drilling at the Intermediate zone, located within the LC-N area, is designed to test previously identified high-grade mineralization outside the current MRE pit limits.


LC24-RC500 intersected 39.30 g/t Au and 66.0 g/t Ag over 1.00m (0.7m ETW) at 53m below surface. This interval is 28.0m to the SW of a previously drilled high-grade interval in INT18-19, which intersected 16.65 g/t Au and 12.1 g/t Ag over 1.20m (see press release dated January 18th, 2019).

钻孔LC24-RC500在地表以下5300万处交叉点上,经过100万(等周厚度)或70万(等周真宽),黄金含量为39.30 g/t,银含量为66.0 g/t。该区间距先前在INT18-19的高品位区间向西南方向2800万,该区间的黄金含量为16.65 g/t,银含量为12.1 g/t(详见2019年1月18日的新闻稿)。

Drill hole LC24-RC505 intersected 25.01 g/t Au and 76.2 g/t Ag over 2.00m (1.3m ETW) at 28m below surface and was drilled to test the northeast strike extension of high-grade mineralization. Drill hole LC24-RC507 intersected 10.37 g/t Au and 14.2 g/t Ag over 3.00m (2.3m ETW) at 64m below surface, testing the dip extension of the same mineralized zone.

钻孔LC24-RC505在地表以下2800万处交叉点上,经过200万(等周厚度)或130万(等周真宽),黄金含量为25.01 g/t,银含量为76.2 g/t。该钻孔是为了测试高品位矿化区向东北方向的扩展而钻探的。钻孔LC24-RC507在地表以下6400万处交叉点上,经过300万(等周厚度)或230万(等周真宽),黄金含量为10.37 g/t,银含量为14.2 g/t,测试了同一矿化带的倾向扩展。

Table - Assay Results Reported in This Press Release


Note: The mineralized intervals shown above utilize a 1.0 g/t gold cut-off grade with not more than 1.0 m of internal dilution. *Widths are reported as drill hole lengths. True width is estimated to be between 70% and 100% of the downhole width. In addition to the drill holes presented in the table above, the following drill holes returned only anomalous values: LC24-RC417, LC24-RC426, LC24-RC427, LC24-RC432, LC24-RC435, LC24-RC439 to LC24-RC442, LC24-RC448, LC24-RC460, LC24-RC467, LC24-RC469, LC24-RC353, LC24-RC360, LC24-RC367, LC24-RC375, LC24-RC470, LC24-RC473, LC24-RC474, LC24-RC509 and LC24-RC510. In addition to the drill holes presented in the table above, the following drill holes returned no significant values: LC24-RC414 to LC24-RC416, LC24-RC418, LC24-RC419, LC24-RC429, LC24-RC433, LC24-RC437, LC24-RC445, LC24-RC446, LC24-RC449 to LC24-RC457, LC24-RC461, LC24-RC462, LC24-RC468, LC24-RC369, LC24-RC377, LC24-RC393, LC24-RC378, LC24-RC380, LC24-RC472, LC24-RC475, LC24-RC478, LC24-RC501, LC24-RC508 and LC24-RC511.

注:上述矿化区间采用1.0 g/t的黄金截止品位,并且不超过100万的内部稀释。 *宽度以钻孔长度报告。真实宽度的估计值为钻孔宽度的70%至100%。除了上表中列出的钻孔之外,以下钻孔仅返回反常值:LC24-RC417、LC24-RC426、LC24-RC427、LC24-RC432、LC24-RC435、LC24-RC439~LC24-RC442、LC24-RC448、LC24-RC460、LC24-RC467、LC24-RC469、LC24-RC353、LC24-RC360、LC24-RC367、LC24-RC375、LC24-RC470、LC24-RC473、LC24-RC474、LC24-RC509和LC24-RC510。除了上表中列出的钻孔之外,以下钻孔未返回重要值:LC24-RC414~LC24-RC416、LC24-RC418、LC24-RC419、LC24-RC429、LC24-RC433、LC24-RC437、LC24-RC445、LC24-RC446、LC24-RC449~LC24-RC457、LC24-RC461、LC24-RC462、LC24-RC468、LC24-RC369、LC24-RC377、LC24-RC393、LC24-RC378、LC24-RC380、LC24-RC472、LC24-RC475、LC24-RC478、LC24-RC501、LC24-RC508和LC24-RC511。

Figure 1. Drill Hole Plan Las Conchitas

图1. 钻孔示意图Las Conchitas

Figure 2. El Limon-Bayacun Schematic Cross Section

图2. El Limon-Bayacun原理截面图

Sampling, Assaying, QA/QC and Data Verification

取样、分析、QA/QC和数据验证 所有反循环(RC)钻孔均在水面以上干钻,未注入任何水或其他液体。RC钻孔样品每隔1米采集一次,使用中心回收锤,并使用Gilson芯片劈裂器采样,每个样品后使用压缩空气清洁。样品在地质学家的监督下在钻井现场打包和标记,并由地质学家记录在现场,地质学家视觉上选择可能有矿化的间隔段进行火法检测。包括所选择间隔段上下的3-5个样品的矿化间隔段进行连续采样,并运往马那瓜的Bureau Veritas实验室(BV),遵守最佳货权链实践。将样品送到温哥华的Bureau Veritas实验室进行分析,金是通过标准的火法熔融、30克样品、AAS完成分析。返回超过10.0克/吨黄金的样品使用标准火法-重量法进行分析。公司在其QA&QC程序中遵循行业标准。控制样品由重复样品,标准品和空样品组成,每10个样品至少插入1个控制样品。控制样品的分析结果证实了测定数据的可靠性。

All reverse circulation (RC) holes were drilled dry i.e above the water table and no water or other fluids were injected into the hole. RC drill samples were collected every 1 meter using a center-return hammer and samples were obtained from a Gilson chip splitter which is cleaned using compressed air after each sample. Samples were bagged and labeled at the drill site under a geologist's supervision and are logged on site by a geologist who visually selects potential mineralized intervals for fire assay. The mineralized interval(s) including 3-5 samples above and below, the selected interval are continuously sampled and shipped to the Bureau Veritas Lab (BV) in Managua, respecting the best chain of custody practices. Pulps are sent by Bureau Veritas to their laboratory in Vancouver under their chain of custody for analysis. Gold was analyzed by standard fire assay fusion, 30 gr aliquot, AAS finish. Samples returning over 10.0 g/t gold are analyzed utilizing standard Fire Assay-Gravimetric method. The Company follows industry standards in its QA&QC procedures. Control samples consisting of duplicates, standards and blanks were inserted into the sample stream at a minimum ratio of 1 control sample per every 10 samples. Analytical results of control samples confirmed reliability of the assay data.

所有反循环(RC)钻孔都是干钻的,即在地表以上,没有注入水或其他液体。使用中心回归锤每隔1米收集一次RC钻探样品,并使用Gilson芯片分离器获得样品。样品在地质学家的监督下被袋装和标记,并由地质学家在现场记录,并在现场选择可能的矿化区间进行火试样。包括所选区间上下3-5个样品的矿化区间是连续采样的,并按照最佳领航系列被运往Managua的Bureau Veritas实验室(BV)。Bureau Veritas寄送Pulps到其温哥华实验室进行分析。黄金采用标准的Fire Assay fusion,30 gr aliquot,AAS finish进行分析。返回超过10.0 g/t的黄金样品采用标准的Fire Assay-Gravimetric方法进行分析。公司在其QA&QC程序中遵循行业标准。控制样品包括副本、标准和空白,样品流中的控制样品的最低比率为1控制样品/每10个样品。控制样品的分析结果确认了检测数据的可靠性。

Qualified Person


Brian Ray, M.Sc., P.Geo, a geologist and qualified person (as defined under NI 43-101) has read and approved the technical information contained in this press release. Mr. Ray is a consultant to the Company.

欲知更多信息:Mako Mining Corp.,Akiba Leisman首席执行官,电子邮件,电话:(917)558-5289,或访问我们的网站和SEDARPLUS。

On behalf of the Board,


Akiba Leisman
Chief Executive Officer

Akiba Leisman

About Mako


Mako Mining Corp. is a publicly listed gold mining, development and exploration company. The Company operates the high-grade San Albino gold mine in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua, which ranks as one of the highest-grade open pit gold mines globally. Mako's primary objective is to operate San Albino profitably and fund exploration of prospective targets on its district-scale land package.


For further information: Mako Mining Corp., Akiba Leisman, Chief Executive Officer, E-mail:, phone: (917) 558-5289 or visit our website at and SEDARPLUS .

前瞻信息:本文所述的部分语句可能被视为适用证券法的“前瞻信息”。前瞻信息可以通过使用,例如“估计”,“项目”,“相信”,“预计”,“计划”,“预测”,“可能”或“应该”等词或其中类似术语进行识别。本文中包含的前瞻信息反映了公司目前的信念和期望,基于管理层的合理假设,包括,但不限于,公司高品位生产将为可预见的未来产生重要的现金流。 Mako的主要目标是以盈利的方式运营San Albino,并为其区域规模土地包上潜在的矿产目标提供资金拓展。此类前瞻性信息受各种风险和不确定性的影响,可能导致实际事件或结果与前瞻性信息反映的不同,包括但不限于公司的勘探和开发计划以及增长参数的变化以及其是否能够为实现预期的新产量数字而筹集资金;意外成本;10月24日措施对业务运营产生的影响未达到预期,或者在将来尼加拉瓜的美国财政部或其他政府实体实施新的制裁;以及如在SEDAR上公开的公司公开披露文件中披露的其他风险和不确定性。此处所包含的信息代表管理层截止本文所述的最佳判断,基于当前可用信息。 Mako不承诺更新任何前瞻性信息,除非根据适用证券法规定。

Forward-Looking Information: Some of the statements contained herein may be considered "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information can be identified by words such as, without limitation, "estimate", "project", "believe", "anticipate", "intend", "expect", "plan", "predict", "may" or "should" or variations thereon or comparable terminology. The forward-looking information contained herein reflects the Company's current beliefs and expectations, based on management's reasonable assumptions, and includes, without limitation, that the Company is expected to positively reconcile to the published mineral resource with additional drilling at Las Conchitas; that the Company high-grade production will generate significant cash flows for the foreseeable future. Mako's primary objective to operate San Albino profitably and fund exploration of prospective targets on its district-scale land package. Such forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking information, including, without limitation, changes in the Company's exploration and development plans and growth parameters and its ability to fund its growth to reach its expected new record production numbers; unanticipated costs; the October 24 measures having impacts on business operations not current expected, or new sanctions being imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department or other government entity in Nicaragua in the future; and other risks and uncertainties as disclosed in the Company's public disclosure filings on SEDAR at . Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof, based on information currently available. Mako does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

前瞻性信息:本文中的某些语句可能被认为是适用证券法规的“前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息可由诸如“估计”、“计划”、“信任”、“预期”、“计划”、“预测”、“可能”或“应该”之类的词语或其变体识别。本文中所包含的前瞻性信息反映了公司目前的信仰和期望,基于管理层的合理假设,包括但不限于:预计公司将通过在Las Conchitas开展的额外钻探与发布的矿产资源获得积极的对接;高品位生产将为可预见的未来产生重要的现金流。Mako的主要目标是盈利运营San Albino和资助其范围区域的有前景的目标探测。此类前瞻性信息受到各种风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际事件或结果与前瞻性信息所反映的结果有所不同,包括但不限于:公司的勘探和开发计划及增长参数的变化,并且无法资助其增长以达到预期的新记录生产数字;未预料到的成本;预计影响业务运营的10月24日措施,或将来美国财政部或其他政府机构在尼加拉瓜实施新制裁;以及公司披露在SEDAR上的公开披露文件中披露的其他风险和不确定性。此类信息包含在本文中,仅反映了管理层基于当前可用信息的最佳判断,截至本文发表的日期。Mako不承诺更新任何前瞻性信息,除非按照适用证券法规更新。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Mako Mining Corp.

消息来源:Mako Mining Corp。

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