
Carolina Rush Expands Tanyard Breccia With Three Holes Including 50.0 M @ 1.0 G/t Au Including 11.2 M @ 1.8 G/t Au

Carolina Rush Expands Tanyard Breccia With Three Holes Including 50.0 M @ 1.0 G/t Au Including 11.2 M @ 1.8 G/t Au

Carolina Rush通过增加三个孔位扩展了Tanyard Breccia含金量,其中包括5000万吨@ 1.0 G/t Au,包括1120万吨@ 1.8 G/t Au
newsfile ·  07/30 06:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 30, 2024) - Carolina Rush Corporation (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) ("Carolina Rush," "Rush" or the "Company") is pleased to report drill results from three additional holes of the current 3,000-meter (m) drill program testing the newly discovered Tanyard Breccia Zone at the historic Brewer Gold Mine, South Carolina. Seven holes totalling 1,381 m have been completed and additional results from two holes are pending. All holes have targeted the Tanyard Breccia Zone, following up on successful hole B23C-021 which intersected 62.5 m @ 8.5 g/t Au, announced on February 26, 2024. The current drill program has tested the breccia along approximately 250 m of strike and from 50 to 150 meters below surface (see Figures 1 and 2 below).

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile公司-2024年7月30日)- 卡罗来纳拉什公司( TSXV:RUSH )( OTCQB:PUCCF)(“卡罗来纳拉什”、“拉什”或“公司”)很高兴地报告了来自南卡罗来纳州历史悠久的布鲁尔金矿新发现的坦奈德角砾岩带的当前3000米钻探计划的三个附加孔的钻探结果。138,100米的七个孔已完成,其它两个孔的结果还在等待中。所有孔均旨在测试坦奈德角砾岩带,对成功孔B23C-021进行跟踪,该孔于2024年2月26日宣布,交汇6250万@ 8.5克/吨Au。目前的钻探计划沿着约25000万的走向对角砾岩进行了测试,距离地表50至150米(见下面的图1和2)。



  • B24C-028: 50.0 m @ 1.0 g/t Au from 106.5 meters
    • Including: 11.2 m @ 1.8 g/t Au from 132.0 meters
  • B24C-029: 53.0 m @ 0.47 g/t Au from 80.55 meters
    • Including: 11.0 m @ 1.06 g/t Au from 109.0 meters
  • B24C-030: 35.5 m @ 0.30 g/t Au from 67.5 meters
  • B24C-028:从106.5米处取得5000万@ 1.0克/吨金
    • 其中:从132.0米处取得1120万@ 1.8克/吨金
  • B24C-029:从80.55米处取得5300万@ 0.47克/吨金
    • 其中:从109.0米处取得1100万@ 1.06克/吨金
  • B24C-030:从67.5米处取得3550万@ 0.30克/吨金

Drill hole B24C-028 was drilled to a depth of 226.0 meters at an angle of -65°, stepping out about 25 meters west of drill hole 021. The drill hole intersected broad zones of mineralized breccia, confirming the continuation of the Tanyard Zone.


Drill hole B24C-029 was drilled to a depth of 167.3 meters at an angle of -60°, stepping out about 50 meters to the west of drill hole 021. The hole encountered similar geology, alteration and mineralization typical of the Tanyard Zone.


Drill hole B24C-030 was drilled to a depth of 163.0 meters at an angle of -60°, stepping out about 75 meters to the east of drill hole 021. The hole encountered similar geology, alteration and mineralization typical of the Tanyard Zone but lower grade.


Geology: Assay results are consistent with drill core observations and confirm the presence of a broad mineralized zone that includes higher concentrations of gold and copper associated with highly silicified, pyritic breccia. Geology, alteration mapping, and induced polarization (IP) results indicate that the Brewer and Tanyard breccias are part of a large, +2.0 km diameter diatreme breccia complex, possibly overlying a copper-gold porphyry system.


Drill results combined with recent studies completed by an independent expert on Porphyry Copper Deposits has confirmed that the Tanyard sequence of sediments formed in a maar-diatreme setting above a likely porphyry copper system. Detailed logging and analysis of results has confirmed a body of geological evidence including widespread patchy pyrophyllite or "gusano" alteration textures, presence of B-type veins and elevated levels of molybdenum (see figures 3 and 4 below). Taken together, these features provide key vectors into a possible porphyry system that has been tilted to the southeast and plunges ~30-50 degrees to the north-northwest. This presents a compelling geologic target at reasonable depths for exploration and will be incorporated into immediate drill plans.

钻探结果与独立专家完成的斑岩铜沉积研究的最新研究相结合,证实了坦奈德沉积序列在玛儿火山口方解石- 破火山口环境中形成,在可能的斑岩铜矿系统上方。大量斑点状的泡状石英岩或“蛆虫”变质纹理、B型脉的存在以及钼的高浓度水平(见下面的图3和4)的存在,确认了地质证据,共同提供了可能的斑岩体系的重要矢量,它向东南倾斜,向北西倾斜约30-50度。这将是一个合理深度的探索地质目标,并将纳入即将到来的钻探计划中。

After completion of hole 32 the Company elected to pause the 3,000m drill program to allow for all assay results to be received and analyzed. Results are pending for drill holes 031 & 032 and are expected to be received by mid-August. Meanwhile, the Company has engaged Zonge International to plan additional geophysical studies to help refine drill targeting for both high grade near surface breccia hosted mineralization and potential primary porphyry copper mineralization below the diatreme.


Quality Assurance and Quality Control Statement
The Company's 2023-2024 exploration diamond core drilling was HQ and/or NQ size. The core was logged and marked for sampling and assaying by geologists contracted by Rush. Samples, typically 1.5 meters in length, were sawn in half using a diamond core saw and one-half of the core was placed in sample bags and tagged with unique sample numbers, while the remaining half was kept in the core box for storage. Each bagged core sample was shipped to ALS Laboratory in Twin Falls, ID where it was dried, crushed and pulverized to >80% passing -200 mesh. Gold was analyzed by fire assay (30 g) with an AA (atomic absorption) finish (method Au-AA23) with detection limits of 0.005 g/t gold. Samples containing greater than 10.0 g/t gold are analyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish (method Au-GRA21). Multielement analyses were analyzed with ICP-MS following a four-acid digestion (method ME-MS61) and samples containing >1.0% copper are analyzed via method Cu-OG62. Strict sampling and QA/QC protocols are followed, and assay integrity is monitored internally with a quality control program including the insertion of gold standards and blanks in the sample stream on a regular basis.

该公司2023-2024年度的勘探钻孔都采用了HQ和/或NQ尺寸。岩芯被地质学家记录并标记以进行采样和化验。通常长度为1.5米的样品,用钻芯锯切成两半,一半放在采样袋中并标有唯一的样品编号,另一半则保存在岩心箱中。每个袋装岩芯样品都被运往ID的Twin Falls市的ALS实验室,在那里,它被干燥、破碎并粉碎到超过-200目。用火试金法(30克)分析黄金,AA(原子吸收)法结束(方法Au-AA23),检测底限为 0.005 g/t gold。含有大于10.0 g/t gold的样品将采用火试金法和重量法结束(方法Au-GRA21)进行分析。采用四酸洗消化(方法ME-MS61)分析多元素成分,含有铜>>1.0%的样品采用Cu-OG62的方法进行分析。严格的采样和质量控制规程,以及在样品流中定期插入金标准和空白样品的质量控制程序,保证了化验的准确性。

Qualified Person
The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in NI 43-101 and reviewed and approved by Patrick Quigley, MSc, CPG-12116, a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术信息已按照加拿大监管要求,遵照NI 43-101制定,并由Patrick Quigley,MSc,CPG-12116,合格的人员进行审核和批准。

About Carolina Rush
Carolina Rush Corporation (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) is exploring the Carolina Terrane in the southeastern USA. Its flagship Brewer Gold-Copper Project is located at the past-producing, 397-hectare Brewer Gold Mine property in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, 17 kilometers along trend from the producing Haile Gold Mine. In January 2023, the Company signed exclusive mineral exploration lease and purchase option agreements for both the 246.6-hectare New Sawyer Gold Mine Property and the 54.6-hectare Sawyer Gold Mine Property, both located on the Sawyer Gold Trend and in Randolph County, North Carolina.

关于 Carolina Rush
Carolina Rush 公司 (tsxv: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) 正在探索美国东南部的卡罗莱纳地带。其旗舰项目 Brewer 黄金铜矿位于南卡罗来纳州切斯特菲尔德县,即靠近已生产哈伊尔黄金矿17公里处的已生产过的 Brewer 黄金矿,在 Sawyer 黄金矿趋势上。2023年1月,该公司签署了独家矿产勘探租赁和购买选择协议,涵盖位于北卡罗来纳州兰多夫县的 Sawyer 黄金矿趋势上的两个矿权地:246.6公顷的 New Sawyer 黄金矿权地和54.6公顷的 Sawyer 黄金矿权地。

For further information, please contact:
Layton Croft, President and CEO
Jeanny So, Corporate Communications Manager
T: +1.647.202.0994

莱顿·克罗夫特 (Layton Croft),总裁兼首席执行官
Jeanny So,企业传讯经理

For additional information please visit our new website at and our X feed: .

有关更多信息,请访问我们的新网站 和我们的X资料,链接为 。

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