
OnBalance Health Announces Partnership With Wake Forest Athletics

OnBalance Health Announces Partnership With Wake Forest Athletics

OnBalance Health宣布与Wake Forest Athletics建立合作关系。
PR Newswire ·  08/12 09:44

Revolutionizing mental healthcare for student-athletes with data-driven insights


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OnBalance, an intelligence platform for improving mental healthcare management in collegiate athletics, is excited to announce a new partnership with Wake Forest Athletics. As student-athletes return to campus and prepare for the upcoming season, Wake Forest will utilize OnBalance's first of a kind technology to provide proactive mental healthcare management for its student-athletes.

北卡罗来纳州温斯顿-塞勒姆,2024年8月12日/美通社/-- OnBalance是一种智能平台,旨在提高大学运动中心心理医疗管理能力,在这个跟新伙伴Wake Forest Athletics合作的喜悦时刻,OnBalance兴奋地宣布。随着学生运动员回到校园并准备迎接即将到来的赛季,Wake Forest将利用OnBalance的首款技术,为其学生运动员提供积极的心理医疗保健管理。

"Partnering with Wake Forest Athletics is a significant step in our mission to transform mental healthcare in college athletics," said Walt Norley, founder, and CEO of OnBalance. "By implementing our technology, we provide care teams with actionable insights for the treatment of student-athletes, as they navigate the various pressures of social media, NIL, and academics, all while striving to achieve peak sports performance."

"与Wake Forest Athletics合作是我们改革大学运动中心心理医疗保健的重要一步," OnBalance的创始人兼CEO沃尔特·诺利说。"通过实施我们的技术,我们为护理团队提供可操作洞察力,以治疗学生运动员,在他们努力实现巅峰体育表现时,应对社交媒体、NIL和学术等各种压力。"

The mental health crisis on all college campuses is escalating, with student-athletes facing higher rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. OnBalance offers intelligence to manage these issues more effectively by providing real-time data, predictive analytics, and comprehensive care tools, fostering an environment where athletes feel heard and supported.


"At Wake Forest Athletics, we're committed to providing a World Class Student-Athlete Experience and a huge piece of that is ensuring we have a comprehensive approach for the well-being and care of our 400 plus Demon Deacons," said John Currie, Wake Forest University Vice President & Director of Athletics. "We are grateful to partner with OnBalance to help our tremendous sports performance and medicine staff as they navigate the difficult issue of mental health more effectively on a daily basis."

"在Wake Forest Athletics,我们致力于提供世界一流的学生运动员体验,关键之一是确保我们对400多位恶魔猎手全面的健康和护理方法," Wake Forest大学副总裁兼教练约翰·克里(John Currie)说。"我们很高兴与OnBalance合作,帮助我们的梦幻体育表现和医学工作人员更有效地应对日常的心理健康难题。"

The OnBalance platform, fully compliant with HIPAA, FERPA, and NIST standards, was developed by Walt Norley, a former Division I quarterback and tech entrepreneur, in collaboration with top clinical experts in collegiate athletics. It combines a "Care In One Place" solution with meaningful intelligence driven by technology, allowing stakeholders to monitor and manage athletes' mental health.


"Our mission is to bring proactive insights and intelligence to mental healthcare, preventing athletes from falling through the cracks," said Norley. "Wake Forest's commitment to using data to drive better mental health outcomes sets a new standard for collegiate sports."

"我们的使命是为心理医疗保健提供积极的洞察力和智能,防止运动员跌入危险地带," 诺利说。"Wake Forest利用数据推动更好的心理健康结果的承诺,为大学体育设立了一个新的标准。"

With OnBalance, Wake Forest Athletics can lead the way in addressing mental health in college sports, ensuring that their student-athletes thrive both mentally and physically.

通过OnBalance,Wake Forest Athletics可以在大学体育中带头处理心理健康问题,确保学生运动员在心理和身体上都能茁壮成长。

About OnBalance


OnBalance is the first-of-its-kind, comprehensive mental healthcare and performance management platform for athletic departments. Founded by a former Division I quarterback and designed in collaboration with a leading behavioral specialist in collegiate athletics, the platform aims to provide athletes, mental health care teams, and the eco-system of patient care with a comprehensive platform that provides intelligence leading to proactive management. This results in improved outcomes, optimized athletic performance, and institutional accountability. To learn more about the platform and its capabilities, visit .


About Wake Forest University

关于Wake Forest大学

Wake Forest University is known for its distinctive combination of world-class academics, unrivaled campus experience, intimate learning environment and Power 5 athletics in a top-growing metro market. A Charter member of the Atlantic Coast Conference, the Demon Deacons have won 57 conference titles and are one of only seven ACC schools to win 10 or more national championships, along with Notre Dame, North Carolina, Virginia, Duke, Syracuse and Florida State. Additionally, Wake Forest anchors the Winston-Salem and Triad market, which includes 1.3M residents and was ranked as ESPN's seventh-best market from a viewership perspective.

Wake Forest大学因其卓越的世界级学术、无法匹敌的校园体验、亲密的学习环境和一流的竞技体育而闻名于世,在发展迅速的市场中也有5球员的竞技体育。作为大西洋沿岸联盟的创始成员之一,Demon Deacons赢得了57个联盟冠军,并与Notre Dame、North Carolina、Virginia、Duke、Syracuse和Florida State等七所ACC学校一起赢得了10个或更多的国家冠军。此外,Wake Forest牢固地站在了温斯顿-塞勒姆和Triad市场的中心地带,该市场包括130万居民,被ESPN评为观众群的第七佳市场。

Wake Forest's comprehensive excellence includes its highly regarded school of medicine, business school, law school and an innovative department of engineering. Additionally, Wake Forest has campuses across Winston-Salem, Charlotte and Washington, DC – providing many academic offerings to students from across the nation and around the world.

Wake Forest的全面卓越包括其备受赞誉的医学院、商学院、法学院和一个创新型工程系。此外,Wake Forest在温斯顿-塞勒姆、夏洛特和华盛顿特区设有校园,为来自全国和世界各地的学生提供许多学术课程。

Learn more about Wake Forest University at and at

请访问和GoDeacs.com了解更多关于Wake Forest大学的信息。

Media Contact:
Samantha Krouse
[email protected]

Samantha Krouse
[email protected]

SOURCE OnBalance

SOURCE OnBalance

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