
Green Impact Partners Finalizes Its Carbon Credit Pathways for the Future Energy Park

Green Impact Partners Finalizes Its Carbon Credit Pathways for the Future Energy Park

newsfile ·  07/29 09:00

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - July 29, 2024) - Green Impact Partners Inc. (TSXV: GIP) ("GIP" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has finalized the carbon credit pathways under the Alberta Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction ("TIER") program for its flagship project, the Future Energy Park, to be located in Calgary, Alberta. In addition, as part of ongoing development activities, GIP has also successfully finalized agreements to sequester the biogenic CO2 from the facility.

加拿大阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里--(新闻发布 - 2024年7月29日)--Green Impact Partners Inc. (TSXV:GIP)(“GIP”或“公司”)很高兴地宣布公司已完成位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里的旗舰项目Future Energy Park的碳信用路径,用于阿尔伯塔技术创新和减排(“TIER”)计划。此外,作为正在进行的开发活动的一部分,GIP还成功完成了与该设施的生物CO2隔离协议的协议签署。

"Achieving this milestone is a significant accomplishment for GIP as it confirms the anticipated final revenue profile and economics of the project. It's been a tremendous effort, and I'm extremely proud of our team for bringing these items across the line," said Jesse Douglas, Chief Executive Officer. "I'm thrilled the Future Energy Park is now positioned to move forward with debt financing which would typically take four to six months. We're closer than ever to breaking ground on this first-of-its-kind facility, and I look forward to the positive impact this project will have on the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta."

“取得这一里程碑是GIP的重大成就,它确认了预期的最终收入和项目的经济状况。这是一个巨大的努力,我非常为我们的团队感到自豪,因为他们已经成功完成了这些项目,” Jesse Douglas,首席执行官说。“我很高兴Future Energy Park现在可以继续债务融资,这通常需要四到六个月。我们比以往任何时候都更接近这个首个设施的动工,并期待这个项目对卡尔加里市和阿尔伯塔省的积极影响。”

The Future Energy Park will be North America's largest carbon negative biofuels facility spanning both the agriculture and energy sectors by using non-food grade wheat to create ethanol and renewable natural gas ("RNG"). The project will create approximately 800 jobs over 24 months during construction and 100 direct and indirect jobs during operations. The facility's estimated annual production will be approximately 4 million gigajoules of renewable natural gas, over 300 million litres of ethanol, and approximately 595,000 tonnes of wet distilled grains.

Future Energy Park将成为北美最大的负碳生物燃料设施,横跨农业和能源领域,利用非食品级小麦来生产乙醇和可再生天然气(“RNG”)。该项目将在24个月的建设期间创造约800个就业机会,并在运营期间创造100个直接和间接职位。这个设施估计每年生产约400万千焦的可再生天然气,超过30000万升的乙醇,以及约595000吨的湿蒸馏谷。

The project has received the following regulatory approvals:


  • Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act ("EPEA") approval from the Government of Alberta's Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas for the construction and operation of the Future Energy Park;
  • Alberta Utilities Commission ("AUC") approval to construct and operate a 30-MW natural gas-fired cogeneration facility for the Future Energy Park. The cogeneration plant will provide high efficiency steam, hot water and electricity to the biofuels facility as part of its integrated operations philosophy; and
  • Land Use Approval from the City of Calgary.
  • 来自阿尔伯塔省环境和保护区政府部门的环境保护和增强法(“EPEA”)批准用于建造和操作未来能源公园;
  • 来自阿尔伯塔省公用事业委员会(“AUC”)的批准,以建造和操作未来能源公园的30 MW 天然气燃烧余热发电设施。余热发电设施将作为其综合运营理念,为生物燃料设施提供高效率的蒸汽,热水和电力;以及
  • 来自卡尔加里市的土地使用批准。

About Green Impact Partners

关于Green Impact Partners Green Impact Partners正在通过将废物转化为清洁可再生能源的方式,通向可持续未来的道路。专注于可再生天然气(RNG)和清洁生物能源项目,我们的使命是收购,开发,建造和运营不仅能够生产能源而且还在废物减量和降低排放方面发挥重要作用的设施。我们的全面方法跨越整个项目生命周期,从想法生成,通过施工到进行中。除了我们的RNG和清洁生物能源项目外,GIP还在加拿大拥有当前的水和固体处理和回收设施组合,以及在美国的固体回收业务。

Green Impact Partners is forging a path towards a sustainable future by turning waste into clean, renewable energy. With a focus on renewable natural gas and clean bio-energy projects, our mission is to acquire, develop, construct, and operate facilities that not only produce energy but also play an important role in waste reduction and lowering emissions. Our comprehensive approach spans the entire project life cycle, from idea generation through construction to ongoing operations. In addition to our RNG and clean bio-energy projects, GIP maintains a current portfolio of water and solids treatment and recycling facilities in Canada, alongside a solids recycling business in the United States.

Green Impact Partners正在通过将废物转化为清洁可再生能源,为可持续发展的未来铺平道路。我们专注于可再生天然气和清洁生物能源项目,使命是收购、发展、建造和运营既生产能源又在废物减少和降低排放方面扮演重要角色的设施。我们的全面方法涵盖了整个项目生命周期,从想法产生到建设再到持续运营。除了我们的RNG和清洁生物能源项目外,GIP还在加拿大拥有一个当前的水和固体物处理和回收设施组合,以及一个在美国的固体物回收业务。

Traded on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GIP, Green Impact Partners invites you to join us in our journey to create a more sustainable future. For more information about GIP, please visit .

尼古劳斯·基弗(Nikolaus Kiefer) (236)476-3445 本新闻发布中包含"前瞻性声明"和/或"前瞻性信息"(统称"前瞻性声明")根据适用证券法的规定。当这些词在本新闻发布中被使用时,如"估计","将会","意味着","接近","预计","相信"和"探索"等词语,与GIP或其管理层有关时,则是用于标识此类前瞻性声明。这些前瞻性声明反映了GIP对未来事件的当前看法,并受到某些风险,不确定性和假设的影响。本新闻发布中所包含的某些信息和声明构成前瞻性声明,包括但不限于:Future Energy Park融资过程的最终确定性;科罗拉多空气资源委员会认证过程的确定性。许多因素会导致GIP的实际成果,业绩或成就与此类前瞻性声明中可能表达或暗示的任何预期未来成果,业绩或成就有实质不同。这些前瞻性声明受到众多风险和不确定性的影响,包括但不限于:加拿大和美国的一般经济状况的影响;包括对能源商品价格的波动;对GIP提供的清洁能源需求的变化;竞争;缺乏合格人员的可用性;在加拿大和美国的监管当局获得必要的批准的能力;能够从内部和外部来源获得足够的资本;其中许多风险和不确定性超出了GIP的控制范围;以及某些其他风险和不确定性在GIP的管理讨论和分析中进行了详细说明,在年底分别为2023年和2022年,并不时出现在GIP的公开披露文件中,在公司的上可获取的档案信息下。本新闻发布中包含的前瞻性声明的发生日期为本发布日期,除法律明确要求外,GIP不承担任何意图,义务或承诺,公开发布此处所述的任何前瞻性声明的更新或修订,无论是基于新信息,未来事件或成果还是其他任何原因,唯一的例外是根据适用证券法规定的。为了让股东对GIP的当前和未来运营获得更完整的视角,GIP的管理层在本新闻发布中提供了与前瞻性声明相关的假设和风险方面的上述摘要,此类信息可能并不适用于其他用途。GIP的实际结果,业绩或成就可能与这些前瞻性声明中所表达或暗示的有所不同,因此无法保证前瞻性声明中预期的任何事件都将发生或发生,或者如果它们中的任何事件发生,GIP将从中获得什么好处。

Investor & Analyst Inquiries:
Nikolaus Kiefer
Chief Investment Officer
(236) 476-3445


Cautionary Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements and/or forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. When used in this news release, such words as "estimates", "would", "will", "anticipates", "approximately", "expects", "believes", "explores" and similar expressions, as they relate to GIP, or its management, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements reflect the current views of GIP with respect to future events, and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Certain information and statements contained in this news release constitute forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: estimated tonnes of carbon credits; number of estimated jobs to be created and construction timelines; projected production levels. Many factors could cause GIP's actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any expected future results, performance or achievement that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to: the impact of general economic conditions in Canada and the United States, industry conditions including changes in laws and regulations and/or adoption of new environmental laws and regulations and changes in how they are interpreted and enforced in Canada and the United States; volatility of prices for energy commodities; change in demand for clean energy to be offered by GIP; competition; lack of availability of qualified personnel; obtaining required approvals of regulatory authorities, in Canada and the United States; ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources; many of which are beyond the control of GIP; and certain other risks and uncertainties detailed in GIP's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 and from time to time in GIP's public disclosure documents available under the Company's profile on .


The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this release, and except as may be expressly required by law, GIP disclaims any intent, obligation or undertaking to publicly release any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, other than as required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


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