
Crestview Exploration Provides Update on Option Agreement for Divide and Castile Claims - Eliminates Prohibitive Claim Costs

Crestview Exploration Provides Update on Option Agreement for Divide and Castile Claims - Eliminates Prohibitive Claim Costs

Crestview Exploration就Divide和Castile Claim的选择权协议提供更新-取消了限制性的索赔费用
newsfile ·  2024/07/30 08:25

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 29, 2024) - Crestview Exploration Inc. (CSE: CRS) (FSE: CE7) ("Crestview" or "the Company") announces, effective September 2023, that the Company acknowledges termination of the Exploration License with Option to Purchase Agreement entered into April 8, 2020, specifically in respect of 12 claims over the Divide Mine and 8 claims at Castle Mountain near Tuscarora, Nevada (collectively, the "Claims").

卑诗省温哥华-(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月29日)- Crestview Exploration Inc.(CSE: CRS)(FSE: CE7)(以下简称“Crestview”或“公司”)宣布,自2023年9月起,公司承认与探矿许可证兼购买协议于2020年4月8日签订,特别是涉及内华达州塔斯卡罗纳附近12个Divide Mine(分界矿山)索赔和8个Castle Mountain(城堡山)索赔(以下简称“索赔”)的终止。

Crestview's decision to terminate the Divide and Castle option Claims was communicated to the respective claim holder in September 2023 and was based on the uneconomic nature of continuing to hold the option on these Claims. Although the relinquished Claims encompass the historic Divide Mine claims, Crestview continues to hold 43 claims immediately surrounding the Divide Mine, 72 claims at nearby Rock Creek and 124 claims at nearby Falcon.

Crestview决定终止Divide和Castle选项索赔的决定已于2023年9月向相应的索赔持有人通报,并基于继续持有这些索赔的不经济性。尽管放弃的索赔包括历史悠久的Divide Mine索赔,但Crestview仍持有环绕Divide Mine的43个索赔、附近Rock Creek的72个索赔以及附近Falcon的124个索赔。

Accordingly, the Company has recorded the appropriate impairments in its financial statements for relinquishment of the Claims, and the Company views the decision to terminate these Claims as a material improvement due to significant elimination of what would be a financial burden going forward.


Crestview's Chief Executive Officer and Director, Chris Wensley stated, "This is of substantial benefit to Crestview. Funds that would be otherwise required to maintain these Claims with no prospect of timely corresponding return, can now be deployed directly in the field, into exploration activities where our highly prospective Tuscarora projects can be advanced. This reduces overhead significantly, improving our cost effectiveness, financial efficiency, while maximizing productivity, and value to our shareholders."

Crestview的首席执行官兼董事Chris Wensley表示:“这对于Crestview非常有益。原本需要用于维持这些毫无希望的索赔的资金现在可以直接用于实地开发,用于我们高度有前途的Tuscarora项目的勘探活动。这显著减少了开销,提高了我们的成本效益,财务效率,同时最大化了生产力和股东价值。”

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

董事会代表 Novo Resources Corp.

"Chris Wensley"


Chris Wensley, CEO


About Crestview Exploration Inc:

关于Crestview Exploration Inc:

Crestview Exploration is an experienced exploration company focused on the exploration and development of its portfolio of gold and silver properties located in prolific mining districts of Nevada.

Crestview Exploration是一家有经验的勘探公司,专注于勘探和开发其位于内华达州富有矿区的黄金和白银矿产组合。

The Tuscarora Complex includes the Rock Creek, Dry Creek, and Falcon claim blocks for a total of 239 claims. The Rock Creek gold project is Crestview's flagship asset, with 72 unpatented lode mining claims wholly owned and controlled by Crestview. The Rock Creek property was acquired in 2017, and the company went public in 2019. Emboldened by the results coming out of Rock Creek, Crestview strategically expanded on the land position with claim staking at Dry Creek (43 claims), and later (September 2022) with the acquisition of the Falcon silver-gold prospect (124 claims). These three claim blocks are all within close proximity and are targeting similar mineralization and likely the same underlying hydrothermal system. The Tuscarora Complex is situated in a region with proven "world class" gold deposits (including Midas, Jerritt Canyon, Betze-Post, Meikle, and Gold Quarry), where the potential of finding large, high-grade gold-silver deposits is favorable.

Tuscarora Complex包括Rock Creek、Dry Creek和Falcon三个索赔块,共有239个索赔。Rock Creek金矿项目是Crestview的旗舰资产,拥有72个未经授权的矿井索赔块,由Crestview全权拥有和控制。Rock Creek物业于2017年收购,公司于2019年上市。受Rock Creek结果的鼓舞,Crestview以Dry Creek(43个索赔)的索赔立案和在2022年9月收购Falcon银金矿(124个索赔)来战略性扩展土地地位。这三个索赔块都在密切接近的地理位置上,重点针对类似的矿化物和可能相同的基础热水系统。Tuscarora Complex位于已发掘出“世界级”金矿(包括Midas、Jerritt Canyon、Betze-Post、Meikle和Gold Quarry)的地区,发现大型、高品位的金银矿床潜力良好。

The Cimarron project is located in the San Antonio Mountains of Nye County, Nevada, and is comprised of 31 unpatented lode mining claims, including control of 6 historically producing claims associated with the historic San Antonio mine. The property is located in the prolific Walker-Lane trend, approximately 44 kms south of the "world class" Round Mountain deposit.


For further information please contact:
Chris Wensley, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 1-778-887-3900

Chris Wensley(首席执行官)

Forward-Looking Information

前瞻性信息本新闻稿包含包含“前瞻性信息”,涵盖适用证券法律的范围。在某些情况下,“前瞻性信息”可以通过使用前瞻性术语诸如“计划”、“预期”、“预算”、“安排”、“估计”、“前景”、“目标”、“预测”、“投影”、“潜力”、“前景”、“策略”、“意图”、“预计”、“寻求”、“认为”、“机会”、“指引”、“目标”或类似的词语和短语或陈述一定的未来条件、行动、事件或结果“可能”、“可能”、“将”、“应该”、“可能”、“将”、“能够”或这些词语和短语的负面版本,“被采取”,“发生”,“继续”或“实现”,以及其他类似的表达方式。包含前瞻性信息的声明并不是历史事实,而是代表管理层对于未来事件或情况的预期、估计和投射。该前瞻性信息与公司未来的财务前景以及预期的事件或结果有关,包括但不限于“财务前景”下的声明和有关公司财务状况、财务结果、业务策略、绩效、成就、前景、目标、机会、业务计划和增长策略、公司预算、运营和税务、影响财务报表的判断和估计以及D2L Wave的初步分拆。

This news release includes certain information that may be deemed "forward-looking information" under applicable securities laws. All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address acquisition of the Property and future work thereon, mineral resource and reserve potential, exploration activities and events or developments that the Company expects is forward-looking information. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the statements. There are certain factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking information. These include the results of the Company's due diligence investigations, market prices, exploration successes, continued availability of capital financing, and general economic, market or business conditions, and those additionally described in the Company's filings with the Canadian securities authorities.


Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. For more information on the Company, investors are encouraged to review the Company's public filings at . The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward- looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.




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