
IAS Announces Mobile In-App Support for First Attention Product to Unify Media Quality and Eye Tracking

IAS Announces Mobile In-App Support for First Attention Product to Unify Media Quality and Eye Tracking

PR Newswire ·  07/30 07:00

Quality Attention Expands Coverage and Improves Accuracy of Correlation Between Attention Scores and Business Results


NEW YORK, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS), a leading global media measurement and optimization platform, today announced the expansion of its Quality Attention measurement product, adding support for mobile in-app environments. Quality Attention is the first measurement product to unify media quality and eye tracking with machine learning to deliver proven results.

2024年7月30日,纽约 /PRNewswire/--IAs(纳斯达克:IAS)是一家领先的全球媒体测量和优化平台,今天宣布扩展其Quality Attention测量产品,增加对移动应用环境的支持。Quality Attention是首个将媒体质量和注视跟踪与机器学习统一起来,以提供实证结果的测量产品。

IAS enhances Quality Attention measurement product.
IAS增强Quality Attention测量产品。

This enhancement to Quality Attention continues IAS's commitment to providing advertisers with expanded coverage across additional channels and formats. In addition to expanded environment support, the Quality Attention model has improved accuracy of the correlation between attention scores and outcomes. IAS's attention model is designed to predict if an impression is more likely to lead to a business result including awareness, consideration, and conversion.

这一Quality Attention的增强措施,是IAS愿意扩大广告主在额外渠道和形式上的推广范畴的承诺的延续。在扩展的支持环境之外,Quality Attention模型已经提高了注意力成绩和业务结果之间的关联精度。IAS的注意力模型旨在预测注视是否更有可能导致包括意识、考虑和转换在内的业务结果。

According to eMarketer, apps are predicted to reach a dominant 82% share of the anticipated $200B in mobile ad spend this year. Advertisers now have access to an attention measurement product that will drive superior results across their mobile in-app campaigns and protect their growing investments in mobile. In the recent IAS report, Taking Action on Attention: Volume II, when comparing business results between low and high attention scores, higher attention impressions experienced success rates (e.g. conversions) that were twice as high as those with low attention.

据eMarketer预计,应用程序的预测市场份额将达到预期的82%。 2000亿美元的移动广告支出。 现在广告主可以使用一个注视度测量产品,在其移动应用程序广告系列中获得优异的结果,并保护他们在移动广告上的不断增长的投资。在最近的IAS报告中,当比较低注视度和高注视度之间的业务结果时,高注视印象的成功率(如转换)是低注视印象的两倍。 行动起来:成交量 II当比较低注视度和高注视度之间的业务结果时,高注视印象的成功率(如转换)是低注视印象的两倍。

"It's essential for attention measurement to drive outcomes and campaign performance for advertisers," said Khurrum Malik, CMO of Integral Ad Science. "The latest enhancements to our purpose-built Quality Attention offering are expected to provide advertisers with more granular signals and expanded coverage across the channels and formats that are most important to them."

“关注度的衡量对于广告商来说驱动业务成果和推广效果至关重要,”Integral Ad Science的CMO Khurrum Malik说。“我们最新的Quality Attention产品的增强措施预计将为广告商提供更为精细的信号,并扩大他们最关心的渠道和形式的推广范畴。”

Quality Attention provides global advertisers with:

Quality Attention为全球广告商提供:

  • Expanded Coverage and Metrics: Measurement across mobile in-app environments and new metrics including the number of ads that paused, resumed, skipped and started a video ad, in addition to volume change and sub-metrics of volume change.
  • An Advanced Machine Learning Model: A singular view of campaigns' attention performance, trained based on a pool of data consisting of billions of impressions and millions of conversion events.
  • Proven Performance and Brand Results: Up to a 130% lift in conversion rates when comparing high attention impressions to low attention impressions, with greater attention scores seeing 91% higher brand consideration and 166% higher purchase intent.
  • Unification of Media Quality with Human Attention: IAS is the first company to combine one of the world's largest consumer attention biometric data sets with media quality metrics to provide the most accurate picture of attention for global advertisers.
  • 扩大覆盖并提供测量:在移动应用环境中针对广告的数量、暂停、恢复、跳过和开始视频广告的新测量指标,以及成交量变化和成交量的子指标。
  • 先进的机器学习模型:针对广告系列的注意力性能的单一视图,该模型是基于数十亿印象和数百万转换事件构建的。
  • 业务结果和品牌成果方面证明:比较高注视度印象和低注视度印象时,转化率提高了130%,更多的注视度成绩看到自己的品牌考虑倍增,购买意向提升了166%。
  • 将媒体质量与人的关注力量统一起来:IAS是第一家将全球最大的消费者注意力生物数据集与媒体质量度量相结合的公司,以提供全球广告商最准确的注意力图像。

With Quality Attention, advertisers can capture higher attention to drive campaign performance and unlock proven results. Quality Attention uses advanced machine learning technology, actionable data from Lumen Research's eye-tracking technology, and a variety of signals obtained as part of IAS's core technology, including viewability, ad situation, and user interaction, and weighs them into a single attention score.

使用Quality Attention,广告商可以捕捉更高的关注度来推动广告活动的效果,并解锁验证过的结果。Quality Attention使用先进的机器学习技术,结合来自Lumen Research的注视跟踪技术的实用数据以及IAS核心技术中获得的多种信号,包括可见性、广告情况和用户互动,并将它们加权以生成一个单一的注意力分数。

"The latest enhancements to IAS's Quality Attention offering is a step forward in creating a more accurate picture of attention for advertisers," said Mike Follett, CEO at Lumen Research. "We were excited to combine our cutting-edge eye-tracking data with IAS's attention model and now advertisers have access to even more granular information across the in-app environment."

“IAS Quality Attention产品的最新增强措施是创造更准确的关注度图像所迈出的一步”,Lumen Research的首席执行官Mike Follett说。“我们很高兴将我们的尖端注视跟踪数据与IAS的注意力模型相结合,现在广告商可以在移动应用程序环境中获得更多的精准信息。”

In January 2024, IAS announced the general availability of its Quality Attention measurement product – the first to unify media quality and eye tracking with machine learning. The offering provides transparent metrics to help global advertisers increase return on investment, drive brand consideration, and boost conversions.

2024年1月,IAS宣布Quality Attention测量产品的适用性,这是第一个将媒体质量和注视跟踪与机器学习相结合的产品。该产品提供透明的指标,以帮助全球广告商提高投资回报率,推动品牌考虑力和提高转化率。 Quality Attention测量产品的普及 首次将媒体质量和注视跟踪与机器学习相结合。该产品提供透明的指标,帮助全球广告商提高投资回报率,推动品牌考虑力和提高转化率。

For more information, visit or read our recent report, Taking Action on Attention: Volume II.

要获取更多信息,请访问 或阅读我们最近的报告, 行动起来:成交量 II.

About Integral Ad Science
Integral Ad Science (IAS) is a leading global media measurement and optimization platform that delivers the industry's most actionable data to drive superior results for the world's largest advertisers, publishers, and media platforms. IAS's software provides comprehensive and enriched data that ensures ads are seen by real people in safe and suitable environments, while improving return on ad spend for advertisers and yield for publishers. Our mission is to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality. For more information, visit

关于Integral Ad Science
Integral Ad Science (IAS)是领先的全球媒体度量和优化平台,为全球最大的广告商、出版商和媒体平台提供行业最具操作性的数据,实现卓越的业务结果。IAS的软件提供全面且丰富的数据,确保广告在安全和适当的环境中被真实的人看到,同时为广告商提高广告支出回报率,为出版商提高收益率。我们的使命是成为数字媒体质量中信任和透明性的全球标杆。更多信息,请访问。

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SOURCE Integral Ad Science, Inc.

来源:Integral Ad Science,Inc。

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