
Mawson Announces Signing of Scheme Implementation Agreement With Southern Cross Gold

Mawson Announces Signing of Scheme Implementation Agreement With Southern Cross Gold

Accesswire ·  07/30 19:15

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 30, 2024 / Mawson Gold Limited ("Mawson" or the "Company") (TSXV:MAW)(Frankfurt:MXR)(OTC PINK:MWSNF) is pleased to announce that further to its news release of June 10, 2024, Mawson has entered into a definitive binding scheme implementation agreement ("SIA") with Southern Cross Gold Ltd ("SXG") (ASX:SXG) dated July 30, 2024. Pursuant to the SIA, Mawson proposes to acquire all of the ordinary shares of SXG (the "SXG Shares") Mawson does not already own by way of a scheme of arrangement under the laws of Australia (the "Arrangement"). Mawson currently owns 96,590,910 or 48.85% of the issued SXG Shares. Following completion of the Arrangement, SXG will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Mawson.

温哥华,BC / ACCESSWIRE /2024年7月30日/ - Mawson Gold Limited(“Mawson”或“公司”)(TSXV:MAW)(Frankfurt:MXR)(OTC PINK:MWSNF)很高兴宣布,根据2024年6月10日的新闻发布,Mawson已于2024年7月30日与Southern Cross Gold Ltd(“SXG”)(ASX:SXG)签署了明确的有约束力的方案实施协议(“SIA”)。根据SIA,Mawson拟通过澳大利亚法律下的安排方式(“安排”)收购SXG(普通股“SXG股票”)的所有普通股票。目前,Mawson已拥有96,590,910股SXG流通股的48.85%。在安排完成后,SXG将成为Mawson的全资子公司。

Under the terms of the SIA and prior to the effective date of the Arrangement:


  1. Mawson intends to affect a share consolidation of its common shares (the "Mawson Shares") at a ratio of approximately 3.1581:1, resulting in the number of outstanding Mawson Shares being equal to the number of SXG Shares currently held by Mawson (the "Consolidation");

  2. Subject to Mawson shareholder approval, Mawson intends to spin-off its Swedish uranium assets and C$600,000 of cash into a newly formed subsidiary company ("Spino") in consideration of common shares of Spinco and distribute those Spinco shares to the Mawson shareholders as a return of capital (the "Spin-out") pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia). The Spin-out is also expected to be subject to certain conditions customary for this type of transaction including, but not limited to, regulatory and court approvals in British Columbia;

  3. Mawson will seek to dual list on the on the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") through the admission to quotation of the CHESS Depositary Interests "CDIs" (which will be subject to the ASX listing and admission process);

  4. It is expected Mawson will change its name to Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd.; and

  5. Mawson will seek disinterested shareholder approval for, among other matters, to replace the current Mawson board of directors with each of Messrs. Tom Eadie and David Henstridge and Ms. Georgina Carnegie, each a current director of SXG. Michael Hudson, the Managing Director of SXG, will remain on the Mawson board. It is proposed that Mr. Eadie will serve as the Company's Non-Executive Chairman and Mr. Michael Hudson will serve as President & CEO of the Company.

  1. Mawson打算按照大约3.1581:1的比例对其普通股(“Mawson股票”)进行股份合并, 导致流通Mawson股票数目等于Mawson已持有的SXG股票数目(“合并”);

  2. 在获得Mawson股东的批准后,据商业公司法(卑诗省)的规定,Mawson打算将其瑞典铀资产和C $ 600,000的现金剥离并注入到新成立的子公司(“Spino”)中,以普通股的形式分配这些Spinco股票给Mawson股东作为资本回报(“Spin-out”)。Spin-out还预计将受到此类交易的惯例条件的约束,包括但不限于卑诗省的监管和法庭批准;

  3. Mawson将寻求通过CHESS存放证券“CDI”(将受到ASX上市和承认程序的约束)在澳大利亚证券交易所(“ASX”)上进行双重上市;

  4. 预计Mawson将更名为Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd.;

  5. Mawson将寻求无私利益的股东批准,以取代现任的Mawson董事会成员,任命Messrs。Tom Eadie和David Henstridge和Ms。Georgina Carnegie,分别为SXG的现任董事。 SXG的管理总监Michael Hudson将留任Mawson董事会。 Mr.Eadie拟任公司的非执行主席,而Mr.Michael Hudson将担任公司总裁兼首席执行官。

Pursuant to the Arrangement, Mawson will acquire the SXG Shares in consideration of 1 Mawson Share (post Consolidation) for each 1 SXG Share (the "Exchange Ratio").


The Arrangement, aimed at consolidating ownership and establishing a single dual-listed company to hold the Sunday Creek Project, has been chosen for its expected operational and corporate efficiency and the benefits it offers to all shareholders of both SXG and Mawson (refer to Mawson's June 10, 2024 news release for further details on the intended benefits).

该安排旨在合并所有权并建立一个单一的双重上市公司以持有Sunday Creek项目,并因其预期的运营和公司效率而被选定,并为SXG和Mawson的所有股东提供益处(有关预期益处的进一步详情,请参阅Mawson的2024年6月10日新闻发布)。

Mawson believes that the immediate benefits to its shareholders include:


  • Simplification of Structure: Mawson anticipates immediate benefits for its shareholders through a more transparent and institutional-investible structure. The Company believes this will lead to a potential revaluation of the asset, reducing the cost of capital to advance the Sunday Creek Project to become one of the highest margin gold assets globally.

  • Direct Exposure to Sunday Creek: The Australian Arrangement and the listing of Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd's shares on both the ASX and TSXV offers new and existing shareholders of Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd direct exposure to the globally leading Sunday Creek Project. The North American market has greatly benefited from the wealth generated from the rebirth of the Victorian goldfields in Australia over the last 8 years.

  • Institutional Support: The Australian Arrangement will transition the combined entity's shareholder base to a more institutionally dominated and supportive register. SXG brings both a high-quality register with a significant overlap of current Mawson shareholders and access to further high quality global and supportive Australian and European institutional shareholders.

  • Cost Reduction and Share Fungibility: Consolidating separate companies will lead to cost savings, while allowing for the fungibility of shares between the North American and Australian stock exchanges, benefiting all shareholders.

  • Management and Board Continuity: Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd is expected to be led by the current successful Australian management team and Board of SXG, ensuring continuity and leveraging their expertise. It is anticipated that Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd will be led by Mr. Tom Eadie as Non-Executive Chairman and Mr. Michael Hudson as President & CEO.

  • 结构简化:Mawson预计股东将通过更透明和机构化的结构获得直接利益。该公司认为,这将导致资产的潜在重新估值,从而降低推动Sunday Creek项目成为全球最高利润的金矿之一的资本成本。

  • 对Sunday Creek的直接认购:澳大利亚安排以及Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd股票在ASX和TSXV上市,为Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd的新老股东提供了直接认购全球领先的Sunday Creek项目的机会。过去8年中,维多利亚州金矿的复苏为北美市场带来了巨大的财富。

  • 机构支持:澳大利亚的安排将将合并实体的股东基础转变为更具机构色彩的支持性股东。 SXG带来了高质量的股东名册,其中有重叠的现有Mawson股东,并获得了进一步高质量的全球和支持性澳大利亚和欧洲机构股东的机会。

  • 减少成本和股份可替代性:合并分开的公司将实现成本节约,同时允许在北美和澳大利亚股票交易所之间流通股票,使所有股东受益。

  • 管理和董事会连续性:Southern Cross Gold Consolidated Ltd预计由成功的现任澳大利亚管理团队和SXG董事会领导,并确保连续性和发挥其专业知识。预计Mr.Tom Eadie将担任公司的非执行主席,而Mr.Michael Hudson将担任公司总裁兼首席执行官。

The Arrangement is subject to a range of conditions, including, but not limited to, approval by SXG shareholders, approval by the Mawson shareholders of the Spinout and Mawson board changes, Australian court approval and Australian and Canadian regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSXV, the ASX and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The SIA contains terms and conditions, including representations and warranties, restrictive covenants and board support customary for transactions of this nature. The SIA also contains customary non-solicitation covenants and fiduciary-out provisions for both Mawson and SXG and provides both Mawson and SXG with a 5-business day right to match in the event that the other party receives a superior proposal. Under certain circumstances where the Arrangement is not completed, including due to Mawson accepting a superior proposal, Mawson is required to pay SXG a termination fee of A$2,000,000. Under certain circumstances where the Arrangement is not completed, including due to SXG accepting a superior proposal, SXG is required to pay Mawson a termination fee of A$1,000,000.

本协议受到一系列条件的约束,包括但不限于SXG股东的批准,Mawson股东的Spinout和Mawson董事会变更的批准,澳大利亚法院批准以及澳大利亚和加拿大监管机构的批准,其中包括TSXV,ASX和澳大利亚证券和投资委员会的批准。 SIA包含此类交易所需的条款和条件,包括代表和担保,限制性契约以及对于此类交易惯例的董事会支持。 SIA还包括定制的未就业协议和受托人协议,为Mawson和SXG提供5个工作日的权利来匹配对方接受更好的提议。在不完成安排的情况下,包括由于Mawson接受更好的提议,Mawson需要向SXG支付200万澳元的终止费。在某些情况下,包括由于SXG接受更好的提议,SXG需要向Mawson支付100万澳元的终止费。

Each of Mawson and SXG have formed special committees of independent directors to negotiate the terms of the Arrangement and the SIA and make recommendations to their respective boards. Having received the positive recommendation of the Mawson special committee, and having considered the Arrangement and its intended benefits, and the terms and conditions of the SIA, among other matters, the Mawson board of directors unanimously approved the Arrangement and Mawson entering into the SIA. Given Michael Hudson's positions in both Mawson and SXG, he recused himself from all Mawson board meetings relating to the Arrangement and SIA.

Mawson和SXG各自成立了独立董事特别委员会,以谈判安排和SIA的条款并向其各自董事会提出建议。在收到Mawson特别委员会的肯定建议,并考虑到安排及其预期的益处,以及SIA的条款和条件等事项后,Mawson董事会一致批准该安排并决定进入SIA。考虑到Michael Hudson在Mawson和SXG两个公司的职位,他退出了所有与安排和SIA相关的Mawson董事会会议。

Closing of the Arrangement is expected to complete in late October 2024.


Further details of the Arrangement and the shareholders meetings to be held by each of SXG and Mawson will be provided in the coming weeks. A copy of the SIA will be filed with the Canadian securities regulators and will be available on SEDAR+ at under Mawson's profile.

将在未来几周内提供有关安排和SXG和Mawson各自召开的股东大会的进一步细节。 SIA的副本将在加拿大证券监管机构处备案,并可在SEDAR +下Mawson的简介中查询。

None of the securities to be issued pursuant to the Arrangement have been, or will be registered under the United State Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any applicable securities law of any state of the United States and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of a U.S. person, absent such registration or an exemption therefrom. It is anticipated that any securities to be issued under the Arrangement will be offered and issued in reliance upon the exemption from such registration requirements provided by Section 3(a)(10) of the U.S. Securities Act and pursuant to applicable exemptions under state securities laws. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. "United States" and "U.S. person" are as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act.

根据本安排所发行的任何证券均未在美国《证券法》(经修订后)或任何美国州的适用证券法下进行或将进行登记,并且未得到或未能获得注册或豁免,因此不得在美国境内或向美国人或为之买卖的人提供或销售。预计使用《美国证券法》第3(a)(10)条和适用的州证券法规定的豁免规定依赖于提供或发行的任何证券方案将发行的证券。本新闻稿不构成任何证券出售或购买的要约。在此,"美国"和"美国人"的定义如《美国证券法》下的Regulation S中定义。

About Mawson Gold Ltd
Mawson Gold Limited has distinguished itself as a leading Nordic exploration company. Over the last decades, the team behind Mawson has forged a long and successful record of discovering, financing, and advancing mineral projects in the Nordics and Australia. Mawson holds the Skellefteå North gold discovery and a portfolio of historic uranium resources in Sweden. In May 2022, Mawson spun-off its Australian assets via an IPO of SXG onto the ASX. Mawson currently holds 48.85% (96,590,910) of SXG's Shares (197,746,604) on issue.

关于Mawson Gold Ltd
Mawson Gold Limited已成为领先的挪威勘探公司。在过去几十年中,Mawson团队成功地发现、融资和推进了挪威和澳洲的矿产项目。Mawson掌握Skelleftea North金矿发现和瑞典历史悠久的铀资源组合。2022年5月,Mawson通过ASX股票公开发行IPO将其澳大利亚资产剥离为SXG。目前,Mawson持有SXG已发行股份中的48.85%(96,590,910),SXG共有197,746,604股。

About Southern Cross Gold Ltd
SXG holds the 100%-owned Sunday Creek project in Victoria and Mt Isa project in Queensland, the Redcastle joint venture in Victoria, Australia, and a strategic 6.7% holding in ASX-listed Nagambie Resources Limited (ASX:NAG) which grants SXG a Right of First Refusal over a 3large tenement package held by NAG in Victoria.

关于Southern Cross Gold Ltd
SXG持有维多利亚州的Sunday Creek项目和昆士兰州的Mt Isa项目,维多利亚州的Redcastle联营企业以及在ASX上市的Nagambie Resources Limited (ASX:NAG)的战略持股6.7%,这使SXG可以优先选择NAG在维多利亚州持有的3大特许权。

Further Information
Further discussion and analysis of the Sunday Creek project is available through the interactive Vrify 3D animations, presentations and videos all available at .

更多关于Sunday Creek项目的讨论和分析,请在可交互的Vrify 3D动画、演示内容和视频中浏览。

On behalf of the Board,

"Bruce Griffin"

Bruce Griffin, Member of the Special Committee and Independent Director

Further Information

1305 - 1090 West Georgia St., Vancouver, BC, V6E 3V7
Mariana Bermudez (Canada), Corporate Secretary
+1 (604) 685 9316


"Bruce Griffin"

特别委员会成员及独立董事Bruce Griffin


1305-1090 West Georgia St.,温哥华,BC,V6E 3V7
Mariana Bermudez(加拿大),公司秘书
+1 (604) 685 9316

Forward-Looking Statement
This news release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions and accordingly, actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. You are hence cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of present or historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements that the Arrangement, including the proposed Consolidation, proposed listing of Mawson's shares on the ASX and Spin-out of Mawson's uranium assets, will be consummated on the terms and timeline provided herein or at all, the benefits of the Arrangement to Mawson and SXG and the receipt of all required approvals including without limitation by shareholders and applicable court, regulatory authorities and applicable stock exchanges. Forward-looking statements include words or expressions such as "proposed", "will", "subject to", "near future", "in the event", "would", "expect", "prepared to" and other similar words or expressions. Factors that could cause future results or events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements include general business, economic, competitive, political, anticipated Swedish legislative changes on the current ban on uranium mining and social uncertainties; the state of capital markets; the impact on the respective businesses, operations and financial condition of Mawson and SXG resulting from the announcement of the Arrangement and/or the failure to fulfil the terms of the SIA, or to complete the Arrangement on terms described or at all, delay or failure to receive board, shareholder regulatory or court approvals, where applicable, or any other conditions precedent to the completion of the SIA, unforeseen challenges in integrating the businesses of Mawson and SXG, failure to realize the anticipated benefits of the Arrangement or Spin-out of the uranium assets, other unforeseen events, developments, or factors causing any of the aforesaid expectations, assumptions, and other factors ultimately being inaccurate or irrelevant; and other risks described in Mawson's and SXG's documents filed with Canadian or Australian securities regulatory authorities. You can find further information with respect to these and other risks in filings made by Mawson or SXG with the securities regulatory authorities in Canada or Australia, as applicable, and available in Canada at . Mawson's documents are also available at We disclaim any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

本新闻发布包含前瞻性声明。前瞻性声明涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和假设,因此,实际结果和未来事件可能与这些声明中所表达或暗示的结果和事件有实质性差异。因此,您应该谨慎,不要过度依赖前瞻性声明。除现有或历史事实陈述外,所有其他陈述均为前瞻性声明,包括有关本安排(包括拟议的整合,Mawson股票拟于ASX上市和Mawson铀资产的分立计划)将按照此处或适用的时间表达成或者不会达成,安排对Mawson和SXG的益处以及获得所有必需的批准(包括但不限于股东和适用法院、监管机构和适用证券交易所)的陈述。前瞻性声明包括“拟议的”、“将”、“受”、“近期”、“在事件发生时”、“将会”、“预计”、“准备”等类似的词语或表达。导致未来结果或事件与前瞻性声明所表达或暗示的目前期望存在实质性差异的因素包括通用业务、经济、竞争、政治或在瑞典核能开采禁令立法变更预期和社会不确定性;资本市场的状态;Mawson和SXG因此安排公告和(或)无法履行SIA条款或者完全达成安排、延迟或无法获得适用的董事会、股东、监管机构或法院批准或者任何SIA完成的先决条件、Mawson和SXG业务、运营和财务状况产生的影响;Mawson和SXG合并业务时遇到的未预见的挑战、无法实现安排或铀资产分立所预计的益处、其他未预见的事件、发展或因素,导致上述预期、假设和其他最终证明不准确或不相关的因素;以及在Mawson或SXG在加拿大或澳大利亚证券监管机构提交的文件中描述的其他风险。您可以在加拿大或澳大利亚的证券监管机构所提供的文件中了解有关此等风险及其他风险的进一步信息。这些文件可在加拿大找到。Mawson的文件也可以在以下网站上获得。我们声明除适用法律规定外,不承担更新或修订这些前瞻性声明的义务。TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定义的那样)不承担对本新闻发布的充分性或准确性的责任。

SOURCE: Mawson Gold Limited

来源:Mawson Gold Limited

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