
Category Leaders Outbrain and Teads to Merge, Creating an Independent End-to-End Advertising Platform for the Open Internet

Category Leaders Outbrain and Teads to Merge, Creating an Independent End-to-End Advertising Platform for the Open Internet

GlobeNewswire ·  08/01 08:02

Company will combine performance and omnichannel video offerings to become the preferred destination to drive full-funnel marketing outcomes across the entire consumer journey




  • Outbrain will acquire Teads in an approximately $1 billion transaction, consisting of $725 million upfront cash and $25 million deferred cash, 35 million shares of common stock of Outbrain, and $105 million of convertible preferred equity.
  • The combination will create one of the largest open internet advertising platforms, differentiated by its ability to drive outcomes for awareness, consideration, and performance objectives — across CTV, web and mobile apps.
  • The two companies will bring together a total 20,000 direct advertisers with a base of 10,000+ premium media environments — creating one of the largest, direct supply paths across the open internet and CTV.
  • The combined platform will cover 50+ markets and reach over 2 billion consumers per month.
  • The two companies are expected to generate a combined Ex-TAC Gross Profit of $660 - $680 million(1)(2) and Adjusted EBITDA of $180 - $190 million(1)(2) in 2024E. Synergies are estimated to contribute an additional $50 - $60 million of Adjusted EBITDA annually in the second full year following completion of the transaction, with further opportunities for expanded synergies in the following years.
  • Upon closing of the transaction, David Kostman, CEO of Outbrain, will serve as CEO of the combined company, with current Teads Co-CEOs, Bertrand Quesada and Jeremy Arditi serving as Co-Presidents.
  • Asaf Porat will serve as COO, leading the integration of the two companies. Altice, the current owner of Teads, will appoint two board members (one non-affiliated) in addition to Outbrain's existing eight.
  • Outbrain将以约10亿美元的价格收购Teads,其中包括7250万美元的前期现金、2500万美元的后期现金,Outbrain的3500万股普通股以及1.05亿美元的可转换优先股权。
  • 这一组合将创造一个最大的开放互联网广告平台,根据其在跨电视、Web和移动应用程序上实现意识、考虑和性能目标的能力进行区分。
  • 这两家公司将汇集超过2万名直接广告客户和1万多个高端媒体环境,从而在开放互联网和CTV的直接供应路径中创建一个最大的供应路径。
  • 合并平台将覆盖50多个市场,每月可触达超过20亿消费者。
  • 两家公司预计在2024E年实现660-68000万美元的净营业利润(1)(2)和180-19000万美元的调整后EBITDA(1)(2)。协同效应预计将在交易完成后第二个整年每年额外贡献50-6000万美元的调整后EBITDA,并在接下来的几年中进一步扩大协同效应的机会。
  • 交易完成后,Outbrain的CEO David Kostman将担任合并公司的CEO,而现任Teads的联合CEO Bertrand Quesada和Jeremy Arditi将担任联合总裁。
  • Asaf Porat将担任COO,领导两家公司的整合。现任Teads所有者Altice将任命两名董事会成员(一名非关联方),另加上Outbrain的八名现有成员。

NEW YORK, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Outbrain (NASDAQ: OB), a technology platform that drives business outcomes through engagement, announced today it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Teads, the global omnichannel video platform.

NEW YORK,2024年8月1日(环球新闻电线)--Outbrain(NASDAQ:OB)是一家通过参与推动业务成果的技术平台,今天宣布已签署明确协议收购全球全渠道视频平台Teads。

The strategic combination will unite two of the most recognized names in digital advertising to create an end-to-end, omnichannel advertising solution for the open internet. The transaction will combine Outbrain's AI-driven performance technology with Teads' leading video and branding solutions, merging the companies' highly-complementary capabilities into a comprehensive full-funnel solution for advertisers.


The combined company will provide advertisers with unified access to the most engaging and valuable consumer media experiences, from CTV to online shopping. Once the combination is completed, the company will represent a break from established platform players that base their value primarily on views and impressions. In contrast, the combined company plans to focus on delivering more tangible outcomes such as attention, deep engagement, and e-commerce conversions — across the multitude of previously fragmented premium environments on the open internet, including connected TV.


"This is a transformative transaction to establish a true end-to-end, full-funnel platform for the open internet," said David Kostman, CEO of Outbrain. "The combination of our highly-complementary offerings accelerates our vision to become the preferred partner to deliver meaningful brand outcomes across premium, quality media environments — while scaling the industry-leading offerings Teads is known for. I'm incredibly proud of what our team at Outbrain has created, and strongly believe that with Teads we will build tremendous value for our customers, employees, and partners. I believe this combination and the transaction's financial structure position Outbrain to deliver significant shareholder value in the years to come."

"这是一项具有变革性的交易,旨在为开放互联网建立真正的端到端全漏斗解决方案," Outbrain的CEO David Kostman说。"我们高度互补的产品加速了我们的愿景,即成为向高端、高质量媒体环境交付有意义品牌结果的首选合作伙伴——同时扩大Teads的领先优势。我对Outbrain团队所创造的成果感到非常骄傲,并坚信与Teads的合作将为我们的客户、员工和合作伙伴创造巨大价值。我相信这项交易和交易的金融结构定位Outbrain在未来几年内提供可观的股东价值。"

"This strategic combination presents vast new opportunities for the advertising industry at large. We've built a world-class team at Teads that has focused on driving the best video and branding outcomes, and in the last several years have successfully brought those strengths to CTV," said Bertrand Quesada, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Teads.

"这一战略性组合为整个广告行业提供了广阔的新机遇。我们在Teads建立了一支专注于推动最佳视频和品牌结果的世界一流团队,并在过去几年成功将这些优势带到CTV领域," Teads联合创始人兼联合CEO Bertrand Quesada表示。

Teads Co-CEO Jeremy Arditi added: "By joining our expertise in omnichannel video with Outbrain's strengths in prediction and performance, we are poised to provide our customers and partners with more value than ever before. Having known the Outbrain team for a decade, we know we're creating an amazing combined company focused on innovation and excellence."

Teads联合CEO Jeremy Arditi补充说:"通过将我们的全渠道视频专业技术和Outbrain的表现能力相结合,我们有望为客户和合作伙伴提供比以往任何时候都更有价值的解决方案。认识Outbrain团队已经十年,我们知道我们正在创建一家专注于创新和卓越的联合公司。"

The transaction reflects the opportunity to revolutionize the advertising landscape by offering a scaled platform that connects direct supply with direct demand, nurturing audiences and optimizing marketing results from discovery to purchase. This combination will address the self-limiting choice between branding and performance that marketers currently face when advertising on the open internet. As a result, the combined company will be well positioned to compete in the estimated — and growing — $175 billion open internet advertising opportunity.


Media owners stand to benefit from robust monetization opportunities across diverse advertiser budgets, providing critical revenue and growth to the world's premiere journalistic and entertainment outlets.


Key Combined Strengths:


  • Creation of one of the largest, direct supply paths across premium environments on the open internet and CTV, expected to reach over 2 billion monthly consumers at a global scale across 50+ combined markets.
  • Combination of highly-complementary expertise and product offerings: joining Teads' deep video and branding capabilities with Outbrain's leading performance solutions. Direct code-on-page and pixel-on-advertiser-site integrations will create an end-to-end solution that can continuously optimize outcomes.
  • Powerful suite of data capabilities, gathered from contextual, publisher environment, and advertiser performance signals — making over 1 billion predictions per second.
  • Unique, innovative ad experiences built by creative studio teams, creating new opportunities to tell engaging brand stories across the open internet, such as full-page takeovers, story sequencing from CTV to digital, and more.
  • *创造一个覆盖开放互联网和CTV的最大的直接供应路径,预计覆盖超过50个市场的逾20亿月度消费者。
  • *高度互补的专业技术和产品优势:将Teads深入的视频和品牌能力与Outbrain的领先表现解决方案相结合。直接的代码和像素集成将创建端到端解决方案,可以不断优化结果。
  • *强大的数据能力套件,从广告主表现信号、出版商环境和广告主绩效信号中收集,每秒进行超过10亿次预测。
  • 由创意工作室团队构建的独特而创新的广告体验,为跨开放互联网讲述引人入胜的品牌故事创造了新的机会,如全屏占领、从电视到数字的故事序列等等。

Transaction Details:


  • Total estimated consideration for the Teads acquisition is approximately $1 billion, on a cash free, debt free basis, including an upfront payment of $725 million, subject to standard adjustments, and a deferred cash payment of $25 million.
  • Outbrain intends to finance the transaction with existing cash resources and $750 million in committed debt financing from Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Jefferies Finance LLC and Mizuho Bank, Ltd., subject to customary funding conditions. Outbrain will also issue to Altice 35 million shares of common stock, valued at approximately $169 million based on a one-month volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of Outbrain's common stock as of July 30, 2024, of $4.82, and $105 million in convertible preferred equity.
  • The convertible preferred equity to be issued to Altice will accrue dividends on a quarterly basis at a rate of 10% per annum, payable in cash or payment-in-kind at Outbrain's option. The initial conversion price is $10.00 per share (subject to customary adjustments). The convertible preferred equity will be a perpetual instrument and may be redeemed by Outbrain in whole, or in part, in cash, prior to the five year anniversary of the issuance, subject to payment of certain premiums, and after the fifth anniversary of issuance without premium. Outbrain may also elect to convert all or a portion of the preferred shares then outstanding after two years, subject to certain share price thresholds.
  • The $25 million deferred cash payment will be paid in one or more installments after closing, subject to compliance with certain covenants in the debt financing terms.(3)
  • Additionally, Outbrain obtained commitments from Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Jefferies Finance LLC and Mizuho Bank, Ltd. for a $100 million revolving credit facility, a portion of which will be available to pay a portion of the cash consideration for the transaction and related fees and expenses, and which will otherwise be available for working capital and general corporate purposes.
  • The transaction is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2025 and is subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of Outbrain stockholder approval and regulatory approvals. The transaction has been unanimously approved by the Boards of Directors of Outbrain and Teads.
  • Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC. is acting as lead financial advisor to Outbrain with Jefferies LLC and Mizuho also acting as financial advisors. Meitar Law Offices, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner and Cravath Swaine & Moore are acting as legal advisors to Outbrain.
  • 本次Teads收购的总预计价格约为10亿美元,基于无现金、无债务的基础上,包括7,250万美元的预付款,受标准调整影响,以及2,500万美元的延迟现金支付。
  • Outbrain拟利用现有现金资源以及Goldman Sachs Bank USA、Jefferies Finance LLC和Mizuho Bank, Ltd.提供的7500万美元承诺债务融资来支付本次收购的款项,前提是符合一般性的资金募集条件。此外,Outbrain还将发行3,500万股普通股给Altice,根据2024年7月30日为期一个月的Outbrain普通股成交量加权平均价格(VWAP)约为4.82美元评估,价值约为1,6900万美元,以及1,0500万美元的可转债权益。
  • 发行给Altice的可转债权益将按照10%的年利率每季度累计现金分红,或根据Outbrain的选择采取股票支付方式。初始转换价格为每股10美元(受一般调整规定的影响)。可转债权益将是一种永久性工具,Outbrain可以使用现金全额或部分赎回,在发行日满五周年前支付一定的额外费用,并在第五年发行后无需支付溢价。Outbrain还可以在两年后选择将所有或部分未偿还的优先股转换为普通股,但需满足一定的股价门槛。
  • 2,500万美元的延迟现金支付将在收购完成后一次或分次支付,前提是符合债务融资条款中的某些契约条款。
  • 此外,Outbrain获得了Goldman Sachs Bank USA、Jefferies Finance LLC和Mizuho Bank, Ltd.提供的1亿美元循环信贷额度的承诺,其中一部分将可用于支付收购款项及相关费用和支出,并且该额度还将用于营运资金和一般性公司用途。
  • 本次交易预计将在2025年第一季度完成,并须符合惯例的交割条件,包括Outbrain股东批准和监管批准。交易已获得Outbrain和Teads董事会的一致批准。
  • Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC.担任Outbrain的主要财务顾问,Jefferies LLC和Mizuho也担任财务顾问。Meitar Law Offices、Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner和Cravath Swaine & Moore分别担任Outbrain的法律顾问。

Financial Highlights:


  • The combined company is expected to generate:
    • Advertiser spend of more than $1.7 billion in 2024E.
    • Adjusted EBITDA of $230 - $250(1)(2) million based on combined 2024E Adjusted EBITDA of $180 - $190(1)(2) million plus the impact of $50 - $60 million of year two expected realized synergies.
    • Unlevered free cash flow of more than $150 million(1)(2) in 2024E, when including the impact of year two expected realized synergies.
  • 合并后的公司预计将产生:
    • 2024年预计广告主支出超过17亿美元。
    • 2024E年度调整后EBITDA预计为2.3 - 2.5亿美元(1)(2),其中包括预计年度二实现的50 - 6000万美元的协同效应。
    • 考虑年度二预计实现的协同效应,2024E年非负债权自由现金流预计超过1.5亿美元(1)(2)。
  • Outbrain is also providing selected preliminary results for the second quarter of 2024, as follows:
    • Ex-TAC Gross Profit of $55 - $57 million(2), above the lower end of the previously-issued guidance of $53 million(2).
    • Adjusted EBITDA of at least $6 million(2), above the upper end of the previously-issued guidance range of $1 - $4 million(2).
    • These preliminary results are based on currently available information and do not present all necessary information for a complete understanding of Outbrain's results of operations for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. Actual results will be reported at Outbrain's upcoming earnings release, scheduled for August 8, 2024, and may differ from the preliminary results presented above.
  • Outbrain还提供了2024年第二季度的初步结果,如下所示:
    • 不计营销总费用税前利润为5500万 - 5700万美元(2),高于先前发布的指导下限,即5300万美元(2)。
    • 调整后EBITDA为至少600万美元(2),高于先前发布的指导范围1 - 400万美元(2)的上限。
    • 这些初步结果基于目前可得的信息,不包括了解Outbrain截至2024年6月30日的营运结果所需的全部必要信息。实际结果将在Outbrain即将举行的财务收益发布会上公布,并可能与上述初步结果不同。

(1) Amounts are presented on a combined basis and do not reflect any pro forma adjustments or other adjustments relating to integration activities, cost savings or synergies, the alignment of accounting policies, IFRS to US GAAP conversion, or the impacts of foreign exchange rates. Pro forma results presented in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation S-X could differ materially from the amounts presented above.

(1)上述金额是以合并方式呈报,并不反映任何与整合活动、成本节约或协同效应、会计政策的调整、IFRS转换为US GAAP、或汇率的影响有关的摸拟调整或其他调整。根据Regulation S-X第11条提交的摸拟结果可能与上述金额有实质性不同。

(2) The above measures are forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures for which a reconciliation to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure is not available without unreasonable efforts.


(3) If the deferred payment is not paid by the third anniversary of closing, then its balance will increase to $37.5 million and will accrue interest annually at a rate of 10% per annum.


Conference Call and Webcast:


Outbrain will host an investor conference call this morning, Thursday, August 1st at 8:30 am ET. Interested parties are invited to listen to the conference call which can be accessed live by phone by dialing 1-877-869-3847 or for international callers, 1-201-689-8261. A replay will be available two hours after the call and can be accessed by dialing 1-877-660-6853, or for international callers, 1-201-612-7415. The passcode for the live call and the replay is 13747889. The replay will be available until August 15, 2024. Interested investors and other parties may also listen to a simultaneous webcast of the conference call by logging onto the Investors Relations section of the Company's website at . The online replay will be available for a limited time shortly following the call.


Additional Information About the Transaction and Where to Find It:


This press release may be deemed to be solicitation material in respect of the stockholder approval (the "Stockholder Approval") to authorize the issuance of certain equity securities of Outbrain as consideration for the proposed transaction. In connection with a special meeting of its shareholders for the Stockholder Approval, Outbrain intends to file relevant materials with the SEC, including Outbrain's proxy statement in preliminary and definitive form. INVESTORS AND STOCKHOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ THE DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT AND OTHER RELEVANT MATERIALS CAREFULLY IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT OUTBRAIN, TEADS AND THE TRANSACTION. Investors and stockholders may obtain a free copy of these materials (when available) and other documents filed by Outbrain with the SEC through the website maintained by the SEC at In addition, free copies of these materials will be made available free of charge through Outbrain's website at


Participants in the Solicitation:


Outbrain and its directors and executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the stockholders of Outbrain in favor of the Stockholder Approval. Information regarding these directors and executive officers and a description of their direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, is set forth in Outbrain's proxy statement for its 2024 annual meeting of stockholders on Schedule 14A, which was filed with the SEC on April 26, 2024. To the extent holdings of Outbrain's securities by its directors or executive officers have changed since the amounts set forth in such 2024 proxy statement, such changes have been or will be reflected on Initial Statements of Beneficial Ownership on Form 3 or Statements of Change in Ownership on Form 4 filed with the SEC. Additional information concerning the direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, of Outbrain's participants in the solicitation, which may, in some cases, be different than those of Outbrain's shareholders generally, will be set forth in Outbrain's proxy statement relating to the Stockholder Approval when it becomes available.


Cautionary Note About Forward-Looking Statements:


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which statements involve substantial risks and uncertainties. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about the industries in which Outbrain and Teads operate, and beliefs and assumptions of Outbrain's management. Forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, statements regarding possible or assumed future results of our business, financial condition, results of operations, liquidity, plans and objectives, expected synergies and statements of a general economic or industry-specific nature. You can generally identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as "may," "will," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "could," "intends," "guidance," "outlook," "target," "projects," "contemplates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "foresee," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions that concern our expectations, strategy, plans or intentions or are not statements of historical fact. The outcome of the events described in these forward-looking statements is subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors including, but not limited to: the risk that the conditions to the consummation of the transaction will not be satisfied (or waived); uncertainty as to the timing of the consummation of the transaction and Outbrain's and Teads' ability to complete the transaction; the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance or condition that could give rise to the termination of the stock purchase agreement; the failure to obtain, or delays in obtaining, required regulatory approvals or clearances; the risk that any such approval may result in the imposition of conditions that could adversely affect Outbrain or Teads, or the expected benefits of the transaction; the failure to obtain the necessary debt financing to complete the transaction; the effect of the announcement or pendency of the transaction on Outbrain's or Teads' operating results and business generally; risks that the transaction disrupts current plans and operations or diverts management's attention from its ongoing business; the initiation or outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against Outbrain or Teads, or their respective directors or officers, related to the transaction; unexpected costs, charges or expenses resulting from the transaction; the risk that Outbrain's stock price may decline significantly if the transaction is not consummated; the effect of the announcement of the transaction on the ability of Outbrain and Teads to retain and hire key personnel and maintain relationships with their customers, suppliers and others with whom they do business; the ability of Outbrain to successfully integrate Teads' operations, technologies and employees; the ability to realize anticipated benefits and synergies of the transaction, including the expectation of enhancements to Outbrain's services, greater revenue or growth opportunities, operating efficiencies and cost savings; overall advertising demand and traffic generated by Outbrain and the combined company's media partners; factors that affect advertising demand and spending, such as the continuation or worsening of unfavorable economic or business conditions or downturns, instability or volatility in financial markets, and other events or factors outside of Outbrain and the combined company's control, such as U.S. and global recession concerns, geopolitical concerns, including the ongoing wars between Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Hamas, supply chain issues, inflationary pressures, labor market volatility, bank closures or disruptions, and the impact of unfavorable economic conditions and other factors that have and may further impact advertisers' ability to pay; Outbrain and the combined company's ability to continue to innovate, and adoption by Outbrain and the combined company's advertisers and media partners of expanding solutions; the success of Outbrain and the combined company's sales and marketing investments, which may require significant investments and may involve long sales cycles; Outbrain and the combined company's ability to grow their business and manage growth effectively; the ability to compete effectively against current and future competitors; the loss of one or more of large media partners, and Outbrain and the combined company's ability to expand advertiser and media partner relationships; conditions in Israel, including the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas and other terrorist organizations, may limit Outbrain and the combined company's ability to market, support and innovate their products due to the impact on employees as well as advertisers and advertising markets; Outbrain and the combined company's ability to maintain revenues or profitability despite quarterly fluctuations in results, whether due to seasonality, large cyclical events, or other causes; the risk that research and development efforts may not meet the demands of a rapidly evolving technology market; any failure of Outbrain and the combined company's recommendation engine to accurately predict attention or engagement, any deterioration in the quality of Outbrain and the combined company's recommendations or failure to present interesting content to users or other factors which may cause us to experience a decline in user engagement or loss of media partners; limits on Outbrain and the combined company's ability to collect, use and disclose data to deliver advertisements; Outbrain and the combined company's ability to extend their reach into evolving digital media platforms; Outbrain and the combined company's ability to maintain and scale their technology platform; the ability to meet demands on our infrastructure and resources due to future growth or otherwise; the failure or the failure of third parties to protect Outbrain and the combined company's sites, networks and systems against security breaches, or otherwise to protect the confidential information of Outbrain and the combined company; outages or disruptions that impact Outbrain or the combined company or their service providers, resulting from cyber incidents, or failures or loss of our infrastructure; significant fluctuations in currency exchange rates; political and regulatory risks in the various markets in which Outbrain and the combined company operate; the challenges of compliance with differing and changing regulatory requirements; the timing and execution of any cost-saving measures and the impact on Outbrain and the combined company's business or strategy; and the risks described in the section entitled "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in Outbrain's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in subsequent reports filed with the SEC.


Accordingly, you should not rely upon forward-looking statements as an indication of future performance. Outbrain cannot assure you that the results, events and circumstances reflected in the forward-looking statements will be achieved or will occur, and actual results, events, or circumstances could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements made in this communication relate only to events as of the date on which the statements are made. Outbrain and the combined company may not actually achieve the plans, intentions or expectations disclosed in the forward-looking statements and you should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Outbrain undertakes no obligation, and does not assume, any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events or otherwise, except as required by law.


About Teads


Teads is a global omnichannel platform offering premium advertising solutions that drive business growth. By combining quality media, data, and creative, Teads helps advertisers reach their target audiences and optimizes monetization for publishers. With a focus on brand safety and impactful engagement, Teads ensures effective digital advertising across all channels. Teads partners with the leading marketers, agencies and publishers through a team of 1,200+ people in 50 offices across more than 30 countries.


For more information, visit .


About Outbrain


Outbrain (Nasdaq: OB) is a leading technology platform that drives business results by engaging people across the Open Internet. Outbrain predicts moments of engagement to drive measurable outcomes for advertisers and publishers using AI and machine learning across more than 8,500 online properties globally. Founded in 2006, Outbrain is headquartered in New York with offices in Israel and across the United States, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and South America.


For more information, visit .


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(332) 205-8999

Key Financial Metrics and Projections


Year ended December 31, 2023
(in millions USD) Outbrain Teads(2) Combined Company
Gross Profit $184.8 $383.7 $568.5
Ex-TAC Gross Profit(1) 227.4 430.2 657.6
Net income 10.2 95.8 106.0
Adjusted EBITDA(1) 28.5 168.7 197.2
Operating Cash Flow(1) 13.7 122.4 136.1
Free Cash Flow (6.5) 109.3 102.8
(单位:百万美元) Outbrain Teads(2) 合并公司
毛利润 $ 184.8 $ 383.7 $ 568.5
减去TAC的毛利润(1) 227.4 430.2 657.6
净收入 10.2 95.8 106.0
调整后的EBITDA(1) 28.5 168.7 197.2
运营现金流(1) 13.7 从2022年12月31日到2023年9月30日,净合同资产(负债)增加了一亿两千四百万美元,主要是里程碑支付的时间所致。2022年12月31日我们约有百分之某的合同负债被认定为2023前9个月的营业收入。 136.1
自由现金流 (6.5) 109.3 102.8
Year ended December 31, 2024 Projections
(in millions USD) Outbrain(4) Teads Combined Company
Ex-TAC Gross Profit $238 - $248 $422 - $432 $660 - $680
Adjusted EBITDA $30 - $35 $150 - $155 $180 - $190
(单位:百万美元) Outbrain(4) Teads,全球媒体平台,今天宣布了其最新全球报告《换挡:理解全球汽车购买新动态》的调查结果。这些最新研究结果揭示了全球汽车买家的关键动机、考虑因素和新趋势。这项研究涉及17个市场。以下是数据揭示的内容: 合并公司
Ex-TAC毛利润 $ 238- $ 248 $422 - $432 $660 - $680
调整后的EBITDA $30 - $35 $150 - $155 $180 - $190



(1) Adjusted EBITDA, Ex-TAC Gross Profit and Free Cash Flow are non-GAAP financial measures. Ex-TAC Gross Profit is calculated by adding back other cost of revenue to gross profit. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income before gain related to convertible debt; interest expense; interest income and other income, net; provision for income taxes; depreciation and amortization; stock-based compensation, and other income or expenses that Outbrain does not consider indicative of its core operating performance. Free Cash Flow is defined as cash flow provided by operating activities, less capital expenditures and capitalized software development costs. See "Non-GAAP Reconciliations" in Outbrain's 2023 Form 10-K, as filed with the SEC on March 8, 2024, for limitations of these measures and reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP financial measures.
(2) All amounts have been presented based on Teads standalone financial statements and translated from Euros to US Dollars using an exchange rate of 1.081.
(3) Amounts are presented on a combined basis and do not reflect any pro forma adjustments or other adjustments relating to integration activities, cost savings or synergies, the alignment of accounting policies, IFRS to US GAAP conversion, or the impacts of foreign exchange rates. Pro forma results presented in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation S-X could differ materially from the amounts presented above.
(4) Represents the Full Year 2024 guidance provided by Outbrain as of their most recent earnings announcement, on May 9, 2024.

(1) 调整后的EBITDA,Ex-TAC毛利和自由现金流是非GAAP财务指标。 Ex-TAC毛利润通过将其他收入成本加回毛利润计算得出。调整后的EBITDA定义为折现债务收益之前的净利润;利息费用;利息收入和其他收益,净额;所得税拨备;折旧和摊销;股权补偿,以及Outbrain不认为其核心运营绩效代表的其他收入或支出。自由现金流定义为经营活动提供的现金流量,减去资本支出和资本化的软件开发成本。有关这些措施的限制和与最相似的GAAP财务措施的和解,请参见Outbrain在2024年3月8日向美国证券交易委员会提交的10-k表格中的“非GAAP和解”。
(2) 所有金额均基于Teads独立财务报表,并使用1.081的汇率将其从欧元转换为美元。
(3) 金额是以组合方式呈现的,并不反映任何关于整合活动,成本节约或协同效应,会计政策的匹配,IFRS到美国GAAP的转换或外汇汇率影响的形式性调整或其他调整。根据《S-X条例》第11条呈现的序外汇结果可能与上述呈现的金额有实质性差异。
(4) 代表Outbrain根据其最近的财务业绩公告于2024年5月9日提供的全年2024年度指引。

The projected financial results presented above are forward-looking statements that are subject to a variety of assumptions and estimates. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the projected financial results as actual results may differ from projected results, and those differences may be material. Investors are encouraged to listen to the conference call and to review the accompanying materials, which contain more information about the transaction and the combined company.


Non-GAAP Reconciliations:


The following table presents the reconciliation of Ex-TAC Gross Profit to gross profit, the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP measure. Ex-TAC Gross Profit may fluctuate in the future due to various factors, including, but not limited to, seasonality and changes in the number of media partners and advertisers, advertiser demand or user engagements. We present Ex-TAC Gross Profit because it is a key profitability measure used by our management and board of directors to understand and evaluate our operating performance and trends, develop short-term and long-term operational plans, and make strategic decisions regarding the allocation of capital. There are limitations on the use of Ex-TAC Gross Profit in that traffic acquisition cost is a significant component of our total cost of revenue but not the only component and, by definition, Ex-TAC Gross Profit presented for any period will be higher than gross profit for that period. A potential limitation of this non-GAAP financial measure is that other companies, including companies in our industry that have a similar business, may define Ex-TAC Gross Profit differently, which may make comparisons difficult. As a result, this information should be considered as supplemental in nature and is not meant as a substitute for revenue or gross profit presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP.


Year ended December 31, 2023
(in millions USD) Outbrain Teads Combined Company
Gross profit $ 184.8$ 383.7$ 568.5
Other cost of revenue 42.6 46.5 89.1
Ex-TAC Gross Profit $ 227.4$ 430.2$ 657.6
(单位:百万美元) Outbrain Teads,全球媒体平台,今天宣布了其最新全球报告《换挡:理解全球汽车购买新动态》的调查结果。这些最新研究结果揭示了全球汽车买家的关键动机、考虑因素和新趋势。这项研究涉及17个市场。以下是数据揭示的内容: 合并公司
毛利润 $ 184.8美元 383.7美元 568.5
其他收入成本 42.6 46.5 89.1
Ex-TAC毛利润 $ 227.4美元 430.2美元 657.6

The following table presents the reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to net income, the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP measure. Our calculation of Adjusted EBITDA is not necessarily comparable to non-GAAP information of other companies. Adjusted EBITDA should be considered as a supplemental measure and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for any measures of our financial performance that are calculated and reported in accordance with U.S. GAAP.


Year ended December 31, 2023
(in millions USD) Outbrain Teads Combined Company
Net income $ 10.2 $ 95.8 $ 106.0
Interest expense 5.4 5.4
Interest income and other income, net (7.7) (3.6) (11.3)
Gain related to convertible debt (22.6) - (22.6)
Provision for income taxes 6.1 42.2 48.3
Depreciation and amortization 20.7 12.1 32.8
Stock-based compensation 12.1 17.9 30.0
Regulatory matter costs, net of insurance 0.8 - 0.8
IPO and M&A related costs - 1.4 1.4
Severance costs 3.5 3.7 7.2
IFRS to US GAAP adjustment for leases - (0.8) (0.8)
Adjusted EBITDA $ 28.5 $ 168.7 $ 197.2
(单位:百万美元) Outbrain Teads,全球媒体平台,今天宣布了其最新全球报告《换挡:理解全球汽车购买新动态》的调查结果。这些最新研究结果揭示了全球汽车买家的关键动机、考虑因素和新趋势。这项研究涉及17个市场。以下是数据揭示的内容: 合并公司
净收入 $ 10.2 $ 95.8 $ 106.0
利息费用 5.4 5.4
利息收入及其他收入,净额 (7.7) (3.6) (11.3)
与转换债务相关的收益 (22.6) - (22.6)
所得税费用 6.1 42.2 48.3
折旧和摊销 20.7 12.3 32.8
以股票为基础的报酬计划 12.3 17.9 30.0
监管事项成本,扣除保险后净额 0.8 - 0.8
IPO和并购相关成本 - 1.4 1.4
离职费用 3.5 3.7 7.2
IFRS到美国GAAP的租赁调整 - (0.8) (0.8)
调整后的EBITDA $ 28.5 $ 168.7 $ 197.2

The following table presents the reconciliation of free cash flow to net cash provided by operating activities, the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP measure. Our calculation of free cash flow is not necessarily comparable to non-GAAP information of other companies. Free cash flow should be considered as a supplemental measure and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for any measures of our financial performance that are calculated and reported in accordance with U.S. GAAP.


Year ended December 31, 2023
(in millions USD) Outbrain Teads Combined Company
Net cash provided by operating activities $ 13.7 $ 122.4 $ 136.1
Purchases of property and equipment (10.1) (0.9) (11.0)
Capitalized software development costs (10.1) (12.2) (22.3)
Free cash flow $ (6.5) $ 109.3 $ 102.8
(单位:百万美元) Outbrain Teads,全球媒体平台,今天宣布了其最新全球报告《换挡:理解全球汽车购买新动态》的调查结果。这些最新研究结果揭示了全球汽车买家的关键动机、考虑因素和新趋势。这项研究涉及17个市场。以下是数据揭示的内容: 合并公司
经营活动产生的现金流量净额 $ 13.7 $ 从2022年12月31日到2023年9月30日,净合同资产(负债)增加了一亿两千四百万美元,主要是里程碑支付的时间所致。2022年12月31日我们约有百分之某的合同负债被认定为2023前9个月的营业收入。 $ 136.1
购买固定资产 (10.1) 公司将于2024年2月1日,美国东部时间下午5:00举行电话会议,讨论本次业绩。关心该公司的各方可以在公司网站的“投资者关系”页面听取电话会议并查看公司的幻灯片演示。此外,电话会议也可以通过电话800-475-0542(国际来电者拨打630-395-0227)获取。听取电话会议请输密码“8571348”。电话会议的重播将于2024年2月7日晚上11:59前通过电话800-234-4804(国际来电者拨打203-369-3686)进行,密码为“3740”。 (11.0)
已资本化的软件开发成本 (10.1) (12.2) (22.3)
自由现金流 $ (6.5) $ 109.3 $ 102.8

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