
Goliath Resources Receives $2,000,000 Order From Strategic Singapore Based Global Commodity Group And The Previously Announced Non-Brokered Private Placement Has Been Increased From $3,000,000 Up To $6,500,000

Goliath Resources Receives $2,000,000 Order From Strategic Singapore Based Global Commodity Group And The Previously Announced Non-Brokered Private Placement Has Been Increased From $3,000,000 Up To $6,500,000

Goliath Resources收到来自全球商品集团的200万美元订单,并且之前宣布的非经纪人定向增发已从300万美元增加到650万美元。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/13 07:08

TORONTO, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Goliath Resources Limited (TSX-V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) (FSE: B4IF) (the "Company" or "Goliath") is pleased to announce it has received a $2,000,000 order from a strategic global commodity group based in Singapore. Goliath is increasing its non-brokered private placement from $3,000,000 up to $6,500,000.

多伦多,2024年8月13日(环球社区)- Goliath Resources Limited(tsx V: GOT)(OTCQB: GOTRF)(FSE: B4IF)(以下简称“公司”或“Goliath”)很高兴宣布已从新加坡一家战略全球商品集团收到200万美元订单。Goliath将把其非经纪人定向增发从300万美元增加到650万美元。

Goliath intends to raise up to $6,500,000 through a non-brokered private placement in a combination of: (i) Non-Flow-Through shares (NFT) to be sold at a price of $1.11 each and Flow-Through shares (FT) to be sold at a price of $1.28 that will qualify as a flow-through share within the meaning of Subsection 66(15) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

Goliath拟通过非经纪人定向增发筹集高达650万美元的资金,包括:(i)非流通股份(NFT),每股价格为1.11美元;及流通股份(FT),每股价格为1.28美元,符合加拿大所得税法(Subsection 66(15))规定的流通股份。

The Company intends to use the proceeds for general operating expenses and exploration related programs on its properties located in and around the Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia.


The proceeds from the FT offering will be used for Canadian exploration expenses as such term is defined in paragraph (f) of the definition of Canadian exploration expense in Subsection 66.1(6) of the tax act, flow-through mining expenditures as defined in Subsection 127(9) of the tax act that will qualify as flow-through mining expenditures, and B.C. flow-through mining expenditures as defined in Subsection 4.721(1) of the Income Tax Act (British Columbia), which will be incurred on or before Dec. 31, 2025, and renounced with an effective date no later than Dec. 31, 2024. British Columbia Super Flow - the B.C. mining flow-through share (B.C. MFTS) tax credit allows BC Residents who invest in flow-through shares to claim a provincial non-refundable tax credit of 20% of their B.C. flow-through mining expenditures. B.C. flow-through mining expenditures are specific exploration expenses incurred by a PBC and renounced by a corporation issuing the flow-through shares.

FT提供的资金将用于符合所得税法第66.1(6)条完整的加拿大勘探费用的加拿大勘探费用,在127(9)条规定的流水式采矿开支和位于不列颠哥伦比亚省所得税法第4.721(1)条规定的不列颠哥伦比亚省流的采矿支出,这些费用将在2025年12月31日前发生,并于2024年12月31日或之前生效。不列颠哥伦比亚超级首选-不列颠哥伦比亚省采矿流(b.C. MFTS)税收抵扣允许在流通过程中投资流通过程的BC居民可以要求其BC流通过程采矿支出的20%的省级不可退税抵扣。不列颠哥伦比亚省流采矿支出是由PBC实施并由发行流通过程的公司转让的具体勘探费用。

Goliath may pay finders' fees composed of cash and warrants on certain orders in connection with the placement, subject to compliance with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange. All securities issued and sold under the offering will be subject to a hold period expiring four months and one day from their date of issuance. Completion of the offering and the payment of any finders' fees remain subject to the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

在与大温哥华证券交易所TSX Venture Exchange的政策规定相符的情况下,Goliath可能支付现金和认股权作为配售中某些订单的发现费用。 证券发行和出售的所有证券将受到保留期的限制,该限制将于发行日期的四个月零一天到期。 配售完成和支付任何发现费用仍需要获得所有必要的监管批准,包括TSX Venture Exchange的批准。

About Goliath Resources Limited

关于Goliath Resources Limited GoliathResources是一家在不列颠哥伦比亚省西北部富矿三角洲的贵金属项目的勘探公司。该公司的所有项目均在世界级地质环境和地缘安全的矿业友好地区,是加拿大开采有利的地区。Goliath是CASERm的成员和积极支持者,CASERm是科罗拉多矿业学院和弗吉尼亚理工学院合作的组织。Goliath的关键战略基石股东包括 Crescat Capital,Rob McEwen先生和Eric Sprott先生。

Goliath Resources Limited is an explorer of precious metals projects in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia. All of its projects are in world class geological settings and geopolitical safe jurisdictions amenable to mining in Canada. Goliath is a member and active supporter of CASERM which is an organization represents a collaborative venture between Colorado School of Mines and Virginia Tech. Goliath's key strategic cornerstone shareholders include Crescat Capital, Mr. Rob McEwen and Mr. Eric Sprott.

Goliath Resources Limited是一家勘探贵金属项目的公司,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省西北部的黄金三角地区。所有项目都处于世界级地质环境和地缘政治安全的可采矿地区,这些地区适合在加拿大进行采矿。 Goliath是CASERm的成员和积极支持者,后者是代表科罗拉多矿业学院和弗吉尼亚理工学院之间的合作企业的组织。 Goliath的关键战略基石股东包括Crescat Capital,Rob McEwen先生和Eric Sprott先生。

For more information please contact:

-- Hot Chili

Goliath Resources Limited
Mr. Roger Rosmus
Founder and CEO
Tel: +1.416.488.2887

Roger Rosmus先生



The reader is cautioned that grab samples are spot samples which are typically, but not exclusively, constrained to mineralization. Grab samples are selective in nature and collected to determine the presence or absence of mineralization and are not intended to be representative of the material sampled.
Portable XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) readings are semi-quantitative measurements and calibrations of the equipment in the field not always allow to compare results to certified reference materials but are used as guideline to augment the understanding of the mineralization observed. These measurements are not intended to be representative of the geochemical composition of the material measured. XRF readings are carried out using a handheld device and could be influenced by external factors.


Oriented HQ-diameter or NQ-diameter diamond drill core from the drill campaign is placed in core boxes by the drill crew contracted by the Company. Core boxes are transported by helicopter to the staging area, and then transported by truck to the core shack. The core is then re-orientated, meterage blocks are checked, meter marks are labelled, Recovery and RQD measurements taken, and primary bedding and secondary structural features including veins, dykes, cleavage, and shears are noted and measured. The core is then described and transcribed in MX DepositTM. Drill holes were planned using Leapfrog GeoTM and QGISTM software and data from the 2017-2022 exploration campaigns. Drill core containing quartz breccia, stockwork, veining and/or sulphide(s), or notable alteration are sampled in lengths of 0.5 to 1.5 meters. Core samples are cut lengthwise in half, one-half remains in the box and the other half is inserted in a clean plastic bag with a sample tag. Standards, blanks and duplicates were added in the sample stream at a rate of 10%.

公司雇用的钻探队将定向HQ直径或NQ直径金刚钻芯放置在芯棒中。芯箱通过直升机被运输到集结区,然后再由卡车运输到芯锅。然后重新定向芯体,检查测量块,标记测量标记,进行恢复和RQD测量,并注意和测量原始层理和次生构造特征,包括脉、岩墙、中裂缝和剪切带。然后对芯体进行描述并转录到MX DepositTm中。钻探孔是使用Leapfrog GeoTm和QGISTm软件规划的,数据来自2017年至2022年的勘探活动。含石英角砾岩、矿脉、脉石和/或显著蚀变的钻孔样品以0.5至1.5米长进行采样。芯样切成两半,一半留在盒子里,另一半放在带样标签的干净塑料袋中。标准、空白和重复样品以10%的比例添加到样品流中。

Grab, channels, chip and talus samples were collected by foot with helicopter assistance. Prospective areas included, but were not limited to, proximity to MINFile locations, placer creek occurrences, regional soil anomalies, and potential gossans based on high-resolution satellite imagery. The rock grab and chip samples were extracted using a rock hammer, or hammer and chisel to expose fresh surfaces and to liberate a sample of anywhere between 0.5 to 5.0 kilograms. All sample sites were flagged with biodegradable flagging tape and marked with the sample number. All sample sites were recorded using hand-held GPS units (accuracy 3-10 meters) and sample ID, easting, northing, elevation, type of sample (outcrop, subcrop, float, talus, chip, grab, etc.) and a description of the rock were recorded on all-weather paper. Samples were then inserted in a clean plastic bag with a sample tag for transport and shipping to the geochemistry lab. QA/QC samples including blanks, standards, and duplicate samples were inserted regularly into the sample sequence at a rate of 10%.


All samples are transported in rice bags sealed with numbered security tags. A transport company takes them from the core shack to the ALS labs facilities in North Vancouver. ALS is either certified to ISO 9001:2008 or accredited to ISO 17025:2005 in all of its locations. At ALS samples were processed, dried, crushed, and pulverized before analysis using the ME-MS61 and Au-SCR21 methods. For the ME-MS61 method, a prepared sample is digested with perchloric, nitric, hydrofluoric, and hydrochloric acids. The residue is topped up with dilute hydrochloric acid and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Overlimits were re-analyzed using the ME-OG62 and Ag-GRA21 methods (gravimetric finish). For Au-SCR21 a large volume of sample is needed (typically 1-3kg). The sample is crushed and screened (usually to -106 micron) to separate coarse gold particles from fine material. After screening, two aliquots of the fine fraction are analysed using the traditional fire assay method. The fine fraction is expected to be reasonably homogenous and well represented by the duplicate analyses. The entire coarse fraction is assayed to determine the contribution of the coarse gold.


Widths are reported in drill core lengths and the true widths are estimated to be 80-90% and AuEq metal values are calculated using: AuEq metal values are calculated using: Au 1924.79 USD/oz, Ag 22.76 USD/oz, Cu 3.75 USD/lbs, Pb 2128.75 USD/ton and Zn 2468.50 USD/ton on December 23, 2023. There is potential for economic recovery of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc from these occurrences based on other mining and exploration projects in the same Golden Triangle Mining Camp where Goliath's project is located such as the Homestake Ridge Gold Project (Auryn Resources Technical Report, Updated Mineral Resource Estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Homestake Ridge Gold Project, prepared by Minefill Services Inc. Bothell, Washington, dated May 29, 2020). Here, AuEq values were calculated using 3-year running averages for metal price, and included provisions for metallurgical recoveries, treatment charges, refining costs, and transportation. Recoveries for Gold were 85.5%, Silver at 74.6%, Copper at 74.6% and Lead at 45.3%. It will be assumed that Zinc can be recovered with the Copper at the same recovery rate of 74.6%. The quoted reference of metallurgical recoveries is not from Goliath's Golddigger Project, Surebet Zone mineralization, and there is no guarantee that such recoveries will ever be achieved, unless detailed metallurgical work such as in a Feasibility Study can be eventually completed on the Golddigger Project.

宽度以钻岩长度报告,估计真实宽度为80-90%,AuEq金属价值是使用以下公式计算的:AuEq金属价值是使用以下公式计算的:Au 1924.79美元/盎司,Ag 22.76美元/盎司,Cu 3.75美元/磅,Pb 2128.75美元/吨和Zn 2468.50美元/吨,以上价格截至2023年12月23日。根据黄金三角采矿营地中的其他采矿和勘探项目(例如Homestake Ridge Gold Project(Auryn Resources Technical Report,Updated Mineral Resource Estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Homestake Ridge Gold Project,Minefill Services Inc.为Bothell,Washington制作的,日期为2020年5月29日),这里使用3年的平均金属价格计算了AuEq值,并包括冶金回收率、处理费用、精炼成本和运输费用的条款。黄金的回收率为85.5%,银为74.6%,铜为74.6%,铅为45.3%。假定锌可以以与铜相同的回收率74.6%回收。所引用的冶金回收情况不属于Goliath的Golddigger Project,Surebet Zone mineralization,除非可以对Golddigger Project进行详细的冶金工作,例如可行性研究,否则无法保证实现此类回收情况。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange), nor the OTCQB Venture Market accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供商(as the term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange)和OTCQb Venture Market不对此版本的充分性或准确性负责。

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on Goliath's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. In particular, this release contains forward-looking information relating to, among other things, the ability of the Company to complete financings and its ability to build value for its shareholders as it develops its mining properties. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to Goliath. Although such statements are based on management's reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that the proposed transactions will occur, or that if the proposed transactions do occur, will be completed on the terms described above.


The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and Goliath is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.


This announcement does not constitute an offer, invitation, or recommendation to subscribe for or purchase any securities and neither this announcement nor anything contained in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. In particular, this announcement does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities in the United States, or in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer would be illegal.
The securities referred to herein have not been and will not be will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account or benefit of a U.S. person (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.




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