
A Techie Once Sent An Angry Email To Bill Gates About Excel Bug And Got A Response And Fix In 48 Hours. He Immediately Regretted Not Asking For QA Job At Microsoft: 'I Expressed How Upset I Was...'

A Techie Once Sent An Angry Email To Bill Gates About Excel Bug And Got A Response And Fix In 48 Hours. He Immediately Regretted Not Asking For QA Job At Microsoft: 'I Expressed How Upset I Was...'

Benzinga ·  08/09 06:48

A tech support professional shared his experience of encountering a critical bug in Microsoft Corp.'s Excel software. The tech support professional sent an angry email to Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder, and was surprised to receive a response and a bug fix within 48 hours.


What Happened: The tech support professional referred to as "Brad," who was working for a major U.S. grocery retailer in 1996, was tasked with upgrading the company's software from Microsoft Office 95/7.0 to Office 97/8.0. After a successful installation, Brad discovered that Excel files created on a PC and opened on a Mac would appear as gibberish when reopened on a PC, reported The Register on Friday.

事件经过:被称为“布拉德”的技术支持专员于1996年为一家美国大型杂货零售商工作,负责将公司的软件从Microsoft Office 95 / 7.0升级到Office 97 / 8.0。据The Register报道,成功安装后,布拉德发现在PC上创建的Excel文件,在Mac上打开后再在PC上重新打开时会显示乱码。

Brad, fearing for his job, sent an angry email to "," expressing his frustration and accusing Gates of using the public as beta testers. "I expressed how upset I was at this obvious bug and essentially accused Bill of beta testing his software on the public," Brad said according to the report.

布拉德为担心失业,向 “”发了一封愤怒的电子邮件,表达了他的沮丧,并指责盖茨把公众当成测试者。“我表达了自己对明显错误的不满,实际上指责比尔在公众身上测试软件,”布拉德根据报告说。

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To his surprise, Brad received a call from a Microsoft developer the next morning, who spent an hour understanding the issue and promised a solution.


Brad received an updated version of Microsoft Office 8.01, which resolved the issue. He later regretted not following up with a job offer to Gates, realizing the missed opportunity to join Microsoft's QA department.

布拉德收到了更新后的Microsoft Office 8.01,解决了这个问题。他后来后悔没有跟进向盖茨提供工作机会,认识到错过了加入微软QA部门的机会。

Brad said, "I realized that instead of just sending the thank you, I should have followed it up with a question: 'Do you need anyone in your QA department?'"


Why It Matters: This incident underscores the hands-on approach taken by tech moguls like Bill Gates in addressing customer issues. Gates' direct involvement in resolving a technical glitch mirrors the practices of other tech leaders.


For instance, Elon Musk of Tesla Inc. is known for forwarding customer feedback from X posts to his management team, often with a simple question mark or exclamation mark symbol in the subject line.


Similarly, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Inc., once called Amazon customer support during a business review to highlight discrepancies between customer complaints and company data.


Bezos' philosophy, "When the data and the anecdotes disagree, the anecdotes are usually right," emphasizes the importance of firsthand customer feedback.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本报道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,并由Kaustubh Bagalkote

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