
EmberClear Announces 1.8 GW of Dispatchable Power for the Houston Area, Texas Energy Fund (TEF) Application Filed

EmberClear Announces 1.8 GW of Dispatchable Power for the Houston Area, Texas Energy Fund (TEF) Application Filed

EmberClear宣布为德克萨斯州休斯顿地区提供1.8 GW的可调度能源,申请德州能源基金(TEF)
PR Newswire ·  08/09 16:59

The Projects are designed to offer firm support during the times of increased demand or emergencies


HOUSTON, Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- EmberClear Management is excited to announce the submission of loan applications for two 900MW power projects to the Texas Energy Fund. The proposed power plants are strategically located: the EmberYork Energy Center in Austin County and the EmberGreen Energy Center in Wharton County. Each project will deliver 900 megawatts of dispatchable, flexible, long-duration natural gas-fired electricity to the Houston area. Both facilities can ramp up to their full capacity in under 10 minutes and remain online as long as needed.

2024年8月9日,休斯顿 / PR Newswire - EmberClear Management很高兴宣布向德克萨斯州能源基金提交了两个900MW电力项目的贷款申请。 提议的发电厂位于战略位置:位于奥斯汀县的EmberYork能源中心和位于华顿县的EmberGreen能源中心。 每个项目将为休斯敦地区提供900兆瓦的可分派,灵活,长时间的天然气发电。 两个设施可以在不到10分钟的时间内加速到满负荷,并保持在线;

The facilities are strategically located near several large interstate natural gas pipelines and over 60 billion cubic feet of storage capacity, ensuring a reliable gas supply for uninterrupted operations. The newly constructed Matterhorn pipeline, with a capacity of 2 BCF per day, already connects to both facilities. EmberClear has engaged with Houston-based ConocoPhillips to secure a firm gas supply for both projects, with ConocoPhillips maintaining firm capacity on the Matterhorn Pipeline.

这些设施位于多条大型州际天然气管道附近,拥有超过600亿立方英尺的储存能力,确保不间断运营的可靠气源。 容量为每天2亿立方英尺的新建“马特霍恩”(Matterhorn)管道已连接到两个设施。 EmberClear已与位于休斯顿的康菲石油合作,以确保为两个项目提供确定的气体供应,康菲石油在“马特霍恩”管道上保持确定容量。

EmberClear has advanced discussions with a leading gas turbine manufacturer for timely delivery of major equipment as well as their potential participation in financing of the projects. EmberClear expects to continue these discussions to secure delivery of major equipment consistent with the Projects overall development, financing, and construction timeline.


ERCOT's power demand is projected to grow from 86 GW to potentially 150 GW by 2030, rapidly outpacing power supply and creating significant challenges for key metropolitan areas. "For businesses, manufacturers, and families, there is no better place to be than Texas," said Peter Perri III, Managing Partner of Jupiter Island Capital, an investor in the projects. He continued, "We applaud the Texas legislature and PUCT for taking decisive action with the Texas Energy Fund to ensure a reliable, dispatchable electricity supply for all Texans. It's a thoughtful approach demonstrating how good government can collaborate with businesses to achieve great results for citizens."

ERCOT的电力需求预计将从86吉瓦增长到可能达到2030年的150吉瓦,快速超越电力供应并为主要都市地区创造重大挑战。 “对企业,制造商和家庭来说,没有比德克萨斯更好的地方了,” Jupiter Island Capital的合伙人Peter Perri III表示。他继续说,“我们赞扬德克萨斯州立法机构和PUCt与德州能源基金合作,为所有德克萨斯人确保可靠的,可分配的电力供应。 这是一种体贴入微的方法,展示了良好的政府如何与企业合作为公民取得巨大成果的示范。

EmberClear has a remarkable track record of developing large power plants across North America. The company developed the $700 million Birdsboro Power plant, operational in Pennsylvania since 2019. More recently, EmberClear partnered with one of the largest private equity funds to begin construction on the $1.5 billion, 1,200 MW Lincoln Land Energy Center near Springfield, Illinois.

EmberClear有着在北美开发大型电厂的卓越记录。 该公司在2019年开发了耗资7,000万美元的Birdsboro Power发电厂,该厂位于宾夕法尼亚州。 最近,EmberClear与最大的私人股权基金之一合作,开始在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德附近建造耗资15亿美元的1,200 MW的Lincoln Land Energy Center。

"This initiative aligns perfectly with the vision of the Governor, the Texas Legislature, and the voters of Texas when they approved the creation of the Texas Energy Fund," said EmberClear Chairman David Anderson. "EmberClear has extensive experience developing thousands of megawatts in power projects across the United States, and we are excited to partner with Texas to bring this expertise home, making the EmberYork and EmberGreen Power Projects a reality."

EmberClear主席David Anderson表示:“该举措与州长,德克萨斯州立法机构和德克萨斯州选民的愿景完全一致,他们批准了德克萨斯能源基金的创建。EmberClear在美国各地开发了数千兆瓦的电力项目,我们很高兴能与德克萨斯州合作将这种专业知识带回家,使EmberYork和EmberGreen发电项目成为现实。

EmberClear proactively collaborated with community leaders, securing support letters from Austin County Judge Tim Lapham, Wharton County Judge Phillip Spenrath, and State Representative Stan Kitzman. In his support letter to the Texas Public Utility Commission, Judge Spenrath stated, "Wharton County wholeheartedly endorses EmberClear's endeavor to establish the peaker plant within our vicinity. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with their team to realize this project and further bolster our County's energy infrastructure."

EmberClear主动与社区领导人合作,获得了来自奥斯汀县法官Tim Lapham,Wharton县法官Phillip Spenrath和州代表Stan Kitzman的支持信。 在致德克萨斯州公用事业委员会的支持信中,Spenrath法官表示:“华顿县全力支持EmberClear在我们附近建立峰值动力装置,我们怀着热切期待的心情期待与他们的团队合作,实现这个项目并进一步加强我们县的能源基础设施。

These agreements, in partnership with the Texas Energy Fund, will provide the State of Texas and the greater Houston Metro area with power generation facilities that will become immediate strategic assets for the ERCOT grid, ensuring energy security for the region. With a combined capacity of 1,800 megawatts, capable of ramping to full production in less than 10 minutes with unlimited duration, EmberYork and EmberGreen will be able to support Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast under any contingency.

这些协议与德克萨斯能源基金的合作将为德克萨斯州和更大的休斯敦市区提供发电设施,这些设施将成为ERCOT电网的即时战略资产,确保该地区的能源安全。 EmberYork和EmberGreen的总容量为1,800兆瓦,能够在不到10分钟的时间内达到满负荷生产,并具有无限的持续时间,可以在任何事件下支持休斯敦和德克萨斯州海湾地区。

SOURCE EmberClear Management

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