
TRU Appoints Experienced Mining Executive Steve Nicol as New CEO

TRU Appoints Experienced Mining Executive Steve Nicol as New CEO

Accesswire ·  2024/08/08 02:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 8, 2024 / TRU Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV:TRU)(OTCQB:TRUIF)(FSE:706) ("TRU" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Nicol as the new CEO of the Company, effective August 7, 2024. Mr. Nicol is currently a director on the TRU board of directors (the "Board") and also serves as Technical Advisor to TRU's strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc ("Ormonde"). One of his initial key focusses will be overseeing the multi-year, partner-funded gold and copper focused exploration program at the Golden Rose Project ("Golden Rose") in Western-Central Newfoundland pursuant to the earn-in agreement with Eldorado Gold Corporation (TSX:ELD)(NYSE:EGO) ("Eldorado") announced on July 30, 2024.

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年8月8日 / TRU Precious Metals Corp.(TSXV:TRU)(OTCQB:TRUIF)(FSE:706)(“TRU”或“公司”)很高兴宣布,Steve Nicol被任命为公司新任首席执行官,自2024年8月7日起生效。Nicol先生目前是TRU董事会的董事,并担任TRU战略投资者Ormonde Mining plc(“Ormonde”)的技术顾问。他的一项最初重点是监督西中纽芬兰省Golden Rose项目(“Golden Rose”)的为期多年的黄金和铜勘探计划,根据与Eldorado Gold Corporation(TSX:ELD)(NYSE:EGO)(“Eldorado”)于2024年7月30日宣布的赚取协议。

Mr. Nicol is a mining engineer with over 35 years of experience in the mining industry, including in operations management, mine evaluation and development, and other diverse corporate roles. He has held Operations Management positions in various underground and open pit mines, culminating in a 13-year period as Managing Director and Project Manager of the Spanish-based company that identified, studied, designed, permitted, financed, constructed, and put into successful operation the Barruecopardo Tungsten mine in Western Spain. That mine continues successfully operating today, adjacent to an environmentally protected area, employing some 200 people and selling a high-quality mineral concentrate product across the globe.


A generalist, with a very strong ESG as well as economic focus, Mr. Nicol's experience covers base, precious and specialty metals, open pit and underground mining, CIL, flotation, and gravity processing, and direct hands-on management of all phases of diverse mining projects from early-stage exploration through to mine closure and rehabilitation.


To transition leadership of the Company, now embarking on an exciting new phase of its development as a Newfoundland mineral resources explorer, Joel Freudman, who has been serving TRU as CEO since founding the Company in its current incarnation in late 2020, has resigned from his positions as CEO and director. Mr. Freudman will continue to provide transitional capital markets advisory support through his Toronto-based merchant bank, Resurgent Capital Corp.

为了过渡公司领导层,现在作为纽芬兰矿产资源探索者迈向一个充满活力的新阶段,自2020年底创立公司以来一直担任TRU首席执行官的Joel Freudman已辞去其首席执行官和董事职务。Freudman先生将继续通过其位于多伦多的商业银行Resurgent Capital Corp.为转型资本市场咨询提供支持。

TRU's Chairman of the Board Manish Z. Kshatriya commented: "I would like to congratulate Steve on his appointment as CEO. Through our work on the TRU Board, I have had the opportunity to get to know him as a highly analytical, strategic thinker with an expansive technical expertise in mining and operations. As the Company is moving forward with more extensive exploration plans, we are certainly in good hands with more technical mining leadership experience. Through its new earn-in arrangement with Eldorado, management believes that TRU and Golden Rose are positioned for significant value creation."

TRU董事会主席Manish Z. Kshatriya评论道:“我想祝贺Steve被任命为首席执行官。通过在TRU董事会上的工作,我有机会认识他作为一位高度分析和战略思考者,具有广泛的采矿和运营技术专业知识。随着公司推进更广泛的勘探计划,我们确实有更多技术性的采矿领导经验。通过其新的与Eldorado达成的赚取协议,管理层认为TRU和Golden Rose定位于创造重大价值。”

Mr. Kshatriya continued: "We respect and appreciate Joel's decision to resign from his positions as CEO and director, to ensure that TRU, under the leadership of Steve and together with the assistance of current serving President and CFO Olga Nikitovic, can deliver operational excellence paving the path for major discoveries. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Joel for his valuable role in identifying and securing the Golden Rose Project opportunity in the Cape Ray-Valentine Lake Shear Zone. Through subsequent tactical acquisitions and option agreements, TRU was able to consolidate a district-scale land package that is now approximately triple the original project size. Joel was pivotal in attracting a number of strategic investments and partnerships for TRU despite challenging market conditions for junior mining companies. The talented team he helped assemble will provide continuity and support for the new CEO. We look forward to Joel's continued future contributions as capital markets advisor."

Kshatriya先生继续说道:“我们尊重并感谢Joel辞去首席执行官和董事职务的决定,以确保在Steve的领导下,以及在现任总裁兼首席财务官Olga Nikitovic的协助下,TRU可以提供卓越的运营,为主要发现铺平道路。代表董事会,我要感谢Joel在发现和确保Cape Ray - Valentine Lake剪切带Golden Rose项目机会方面发挥的宝贵作用。通过随后的战略收购和期权协议,TRU成功地整合了一个约为原始项目规模三倍的区域尺度的土地包。尽管初创采矿公司面临的市场环境具有挑战性,但Joel在招揽众多战略投资和合作伙伴方面起到了关键作用。他帮助提供的才华横溢的团队将为新CEO提供连续性和支持。我们期待Joel继续在资本市场咨询方面做出贡献。”

About TRU Precious Metals Corp.

关于TRU Precious Metals Corp。

TRU (TSXV:TRU)(OTCQB:TRUIF)(FSE:706) is on a mission to build long-term shareholder value through prudent natural resource property development and transactions. TRU is exploring for gold and copper in the highly prospective Central Newfoundland Gold Belt on its 100%-owned Golden Rose Project, a regional-scale 264.25 km2 land package including 45 km of strike length along the deposit-bearing Cape Ray - Valentine Lake Shear Zone, directly between Calibre Mining's Valentine Gold Project and AuMEGA Metals' Cape Ray Gold Project. In addition, TRU has an option to acquire up to an aggregate 65% ownership interest in two claim packages covering 33.25 km2, including a 12 km strike length along the Shear Zone within Golden Rose. The Golden Rose Project is currently optioned-out to TSX-listed Eldorado Gold Corporation.

TRU(TSXV:TRU)(OTCQB:TRUIF)(FSE:706)的使命是通过谨慎的自然资源产业发展和交易来创建长期股东价值。TRU在其100%拥有的Golden Rose项目上探索黄金和铜,Golden Rose项目是一个区域尺度的264.25平方公里土地包,包括沿着含矿产的Cape Ray-Valentine Lake剪切带的45公里的走向,直接位于Calibre Mining的Valentine Gold项目和AuMEGA Metals的Cape Ray Gold项目之间。此外,TRU有一项获得两个申领包的选项,包括Golden Rose内剪切带沿12公里的走向,总面积为33.25平方公里。Golden Rose项目目前被TSX上市公司Eldorado Gold Corporation进行了选项外的出租。

TRU is approximately 36%-owned by European strategic investor Ormonde Mining plc (AQSE:ORM).

TRU大约36%的股份由欧洲战略投资者Ormonde Mining plc(AQSE:ORM)持有。

For further information about TRU, please contact:


Olga Nikitovic
President & CFO
TRU Precious Metals Corp.
Phone: 1-855-760-2TRU (2878)

Olga Nikitovic
TRU Precious Metals Corp.

To connect with TRU via social media, below are links:


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TRU would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for financial support through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program and the Federal Government for its critical mineral assistance funding for the exploration activities at Golden Rose.

TRU要感谢纽芬兰和拉布拉多政府通过Junior Exploration Assistance Program提供的资金支持和联邦政府在Golden Rose勘探活动的关键矿物援助资金方面提供的资金支持。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains certain forward-looking statements regarding TRU's leadership and personnel, exploration and development plans for Golden Rose, and earn-in arrangement with Eldorado, that are based on numerous assumptions regarding personnel, exploration potential, and corporate plans believed by management to be reasonable in the circumstances, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including challenges attracting and retaining qualified personnel, risks inherent in mineral exploration activities, challenges in meeting contractual obligations, changing corporate priorities and objectives, and those other risks described in the Company's continuous disclosure documents. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements herein. Investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements herein except as required by applicable securities laws.

本新闻稿包含关于TRU的领导和人员、Golden Rose的探索和开发计划以及与Eldorado的赚取协议的某些前瞻性声明,这些声明基于管理层相信在这种情况下合理的人员、勘探潜力和公司计划的众多假设,并受许多风险和不确定性的影响,包括吸引和留住合格人员的挑战、矿物勘探活动固有的风险、履行合同义务的挑战、企业优先事项和目标的变化以及该公司的连续披露文件中描述的其他风险。实际结果可能会与此处所考虑的前瞻性声明存在差异。投资者和其他人员应仔细考虑上述因素,并不应过度依赖此类前瞻性声明。该公司不承诺在适用的证券法规定的范围内更新此处所述的任何前瞻性声明。

This press release is solely the responsibility of TRU, and Eldorado is not in any way responsible or liable for the contents hereof.


Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: TRU Precious Metals Corp.

来源:TRU Precious Metals Corp。

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