
Verizon Frontline Launches "Verizon Frontline-Verified" Program

Verizon Frontline Launches "Verizon Frontline-Verified" Program

Verizon Frontline推出“Verizon Frontline认证”计划
GlobeNewswire ·  08/07 12:00

BASKING RIDGE, N.J., Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon Frontline today announced the launch of a newly-established program designed to help strengthen partnerships with vendors in the public safety and mission-critical communications industry.

纽泽西州巴斯金里奇,2024年8月07日(环球新闻线)—— Verizon Frontline今天宣布推出一个新设立的计划,旨在帮助加强与公共安全和重要任务通信行业的供应商伙伴之间的合作关系。

The "Verizon Frontline-Verified" program offers a special designation to vendors whose products have been tested and met the rigorous standards required for public safety use on the Verizon network. The products eligible for this status are specifically designed to assist public safety officials and first responders during all types of hazards and emergencies.

“Verizon Frontline-Verified”计划为供应商提供了一个特别的指定,其产品已经经过测试并符合Verizon网络所需的严格标准,这些产品具有特定的设计,可在各种危险和紧急情况下协助公共安全官员和急救人员。

"This program is designed to help give the first responders we support peace of mind when purchasing new equipment," said Calvin Jackson, Verizon Frontline senior manager for crisis response. "If a product has been Verizon Frontline verified, our public safety partners know their equipment has been thoroughly tested on our award-winning network."

Verizon Frontline危机响应高级经理Calvin Jackson表示,“此计划旨在帮助我们支持的第一响应者在购买新设备时获得安心。如果某个产品已经通过了Verizon Frontline的验证,我们的公共安全合作伙伴就知道他们的设备已经经过了我们屡获殊荣的网络的彻底测试。”

The first vendor to join the "Verizon Frontline-Verified" program is Panorama Antennas. Panorama Antennas supplies 4G LTE and 5G antennas used on many of the assets deployed by the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team during disaster response operations.

加入“Verizon Frontline-Verified”计划的第一个供应商是景超天(Panorama Antennas)。景超天提供4G LTE和5G天线,这些天线被用于Verizon Frontline危机响应团队在灾难响应行动期间部署的许多资产上。

"Working with Verizon Frontline has been an incredible honor as we support our first responders on the front lines," said George Girvan, vice president of business development for North America at Panorama Antennas, Inc. "Together, we've successfully developed cutting-edge solutions tailored to the ever-evolving needs of first responders and we're excited to continue that partnership going forward."

景超天北美商务发展副总裁George Girvan表示,“与Verizon Frontline合作先后是我所获得的巨大荣誉,因为我们支持我们的一线急救人员。我们共同成功开发出了符合急救人员不断发展的需求的尖端解决方案,我们很高兴能够继续这种合作。”

How to gain "Verified" status


Vendors looking to earn the "Verizon Frontline-Verified" designation must first be part of the Verizon Frontline Innovation Program. Vendors in this program can request to have specific products go through the verification process.

希望获得“Verizon Frontline-Verified”认定的供应商必须先加入Verizon Frontline创新计划。该计划的供应商可以请求将特定产品进行验证的过程。

The Verizon Frontline Innovation Program aims to explore new technologies while collaborating with first responders and industry partners to identify, test and develop communications solutions in four main public safety focus areas: Preparation, Response, Recovery and Mitigation. More information on the program can be found here.

Verizon Frontline创新计划旨在探索新技术,同时与第一响应者和行业合作伙伴合作,以在四个主要的公共安全关注领域:准备、响应、恢复和缓解中,识别、测试和开发通信解决方案。有关该计划的更多信息,请单击此处。

Verizon Frontline is the advanced network and technology built for first responders – developed over three decades of partnership with public safety officials and agencies on the front lines – to meet their unique and evolving needs. Learn more at our site.


Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed in 2000 and is one of the world's leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. The company offers data, video and voice services and solutions on its award-winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers' demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, and security.

Verizon Communications Inc. (纽交所,纳斯达克:VZ)成立于2000年,是全球领先的技术和通信服务提供商之一。总部位于纽约市,业务遍布全球,2023年收入达1340亿美元。该公司在其屡获殊荣的网络和平台上提供数据、视频和语音服务和解决方案,满足客户对移动性、可靠网络连通性和安全性的需求。

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Media contact:
Chandler Baker
757 725 4806

Chandler Baker
757 725 4806

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