
Glencore Votes Against Spinning Off Coal, Remains Open To More Acquisitions

Glencore Votes Against Spinning Off Coal, Remains Open To More Acquisitions

Benzinga ·  08/07 07:34

Glencore (OTC:GLCNF) has decided not to spin off its coal business. Following an acquisition of Teck's (NYSE:TECK) coal assets, most shareholders preferred maintaining the lucrative unit.

Glencore(OTC: GLCNF)已决定不将其煤炭业务兜售。在收购Teck(NYSE: TECK)的煤炭资产之后,大多数股东更喜欢保持这个有利可图的业务板块。

Glencore's initial plan to divest its coal business stemmed from environmental considerations. However, 95% of shareholders participating in the consultation advocated for retaining the coal and carbon steel materials business.


"Following extensive consultation with our shareholders, whose views were very clear, and our own analysis, the board believes retention offers the lowest-risk pathway to creating value for Glencore shareholders today," stated Chairman Kalidas Madhavpeddi, as reported by Bloomberg.

据彭博社报道,主席Kalidas Madhavpeddi表示:“在与我们股东进行广泛咨询并听取他们的明确意见以及我们自身的分析后,董事会认为保留业务板块是为Glencore股东创造价值的风险最小的路径。”

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Shareholders pushed back against the proposed spinoff due to the coal unit's significant profitability, particularly in the current global energy landscape.


The coal business benefited from tight supply conditions and high global demand, as a lack of new investments created a favorable environment for existing players.


While coal prices subsided from an initial shock in 2022, they remained elevated compared to the long-term average.


This situation made the coal unit an integral part of Glencore's strategy, providing the cash flow needed to support other growth areas and return value to shareholders.


Interestingly, Glencore's decision aligns with the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies of major shareholders like BlackRock, which owns 7.32%.


These policies restrict ownership of pure-play coal companies. Thus, by retaining the coal unit within Glencore, these shareholders can maintain their investment while benefiting from its profitability.


Despite failing to acquire Teck in a $22.5b bid a year ago, Glencore acquired its coking coal assets, further bolstering its position in the coal market.


Teck's decision to divest from coal was part of a broader industry trend, but Glencore saw an opportunity to enhance its portfolio and sustain its profitability.


In the latest briefing, CEO Gary Nagle mentioned that the company would consider buying more steelmaking coal assets if the price is right.

在最新的简报中,首席执行官Gary Nagle提到,如果价格合适,该公司将考虑购买更多的炼焦煤资产。

Still, the first half of the year saw Glencore's earnings drop.


The company reported core first-half earnings of $6.34 billion, a 33% decline from the previous year. Its commodity trading business also experienced a sharp earnings decrease, with profits of $1.5 billion in the first half, as lower market volatility provided fewer opportunities for traders.


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