
Shoals Technologies Group Appoints Niharika Taskar Ramdev to Its Board of Directors

Shoals Technologies Group Appoints Niharika Taskar Ramdev to Its Board of Directors

Shoals Technologies Group任命Niharika Taskar Ramdev担任董事会成员
Shoals Technologies ·  08/12 00:00

PORTLAND, Tenn., Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHLS), a global leader in electrical balance of systems (EBOS) solutions for the energy transition market, today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Niharika Taskar Ramdev to the Board, effective August 9, 2024. The Board also appointed Ms. Ramdev to be a member of the Audit Committee of the Board. Ms. Ramdev replaces Peter Wilver, who resigned from the Board of Directors as of August 9, 2024. Shoals thanks Mr. Wilver for his service to the Company and its stockholders.

2024年8月12日田纳西州波特兰(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--电气系统平衡(EBOS)解决方案的全球领先者Shoals Technologies Group,Inc.(纳斯达克:SHLS)今天宣布,其董事会已于2024年8月9日任命尼哈里卡•塔斯卡尔•拉姆德夫加入董事会。董事会还任命拉姆德夫女士成为董事会审计委员会的成员。拉姆德夫女士取代彼得•威尔弗(Peter Wilver),威尔弗先生于2024年8月9日辞去董事会成员职务。Shoals感谢威尔弗先生对公司及其股东的贡献。

"We are grateful to Pete for his outstanding contribution to Shoals and are excited to welcome Niharika to the Board. As a seasoned business leader with significant public company board experience, Niharika will be a great asset to Shoals," said Brad Forth, Chairman of the Board of Shoals. "Her global experience and proven track record in strategy and operations are an ideal fit for Shoals as we continue to execute our global growth strategy. On behalf of the Shoals' Board of Directors, we welcome Niharika and look forward to her insights and contributions to the Company."

“我们非常感谢皮特对Shoals的杰出贡献,并很高兴欢迎Niharika加入董事会。作为一位经验丰富的商业领袖,拥有重要的上市公司董事会经验的Niharika将成为Shoals的巨大财富,”Shoals董事会主席布拉德•福斯(Brad Forth)表示。“她在全球业务和运营方面的经验和卓越的业绩与Shoals的全球增长战略非常契合。我们代表Shoals董事会欢迎Niharika并期待她对公司的洞察和贡献。”

Ms. Ramdev has had a long career as a global finance leader, during which she held senior leadership roles at General Motors, where she most recently served as CFO of Global Cadillac from 2018-2019. Previously, Ms. Ramdev served as the CFO of GM International, in addition to positions of increasing responsibilities within GM dating back to 1996.

Ramdev女士作为一名全球财务领导者,曾在通用汽车担任高级领导职务,最近于2018-2019年间担任全球凯迪拉克CFO。此前,Ramdev女士在Gm International担任CFO,并担任自1996年以来在Gm内不断上升的职务。

Ms. Ramdev currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors, the Chair of the Audit Committee, and as a member of the Compensation and Nominating Committees of Silgan Holdings, (NYSE: SLGN). She previously served as a member of the Board of Directors of several publicly-listed companies, including Kaman Corporation (NYSE: KAMN), Triton International Limited (NYSE: TRTN), Renewable Energy Group (NASDAQ: REGI), and XL Fleet (NYSE: XL) (n/k/a Spruce Power Holdings Corporation).

拉姆德夫女士目前是Silgan Holdings(纽交所:SLGN)董事会成员、审计委员会主席以及薪酬和提名委员会成员,并曾担任几家上市公司的董事会成员,包括Kaman Corporation(纽交所:KAMN)、Triton International Limited(纽交所:TRTN)、Renewable Energy Group(纳斯达克:REGI)和XL Fleet(纽交所:XL)(现更名为Spruce Power Holdings Corporation)。

Ms. Ramdev holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Financial Accounting from University of Bombay (Mumbai), and a Master's degree in Business Administration from Harvard Business School.

拉姆德夫女士拥有印度孟买大学(University of Bombay)财务会计学士学位和哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)工商管理硕士学位。

About Shoals Technologies Group, Inc.
Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. is a leading provider of electrical balance of systems (EBOS) solutions for the energy transition market. Since its founding in 1996, the Company has introduced innovative technologies and systems solutions that allow its customers to substantially increase installation efficiency and safety while improving system performance and reliability. Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. is a recognized leader in the renewable energy industry whose solutions are deployed on over 62 GW of solar systems globally. For additional information, please visit:

关于Shoals Technologies Group,Inc。
Shoals Technologies Group,Inc.是能源转型市场的电气系统平衡(EBOS)解决方案的领先提供商。自1996年创立以来,该公司推出了创新技术和系统解决方案,使其客户可以大幅提高安装效率和安全性,同时改善系统性能和可靠性。Shoals Technologies Group,Inc.是可再生能源行业的知名领先者,其解决方案在全球超过62 GW的太阳能系统上得到了应用。欲了解更多信息,请访问:



Investor Relations:


Matt Tractenberg

Matt Tractenberg




Source: Shoals Technologies Group
来源:Shoals Technologies Group
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