
Dominion Energy Crews Work Around the Clock as Tropical Storm Debby Crawls Across South Carolina

Dominion Energy Crews Work Around the Clock as Tropical Storm Debby Crawls Across South Carolina

飓风黛比穿过南卡罗来纳州,Dominion Energy 工作人员日夜奋战。
道明尼资源 ·  08/07 00:00

CAYCE, S.C. (Aug. 7, 2024) – Tropical Storm Debby continued to cause outages in South Carolina – primarily along the coast – where saturated soil, falling trees and gusty winds brought down power poles and lines overnight. Dominion Energy urges customers to stay safe and prepare for additional rainfall, flooding and the potential for more outages as the storm maintains its slow crawl across the state.

南卡罗来纳州凯西(2024年8月7日)——热带风暴黛比继续在南卡罗来纳州造成停电,主要是沿海地区,那里饱和的土壤、倒下的树木和阵风在一夜之间摧毁了电线杆和线路。Dominion Energy敦促客户保持安全,为更多的降雨、洪水以及暴风雨在全州范围内持续缓慢蔓延而可能发生的更多停电做好准备。

Approximately 2,000 Dominion Energy employees as well as crew members and contract resources from out of state – including Georgia, Florida, Kentucky and West Virginia – are supporting storm response.

来自州外(包括佐治亚州、佛罗里达州、肯塔基州和西弗吉尼亚州)的大约2,000名Dominion Energy员工以及机组人员和合同资源正在支持风暴应对工作。

"Our family of employees have once again risen to meet the relentless bands of winds and rain that have accompanied Debby," said Keller Kissam, president of Dominion Energy South Carolina. "Knowing this extreme weather event is not yet over, we will continue to respond to our customers' needs in a vigilant and safe manner."

南卡罗来纳州Dominion Energy总裁凯勒·基萨姆说:“我们的员工家庭再次站起来,迎接了伴随黛比的无情风雨。”“知道这场极端天气事件尚未结束,我们将继续以警惕和安全的方式响应客户的需求。”

In addition to strategically staging and dispatching resources, Dominion Energy continues to monitor Lake Murray's water level and make adjustments as needed to ensure the safe operation of the dam.

除了战略性地布局和调度资源外,Dominion Energy还继续监测默里湖的水位,并根据需要进行调整以确保大坝的安全运行。

Dominion Energy has also contacted White Cross customers with electrical medical equipment in their home. During a major storm or threat of a storm, the company proactively notifies its White Cross customers so they can make plans to sustain their equipment should an outage occur.

Dominion Energy还联系了在家中使用电子医疗设备的白十字客户。在大风暴或风暴威胁期间,该公司会主动通知其白十字会客户,以便他们制定计划,在发生停机时维护设备。

Tips for customers to stay safe and be informed:


  • Stay away from downed power lines. Always assume downed power lines are energized and dangerous. Keep in mind the downed lines may not always be visible and use extra caution when walking outside after a storm. Please remain at least 30 feet away and ensure that others avoid the downed line. South Carolina customers should call 888-333-4465 right away to report a downed power line.
  • Avoid floodwaters. Never drive or walk through flooded streets. Among other dangers, power lines could be submerged underneath.
  • Don't turn off natural gas service at the outside meter. If a customer's home or business is at risk of flooding to the point where the water could extinguish the pilot lights in any appliances, it's OK to turn off the flow of gas at the individual appliance's supply/isolation valve. If gas appliances are flooded, contact a qualified contractor to inspect before using.
  • Download the Dominion Energy app. The fastest and most secure way to report or track an outage is using the Dominion Energy app. Customers may also report outages by going to or calling 800-251-7234.
  • Check the outage map. Customers can use the Dominion Energy outage map for up-to-date information on restoration progress.
  • Follow Dominion Energy on social media. The company will provide regular updates and additional tips to help keep customers informed and safe.
  • 远离坠落的电力线。务必假设断电的电力线已通电且危险。请记住,向下的线路可能并不总是可见的,暴风雨过后走到外面时要格外小心。请保持至少 30 英尺的距离,并确保其他人避开下行线。南卡罗来纳州的客户应立即致电888-333-4465报告电力线中断。
  • 避开洪水。切勿开车或走过被洪水淹没的街道。除其他危险外,电力线可能被淹没在地下。
  • 不要关闭室外仪表处的天然气服务。如果客户的家庭或企业面临被洪水淹没的危险,以至于水可以熄灭任何电器的指示灯,则可以关闭个人设备的供应/隔离阀的气体流动。如果燃气设备被洪水淹没,请在使用前联系合格的承包商进行检查。
  • 下载 Dominion Energy 应用程序。报告或跟踪停电的最快、最安全的方法是使用Dominion Energy应用程序。客户还可以前往 或致电 800-251-7234 报告停机情况。
  • 查看停电地图。客户可以使用Dominion Energy停电地图来获取有关恢复进度的最新信息。
  • 在社交媒体上关注 Dominion Energy。该公司将定期提供更新和其他提示,以帮助客户了解情况和确保安全。

About Dominion Energy


More than 4.5 million customers in 13 states energize their homes and businesses with electricity or natural gas from Dominion Energy (NYSE: D), headquartered in Richmond, Va. The company is committed to providing reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy every day and to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. Please visit to learn more.

来自13个州的超过450万客户使用总部位于弗吉尼亚州里士满的Dominion Energy(纽约证券交易所代码:D)的电力或天然气为家庭和企业供电。该公司致力于每天提供可靠、负担得起且越来越清洁的能源,并到2050年实现净零排放。请访问 了解更多信息。

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