
Spencer Trask & Co. Launches Dry Eye Venture Signal12 With Former Aerie Pharmaceutical Executives Thomas Mitro and Marvin Garrett

Spencer Trask & Co. Launches Dry Eye Venture Signal12 With Former Aerie Pharmaceutical Executives Thomas Mitro and Marvin Garrett

Spencer Trask & Co.与前艾瑞药品高管Thomas Mitro和Marvin Garrett一起推出干眼症创业公司Signal12。
PR Newswire ·  08/13 11:06

Mitro Named President & Chief Executive Officer, Readies Pro-ocular for Phase 3 Trials

Mitro被任命为总裁兼首席执行官,为Pro-ocularPhase 3试验做好准备

The company's breakthrough drug is the first product for Dry Eye Disease (DED) to utilize transappendageal forehead delivery and the only product to treat DED by targeting the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve.


GREENWICH, Conn., Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Spencer Trask & Co. (Spencer Trask), the advanced technology development firm, announced today the launch of Signal12 Inc. (Signal12), a clinical-stage dry eye company. Signal12 is revolutionizing treatments for Dry Eye Disease (DED) and eliminating the hassle of eye drop instillation with its first-of-a-kind, patented technology that enables existing drugs to act through unique neural pathways.

康涅狄格州格林威治,2024年8月13日/PRNewswire/—— 斯宾塞·特拉斯克 & 公司。 (Spencer Trask)是一家先进技术开发公司,今天宣布推出 Signal12公司。 Signal12正在革新治疗干眼病的方法,通过其首创的专利技术,使现有药物通过独特的神经途径发挥作用,消除了滴眼药水使用的麻烦。 干眼病 Signal12的突破性外用药

Signal12's breakthrough topical drug, Pro-ocular, is the first product in eyecare to utilize transappendageal forehead delivery (drug delivery via hair follicles or sweat glands in the skin) and the only product to treat DED by targeting the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. Pro-ocular, when applied to the forehead twice daily, has been shown to be safe and effective for DED of all severity levels. This has been demonstrated through three separate Phase 2 clinical studies. Signal12 licensed the Pro-ocular intellectual property, which included 89 patents that cover 49 countries, from Glia LLC, which is a Spencer Trask venture.

Pro-ocular 是眼科领域中第一个使用经皮肤附属器官途径(通过毛囊或汗腺在皮肤中递送药物)治疗DED的产品,也是唯一针对眼三叉神经支配领域治疗DED的产品。Pro-ocular每天额头涂抹两次,已被证明对所有病情严重程度的DED都是安全有效的。这是通过三个单独的II期临床研究证明的。Signal12从Glia LLC获得了Pro-ocular的知识产权,其中包括覆盖49个国家的89项专利。Glia LLC是一个Spencer Trask的创业公司。 临床研究Signal12已经从Spencer Trask创业公司Glia LLC中取得了Pro-ocular智力财产,其中包括89项涵盖49个国家的专利。

Thomas Mitro was recruited by Spencer Trask to lead Signal12 as president and chief executive officer. Mitro is the former president and chief operating officer of Aerie Pharmaceuticals, where he grew annual sales to more than $100 million and facilitated a $770 million acquisition by Swiss eye-care firm Alcon. Prior to Aerie, Mitro built and led the commercial operations function at ISTA Pharmaceuticals, which was acquired by Bausch & Lomb. He also spent 24 years at Allergan in multiple leadership roles.

Thomas Mitro被Spencer Trask聘请为Signal12的总裁兼首席执行官。Mitro是Aerie Pharmaceuticals的前总裁兼首席运营官,他将Aerie的年销售额增长到了超过$10000万,并促成了瑞士眼科公司Alcon的$77000万收购。 Mitro被Spencer Trask公司招募为Signal12的总裁兼首席执行官。Mitro曾担任过该公司的前总裁兼首席运营官。 Aerie Pharmaceuticals,他将Aerie的年销售额增长到了超过$10000万并促成了瑞士眼科公司Alcon的$77000万收购 公司经营 创业公司 AlconMitro在Aerie之前在ISTA制药公司建立并领导了商业运营部门,并被Bausch & Lomb收购。他还在Allergan工作了24年,担任多个领导职务。

"I am honored to lead Signal12 in its mission to transform the landscape of ocular health," said Mitro. "The company's pioneering technology and impressive clinical data for Pro-ocular make it a game-changer in treating dry eye disease. I am eager to leverage our team's extensive experience and push forward with our Phase 3 trials. The eye health market is ripe for innovation, and Signal12 will play a crucial role in addressing unmet needs and improving the lives of millions affected by ocular conditions."


The Signal12 management team, board of directors and scientific advisors have decades of experience in ophthalmic product development, FDA and EU submissions, approvals, and market commercialization.

Signal12团队管理层和科学顾问拥有数十年的眼科产品开发、美国FDA和欧盟提交、批准和市场运作方面的经验。 Neil Edwards被任命为公司的首席财务官。Edwards是一位有着全球25年医疗保健、生成人工智能、供应链风险管理和科技方面经验的杰出金融领袖,在首席运营官、首席财务官和董事会成员职务上发挥了重要作用。他在实现重要里程碑方面发挥了重要作用,其中包括策划一项战略性的AI收购,将Spencer Trask组合公司的估值从800万美元增加到10亿美元。, 董事会和页面。Signal12的董事会由经验丰富的商业领袖和眼科行业退休者组成。除了Mitro和Edwards外,Signal12董事会还包括Vincent Anido,前Aerie制药公司主席兼首席执行官;Robert Dempsey,AsclepiX Therapeutics总裁兼首席执行官;James Mazzo,执行主席和董事会成员。 数十年的眼科产品开发,美国FDA和欧盟提交、批准和市场运作方面的经验。

Joining Mitro is former Aerie executive Marvin Garrett as senior vice president of regulatory affairs and safety. Garrett has four decades of experience in the healthcare industry, having held senior leadership positions at many of the leading ophthalmology firms in the United States. During his career, Garrett spearheaded efforts to gain approval for over 60 marketing applications.

加入Mitro的是前Aerie执行官Marvin Garrett,担任高级副总裁兼监管事务和安全负责人。Garrett在卫生保健行业拥有四十年的管理经验,曾在美国许多领先的眼科公司担任高级领导职务。在他的职业生涯中,Garrett带领进行了超过60个营销申请的审批工作。 前Aerie执行官Marvin Garrett。 担任AsclepiX Therapeutics总裁和首席执行官的Robert Dempsey。

Pamela F. Gallin, M.D., F.A.C.S., will serve as the medical director for Signal12. Dr. Gallin is one of the highest-ranking surgeons at NY Presbyterian where she is a Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at the Edward Harkness Eye Institute of NY Presbyterian Columbia University Medical Center. She is an examiner for the American Board of Ophthalmology, a Heed Foundation Fellow, and was a member of the White House Task Force on Medicine under Hillary Clinton.

Pamela F. Gallin博士将担任Signal12的医学总监。Gallin博士是纽约长老会医院的最高级别的外科医生之一,她是纽约长老会哥伦比亚大学医学中心Edward Harkness眼科研究所的临床教授。她是美国眼科医学委员会的考官、Heed基金会的研究员,曾在Hillary Clinton政府任职白宫医疗任务小组成员。Pamela F. Gallin将担任Signal12的医务总监。

Neil Edwards was appointed as the company's chief financial officer. Edwards is an accomplished financial leader with over 25 years of global experience in healthcare, generative AI, supply chain risk management, and technology—in chief operations officer, CFO and board director roles. He has been instrumental in achieving significant milestones, including architecting a strategic AI acquisition that increased the valuation of a Spencer Trask portfolio company from $8 million to $1 billion.

Neil Edwards 被任命为公司的首席财务官。

The company is governed by a board of directors who are proven business leaders and eye-care industry veterans. In addition to Mitro and Edwards, the Signal12 Board includes Vincent Anido, PhD, former chairman and chief executive officer, Aerie Pharmaceuticals; Robert Dempsey, president and chief executive officer, AsclepiX Therapeutics; James Mazzo, executive chair and board of directors, Neurotec Pharmaceuticals; Kenneth Sawyer, chief executive officer and co-founder, Glia LLC; and Kevin Kimberlin, chairman, Spencer Trask & Co.

该公司由一组权威的商业领袖和眼部保健行业的资深人士组成董事会。除了Mitro和Edwards之外,Signal12的董事会还包括Vincent Anido博士,前Aerie Pharmaceuticals公司的主席兼首席执行官;Robert Dempsey,AsclepiX Therapeutics的总裁兼首席执行官;James Mazzo,执行主席和董事会成员。 Vincent Anido,博士,前Aerie Pharmaceuticals公司的主席兼首席执行官。 Robert Dempsey,AsclepiX Therapeutics总裁和首席执行官。 担任AsclepiX Therapeutics总裁和首席执行官的Robert Dempsey。; James Mazzo,执行主席和董事会成员。 神经技术制药;Glia LLC的首席执行官兼联合创始人肯尼思·索耶(Kenneth Sawyer);以及 凯文·金伯林(Kevin Kimberlin)斯宾塞·特拉斯克公司(Spencer Trask & Co.)的董事长 斯宾塞·特拉斯克 & 公司。

Signal12 is committed to advancing patient care and easing the burden of living with DED. With an estimated 18 million Americans diagnosed with DED, the company's work is critical for improving the lives of patients grappling with this debilitating ocular condition.

Signal12 致力于推动患者护理,减轻慢性干眼症患者的负担。随着约有1800万名被诊断出患有慢性干眼症的美国人,该公司的工作对改善患者生活至关重要,这是一种令人虚弱的眼部疾病。 预计 Signal12是一家处于临床阶段的干眼症公司,致力于开发用于解决眼科疾病的新型疗法。通过三项2期临床研究,该公司的专有局部药物Pro-ocular已证实在安全有效的情况下,能够减轻干眼症(DED)的症状和迹象。Pro-ocular是第一个利用经皮质递送的DED产品,也是唯一可以通过靶向三叉神经眼支治疗DED的产品。该公司在康涅狄格州格林威治和马萨诸塞州波士顿设有办事处。

About Signal12 Inc.
Signal12 is a clinical-stage dry eye company that develops novel therapies to address ophthalmic diseases. Through three Phase 2 clinical studies, the company's proprietary topical drug, Pro-ocular, has demonstrated efficacy in safely and effectively reducing the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease (DED). Pro-ocular is the first product for DED to utilize transappendageal delivery, and the only product to treat DED by targeting the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. The company has offices in Greenwich, CT and Boston, MA.

关于 Signal12 Inc.

SOURCE Spencer Trask & Co.

消息来源斯宾塞·特拉斯克 & Co.

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