
BAE Systems-built NEOWISE Spacecraft Ends Mission After 14 Years in Space

BAE Systems-built NEOWISE Spacecraft Ends Mission After 14 Years in Space

PR Newswire ·  08/08 19:33

The mission served as a predecessor to NASA's next-generation infrared space telescope: Near-Earth Object Surveyor (NEO Surveyor)

这项任务是NASA的下一代红外空间望远镜:近地天体调查卫星(NEO Surveyor)的前身

BROOMFIELD, Colo., Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BAE Systems (LON: BA) is celebrating the successful completion of NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) mission today, which has officially ended after more than 14 years on orbit. On Aug. 8, the satellite was decommissioned after a command was sent from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, turning off its transmitter and putting it into hibernation. It will continue to drop toward Earth until it eventually safely burns up in the atmosphere in late 2024.

科罗拉多州布鲁姆菲尔德,2024年8月8日 / PRNewswire / - 英国BAE Systems (LON:BA) 庆祝美国宇航局(NASA)近地天体广角红外线探测卫星(NEOWISE)任务的成功完成,该任务在轨道上运行了超过14年后于今天正式结束。8月8日,该卫星由南加州的NASA喷气推进实验室发出命令关闭其发射器并使其进入休眠状态,之后它将继续向地球降落,直到最终在2024年底安全烧毁在大气层中。

"The WISE and NEOWISE missions exceeded all expectations and returned invaluable insights about our solar system."


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NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) mission has officially ended after more than 14 years on orbit. BAE Systems' spacecraft was operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to complete the mission.
NASA的近地天体广角红外线探测卫星(NEOWISE)任务在轨道上运行了超过14年后已经正式结束,BAE Systems的航天器由NASA的喷气推进实验室操作以完成该任务。

The satellite launched in 2009 as part of a NASA mission called WISE to map the sky using an infrared imager. After completing its survey in 2011, the satellite was placed into hibernation until 2013, when it was reactivated to take on a new mission called NEOWISE. Together, the WISE and NEOWISE missions have made a lasting impact, providing the scientific community with valuable data to track and study near-Earth objects throughout the solar system.


The satellite, which completed two all-sky surveys covering the sky over 23 times, identified tens of millions of supermassive black holes, catalogued thousands of near-Earth asteroids and comets, advanced planetary defense capabilities, and more. BAE Systems' spacecraft was operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to complete the WISE and NEOWISE missions, using an advanced imager provided by the Space Dynamics Laboratory.

该卫星进行了两次全天候勘测,并覆盖了23次星空,发现了数千万个超大质量黑洞,目录化了数千个近地小行星和彗星,提高了行星防御能力等。BAE Systems的航天器由NASA的喷气推进实验室操作,使用由空间动力学实验室提供的先进成像仪执行WISE和NEOWISE任务。

"The WISE and NEOWISE missions exceeded all expectations and returned invaluable insights about our solar system," said Dr. Alberto Conti, vice president and general manager of Civil Space for BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems. "The success of NEOWISE has also been integral to the development of NASA's NEO Surveyor telescope, which will carry on the critical mission of defending our planet from dangerous objects in our solar system. Our team is excited to again be playing a key role in the upcoming mission."

BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems的民用空间副总裁兼总经理Alberto Conti博士表示:“WISE和NEOWISE任务超出了所有的期望,并提供了有关我们太阳系的无价信息。NEOWIE的成功也对NASA的NEO Surveyor望远镜的开发起到了至关重要的作用,它将继续执行这项关键任务,保卫我们的星球免受太阳系内的危险物体。再次扮演重要角色,我们的团队感到非常兴奋。”

With the NEOWISE mission completed, stakeholders will now turn their attention to NASA's Near-Earth Object (NEO) Surveyor mission, the first planetary defense satellite designed specifically to discover and characterize asteroids and comets larger than 460 feet (140 meters), which could pose a danger on Earth.


BAE Systems will supply the spacecraft for the NEO Surveyor mission, in addition to the sunshade system, deployable aperture cover, and a variety of cryogenic thermomechanical components for the instrument system. BAE Systems will also lead the assembly, integration, and testing of the observatory along with providing launch integration support.

BAE Systems将为NEO Surveyor任务提供航天器,除了提供遮阳系统、可展开孔径盖和各种仪器系统的低温热机械元件外,还将领导望远镜的组装、集成和测试,并提供发射集成支持。

NEO Surveyor is scheduled to launch in fall of 2027.

NEO Surveyor计划于2027年秋季发射。

For more information, please contact:


Sawyer D'Argonne, BAE Systems
Mobile: 303-250-6031
[email protected]

Sawyer D'Argonne,BAE系统
[email protected]



SOURCE BAE Systems, Inc.

来源:BAE Systems,Inc

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