
Interra Capital Group Announces Acquisition of the Esperson Buildings Through Foreclosure

Interra Capital Group Announces Acquisition of the Esperson Buildings Through Foreclosure

PR Newswire ·  08/06 15:51

HOUSTON, Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Interra Capital Group, a leading real estate investment and management firm, has acquired the historic Esperson in downtown Houston by foreclosure through note purchased from MetLife earlier this year. The financial terms of the transaction remain undisclosed. The foreclosure auction took place on August 6, 2024.

领先的房地产投资和管理公司Interra Capital Group于2024年8月6日通过大都会人寿早年购买的票据通过抵押取得位于休斯敦市中心的历史悠久的Esperson。交易的财务条款没有披露。抵押拍卖于2024年8月6日举行。

The Esperson, nestled in the heart of downtown Houston, stands as a landmark of architectural beauty and historical significance. Comprising two structures, the Niels and the Mellie Esperson Buildings, this complex spans over 600,000 square feet and is renowned for its Italian Renaissance styling, marked by intricate terracotta detailing, dramatic columns, and stunning cornices. Constructed in the early 20th century, the buildings were the brainchild of Mellie Esperson for her husband, Niels, a real estate and oil tycoon. These structures not only reflect the economic boom of their era but also have been a focal point of Houston's skyline, offering a blend of office spaces and commercial venues. The Esperson is celebrated not just for its aesthetic appeal but also for its enduring role in Houston's commercial history, embodying a legacy that continues to influence the architectural and cultural tapestry of the city.

Esperson位于休斯顿市中心的中心处,是一座建筑美学和历史意义的地标。这个综合体由Niels和Mellie Esperson两座建筑物组成,总面积超过600,000平方英尺,以其意大利文艺复兴风格而闻名,具有精美的陶瓷细节、引人注目的柱子和惊人的翘口线。这两座建筑是20世纪初Mellie Esperson为丈夫Niels-Esperson及房地产和石油大亨所设计。这些建筑不仅反映了当时的经济繁荣,同时也是休斯敦天际线的焦点,提供着办公空间和商业场所的组合。Esperson不仅因其美学吸引力而受到赞扬,还因其在休斯顿商业历史中的持久作用而闻名,体现了一个继续影响城市的建筑和文化织锦的传承。

Interra Capital Group, a leading real estate firm, has acquired the historic Esperson in downtown Houston

领先的房地产公司Interra Capital Group已收购位于休斯顿市中心的历史悠久的Esperson。

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In an agreement showcasing mutual cooperation, Interra Capital Group has confirmed that the process was conducted amicably, with Cameron Management continuing to serve as the Property and Facilities Management team for a designated period. This arrangement ensures continuity and stability for tenants and stakeholders during the transition.

在一份展示相互合作的协议中,Interra Capital Group确认,这一过程是友好进行的,Cameron Management将在指定期内继续担任财产和设施管理团队。这种安排确保了过渡期间租户和利益相关者的连续性和稳定性。

Jack Polatsek, Principal of Interra Capital Group, expressed confidence in the smooth progression of this strategic acquisition. "Our acquisition of the Esperson reflects not just an investment in real estate but also a commitment to preserving the historical integrity of significant properties. We proceeded in a cooperative foreclosure process and are pleased that Cameron Management will remain involved in transition, ensuring it being seamless for all parties involved."

Interra Capital Group的负责人Jack Polatsek表达了对这一战略收购顺利进行的信心。 他说:“我们对Esperson的收购不仅反映了对房地产的投资,也表明了维护重要财产的历史完整性的承诺。 我们已经进行了合作性的抵押拍卖程序,并且很高兴Cameron Management将继续参与过渡,确保对所有相关方都无缝进行。”

Dougal Cameron, President of Cameron Management, commented on the future of the Esperson. "As having been stewards of this architecturally significant property, we are committed to maintaining the legacy and prestige of the Esperson during this transition period. We look forward to collaborating closely with Interra Capital Group on this transition and to uphold the high standards that this landmark deserves. Cameron Management's vision is to honor God and serve people and we plan to continue to do that ."

Cameron Management的总裁Dougal Cameron对Esperson的未来发表了评论。他说:“作为这栋具有建筑意义的物业的管理者,我们致力于在这个过渡期间保持Esperson的传统和威望。 我们期待与Interra Capital Group密切合作,在这个过渡期间维持这个地标所应享有的高标准。 Cameron Management的愿景是崇尚上帝和服务人们,我们计划继续这样做。”

Anita Kundaje, Director of Acquisitions at Interra Capital Group, emphasized the strategic opportunities driving the firm's expansion. "This acquisition of the Esperson Buildings exemplifies our proactive approach to seizing market opportunities that align with our robust growth strategy. These iconic properties not only enhance our portfolio's diversity and strength but also underscore our commitment to pursuing investments where we can significantly elevate property value and performance. As we continue to expand, our focus remains on identifying and capitalizing on unique opportunities that promise substantial returns and strategic advantages."

Interra Capital Group的收购部门主任Anita Kundaje强调了推动公司扩张的战略机遇。她说:“对Esperson建筑物的收购体现了我们积极的市场机会获取方法,这使得我们的组合多样化并加强了其实力,也突显了我们致力于追求可以显著提高物业价值和性能的投资的承诺。随着我们继续扩张,我们的重点仍然是确定和利用承诺具有实质回报和战略优势的独特机会。”

Interra Capital Group is exceptionally well-positioned to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the current real estate market environment. With a strategic focus on acquiring and revitalizing properties typically from lenders and special servicers, Interra leverages its deep industry expertise and a robust operational framework to identify and execute on investment opportunities that promise substantial value growth. This approach is particularly effective in today's market. By prioritizing community-centric initiatives, Interra not only enhances the intrinsic value of its acquisitions but also fosters positive economic impacts in the communities it serves. This strategic acquisition philosophy places Interra in an ideal position to thrive and expand its portfolio strategically, even in fluctuating economic climates.

Interra Capital Group在当前的房地产市场环境下处于非常有利的地位。 Interra专注于从贷款人和特殊服务机构通常处置处或出售的物业进行获取和振兴,Interra利用其丰富的行业经验和强大的运营框架来确定和执行投资机会,承诺可实现实质价值增长。在今天的市场上,通过优先考虑面向社区的倡议,Interra不仅提高了其收购的内在价值,而且还在服务的社区中产生了积极的经济影响。 这种策略性的收购哲学使Interra在波动的经济氛围中处于理想的立场,可以实现其组合的战略扩大和成长。

For more information about Interra Capital Group and its portfolio, please visit

有关Interra Capital Group及其组合的更多信息,请访问

About Interra Capital Group

关于Interra Capital Group

Interra Capital Group is a leading real estate investment and management firm with a focus on acquiring, developing, and managing commercial real estate assets across the United States. With a team of experienced professionals and a strategic approach to investment, Interra Capital Group aims to generate sustainable value for its investors and communities.

Interra Capital Group是一家领先的房地产投资和管理公司,专注于获取,开发和管理美国各地的商业房地产资产。Interra Capital Group拥有一支经验丰富的专业团队和一个战略性的投资方法,旨在为其投资者和社区创造可持续的价值。

Contact Information:
Jared Dubin, Senior Management
Interra Capital Group
[email protected]

Jared Dubin,高级管理人员
Interra Capital Group
[email protected]

SOURCE Interra Capital Group

Interra Capital Group

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