
LG Unveils Korea's First Open Source AI, 'EXAONE 3.0'

LG Unveils Korea's First Open Source AI, 'EXAONE 3.0'

LG发布韩国首个开源人工智能“EXAONE 3.0”
PR Newswire ·  08/07 01:36

- Available for research purposes, contributing to an AI ecosystem

- 仅供研究目的,为人工智能生态系统做贡献

SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LG AI Research today released its latest AI model, EXAONE 3.0, as open source for research purposes.

韩国首尔,2024年8月7日/美通社/--LG AI研究所今日发布其最新的AI模型EXAONE 3.0作为研究用途的开源。

To contribute to the development of the AI research ecosystem, LG AI Research has decided to open source the 'lightweight model' of EXAONE 3.0, which is the most versatile in terms of performance and cost-efficiency, so that it can be utilized for various research purposes.

为了贡献于人工智能研究生态系统的发展,LG AI研究所决定开源EXAONE 3.0的“轻量级模型”,该模型在性能和成本效益方面最为多才多艺,以便于用于各种研究目的。

The company is also preparing for the transition to the 'era of everyday AI' by releasing the open beta version of ChatEXAONE, an enterprise AI agent based on EXAONE 3.0, to LG's employees.

该公司还将发布ChatEXAONE的开放测试版本,这是一款基于EXAONE 3.0的企业人工智能代理。目前该测试版本面向LG员工开放。

EXAONE 3.0 proved global competitiveness with top performance among global open-source AI models

EXAONE 3.0在全球开源人工智能模型中表现出卓越的竞争力,性能最佳。

LG AI Research published a technical report detailing the model training method and performance evaluation findings of EXAONE 3.0.

LG AI研究发布一份关于EXAONE 3.0型号训练方法和性能评估结果的技术报告。

LG AI Research has been focusing on research and development to apply generative AI to real-world industrial applications from its inception, including the release of EXAONE 1.0 in December 2021 and EXAONE 2.0 in July 2023.

LG AI研究自成立以来一直致力于研究和开发应用生成式人工智能到现实世界的工业应用,包括在2021年12月发布的EXAONE 1.0和在2023年7月发布的EXAONE 2.0。

The latest iteration, EXAONE 3.0, combines enhanced performance with cost-efficiency.

最新的EXAONE 3.0将性能提升与成本效益相结合。

Compared to its predecessor, EXAONE 2.0, EXAONE 3.0 shows excellent results in both performance and economy, with 56% less processing time for inference, 35% less memory usage, and 72% lower operating costs.

与前一代EXAONE 2.0相比,EXAONE 3.0在性能和经济方面都表现出极佳的结果,推理处理时间减少56%,内存使用量减少35%,操作成本降低72%。

To solve the problem of power consumption triggered by AI, LG AI Research focused on researching lightweight and optimization technologies and succeeded in reducing the size of the model by 97% while increasing performance compared to EXAONE 1.0.

为了解决人工智能所引发的能耗问题,LG AI研究专注于研究轻量级和优化技术,在与EXAONE 1.0相比性能提高的情况下将模型规模缩小97%。

In the technical report of EXAONE 3.0, LG AI Research disclosed both the individual scores of the 25 benchmarks used in the evaluation, including MT-Bench, AlpacaEval-2.0, Arena-Hard, and WildBench, which comprehensively evaluate the real-world use cases performance of AI models, as well as the average score for each area, to enhance the reliability of the results.

在EXAONE 3.0的技术报告中,LG AI研究披露了25个评估测试指标的分数,包括Mt-Bench、AlpacaEval-2.0、Arena-Hard和WildBench等综合评估人工智能模型实际使用情况的成绩,以及每个区域的平均分数,以增强结果的可靠性。

EXAONE 3.0 ranked global top in 13 benchmark scores, including real-world use cases, coding, and math, demonstrating its global competitiveness when compared to other global open-source AI models of similar size, such as Meta's Llama 3.1 and Google's Gemma 2.

EXAONE 3.0在13项评估考核中全球排名靠前,包括实际使用情况、编码和数学,与Meta的Llama 3.1和Google的Gemma 2等全球同类开源人工智能模型相比,表现出极强的全球竞争能力。

EXAONE 3.0, a bilingual model that can learn and understand both Korean and English, also recorded the world's best performance in Korean.

EXAONE 3.0是一款能够学习和理解韩语和英语的双语模型,并在韩语方面录得世界最佳表现。

To improve the performance of EXAONE 3.0, LG's AI Research used more than 60 million data from patents, software code, math, chemistry, and other specialized fields for training. As part of its strategic expansion, the company aims to incorporate additional fields such as law, biology, medicine, education, and various languages by the year-end, to surpass 100 million data points to bolster the system's performance.

为了提高EXAONE 3.0的性能,LG的AI研究所利用了来自专利、软件代码、数学、化学和其他专业领域的超过6000万个数据进行训练。作为其战略扩张的一部分,该公司计划在年底前将其他领域,如法律、生物、医学、教育和各种语言纳入进来,超过1亿个数据点以增强系统的性能。

LG AI Research have also been working to enhance the safety and reliability of EXAONE 3.0 by conducting red-teaming, which involves intentionally attacking the AI model to verify vulnerabilities in technologies, and then improving them.

LG AI研究所一直致力于通过进行红队测试来提高EXAONE 3.0的安全性和可靠性,这包括有意攻击人工智能模型以验证技术中的漏洞并进行改进。

LG products and services with EXAONE 3.0 will be available in the second half of the year

采用EXAONE 3.0的LG产品和服务将在下半年推出。

LG AI Research will work with LG affiliates to bring EXAONE 3.0 to products and services in the second half of the year.

LG AI研究所将与LG的附属公司合作,在下半年将EXAONE 3.0引入产品和服务中。

LG AI Research has designed different model sizes for different applications, from the 'ultra-lightweight model' for on-device AI to the 'lightweight model' for general purpose, to the 'high-performance model' for specialized applications.

LG AI研究所已为不同应用程序设计了不同的模型大小,从“超轻量级模型”适用于设备上的人工智能,“轻量级模型”适用于通用应用程序,到“高性能模型”适用于专门应用程序。

LG affiliates will fine-tune EXAONE 3.0 with their data and apply it to their businesses, products, and services to accelerate innovation.

LG的附属公司将使用他们的数据对EXAONE 3.0进行微调,并将其应用到他们的业务、产品和服务中,以加速创新。

LG AI Research is also actively discussing global partnerships.

LG AI研究所还积极探讨全球合作伙伴关系。

"As it is important to create AI that can be used in real-world industries, we plan to strengthen partnerships between LG affiliates and other companies and institutions with EXAONE, which has specialized performance and cost-efficiency," said Bae Kyunghoon, President of LG AI Research. "In particular, we plan to open source this highly versatile and lightweight model so that academia and research institutes can utilize the latest generative AI technology, contributing to the AI research ecosystem and further enhancing AI competitiveness."

“由于重要的是创建可用于实际产业的人工智能,我们计划加强LG子公司、其他公司和机构以及专门从事执行和成本效益的EXAONE之间的伙伴关系,”LG人工智能研究专案的董事长Bae Kyunghoon表示。“特别是,我们计划开源这个高度多才多艺,轻便的模型,以便学术界和研究机构能够利用最新的生成式人工智能技术,有助于人工智能研究生态系统,并进一步增强人工智能竞争力。”

LG's AI assistant, ChatEXAONE, debuted as an Enterprise AI Agent


LG will start the open beta service of ChatEXAONE for its affiliates' employees from the 7th.


ChatEXAONE is an enterprise AI agent based on EXAONE 3.0 and provides a variety of functions to enhance work productivity, including real-time web-based Q&A, document and image-based Q&A, coding, and database management.

ChatEXAONE是基于EXAONE 3.0的企业AI代理商,提供各种功能以提升工作效率,包括实时基于Web的问答、基于文档和图像的问答、编码和数据库管理。

LG employees can experience a change in the way they work by using AI for various tasks, from searching to summarization, translation, data analysis, report writing, and coding.


ChatEXAONE adopted 'Retrieval-Augmented Generation' (RAG) technology that utilizes real-time web search results to understand the context of the user's instruction (prompts) and provide answers that reflect the latest information.

ChatEXAONE采用了“Retrieval-Augmented Generation”(RAG)技术,利用实时Web搜索结果来理解用户指令(提示)的背景,并提供反映最新信息的答案。

"Generative AI generates different results depending on the prompts, i.e., how the question is asked," said an official from LG AI Research. "We have also applied a feature that recommends sample questions that fit the user's job so that people who are not familiar with generative AI can use it comfortably."


ChatEXAONE also provides features for software developers and data analytics experts.


LG AI Research expects that ChatEXAONE can generate queries in 22 programming languages (such as Python, Java, and C++,) and SQL (Structured Query Language) for database management, using only natural language (a language used by humans daily) input. This will help users improve their work productivity.

LG AI研究预计,ChatEXAONE可以以仅使用自然语言(人类日常使用的语言)为输入,生成22种编程语言(例如Python、Java和C++)和SQL(结构化查询语言)用于数据库管理的查询,这将有助于用户提高工作效率。

LG AI Research will release an open beta service through the end of the year and regularly update it to reflect the feedback and ideas of employees, and will provide the official service and mobile app according to the readiness of each LG affiliate.

LG AI研究将在今年年底之前发布一个公测服务,并定期更新,以反映员工的反馈和想法,将根据每个LG子公司的准备情况提供官方服务和移动应用程序。

For affiliates that need to learn proprietary documents and secure data, the company plans to build separate specialized services, like the case of LG Display, which in June built an AI service that can answer questions after training 300,000 additional proprietary documents.

对于需要学习专有文档和安全数据的下属公司,该公司计划构建分离的专业服务,就像LG Display在今年6月建立的能够在培训30万份其他专有文件后回答问题的AI服务一样。

Meanwhile, LG has been accelerating its AI transformation for the past four years after establishing the LG AI Research, an AI think tank for LG Group, in December 2020, and has planned to invest KRW 3.6 trillion in R&D in AI by 2026 for future technologies, and global AI talents.

此外,LG自成立LG人工智能研究机构(LG AI Research)以来,已经加速了其人工智能转型四年,并计划到2026年在AI研发方面投资36万亿韩元,以开发未来的技术和全球人工智能人才。LG集团的董事长和首席执行官Koo Kwang-mo将人工智能视为未来的业务,并强调大胆的投资和创新,取得了诸如增加每个子公司业务站点上的AI技术应用程序数量以及扩大生产流程、产品开发和客户服务改进等实质性结果。

Koo Kwang-mo, Chairman and CEO of LG Group has identified AI as a future business and emphasized bold investment and innovation, leading to tangible results such as increasing the number of AI technology applications at each affiliate's business sites and expanding external partnerships, including production processes, product development, and customer service improvement.


About LG Group


LG Group is a leading global company representing South Korea, offering innovative products and services across various industries such as electronics, chemicals, telecommunications, and energy. Established in 1947, LG Group has grown into a world-renowned brand through its activities in these diverse fields. The company is committed to continuous research and development, focusing on innovation to enhance the quality of life for its customers. Emphasizing its role as a socially responsible enterprise, LG Group is striving to strengthen its competitiveness in the global market and achieve sustainable growth through its future portfolio in areas like AI, Bio, and Cleantech. The company is dedicated to realizing its vision of being a business that provides value to customers and society, pursuing this mission with unwavering determination.


About LG AI Research


Launched in December 2020 as the artificial intelligence (AI) research hub of South Korea's LG Group, LG AI Research aims to lead the next epoch of artificial intelligence (AI) to realize a promising future by providing optimal research environments and leveraging state-of-the-art AI technologies. And LG AI Research developed its large-scale AI, EXAONE, a 300 billion parametric multimodal AI model, in 2021. EXAONE, which stands for "Expert AI for Everyone," is a multi-modal large-scale AI model that stands out from its peers due to its ability to process both language and visual data. With one of the world's largest learning data capacities, LG AI Research aims to engineer better business decisions through its state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies and its continuous effort on fundamental AI research. For more information, visit .

LG人工智能研究机构是于2020年12月成立的韩国LG集团的人工智能(AI)研究中心,旨在通过提供最佳的研究环境和利用最先进的人工智能技术,引领人工智能的下一个时代,实现充满希望的未来。LG人工智能研究机构在2021年开发了其大规模的AI EXAONE,一个3000亿参数的多模态AI模型。EXAONE代表“Expert AI for Everyone”,是一个具有优异处理语言和视觉数据能力的多模态大规模AI模型。拥有世界上最大的学习数据容量之一,LG人工智能研究机构旨在通过其先进的人工智能技术和对基本性质人工智能研究的持续努力,工程更好的商业决策。欲了解更多信息,请访问网站。


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