
California Governor Gavin Newsom 'Bent Over Backwards' To Help Tesla, Says Former Executive: 'If One Finds Elon's Political Stances Disturbing, That Does Not Mean That Someone Hates Tesla...'

California Governor Gavin Newsom 'Bent Over Backwards' To Help Tesla, Says Former Executive: 'If One Finds Elon's Political Stances Disturbing, That Does Not Mean That Someone Hates Tesla...'

Benzinga ·  08/08 02:19

Former Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) executive Rohan Patel said on Wednesday that California Governor Gavin Newsom and his team have "bent over backwards" to help the EV giant despite CEO Elon Musk's criticisms.

前特斯拉公司(NASDAQ:TSLA)高管罗汉·帕特尔(Rohan Patel)周三表示,尽管首席执行官埃隆·马斯克批评,加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)及其团队“尽心尽力”帮助电动汽车巨头。

What Happened: "Newsom and his team bent over backwards to help Tesla. We didn't always agree with every action, but his top leadership always was willing to help whenever we asked," Patel wrote, while also noting that the Governor owns a Tesla Roadster and a Model S. Patel was Tesla's vice president of global public policy and business development until April earlier this year.

发生了什么:帕特尔写道:“新森和他的团队尽心尽力地帮助特斯拉。我们并不总是同意每一个行动,但他们的高级领导总是愿意在我们需要的时候提供帮助。”他还指出,州长拥有一辆特斯拉跑车和一辆Model S。直到今年4月,帕特尔一直担任特斯拉全球公共政策和业务发展副总裁。

Patel further added that not all who find Musk's political stances disturbing are against the company, its employees, or its products.


"Even after the harshest tweets against Newsom or Biden or another Dem, their teams and governments did not shut me or my team out and were professional in working with us for the greater good," he wrote.


Newsom (Roadster and Model S owner with Tesla solar/powerwalls) and his team bent over backwards to help Tesla.  We didn't always agree with every action, but his top leadership always was willing to help whenever we asked.
I'm a huge fan of @WholeMarsBlog and his...

— Rohan Patel (@rohanspatel) August 8, 2024

Newsom(拥有特斯拉太阳能/Powerwall的Roadster和Model S车主)和他的团队竭尽全力帮助特斯拉。虽然我们并不总是同意每一项行动,但他的最高领导层总是乐于在我们提出要求时提供帮助。

— Rohan Patel (@rohanspatel) 2024年8月8日

Patel was refuting Tesla enthusiast Omar Qazi, who goes by the username "Whole Mars Catalog." Qazi alleged that democrats hate Tesla after Newsom applauded EV startup Rivian for their rise in new registrations in the state of California during the second quarter and noted that Tesla is no longer the exclusive EV manufacturer for EVs in the state.

帕特尔否认了特斯拉爱好者奥马尔·卡齐(Omar Qazi)的指控,他使用用户名“Whole Mars Catalog”。卡齐声称,纽森为电动汽车初创公司Rivian的州内新注册汽车上涨鼓掌,并指出,特斯拉不再是该领域的独家EV制造商。

Why It Matters: "I want to applaud and thank the extraordinary work that Rivian has done," Newsom said on Tuesday. "Tesla is not the exclusive manufacturer any longer in this space. You're seeing a dramatic shift in competition across the sector. This is exactly what was predicted. This is exactly what we have been promoting: competition in the space."


According to data from the California New Car Dealers Association released last month, California's BEV market share through the end of the second quarter stood 21.4%, much higher than the U.S. BEV market share of 7.5%.


As per the association, Tesla's new registrations fell 17% in the first half of 2024 while that of Rivian Automotive rose by nearly 77% in California. Tesla's mass-market Model Y SUV, however, continues to be the best-selling EV in the state, followed by the Model 3.

据该协会称,在2024年上半年,特斯拉的新注册数量下降了17%,而Rivian汽车在加利福尼亚州的新注册数量则增加了近77%。然而,特斯拉的大众市场Model Y SUV仍然是该州最畅销的电动汽车,其次是Model 3。

Last month, Patel also said that the Biden administration treated EV giant fairly in certain issues despite "surface-level disappointment" between the President and Musk.


"No doubt Biden is very biased towards unions and appoints pro-Union people to the nlrb making it easier to organize. But it didn't often create substantive problems, and instead was more of a PR and surface-level disappointment," Patel wrote on X while adding that it is just his personal view.


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