
DataDome to Demo Discover, an Innovative Tool to Eliminate Cyberfraud Blind Spots, at Black Hat USA 2024

DataDome to Demo Discover, an Innovative Tool to Eliminate Cyberfraud Blind Spots, at Black Hat USA 2024

PR Newswire ·  07/30 09:00

With Discover, Enterprises Can Better Understand & Protect Their Attack Surface Against Sophisticated Bots & Fraudsters.


NEW YORK, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DataDome, a leading AI-powered cyberfraud platform, is proud to announce that it is returning to Black Hat USA 2024. This year, DataDome will offer demos of its latest cutting-edge innovations, including Discover, a powerful and free tool designed to eliminate security blind spots.

纽约,2024年7月30日 /美通社/-- DataDome,一家领先的人工智能网络欺诈平台,自豪地宣布其将重返 黑帽USA 2024。今年,DataDome将展示其最新的前沿创新产品(包括Discover),这是一个强大而免费的工具,旨在消除安全盲点。

Seamlessly integrated into the DataDome dashboard, Discover allows customers to initiate a comprehensive scan of their domains and subdomains in a single click, receiving a detailed inventory of protected, unprotected, and previously unknown domains within seconds.


Now, enterprises can better understand and protect their attack surface against sophisticated bots and fraudsters. Discover automatically provides a clear view of protection coverage and any gaps. With comprehensive visibility and insights across IT infrastructure, no domain is overlooked, and customer data, PII, intellectual property and revenues are safeguarded against costly and damaging fraud attacks.


Discover delivers on the company's "ambitious goal of launching one new product per quarter," as mentioned in The Forrester Wave: Bot Management Software, Q3 2024. Indeed, DataDome unleashed three other cutting-edge solutions in recent months: Device Check, the most effective, truly invisible CAPTCHA alternative, Ad Protect, a groundbreaking tool against ad fraud from inception, and Account Protect, which stops fraud before it happens. Additionally, DataDome now offers a ChatGPT application on the ChatGPT Marketplace, DataDome Companion, which is designed to optimize and simplify bot management processes, with the ability to create custom rules with unparalleled speed and ease.

Discover实现了该公司在《Forrester Wave: Bot Management Software,Q3 2024》中提到的“每个季度推出一款新产品的雄心壮志”。事实上,DataDome在最近几个月中推出了另外三种前沿解决方案: Device Check,这是最有效的,真正隐形的CAPTCHA替代方案, Ad Protect,这是一种开创性的工具,用于防范广告欺诈, Account Protect,在欺诈发生之前就能阻止欺诈。此外,DataDome现在在ChatGPt Marketplace上提供一个ChatGPt应用程序 DataDome Companion,旨在优化和简化机器人管理流程,并具有以前所未有的速度和便利性创建自定义规则的能力。 “我们很高兴回到黑帽USA,与其他网络安全开拓者联系在一起,并展示Discover,这是网络欺诈领域首款自动查找安全盲点的工具,”DataDome的CMO Aurelie Guerrieri说。 “对于诈骗者来说,我们的下一代安全性不但有下一代,我们的Discover可以帮助企业减少他们的攻击面的盲点。Discover将成为该行业的一款颠覆性产品,我们很高兴在黑帽大会上展示它的能力。”旨在优化和简化机器人管理流程,能够以前所未有的速度和轻松创建自定义规则。

"We are excited to return to Black Hat USA to connect with other cybersecurity evangelists, and to demonstrate Discover, the first tool of its kind in the cyberfraud space," said Aurelie Guerrieri, CMO at DataDome. "Unfortunately for fraudsters, our next-level security has a next level: Discover helps enterprises reduce blind spots in their attack surface. Discover will be a game-changer in the industry, and we are excited to showcase its capabilities at Black Hat."

“我们很高兴回到Black Hat USA与其他网络安全概念的倡导者联系,展示Discover这一网络欺诈安全防范行业板块的首款工具,”DataDome的首席市场官Aurelie Guerrieri表示。“遗憾的是,对于欺诈者来说,我们的下一级安全措施更上一层:Discover可以帮助企业减少攻击面上的盲点。Discover将是行业的改变者,我们很高兴展示它的能力在Black Hat上。”

DataDome's team of experts will be at booth 3136 from August 7-8, ready to provide demos of Discover, and to showcase how DataDome's award-winning platform prevents 100% of automated threats in real-time.

DataDome的专家团队将在8月7-8日的3136展位为您提供Discover的演示,并展示DataDome平台如何实时防止100%的自动化威胁。 屡获殊荣的 本次黑帽USA大会,与会者可以:

This year at Black Hat USA, attendees can:


  • Put their site to the test. Learn which automated threats are bypassing current defenses. Get hands-on access to DataDome's bot tester tool, which evaluates in real time which bots are bypassing existing security solutions.
  • Increase your expertise with "lightning talks." Join our on-site experts to explore the evolving bot threat landscape and discover cutting-edge strategies to combat these risks. These lightning talks will be on the hour, every hour, from 11a-5p on Wednesday, and 11a-3p on Thursday at booth 3136.
  • See DataDome in action. Get a live demo of the award-winning cyberfraud platform and see first-hand how it detects and mitigates online threats with unparalleled accuracy and zero compromise. Book your spot.
  • Learn how to defend against the new Headless Chrome, AI-based CAPTCHA farms, bot automation frameworks & more. Join DataDome's VP of Solution and Services as he explores the latest tools from the bot ecosystem in 2024, how they enable non-expert bot developers to conduct sophisticated attacks, and what you can do to defend against them. This must-attend session will take place on Wednesday, August 7, from 3:15-3:35 p.m. in Mandalay Bay Ballroom K. Don't miss this opportunity to gain critical insights and enhance your security posture! Add it to your schedule.
  • Meet the BotBusters. Meet members of the C-Suite, our VP of Solutions & Services, Director of Channel Sales, VP of Product, and more! They will be available to discuss all-things online fraud and bot management. Book a meeting!
  • Party with us! Join DataDome at the ZeroFox Level Up Party on August 7 at 8p PT. This retro arcade party, known for its breathtaking views, swanky cocktails, and gaming's greatest titles, offers an unparalleled and memorable experience. Get on the list now!
  • 学习如何防御新的Headless Chrome、基于AI的CAPTCHA Farm、机器人自动化框架等等。加入DataDome的VP of Solution and Services,了解2024年机器人生态系统中的最新工具,以及它们如何使非专家机器人开发人员进行复杂的攻击,并了解您可以采取哪些措施来防御它们。这个必修课将于8月7日星期三下午3点15分至3点35分在Mandalay Bay Ballroom k举行。不要错过这个获得重要见解并增强您的安全姿态的机会!
  • 通过“闪电演讲”增强您的专业知识。加入我们的现场专家,探索不断发展的机器人威胁格局,并发现应对这些风险的前沿策略。这些闪电演讲将于星期三的11点至下午5点,星期四的11点至下午3点,每小时在3136展位上举行。
  • 看DataDome如何运作。观看屡获殊荣的网络欺诈平台的实时演示,并亲身体验它如何以无与伦比的准确性和零折衷性检测和减轻在线威胁。 预约您的座位。
  • 了解如何抵御新的Headless Chrome、基于AI的CAPTCHA Farm、机器人自动化框架等等。加入DataDome的解决方案和服务VP,探索来自2024年机器人生态系统的最新工具,了解非专家机器人开发人员如何进行复杂攻击,并了解您可以采取哪些措施来防御这些攻击。这个必修课将于8月7日星期三下午3点15分至3点35分在Mandalay Bay Ballroom k举行。不要错过这个获得重要见解并增强您的安全姿态的机会! 将其加入您的日程安排。.
  • 与BotBusters会面。与C-Suite成员、我们的解决方案和服务VP、渠道销售总监、产品副总裁等人会面,讨论一切在线诈骗和机器人管理方面的事宜。 预约会面。!
  • 与我们一起嗨!8月7日下午8点,加入DataDome参加ZeroFox Level Up Party。这个复古的街机派对以其令人惊叹的美景、时髦的鸡尾酒和最伟大的游戏而闻名,提供了一次难忘的体验。 立即预约。 今天的新闻发布会是在多项最新公告之后进行的,其中包括成为最新势力Forrester Wave:机器人管理软件报告中的领袖、DataDome账户保护和DataDome广告保护的发布、DataDome机器人赏金计划的扩展、Device Check的发布以及其渠道合作伙伴计划的扩展。

Today's news comes on the heels of several recent announcements, including being recognized as a Leader in the latest Forrester Wave: Bot Management Software report, the launch of DataDome Account Protect and DataDome Ad Protect, the expansion of DataDome's bot bounty program, the release of Device Check, and its channel partner program expansion.

留意DataDome的威胁研究和客户案例研究的定期更新。 以经过认可的领导者的身份。 在最新的Forrester Wave:机器人管理软件报告中获得认可,在DataDome账户保护和DataDome广告保护的发布、扩展DataDome机器人赏金计划、发布Device Check以及扩展其渠道合作伙伴计划之后,今天的新闻传来了。

Follow DataDome on YouTube, Reddit and LinkedIn for regular updates on threat research, customer case studies, and to ensure your bot protection is ready to tackle the most sophisticated attacks.

在Twitter上关注DataDome以获取威胁研究和客户案例研究的定期更新。 YouTube, Reddit和页面。LinkedIn 关注DataDome以获取关于威胁研究和客户案例研究的定期更新。 了解更多有关如何保护您的业务免受网络欺诈的信息。并确保您的机器人保护已准备好应对最复杂的攻击。

About DataDome


DataDome's cyberfraud protection stops attacks with unparalleled accuracy and zero compromise. Our platform, powered by multi-layered machine learning, analyzes 5 trillion signals daily, adapting to and scanning every request in real-time. We protect leading enterprises worldwide, including Foot Locker, Tripadvisor, and SoundCloud. With record time to value, DataDome acts as a force multiplier for teams, offering transparent insights, 24/7 SOC coverage options, and 50+ easy to deploy integrations. DataDome was named a Leader in The Forrester Wave Bot Management 2024 report, is consistently ranked a G2 Leader, and was recognized as one of G2's Best Security Products of 2024.

DataDome的网络欺诈保护确保极高的准确性和零妥协。我们的平台由多层机器学习技术驱动,每天分析5000亿条信号,能够实时适应并检测每个请求。我们保护着Foot Locker,猫途鹰和SoundCloud等公司的网站安全。DataDome快速响应,为团队提供透明的见解,24/7的SOC覆盖选项以及50多个易于部署的集成。DataDome被评为《Empty payload.》的领导者,一直是G2的领导者,并被认为是G2的2024 Empty payload.在《Empty payload 动态管理2024》报告中被评为领导者,一直占据G2的领导者地位。 G2领导者 之一,被评为G2的最佳安全产品之一DataDome被认为是《Empty payload.》2024年最佳安全产品之一。.



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