
Phonexa Announces Integration With SMTP to Enhance Email Delivery Services

Phonexa Announces Integration With SMTP to Enhance Email Delivery Services

PR Newswire ·  07/29 08:51

GLENDALE, Calif., July 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Performance marketing software company Phonexa has announced a strategic partnership with SMTP, a renowned email service provider.


SMTP's advanced email delivery solutions, combined with Phonexa's powerful marketing automation platform, will empower businesses to achieve better engagement and higher conversion rates through their email efforts.


Phonexa Announces Integration with SMTP to Enhance Email Delivery Services

The alliance aims to amplify the capabilities of Phonexa's E-Delivery platform by providing clients with enhanced email deployment, delivery options, and improved deliverability with SMTP as a preferred email service provider. SMTP's addition complements Phonexa's robust suite of tools, offering clients the flexibility to choose from multiple ESPs to best meet their unique needs, especially when sending a high volume of emails to consumers.


E-Delivery – one of the eight products in the Phonexa suite – is a powerful email and SMS marketing solution designed to optimize email campaign performance through advanced automation, seamless integration, and enhanced deliverability. E-Delivery offers businesses a versatile and efficient way to deploy emails across multiple ESPs, track performance, and engage with their audience. It is also integrated and available to all customers alongside Phonexa's lead management and call tracking solutions.


"At Phonexa, our goal is to provide our clients with the most effective and versatile marketing automation solutions, allowing businesses to deploy emails with greater efficiency and reliability," said Jeffrey Schaffer, COO of Phonexa. "Partnering with SMTP aligns perfectly with our commitment to delivering top-tier email marketing services to help inbox email. Our clients can now benefit from the trusted services of SMTP alongside our other integrated email service providers, ensuring their email campaigns reach their intended audiences with precision and impact."

“在Phonexa,我们的目标是为客户提供最有效和多功能的营销自动化解决方案,使企业能够更有效地和可靠地部署电子邮件。” Phonexa的COO Jeffrey Schaffer说道。“与SMTP合作完全符合我们提供一流电子邮件营销服务的承诺。我们的客户现在可以通过其他集成的电子邮件服务提供商,以及SMTP提供的受信任的服务,确保他们的电子邮件营销活动精准而有力地接触到目标受众。”

"SMTP is excited about this integrated partnership with Phonexa," said Alaa Gedeon, Senior Vice President of Revenue for SMTP. "Phonexa's commitment to quality very closely matches ours, making this partnership a natural fit. We've made investments in our technology for the sole purpose of supporting the scalability and deliverability needs of performance marketers, and we look forward to serving Phonexa customers who choose SMTP for their email sending. While Phonexa customers will need to independently subscribe to the service, we're ready with customized solutions, attractive pricing, and a white glove customer experience."

“SMTP对与Phonexa的整合伙伴关系感到兴奋。”SMTP的收入高级副总裁Alaa Gedeon说道。“Phonexa对质量的承诺非常符合我们的要求,这使得本次合作自然而然。我们为支持绩效营销人员的可扩展性和传递性需求而投资于我们的技术,我们期待为选择SMTP作为其电子邮件发送服务的Phonexa客户提供定制的解决方案、有吸引力的价格和白手套式客户体验。”

The integration of SMTP into Phonexa's E-Delivery platform offers several key advantages:


  • Enhanced Deliverability: SMTP is known for its high deliverability rates, ensuring that marketing emails land in recipient inboxes rather than their spam folders.
  • Scalability: Businesses can scale their email marketing efforts effortlessly, leveraging SMTP's robust infrastructure to handle high-volume email deployments.
  • Reliability: With SMTP's proven track record, clients can trust in the reliability and consistency of their email campaigns.
  • Flexibility: Phonexa's E-Delivery platform supports multiple ESPs, providing clients with the freedom to choose the provider that best suits their specific requirements and use multiple ESPs to optimize deliverability.
  • 增强的发送能力:SMTP以其高传递率而闻名,确保营销电子邮件着陆收件人的收件箱而不是其垃圾邮件文件夹。
  • 可扩展性:企业可以轻松扩展其电子邮件营销工作,利用SMTP强大的基础架构来处理大量电子邮件部署。
  • 可靠性:凭借SMTP的经验丰富和可靠的传递记录,客户可以信任其电子邮件营销活动的可靠性和一致性。
  • 灵活性:Phonexa的E-Delivery平台支持多个ESP,为客户提供自由选择最符合其特定需求的提供商以及使用多个ESP来优化传递性能的能力。

Phonexa's integration announcement with SMTP was made during the MailCon conference in New York on July 28. MailCon is the largest in-person gathering and conference for email marketers and is owned and operated by Phonexa.


To learn more about Phonexa's all-in-one marketing automation solution, schedule a consultation, email [email protected], call (818) 800-0000, or click here for a self-guided interactive tour.

要了解更多关于Phonexa全方位营销自动化解决方案的信息,请安排咨询,发送电子邮件至[email protected],致电(818) 800-0000,或单击此处进行自主互动访问。

About Phonexa:
Phonexa is an enterprise-grade tracking software for performance and partner marketing. The Phonexa Suite is the underlying tech that carries through the consumer lead and call lifecycle, helping performance marketing teams drive ROI for brands across affiliate, partner, and paid channels. Phonexa prioritizes outcomes-based marketing across customer interactions like clicks, calls, form submissions, website behavior, and more. Through its single operating solution, the Phonexa Suite gives D2C publishers, networks, agencies, and brands unprecedented access and control to campaigns, eliminates lack of transparency across lead generation, and automates processes.

Phonexa是一款面向绩效和合作伙伴营销的企业级跟踪软件。 Phonexa Suite是贯穿消费者线索和电话生命周期的基础技术,帮助绩效营销团队通过联盟、合作伙伴和付费渠道为品牌带来回报率。 Phonexa优先考虑基于结果的营销,涵盖像点击、通话、表单提交、网站行为等等的客户互动。通过其单一操作解决方案,Phonexa Suite为D2C出版商、网络、代理商和品牌提供了前所未有的访问和控制广告活动的方式,消除了引领生成中缺乏透明度的问题,并自动化了过程。

About SMTP:
SMTP is a premium email delivery and email relay solution that enables effortless sending and tracking for high volume emails. SMTP is one of the early pioneers of cloud-based email services and is part of Ziff Davis. Providing cost-effective email infrastructure and relay solutions, SMTP operates globally and has a long history of innovation. SMTP is the first company to offer web-based email as enterprise software and provide highly reliable delivery for large commercial senders. All of SMTP's solutions are backed with their top-line email delivery technology.

SMTP是一款高级电子邮件传递和电子邮件中继解决方案,可轻松发送和跟踪大量电子邮件。SMTP是云基础电子邮件服务的早期开拓者之一,是Ziff Davis的一部分。SMTP提供具有成本效益的电子邮件基础设施和中继解决方案,操作全球并具有悠久的创新历史。SMTP是第一家为企业提供基于Web的电子邮件作为企业软件,并为大型商业发送者提供高度可靠的传递的公司。SMTP的所有解决方案都有顶级的电子邮件传递技术支持。

Media Contact:


Manouk Akopyan

Manouk Akopyan



[email protected]

[email protected]

SOURCE Phonexa


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