
United States: First Oil From the Anchor Field in Gulf of Mexico

United States: First Oil From the Anchor Field in Gulf of Mexico

道达尔 ·  08/12 00:00

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Paris, August 12, 2024 – TotalEnergies announces the start of production from the Anchor field, located in the US Gulf of Mexico, in which the Company has a 37.14% interest alongside operator Chevron (62.86%).

2024年8月12日,TotalEnergies宣布启动位于美国墨西哥湾的Anchor油田的生产,公司持有37.14%的利益,与运营商 Chevron(62.86%)合作。

Located 225 kilometers off the Louisiana coast, Anchor, which development was launched in December 2019, consists of a system of subsea wells connected to a semi-submersible floating production unit (FPU) with a production capacity of 75,000 barrels of oil per day and 28 million cubic feet of gas per day. At plateau, Anchor will represent close to 30,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) net for TotalEnergies. The Anchor FPU has been designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions through an all-electric configuration, with electric motors and electronic controls, and the utilization of waste heat and vapor recovery technologies.

Anchor距路易斯安那海岸225公里,开发工作始于2019年12月,由一系列海底井连接到生产能力为每天75000桶油和2800万立方英尺天然气的半潜式浮式生产装置(FPU)。在高峰期,Anchor FPU将为TotalEnergies提供近3万桶石油当量每日的净产量。Anchor FPU采用全电驱动配置,采用电动机和电子控制以及浪费热量和蒸汽回收技术等,以减少温室气体排放。

"The start-up of Anchor is a new milestone in the deployment of TotalEnergies' integrated energy model in the US, combining the development of oil projects with a high leverage to price and a low emissions intensity and growth in Integrated LNG and Integrated Power. Delivered safely, on time and within budget, this project will contribute to the Company's free cash flow growth trajectory" said Nicolas Terraz, President, Exploration & Production at TotalEnergies.

TotalEnergies勘探和生产总裁Nicolas Terraz表示:“Anchor的启动是TotalEnergies在美国部署集成能源模式的一个新里程碑,将石油项目的开发与高杠杆价格和低排放强度的能源、液化天然气和综合电力的增长相结合。这个项目将安全地按时、按预算交付,为公司的自由现金流增长轨迹做出贡献。”



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