Ohio Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Approved To Launch Recreational Cannabis Sales On August 6
Ohio Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Approved To Launch Recreational Cannabis Sales On August 6
It's been nine months since Ohioans voted to legalize adult-use marijuana. While the law went into effect in December 2023, retail sales remained on hold due to regulatory requirements and a few political skirmishes.
The Wait Is Nearly Over
Medical marijuana dispensaries across Ohio learned that they will receive certificates of operation allowing them to open for recreational cannabis consumers on Tuesday, August 6, provided they tick a few final boxes, reported several news outlets.
Ohio's Division of Cannabis Control (DCC) announced in a statement Friday that it intends to issue the first dual-use certificates allowing some existing medical marijuana shops to begin the first recreational weed sales. While the DCC statement offered few details, it promised more to come.
"There will be no sales over the weekend," said Jamie Crawford, a spokesman for the division. "We will provide a formal announcement on Monday."
该部门的发言人杰米·克劳福德(Jamie Crawford)表示:“周末将不会有销售,我们将在星期一提供正式公告。”
Advocates Approve
"We are stepping into a new future for Ohio where citizens will have access to safe products and communities will feel the benefits of this growing industry through tax revenue and job opportunities," said Tom Haren, spokesperson for the Ohio Cannabis Coalition.
俄亥俄州大麻联盟发言人汤姆·哈伦(Tom Haren)表示:“我们正在进入俄亥俄州的新未来,公民将获得安全产品,社区将通过税收和就业机会获益于这个不断增长的行业。”
The announcement came several weeks after the DCC gave preliminary approval to medical marijuana dispensaries, growers and processors seeking to enter the adult-use market.
Read Also: Ohio's Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Will Soon Change Their Shingle And Include Recreational Weed Sales As $1B Program Moves Forward
Multi-State Operators Ready To Join Ohio's Recreational Market
Florida-based Trulieve (CSE:TRUL) (OTCQX:TCNNF) sent out a press release Friday afternoon saying it would begin sales on Tuesday, August 6, so we're assuming they also got the news.
"We are excited to be among the first group of operators to launch adult use sales in Ohio following a successful ballot initiative last year," said Trulieve's CEO Kim Rivers. "We are committed to maintaining excellent service standards for our existing medical patients while welcoming new adult use customers to our dispensaries."
特鲁利夫的首席执行官金姆·里弗斯(Kim Rivers)表示:“我们很高兴成为俄亥俄州首批推出成人用途销售的运营商之一,这是去年成功的全民公投后。我们致力于保持对现有医疗患者的优秀服务标准,同时欢迎新的休闲用户前来我们的配送站。”
And did we mention that Ohio's weed industry could generate $1 billion annually by serving its estimated one million monthly users while also creating 3,300 full time jobs in the first year?
An Ohio State University analysis suggested that legal cannabis could potentially generate between $276.2 million and $403.6 million in annual tax revenue.

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- Central Ohio Cities Postpone Marijuana Sales Despite Statewide Legalization
- 尽管全州大麻合法化,但俄亥俄州的中心城市推迟了大麻销售