
Progress Introduces the Latest in Job Orchestration With Chef Courier

Progress Introduces the Latest in Job Orchestration With Chef Courier

进展公司介绍了最新的职位编排与Chef Courier。
GlobeNewswire ·  07/31 09:00

New offering delivers efficiency, speed and trust in even the most complex IT environments


BURLINGTON, Mass., July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS), the trusted provider of AI-powered infrastructure software, today announced the launch of Progress Chef Courier—an innovative product designed to streamline, automate and optimize job orchestration across the entire enterprise software infrastructure. Delivered on the new cloud-native platform, Progress Chef 360, Chef Courier adds to the extensive Progress Infrastructure Management portfolio, making the management of complex workflows easier than ever.

驻足于BURLINGTON,Mass. - 2024年7月31日 – 全球新闻发布 – Progress(纳斯达克:PRGS)是人工智能支持的基础设施软件可靠提供商,今天宣布推出Progress Chef Courier –一款创新产品,旨在通过新的云原生平台Progress Chef 360,简化、自动化和优化整个企业软件基础设施的工作编排。Chef Courier作为Progress基础设施管理组合中的一部分,使管理复杂工作流程比以往更容易。

"Speeding the delivery of critical applications while meeting security and compliance requirements is a must for every business. With today's release, we are extending our customers' ability to do this and much more," said Sundar Subramanian, EVP & General Manager of Infrastructure Management at Progress. "Chef Courier helps to seamlessly unite people, tools and workflows by streamlining critical IT processes. Along with Chef 360, Chef Courier is the next step of our increased investment in the current Chef portfolio, adding to our already robust capabilities in infrastructure, security, compliance, application delivery and edge management."

“对于每个企业来说,加速关键应用程序的交付,同时满足安全和合规要求是必要的。通过今天的发布,我们扩展了我们客户的业务能力及更多。” Progress基础设施管理执行副总裁兼总经理Sundar Subramanian表示道,“Chef Courier通过简化关键的It流程,帮助人们、工具和流程无缝联合。Chef 360与Chef Courier一起是我们对当前Chef组合投资的下一步,增加了我们在基础设施、安全、合规、应用交付和边缘管理方面的强大能力。”

Chef Courier brings advancements in efficiency, speed and trust, extending the overall value of DevSecOps. It bridges the gap between application development and security while retaining the flexibility needed for complex, heterogeneous software infrastructure environments. With the new Chef Courier offering, IT professionals can now harness orchestration capabilities that help to streamline and speed up infrastructure management. They can create customized node lists to run, schedule or create conditions for systematic job orchestration, reducing the time needed to identify and troubleshoot issues at scale. The consolidation of tools also helps reduce skillset requirements and ongoing costs of hiring and retaining talent resources.

Chef Courier带来了效率、速度与信任的进步,扩展了DevSecOps的整体价值。它弥合了应用程序开发和安全之间的差距,同时保留了复杂、异构软件基础设施环境所需的灵活性。通过新的Chef Courier提供,It专业人员现在可以利用协调能力来简化和加速基础设施管理。他们可以创建自定义节点列表来运行、调度或创建系统化的作业编排条件,从而减少在规模上识别和解决问题所需的时间。工具的整合也有助于减少技能需求和招聘和保留人才资源的持续成本。

"As part of its beta program, we have been thoroughly impressed by the opportunities Chef Courier has unlocked for us," said Henk Keuris, Senior DevOps Engineer of a large South African medical insurance company. "It's compact and easy to use, and I can see everything I need on one screen."

“作为测试计划的一部分,我们对Chef Courier所解锁的机会印象深刻。” 一家南非大型医疗保险公司的高级DevOps工程师Henk Keuris表示,“它小巧易用,而且我可以在一个屏幕上看到我需要的一切。”

The vendor-agnostic approach of Chef Courier extends investment across different technologies and removes the iterative and error-prone manual approach to managing change. Continued support for the open-source community and transparent licensing terms provide an alternative to ongoing changes introduced by competitive offerings. In addition, the availability of SaaS and marketplace options minimizes the need to manage tasks such as regular upgrades and incident response and resolution in the Chef environment.

Chef Courier的供应商无关方法扩展了对不同技术的投资,并消除了迭代和容易出错的手动方式来管理变更。对开放源代码社区的持续支持和透明许可条款提供了对竞争提供的不断变化的替代选择。此外,SaaS和市场选项的可用性将最小化在Chef环境中管理常规升级以及事件响应和解决方案等任务的需要。

According to Gartner, "The IA&O [Infrastructure Automation & Orchestration] market is evolving as more is demanded of infrastructure delivery teams to support rapidly changing business and technology landscapes. Gartner believes with the adoption of IPE [Infrastructure Platform Engineering] to provide the delivery of quality, flexible and optimized infrastructure, the IA&O market will become more important."1

据Gartner称,“IA&O [基础设施自动化和编排]市场正在发展,因为基础设施交付团队需要支持快速变化的业务和技术形势。Gartner认为,使用IPE [基础设施平台工程]提供优质、灵活和优化的基础设施交付,IA&O市场将变得更加重要。1”

Chef Courier is available today. To learn more, click here.

Chef Courier现已推出。欲了解更多信息,请单击此处。

About Progress
Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) empowers organizations to achieve transformational success in the face of disruptive change. Our software enables our customers to develop, deploy and manage responsible AI-powered applications and experiences with agility and ease. Customers get a trusted provider in Progress, with the products, expertise and vision they need to succeed. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at .

关于ProgressProgress (NASDAQ:PRGS)赋予组织在面对颠覆性变化时实现变革成功的力量。我们的软件使客户能够以敏捷和轻松的方式开发、部署和管理负责任的人工智能应用程序和体验。Progress是客户的值得信赖的提供商,在产品、专业知识和愿景方面为他们赋能,以确保成功。400万开发人员和技术人员以及成千上万的企业依靠Progress。了解更多信息,请访问。
Progress (纳斯达克:PRGS)能够使组织在面对颠覆性变化时实现转型成功。我们的软件使客户能够以敏捷和轻松的方式开发、部署和管理负责任的人工智能支持的应用程序和体验。客户在Progress中获得了可信赖的提供者,拥有所需的产品、专业知识和视野,以取得成功。超过400万的开发人员和技术人员在成千上万的企业中依赖于Progress。请访问了解更多信息。

Progress, Chef and Chef Courier are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

Progress、Chef和Chef Courier是Progress Software Corporation及其子公司或附属公司在美国和其他国家的商标或注册商标。此处包含的任何其他商标均为其各自所有者的财产。

Press Contacts:
Kim Baker
+ 1-800-213-3407

Kim Baker
+ 1-800-213-3407

1 Gartner, "Market Guide for Infrastructure Automation and Orchestration Tools," February 21, 2024

1 Gartner, "Market Guide for Infrastructure Automation and Orchestration Tools," February 21, 2024

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