
Local Bounti Now Shipping Product to Brookshire Grocery Company

Local Bounti Now Shipping Product to Brookshire Grocery Company

Local Bounti现已开始向布鲁克希尔杂货公司发货
PR Newswire ·  08/12 08:00

Expanded distribution brings Local Bounti's full assortment of product offerings to more than 180 BGC locations

通过增加分销商,Local Bounti的全部产品现在已经扩展到超过180个BGC地区。

HAMILTON, Mont., Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Local Bounti Corporation (NYSE: LOCL) ("Local Bounti" or the "Company"), a breakthrough U.S. indoor agriculture company, today announced that it is now shipping to Brookshire Grocery Company ("BGC") locations from its new Mount Pleasant, Texas facility. BGC is stocking Local Bounti's full line of produce products – including its Grab-and-Go Salad Kits, living lettuce and baby leaf varieties – to more than 180 Brookshire store locations across three states in the Southeast and Southwest United States.

2024年8月12日,蒙大拿州Hamilton市 /PRNewswire/ --Local Bounti公司 (NYSE: LOCL) (以下简称"Local Bounti"或"本公司") 得到重大突破的美国室内农业公司。今天宣布,通过新德克萨斯山谷市工厂,开始向布鲁克希尔食品公司("BGC")运送产品。 BGC即将在东南美国和西南美国的3个州的180多个布鲁克希尔商店出售Local Bounti的全部产品系列,包括立刻拿走的沙拉工具包、生菜和婴儿野菜品种。

"We are excited about the opportunity to partner with Brookshire's, as it marks another significant distribution win for Local Bounti, bringing us closer to our mission of delivering fresh, locally grown produce to more communities across the country," said Kathleen Valiasek, President and Chief Financial Officer of Local Bounti. "Our ability to develop key accounts like this is made possible by our efforts to increase capacity through both our facility expansions and relentless optimization of our operations. Our new Texas facility will play a crucial role in ensuring that a reliable supply of fresh, sustainable, and locally grown produce makes its way to consumers across the South."

"我们非常高兴能够与布鲁克希尔食品公司合作,因为这是Local Bounti又一次重要的配送工具,让我们更加接近我们的使命,即向全国各地更多社区提供新鲜的本地种植作物。"Local Bounti的总裁兼首席财务官Kathleen Valiasek说:"我们之所以能够开发出这样的核心账户,要归功于我们通过扩大工厂并不断优化我们的运营所取得的成果。 我们在德克萨斯州的新工厂将在确保稳定的新鲜、可持续和本地种植的作物的供应方面发挥至关重要的作用。"

For more than 95 years, BGC has been a family-owned and led company that has strived to remain true to the strong values of its founder, Wood T. Brookshire, who opened its first store in Tyler, Texas, in 1928. These include remarkable customer service, clean stores, fresh products, and strong community support. Through the years, BGC has grown to become a leading regional grocery retailer with more than 17,000 employee-partners and more than 210 store locations in four states. Stores operate under the banners of Brookshire's, Super 1 Foods, Spring Market, FRESH by Brookshire's and Reasor's.

布鲁克希尔食品公司(BGC)称得上是一个家族企业,已经有95年的发展历史,一直坚持着创始人Wood t. Brookshire的价值观。 1928年他在德克萨斯州的泰勒市开设了第一家商店,秉承着卓越的客户服务、干净的店铺、新鲜的产品和强有力的社会支持的理念。 通过这些年的发展,BGC已成为一个领先的地区性杂货零售商,在四个州拥有210多个商店地点,遮蔽的领域包括:布鲁克希尔、超级1食品、Spring Market、FRESH by Brookshire's、和Reasor's。

"We are thrilled to bring Local Bounti's fresh, innovative products to our customers," said Brad Brookshire, Chairman and CEO of Brookshire Grocery Company. "Local Bounti is enabling us to offer a consistent source of locally grown, greenhouse-fresh produce and convenient salad kits that perfectly align with our commitment to quality and freshness. We're confident our shoppers will love these delicious, ready-to-eat options that make healthy eating a breeze."

"我们很高兴为顾客提供Local Bounti的新鲜、创新产品。" Brookshire 称: "Local Bounti正在帮助我们提供一种不断稳定的本地种植、温室新鲜生产和方便的沙拉套餐。这与我们对质量和新鲜度的承诺完全相符。 我们相信,我们的客户会喜欢这些美食,它们是健康饮食的好选择。"

About Local Bounti

关于Local Bounti

Local Bounti is redefining indoor farming with an innovative method – its patented Stack & Flow Technology – that significantly improves crop turns, increases output and improves unit economics. Local Bounti operates advanced indoor growing facilities across the United States, servicing approximately 13,000 retail doors. Local Bounti grows healthy food utilizing a hybrid approach that integrates the best attributes of controlled environment agriculture with natural elements. Local Bounti's sustainable growing methods are better for the planet, using 90% less land and 90% less water than conventional farming methods. With a mission to 'revolutionize agriculture, ensuring accessibility to fresh, sustainable, locally grown produce and nourishing communities everywhere for generations to come,' Local Bounti's food is fresher, more nutritious, and lasts longer than traditional agriculture. To find out more, visit or follow Local Bounti on LinkedIn for the latest news and developments.

Local Bounti正用其专利的Stack & Flow Technology创新地定义室内农业,这项技术显著提高了庄稼转换率、增加了产量并改善了单元经济效益。Local Bounti在全美范围内开设先进的室内种植设施,服务于约13,000个零售门店。Local Bounti采用一种混合的方法,通过将有控制的环境农业的优点与自然元素相结合,来种植健康食品。Local Bounti的可持续种植方法对地球更好,使用的土地和水资源比传统农业方法节约了90%。Local Bounti的使命是"革新农业,确保新鲜、可持续、本地种植的产品融入每个社区,满足各个时代的需求。" Local Bounti的食品比传统农业更为新鲜、营养丰富且保存时间更长。欲了解更多,请访问 或关注Local Bounti的LinkedIn页面,获取最新的新闻和进展。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases, you can identify these forward-looking statements by the use of terms such as "expect," "will," "continue," "believe," "estimate," "project," "intend," "should," "is to be," or similar expressions, and variations or negatives of these words, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements regarding expanding distribution and increasing capacity. These statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to differ materially from results expressed or implied in this press release. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements: the risk that Local Bounti will fail to obtain additional necessary capital when needed on acceptable terms, or at all; the risk that Local Bounti will not be able to close the financings contemplated by the previously announced conditional commitment letters; Local Bounti's ability to effectively integrate the acquired operations of any CEA or similar operations which it acquires into its existing operations; the ability of Local Bounti to retain and hire key personnel; the Company's ability to meet the continued listing requirements of the New York Stock Exchange or cure noncompliance; the uncertainty of projected financial information; if and when the Company will repurchase the stock authorized by its Board of Directors and the impact of the share repurchase program to the Company and its stockholders; Local Bounti's increased leverage as a result of additional indebtedness incurred in connection with the acquisition of Pete's or as the result of the incurrence of additional future indebtedness; restrictions contained in Local Bounti's debt facility agreements with Cargill; Local Bounti's ability to repay, refinance, restructure and/or extend its indebtedness as it comes due; Local Bounti's ability to generate revenue; the risk that Local Bounti may never achieve or sustain profitability; the risk that Local Bounti could fail to effectively manage its future growth; Local Bounti's ability to build out additional facilities; reliance on third parties for construction, delays relating to material delivery and supply chains, and fluctuating material prices; Local Bounti's ability to decrease its cost of goods sold over time; potential for damage to or problems with Local Bounti's CEA facilities; Local Bounti's ability to attract and retain qualified employees, including management; Local Bounti's ability to develop and maintain its brand or brands it may acquire; Local Bounti's ability to maintain its company culture or focus on its vision as it grows; Local Bounti's ability to execute on its growth strategy; the risks of diseases and pests destroying crops; Local Bounti's ability to compete successfully in the highly competitive natural food market; Local Bounti's ability to defend itself against intellectual property infringement claims; changes in consumer preferences, perception and spending habits in the food industry; seasonality; Local Bounti's ability to achieve its sustainability goals; and other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time, including those under "Risk Factors" and "Forward-Looking Statements" in Local Bounti's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on March 28, 2024, as supplemented by other reports and documents Local Bounti files from time to time with the SEC. Local Bounti cautions that the foregoing list of factors is not exclusive and cautions readers not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. Local Bounti does not undertake or accept any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statement is based.

本新闻稿包括"前瞻性陈述",根据1995年美国私人证券诉讼改革法案的"安全港"规定。在一些情况下,你可以通过使用"期待"、"将"、"继续"、"相信"、"估计"、"计划"、"打算"、"应该"、"为"等用语和这些词的变体或否定形式等以外的选项来识别这些前瞻性陈述,但没有这些用语并不意味着声明不具有前瞻性。所有除历史事实以外的声明都可以被认为是具有前瞻性的声明,包括但不限于,与扩大分销和增加产能有关的声明。这些声明会受到已知和未知风险、不确定性和其他因素的影响,这些因素可能会使我们的实际结果、活动水平、绩效或成就与本新闻稿中所述的结果出现实质性的差异。以下因素,可能导致实际结果与这些前瞻性陈述中所述的结果出现实质性的差异:Local Bounti无法在需要时以可接受的条件或根本无法获得额外的必要资本的风险;Local Bounti无法在预定时间内或完全地完成先前宣布的条件承诺函并进行融资的风险;Local Bounti将其所获得下属公司或类似下属公司的业务有效地融入现有业务的能力;Local Bounti能否留住并雇佣关键人员;公司能否满足纽约证券交易所的继续上市要求或治愈失去合规性;预测财务信息的不确定性;若公司将回购其董事会授权的股票,则买方和股东计划对公司及其股东的影响;Local Bounti通过增加额外的负债或因为Pete's的收购而增加负债的杠杆率可能会增加;Local Bounti的贷款协议和Cargill的限制;Local Bounti在应还期到期时能否偿还、再融资、重组和 / 或延长其负债;Local Bounti能否产生收入;;Local Bounti可能永远不会实现或保持盈利;Local Bounti未能有效地管理其未来的增长的风险;Local Bounti能否建设更多的设施;依赖第三方进行建筑施工、涉及物料供应链的交货延迟以及物料价格波动等不确定性;Local Bounti能否在时间的推移中减少其销售费用;可能会损坏或出现Local Bounti的CEA设施问题的风险;招募和留住合格员工(包括管理人员)的风险;Local Bounti建立和维护其品牌或收购的品牌的能力;Local Bounti的能否在增长中保持公司文化或关注所看的内容;Local Bounti能否执行增长战略;疾病和害虫摧毁庄稼的风险;Local Bounti能否在高度竞争的自然食品市场上取得成功;Local Bounti能否捍卫自己的知识产权侵犯的诉讼;在食品行业消费者偏好、认知和消费习惯发生变化;季节性波动的影响;Local Bounti能否实现其可持续发展目标;有时有其他风险和不确定性,包括在"Risk Factors"和"Forward-Looking Statements"下的其他报告和文件,Local Bounti在2023年12月31日提交给美国证券交易委员会的第10-k年度报告中指出。 Local Bounti提醒:上述因素列表不是除此之外的事实。请不要过度依赖任何前瞻性声明,这些声明仅代表该声明所在日期的声明。 Local Bounti不承担或接受任何义务或承诺,来更新或修订任何前瞻性声明,以反映其期望或任何事件、条件或情况的变化,前瞻性声明是基于这种情况所做出的。

SOURCE Local Bounti


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