
Lynas Rare Earths Reserves Surge

Lynas Rare Earths Reserves Surge

sharecafe ·  08/05 19:43

In yesterday's market mayhem, another encouraging update by Lynas Rare Earths (ASX:LYC) on its reserves position went unnoticed.

在昨天的市场动荡中,Lynas Rare Earths (ASX:LYC) 关于其储备情况的另一份振奋人心的更新未受关注。

But the bottom line is that the company said the size of its total mineral resource at its Mount Weld rare earths deposit near Laverton in Western Australia has increased by more than 40% in the past six years.

但公司表示,在澳洲西部Laverton附近的Mount Weld稀土矿床的总矿产储量在过去六年中增加了40%以上。

The company told the ASX that the mineral resource estimate (MRE) for Mount Weld now totals 106.6 million tonnes at an average grade of 4.12% total rare earth oxide (TREO). The update was delivered as part of the company's presentation to the annual Diggers and Dealers shindig in Kalgoorlie, which started yesterday.

该公司告诉澳交所,Mount Weld的矿产资源估计总量现在为10660万吨,平均品位为4.12%的稀土氧化物(TREO)。这一更新是作为公司在卡尔古利举行的一年一度的Diggers和Dealers聚会的演讲的一部分。

The 106.6 million tonnes contains a total of 4.39 million tonnes of TREO, a 46% increase compared to the previous MRE released in June 2018.


The MRE increase at Mount Weld follows 84,000 meters of drilling over the past six years, targeting rare earth element mineral resources surrounding the open-cut mine in the saprolite zone and to 200 meters below surface.

在过去六年里,Mount Weld的MRE增加了84000米的钻孔,目标是开放式采矿区域的稀土元素矿产资源,并扩展到地表以下200米。

More importantly, Lynas also reported a 63% increase in ore reserves, which now total 32 million tonnes at 6.44% TREO. This also includes a 92% increase in contained dysprosium (Dy) oxide, with all heavy rare earth element grades, including terbium (Tb) oxide, mentioned in the company's statement.


The ore reserves upgrade supports a mine life of over 20 years at a 12,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) production capacity of neodymium and praseodymium (NdPr) oxide finished product, aligning with the Mount Weld expansion currently under construction. It also supports a mine life of over 35 years at a 72,000 tpa NdPr oxide finished product production capacity.

矿石储量的升级支持着NdPr氧化物产量年12000吨、20年以上的开采寿命,这与Mount Weld目前正在建设的扩建项目相一致。它还支持着NdPr氧化物产品年72000吨、35年以上的开采寿命。

"We are delighted to release the 2024 mineral resources and ore reserves statement, which demonstrates the remarkable advantages of Lynas' Mount Weld deposit based on grades, total REO tonnage, NdPr content, and DyTb (dysprosium and terbium) content," Lynas CEO Amanda Lacaze said in the statement to the ASX on Monday. "This updated statement provides a 20-year life of mine at a 12,000 tpa NdPr finished product production capacity, giving our customers confidence that we can meet their needs for responsibly produced rare earth materials today and tomorrow."

"我们很高兴发布2024年矿物资源和矿石储量报告,该报告展示了Lynas Mount Weld矿床的显着优势,包括品位、总REO吨位、NdPr含量和DyTb (钆铽) 含量 。" Lynas CEO Amanda Lacaze在周一发布给ASX的声明中说:"这份更新报告提供了一个年NdPr氧化物产量为12000吨,20年采矿寿命,使我们的客户确信我们可以满足他们对今天和明天的负责任的稀土材料的需求。"

Lacaze said the MRE and ore reserves upgrade demonstrates Lynas' ability to improve orebody knowledge, ensure ore reserves, and continuously enhance reserve extraction efficiencies.


"Dy and Tb are essential for high-performance rare earth permanent magnets used in electric vehicles and are crucial for high-tech electronics," Lacaze said. "The increase in reserves secures feed for the recently revealed DyTb separation circuit at Lynas Malaysia, enabling Lynas to serve existing customers and acquire new ones."

"在新能源汽车中,Dy和Tb对高性能稀土永磁的实现至关重要,对高科技电子产品也是必不可少的。增加的储量确保了Lynas马来西亚的DyTb分离电路的原料供给,使Lynas可以服务现有客户和获取新客户。" 雅玛达·莱卡泽(Amanda Lacaze)表示。

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