
3D Systems Announces Final 2023 Financial Results and Dates for Q1 and Q2 2024 Earnings Releases

3D Systems Announces Final 2023 Financial Results and Dates for Q1 and Q2 2024 Earnings Releases

3D系统 ·  08/13 00:00
  • Company plans to file its 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K after market on August 13, 2024
  • Significant filing delays and added costs were experienced due to extended close activities and related audit procedures in connection with the 2023 audit
  • Final 2023 financial results yielded no change to revenue, and slight improvement in net loss, versus preliminary results filed on February 28, 2024
  • No restatement of prior years' results
  • Consistent with prior disclosures, the planned transition of the company's independent audit firm began in Q1 of 2024
  • Company plans to release Q1'24 financial results on or about August 19, 2024 and Q2'24 financial results the week of August 26, 2024, followed by a call with investors to discuss results for the first half and outlook for the full year
  • 公司计划于2024年8月13日盘后提交其2023年10-k表年度报告
  • 由于与2023年审计相关的结案活动和相关审计程序的延长,出现了严重的申报延迟和成本增加
  • 与2024年2月28日公布的初步业绩相比,2023年最终财务业绩收入没有变化,净亏损略有改善
  • 不重报前几年的业绩
  • 与先前的披露一致,公司独立审计公司的计划过渡始于2024年第一季度
  • 公司计划在2024年8月19日左右发布24年第一季度财务业绩,在2024年8月26日当周发布24年第二季度财务业绩,随后与投资者举行电话会议,讨论上半年的业绩和全年展望

ROCK HILL, S.C., Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 3D Systems (NYSE:DDD) ("the Company") today announced that it plans to file its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 (the "Form 10-K") with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") after market.

南卡罗来纳州罗克希尔,2024年8月13日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——3D Systems(纽约证券交易所代码:DDD)(“公司”)今天宣布,计划在盘后向美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)提交截至2023年12月31日财年的10-k表年度报告(“10-K表格”)。

In connection with the Company's efforts as it concluded its audit, certain reclassifications and adjustments were made to its fourth quarter and full year 2023 financial results, originally furnished to the SEC on the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 28, 2024. Revisions relate primarily to a reduction in the impairment of goodwill, a decrease in interest income and changes in certain expenses. Supplemental financial statements and GAAP to non-GAAP reconciliations are included in the Appendix. Changes to originally reported information are shown below:


Unaudited Three Months Ended December 31, 2023 Year Ended December 31, 2023
(in thousands, expect per share data) Preliminary - Previously Filed Final - To Be
Preliminary -Previously Filed Final - To Be
Revenue $ 114,848 $ 114,848 $ 488,069 $ 488,069
Gross profit $ 46,348 $ 43,957 $ 198,812 $ 196,421
Operating loss $ (335,594) $ (327,295) $ (414,303) $ (406,004)
Net loss attributable to 3D Systems Corporation $ (300,412) $ (292,668) $ (370,432) $ (362,688)
Diluted loss per share $ (2.30) $ (2.25) $ (2.85) $ (2.79)
Non-GAAP measures for year-over-year comparisons (1)
Non-GAAP gross profit margin 41.9% 39.8% 41.1% 40.6%
Adjusted EBITDA $ (12,260) $ (13,993) $ (24,525) $ (26,258)
Non-GAAP diluted loss per share $ (0.11) $ (0.13) $ (0.26) $ (0.28)
未经审计 截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的三个月 截至2023年12月31日的年度
(以千计,预计每股数据) 初步报告-之前已提交 决赛-待定
初步报告-之前已提交 决赛-待定
收入 $ 114,848 $ 114,848 $ 488,069 $ 488,069
毛利润 $ 46,348 $ 43,957 $ 198,812 $ 196,421
营业亏损 $ (335,594) $ (327,295) $ (414,303) $ (406,004)
归因于 3D Systems 公司的净亏损 $ (300,412) $ (292,668) $ (370,432) $ (362,688)
摊薄后的每股亏损 $ (2.30) $ (2.25) $ (2.85) $ (2.79)
用于同比的非公认会计准则指标 (1)
非公认会计准则毛利率 41.9% 39.8% 41.1% 40.6%
调整后 EBITDA $ (12,260) $ (13,993) $ (24,525) $ (26,258)
非公认会计准则摊薄后每股亏损 $ (0.11) $ (0.13) $ (0.26) $ (0.28)

(1) See "Presentation of Information in this Press Release" below for a description, and the Appendix for the reconciliation of non-GAAP measurements to the most closely comparable GAAP measure.

(1) 有关说明,请参阅下文 “本新闻稿中的信息介绍”,以及有关将非公认会计准则衡量标准与最具可比性的GAAP指标进行对账的附录。

The Company also announced that it expects general and administrative (G&A) operating expenses for 2024 to be higher than original estimates, driven by external auditor fees and outside services related to the completion of the 2023 Form 10-K. These fees incurred by the Company, while transitory in nature, are expected to total over $9 million, approximately $7.5 million higher than anticipated in the original operating expense guidance provided for the full year. From a timing standpoint, the Company expects approximately 65% of these cost overruns occurred in Q1, approximately 25% in Q2, with the balance anticipated in Q3. It is important to note that, with the transition of audit responsibilities to a new firm, the Company expects a substantial improvement in operating expenses beginning in Q4.


The Company plans to release its financial results for the first quarter 2024 on or about August 19, 2024 in conjunction with the filing of its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 with the SEC. In addition, the Company expects to release financial results for the second quarter 2024 during the week of August 26, 2024. Following its second quarter earnings release, the Company will host a conference call and simultaneous webcast to discuss its results for first half 2024 and outlook for the remainder of year.


About 3D Systems

关于 3D 系统

More than 35 years ago, 3D Systems brought the innovation of 3D printing to the manufacturing industry. Today, as the leading additive manufacturing solutions partner, we bring innovation, performance, and reliability to every interaction – empowering our customers to create products and business models never before possible. Thanks to our unique offering of hardware, software, materials, and services, each application-specific solution is powered by the expertise of our application engineers who collaborate with customers to transform how they deliver their products and services. 3D Systems' solutions address a variety of advanced applications in healthcare and industrial markets such as medical and dental, aerospace & defense, automotive, and durable goods. More information on the Company is available at .

35 年前,3D Systems 将 3D 打印的创新引入了制造业。如今,作为领先的增材制造解决方案合作伙伴,我们为每一次互动带来创新、性能和可靠性,使我们的客户能够创造前所未有的产品和商业模式。得益于我们独特的硬件、软件、材料和服务,每个特定应用的解决方案都由我们的应用工程师的专业知识提供支持,他们与客户合作,改变他们交付产品和服务的方式。3D Systems 的解决方案解决了医疗和工业市场的各种高级应用,例如医疗和牙科、航空航天与国防、汽车和耐用品。有关该公司的更多信息,请访问。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements made in this release that are not statements of historical or current facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from historical results or from any future results or projections expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In many cases, forward looking statements can be identified by terms such as "believes," "belief," "expects," "may," "will," "estimates," "intends," "anticipates" or "plans" or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. Forward-looking statements are based upon management's beliefs, assumptions and current expectations and may include comments as to the Company's beliefs and expectations as to future events and trends affecting its business and are necessarily subject to uncertainties, many of which are outside the control of the Company. The factors described under the headings "Forward-Looking Statements" and "Risk Factors" in the Company's periodic filings with the SEC, as well as other factors, could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected or predicted in forward-looking statements. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements are not, and should not be relied upon as a guarantee of future performance or results, nor will they necessarily prove to be accurate indications of the times at which such performance or results will be achieved. The forward-looking statements included are made only as the date of the statement. 3D Systems undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements made by management or on its behalf, whether as a result of future developments, subsequent events or circumstances or otherwise, except as required by law.

根据1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》,本新闻稿中发表的某些不是历史或当前事实陈述的陈述是前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致公司的实际业绩、业绩或成就与历史业绩或此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩或预测存在重大差异。在许多情况下,前瞻性陈述可以通过诸如 “相信”、“信念”、“期望”、“可能”、“意愿”、“估计”、“打算”、“预期” 或 “计划” 等术语或这些术语的否定词或其他类似术语来识别。前瞻性陈述基于管理层的信念、假设和当前的预期,可能包括对公司对影响其业务的未来事件和趋势的信念和预期的评论,并且必然会受到不确定性的影响,其中许多不确定性是公司无法控制的。公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的定期文件中 “前瞻性陈述” 和 “风险因素” 标题下描述的因素以及其他因素可能导致实际业绩与前瞻性陈述中反映或预测的业绩存在重大差异。尽管管理层认为前瞻性陈述中反映的预期是合理的,但前瞻性陈述不是、也不应作为未来业绩或业绩的保证,也不一定能准确地表明实现此类业绩或业绩的时间。所包含的前瞻性陈述仅作为声明之日作出。除非法律要求,否则3D Systems没有义务更新或修改管理层或代表其发表的任何前瞻性陈述,无论是由于未来发展、后续事件或情况还是其他原因。

Presentation of Information in this Press Release


3D Systems reports its financial results in accordance with GAAP. Management also reviews and reports certain non-GAAP measures, including: non-GAAP gross profit, non-GAAP gross profit margin, non-GAAP diluted income (loss) per share, and Adjusted EBITDA. These non-GAAP measures exclude certain items that management does not view as part of 3D Systems' core results as they may be highly variable, may be unusual or infrequent, are difficult to predict and can distort underlying business trends and results. Management believes that the non-GAAP measures provide useful additional insight into underlying business trends and results and provide meaningful information regarding the comparison of period-over-period results. Additionally, management uses the non-GAAP measures for planning, forecasting and evaluating business and financial performance, including allocating resources and evaluating results relative to employee compensation targets. 3D Systems' non-GAAP measures are not calculated in accordance with or as required by GAAP and may not be calculated in the same manner as similarly titled measures used by other companies. These non-GAAP measures should thus be considered as supplemental in nature and not considered in isolation or as a substitute for the related financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP.

3D Systems 根据公认会计原则报告其财务业绩。管理层还审查和报告某些非公认会计准则指标,包括:非公认会计准则毛利、非公认会计准则毛利率、非公认会计准则摊薄后每股收益(亏损)和调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润。这些非公认会计准则指标不包括管理层未将其视为3D Systems核心业绩一部分的某些项目,因为它们可能变化很大,可能不寻常或不常见,难以预测,并且可能扭曲潜在的业务趋势和业绩。管理层认为,非公认会计准则指标为潜在的业务趋势和业绩提供了有用的额外见解,并提供了有关同期业绩比较的有意义的信息。此外,管理层使用非公认会计准则衡量标准来规划、预测和评估业务和财务业绩,包括分配资源和评估与员工薪酬目标相关的结果。3D Systems的非公认会计准则指标不是按照公认会计原则或公认会计准则的要求计算的,其计算方式可能与其他公司使用的标题相似的衡量标准不同。因此,这些非公认会计准则指标应被视为补充性质,而不是单独考虑,也不能作为根据公认会计原则编制的相关财务信息的替代品。

To calculate the non-GAAP measures, 3D Systems excludes the impact of the following items:

在计算非公认会计准则指标时,3D Systems 排除了以下项目的影响:

  • amortization of intangible assets, a non-cash expense, as 3D Systems' intangible assets were primarily acquired in connection with business combinations;
  • costs incurred in connection with acquisitions and divestitures, such as legal, consulting and advisory fees;
  • stock-based compensation expenses, a non-cash expense;
  • charges related to restructuring and cost optimization plans, impairment charges, including goodwill, and divestiture gains or losses;
  • certain compensation expense related to the 2021 Volumetric acquisition; and
  • costs, including legal fees, related to significant or unusual litigation matters.
  • 无形资产的摊销,这是一种非现金支出,因为3D Systems的无形资产主要是通过业务合并而收购的;
  • 与收购和资产剥离相关的成本,例如法律、咨询和咨询费;
  • 股票薪酬支出,非现金支出;
  • 与重组和成本优化计划、减值费用(包括商誉)和资产剥离收益或亏损相关的费用;
  • 与 2021 年 Volumetric 收购相关的某些薪酬支出;以及
  • 与重大或异常诉讼事项相关的费用,包括律师费。

Amortization of intangibles and acquisition and divestiture-related costs are excluded from non-GAAP measures as the timing and magnitude of business combination transactions are not predictable, can vary significantly from period to period and the purchase price allocated to amortizable intangible assets and the related amortization period are unique to each acquisition. Amortization of intangible assets will recur in future periods until such intangible assets have been fully amortized. While intangible assets contribute to the company's revenue generation, the amortization of intangible assets does not directly relate to the sale of the company's products or services. Additionally, intangible assets amortization expense typically fluctuates based on the size and timing of the company's acquisition activity. Accordingly, the company believes excluding the amortization of intangible assets enhances the company's and investors' ability to compare the company's past financial performance with its current performance and to analyze underlying business performance and trends. Although stock-based compensation is a key incentive offered to certain of our employees, the expense is non-cash in nature, and we continue to evaluate our business performance excluding stock-based compensation; therefore, it is excluded from non-GAAP measures. Stock-based compensation expenses will recur in future periods. Charges related to restructuring and cost optimization plans, impairment charges, including goodwill, divestiture gains or losses, and the costs, including legal fees, related to significant or unusual litigation matters are excluded from non-GAAP measures as the frequency and magnitude of these activities may vary widely from period to period. Additionally, impairment charges, including goodwill, are non-cash. Furthermore, the company believes the costs, including legal fees, related to significant or unusual litigation matters are not indicative of our core business' operations. Finally, 3D Systems excludes contingent consideration recorded as compensation expense related to the 2021 Volumetric acquisition from non-GAAP measures as management evaluates financial performance excluding this expense, which is viewed by management as similar to acquisition consideration.

无形资产的摊销以及收购和资产剥离相关的成本不包括在非公认会计准则指标中,因为业务合并交易的时间和规模不可预测,各个时期之间可能有很大差异,而且分配给可摊销无形资产的收购价格和相关的摊销期是每次收购所独有的。无形资产的摊销将在未来期间重复进行,直到此类无形资产完全摊销为止。虽然无形资产有助于公司的创收,但无形资产的摊销与公司产品或服务的销售并不直接相关。此外,无形资产摊销费用通常会根据公司收购活动的规模和时间而波动。因此,该公司认为,排除无形资产的摊销可以增强公司和投资者将公司过去的财务业绩与当前业绩进行比较以及分析潜在业务业绩和趋势的能力。尽管股票薪酬是向某些员工提供的关键激励措施,但该支出本质上是非现金的,我们将继续评估我们的业务业绩,不包括股票薪酬;因此,它不包括在非公认会计准则指标中。以股票为基础的薪酬支出将在未来一段时间内反复出现。与重组和成本优化计划相关的费用、包括商誉在内的减值费用、资产剥离收益或亏损以及与重大或异常诉讼事项相关的成本(包括律师费)不包括在非公认会计准则衡量标准中,因为这些活动的频率和规模可能因时期而有很大差异。此外,包括商誉在内的减值费用均为非现金。此外,该公司认为,与重大或异常诉讼事项相关的成本,包括律师费,并不代表我们的核心业务运营。最后,3D Systems将记录为与2021年Volumetric收购相关的薪酬支出的或有对价从非公认会计准则指标中排除在外,因为管理层评估的财务业绩不包括这笔费用,管理层认为这笔费用与收购对价类似。

The matters discussed above are tax effected, as applicable, in calculating non-GAAP diluted income (loss) per share.


Adjusted EBITDA, defined as net income, plus income tax (provision) benefit, interest and other income (expense), net, stock-based compensation expense, amortization of intangible assets, depreciation expense, and other non-GAAP adjustments, all as described above, is used by management to evaluate performance and helps measure financial performance period-over-period.


A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures is provided in the accompanying schedules.


3D Systems does not provide forward-looking guidance for certain measures on a GAAP basis. The company is unable to provide a quantitative reconciliation of forward-looking non-GAAP gross profit margin, Adjusted EBITDA, and non-GAAP operating expense to the most directly comparable forward-looking GAAP measures without unreasonable effort because certain items, including litigation costs, acquisition expenses, stock-based compensation expense, intangible assets amortization expense, restructuring expenses, and goodwill impairment charges are difficult to predict and estimate. These items are inherently uncertain and depend on various factors, many of which are beyond the company's control, and as such, any associated estimate and its impact on GAAP performance could vary materially.

3D Systems 不在公认会计原则基础上为某些指标提供前瞻性指导。由于诉讼成本、收购费用、股票薪酬支出、无形资产摊销费用、重组费用和商誉减值费用等某些项目难以预测和估计,该公司无法在不合理的情况下提供前瞻性非公认会计准则毛利率、调整后息税折旧摊销前利润和非公认会计准则运营支出与最直接可比的前瞻性公认会计原则指标的量化对账。这些项目本质上是不确定的,取决于各种因素,其中许多因素是公司无法控制的,因此,任何相关的估计及其对GAAP业绩的影响都可能存在重大差异。

3D Systems Corporation
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheets
December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022
(in thousands, except par value) December 31,
December 31,
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 331,525 $ 388,134
Short-term investments 180,603
Accounts receivable, net of reserves — $3,389 and $3,114 101,497 93,886
Inventories 152,188 137,832
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 42,612 33,790
Total current assets 627,822 834,245
Property and equipment, net 64,461 58,072
Intangible assets, net 62,724 90,230
Goodwill 116,082 385,312
Operating lease right-of-use assets 58,406 39,502
Finance lease right-of-use assets 12,174 3,244
Long-term deferred income tax assets 4,230 7,038
Other assets 44,761 28,970
Total assets $ 990,660 $ 1,446,613
Current liabilities:
Current operating lease liabilities $ 9,924 $ 8,343
Accounts payable 49,757 53,826
Accrued and other liabilities 49,460 56,264
Customer deposits 7,599 6,911
Deferred revenue 30,448 26,464
Total current liabilities 147,188 151,808
Long-term debt, net of deferred financing costs 319,356 449,510
Long-term operating lease liabilities 56,795 38,499
Long-term deferred income tax liabilities 5,162 7,631
Other liabilities 33,400 47,461
Total liabilities 561,901 694,909
Commitments and contingencies (Note 23)
Redeemable non-controlling interest 2,006 1,760
Stockholders' equity:
Common stock, $0.001 par value, authorized 220,000 shares; shares issued 133,619 and 131,207 as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively 134 131
Additional paid-in capital 1,577,519 1,547,597
Accumulated deficit (1,106,650) (743,962)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (44,250) (53,822)
Total stockholders' equity 426,753 749,944
Total liabilities, redeemable non-controlling interest and stockholders' equity $ 990,660 $ 1,446,613
3D 系统公司
2023 年 12 月 31 日和 2022 年 12 月 31 日
(以千计,面值除外) 十二月 31,
十二月 31,
现金和现金等价物 $ 331,525 $ 388,134
短期投资 180,603
应收账款,扣除储备金——3,389美元和3,114美元 101,497 93,886
库存 152,188 137,832
预付费用和其他流动资产 42,612 33,790
流动资产总额 627,822 834,245
财产和设备,净额 64,461 58,072
无形资产,净额 62,724 90,230
善意 116,082 385,312
经营租赁使用权资产 58,406 39,502
融资租赁使用权资产 12,174 3,244
长期递延所得税资产 4,230 7,038
其他资产 44,761 28,970
总资产 $ 990,660 $ 1,446,613
当期经营租赁负债 $ 9,924 $ 8,343
应付账款 49,757 53,826
应计负债和其他负债 49,460 56,264
客户存款 7,599 6,911
递延收入 30,448 26,464
流动负债总额 147,188 151,808
扣除递延融资成本的长期债务 319,356 449,510
长期经营租赁负债 56,795 38,499
长期递延所得税负债 5,162 7,631
其他负债 33,400 47,461
负债总额 561,901 694,909
可赎回的非控股权益 2,006 1,760
普通股,面值0.001美元,授权发行22万股;截至2023年12月31日和2022年12月31日分别发行133,619股和131,207股 134 131
额外的实收资本 1,577,519 1,547,597
累计赤字 (1,106,650) (743,962)
累计其他综合亏损 (44,250) (53,822)
股东权益总额 426,753 749,944
负债总额、可赎回非控股权益和股东权益 $ 990,660 $ 1,446,613
3D Systems Corporation
Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations
Year Ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021
Year Ended December 31,
(in thousands, except per share amounts) 2023 2022 2021
Products $ 328,731 $ 395,396 $ 428,742
Services 159,338 142,635 186,897
Total revenue 488,069 538,031 615,639
Cost of sales:
Products 203,258 237,386 245,169
Services 88,390 86,412 106,692
Total cost of sales 291,648 323,798 351,861
Gross profit 196,421 214,233 263,778
Operating expenses:
Selling, general and administrative 210,172 244,181 227,697
Research and development 89,466 87,071 69,150
Impairments of goodwill and intangible assets 302,787
Total operating expenses 602,425 331,252 296,847
Loss from operations (406,004) (117,019) (33,069)
Interest and other income (expense), net 43,692 (3,790) 352,609
(Loss) income before income taxes (362,312) (120,809) 319,540
Benefit (provision) for income taxes 641 (2,140) 2,512
Loss on equity method investment, net of income taxes (1,282)
Net (loss) income before redeemable non-controlling interest (362,953) (122,949) 322,052
Less: net loss attributable to redeemable non-controlling interest (265) (238)
Net (loss) income attributable to 3D Systems Corporation $ (362,688) $ (122,711) $ 322,052
Net (loss) income per common share
Basic $ (2.79) $ (0.96) $ 2.62
Diluted $ (2.79) $ (0.96) $ 2.55
Weighted average shares outstanding:
Basic 129,944 127,818 122,867
Diluted 129,944 127,818 126,334
3D 系统公司
截至2023 年 12 月 31 日、2022 年和 2021 年 12 月 31 日的年度
(以千计,每股金额除外) 2023 2022 2021
产品 $ 328,731 $ 395,396 $ 428,742
服务 159,338 142,635 186,897
总收入 488,069 538,031 615,639
产品 203,258 237,386 245,169
服务 88,390 86,412 106,692
总销售成本 291,648 323,798 351,861
毛利润 196,421 214,233 263,778
销售、一般和管理 210,172 244,181 227,697
研究和开发 89,466 87,071 69,150
商誉和无形资产减值 302,787
运营费用总额 602,425 331,252 296,847
运营损失 (406,004) (117,019) (33,069)
利息和其他收入(支出),净额 43,692 (3,790) 352,609
所得税前(亏损)收入 (362,312) (120,809) 319,540
所得税福利(准备金) 641 (2,140) 2,512
权益法投资亏损,扣除所得税 (1,282)
扣除可赎回非控股权益前的净(亏损)收益 (362,953) (122,949) 322,052
减去:归因于可赎回非控股权益的净亏损 (265) (238)
归属于三维系统公司的净(亏损)收益 $ (362,688) $ (122,711) $ 322,052
基本 $ (2.79) $ (0.96) $ 2.62
稀释 $ (2.79) $ (0.96) $ 2.55
基本 129,944 127,818 122,867
稀释 129,944 127,818 126,334
3D Systems Corporation
Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations
Three Months Ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021
Three Months Ended December 31,
(in thousands, except per share amounts) 2023 2022 2021
Products $ 74,763 $ 94,734 $ 117,572
Services 40,085 37,998 33,298
Total revenue 114,848 132,732 150,870
Cost of sales:
Products 49,816 55,541 64,918
Services 21,075 22,561 19,734
Total cost of sales 70,891 78,102 84,652
Gross profit 43,957 54,630 66,218
Operating expenses:
Selling, general and administrative 59,549 58,783 50,897
Research and development 22,513 23,891 19,163
Impairments of goodwill and intangible assets 289,190
Total operating expenses 371,252 82,674 70,060
Loss from operations (327,295) (28,044) (3,842)
Interest and other income (expense), net 34,001 1,666 (1,787)
Loss before income taxes (293,294) (26,378) (5,629)
Benefit (provision) for income taxes 1,045 771 (571)
Loss on equity method investment, net of income taxes (535)
Net loss before redeemable non-controlling interest (292,784) (25,607) (6,200)
Less: net loss attributable to redeemable non-controlling interest (116) (54)
Net loss attributable to 3D Systems Corporation $ (292,668) $ (25,553) $ (6,200)
Net loss per share available to 3D Systems Corporation common stockholders
Basic $ (2.25) $ (0.20) $ (0.05)
Diluted $ (2.25) $ (0.20) $ (0.05)
3D 系统公司
截至2023 年 12 月 31 日、2022 年和 2021 年 12 月 31 日的三个月
(以千计,每股金额除外) 2023 2022 2021
产品 $ 74,763 $ 94,734 $ 117,572
服务 40,085 37,998 33,298
总收入 114,848 132,732 150,870
产品 49,816 55,541 64,918
服务 21,075 22,561 19,734
总销售成本 70,891 78,102 84,652
毛利润 43,957 54,630 66,218
销售、一般和管理 59,549 58,783 50,897
研究和开发 22,513 23,891 19,163
商誉和无形资产减值 289,190
运营费用总额 371,252 82,674 70,060
运营损失 (327,295) (28,044) (3,842)
利息和其他收入(支出),净额 34,001 1,666 (1,787)
所得税前亏损 (293,294) (26,378) (5,629)
所得税福利(准备金) 1,045 771 (571)
权益法投资亏损,扣除所得税 (535)
扣除可赎回非控股权益前的净亏损 (292,784) (25,607) (6,200)
减去:归因于可赎回非控股权益的净亏损 (116) (54)
归因于 3D Systems 公司的净亏损 $ (292,668) $ (25,553) $ (6,200)
3D Systems 公司普通股股东可获得的每股净亏损
基本 $ (2.25) $ (0.20) $ (0.05)
稀释 $ (2.25) $ (0.20) $ (0.05)
3D Systems Corporation
Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Year Ended December 31,
(in thousands) 2023 2022 2021
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net (loss) income before redeemable non-controlling interest $ (362,953) $ (122,949) $ 322,052
Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income to net cash (used in) provided by operating activities:
Depreciation, amortization and accretion of debt discount 36,053 38,686 34,623
Stock-based compensation 23,504 42,415 55,153
Loss on short-term investments 6 3,146
Non-cash operating lease expense 9,267 6,366 5,681
Provision for inventory obsolescence and revaluation 6,350 2,586 (2,909)
Loss on hedge accounting de-designation and termination 721
Provision for bad debts 595 562 232
Loss (gain) on the disposition of businesses, property, equipment and other assets 6 104 (350,846)
Gain on debt extinguishment (32,181)
Benefit for deferred income taxes and reserve adjustments (2,412) (2,518) (11,679)
Loss on equity method investment 1,282
Impairments of assets 304,698 4,095 1,676
Changes in operating accounts:
Accounts receivable (6,186) 8,144 (11,912)
Inventories (20,555) (51,082) 7,866
Prepaid expenses and other current assets (7,961) 8,229 (8,106)
Accounts payable (5,526) (3,787) 27,159
Deferred revenue and customer deposits 1,245 (6,947) (3,325)
Accrued and other liabilities (12,933) 10,702 (12,389)
All other operating activities (12,994) (7,773) (5,850)
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities (80,695) (70,021) 48,147
Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchases of property and equipment (27,183) (20,907) (18,791)
Purchases of short-term investments (384,388)
Sales and maturities of short-term investments 180,925 200,314
Proceeds from sale of assets and businesses, net of cash sold 194 325 421,485
Acquisitions and other investments, net of cash acquired (29,152) (103,699) (139,685)
Other investing activities (2,454)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 124,784 (308,355) 260,555
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from borrowings 460,000
Debt issuance costs (13,466)
Repayment of borrowings/long-term debt (100,614) (21,392)
Purchase of non-controlling interests (2,300) (6,300)
Taxes paid related to net-share settlement of equity awards (5,211) (10,864) (12,619)
Other financing activities (644) (651) (423)
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities (106,469) (13,815) 405,800
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash 3,516 (5,804) (9,243)
Net (decrease) increase in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash (58,864) (397,995) 705,259
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at the beginning of the year a 391,975 789,970 84,711
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at the end of the year a $ 333,111 $ 391,975 $ 789,970
3D 系统公司
(以千计) 2023 2022 2021
扣除可赎回非控股权益前的净(亏损)收益 $ (362,953) $ (122,949) $ 322,052
债务折扣的折旧、摊销和增加 36,053 38,686 34,623
基于股票的薪酬 23,504 42,415 55,153
短期投资损失 6 3,146
非现金运营租赁费用 9,267 6,366 5,681
为库存报废和重新估值编列经费 6,350 2,586 (2,909)
对冲账目撤销和终止造成的损失 721
坏账准备金 595 562 232
处置企业、财产、设备和其他资产的损失(收益) 6 104 (350,846)
债务清偿收益 (32,181)
递延所得税和准备金调整的好处 (2,412) (2,518) (11,679)
权益法投资亏损 1,282
资产减值 304,698 4,095 1,676
应收账款 (6,186) 8,144 (11,912)
库存 (20,555) (51,082) 7,866
预付费用和其他流动资产 (7,961) 8,229 (8,106)
应付账款 (5,526) (3,787) 27,159
递延收入和客户存款 1,245 (6,947) (3,325)
应计负债和其他负债 (12,933) 10,702 (12,389)
所有其他经营活动 (12,994) (7,773) (5,850)
经营活动提供的(用于)净现金 (80,695) (70,021) 48,147
购买财产和设备 (27,183) (20,907) (18,791)
购买短期投资 (384,388)
短期投资的销售和到期日 180,925 200,314
出售资产和业务的收益,扣除出售的现金 194 325 421,485
收购和其他投资,扣除获得的现金 (29,152) (103,699) (139,685)
其他投资活动 (2,454)
由(用于)投资活动提供的净现金 124,784 (308,355) 260,555
借款收益 460,000
债务发行成本 (13,466)
偿还借款/长期债务 (100,614) (21,392)
收购非控股权益 (2,300) (6,300)
与股权奖励净股结算相关的已缴税款 (5,211) (10,864) (12,619)
其他筹资活动 (644) (651) (423)
融资活动提供的(用于)净现金 (106,469) (13,815) 405,800
汇率变动对现金、现金等价物和限制性现金的影响 3,516 (5,804) (9,243)
现金、现金等价物和限制性现金净增加(减少) (58,864) (397,995) 705,259
年初的现金、现金等价物和限制性现金a 391,975 789,970 84,711
年底的现金、现金等价物和限制性现金a $ 333,111 $ 391,975 $ 789,970

(a) The amounts for cash and cash equivalents shown above include restricted cash of $119, $114 and $313 as of December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively, which are included in prepaid expenses and other current assets. In addition, included in cash and cash equivalents above as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 is $1,467 and $3,727 of restricted cash, which, is included in other non-current assets.

(a) 上面显示的现金和现金等价物金额包括截至2023年12月31日、2022年和2021年12月31日分别为119美元、114美元和313美元的限制性现金,这些现金包含在预付费用和其他流动资产中。此外,截至2023年12月31日和2022年12月31日,上述现金和现金等价物中包括1,467美元和3,727美元的限制性现金,这些现金包含在其他非流动资产中。

3D Systems Corporation
Unaudited Reconciliations of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures
Three Months Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.
Constant Currency Revenue (4)
Three Months Ended December 31, Constant Currency (1)
(in thousands) 2023 2022 $ Change % Change FX Effect (2) % Change (3)
Healthcare Solutions $ 51,188 $ 60,694 $ (9,506) (15.7)% $ 454 (16.4)%
Industrial Solutions 63,660 72,038 (8,378) (11.6)% 1,196 (13.3)%
Total revenue $ 114,848 $ 132,732 $ (17,884) (13.5)% $ 1,650 (14.7)%
3D 系统公司
截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日和 2022 年 12 月 31 日的三个月。
固定货币收入 (4)
截至12月31日的三个月 固定货币 (1)
(以千计) 2023 2022 $ Change % 变化 特效效果 (2) 百分比变化 (3)
医疗保健解决方案 $ 51,188 $ 60,694 $ (9,506) (15.7)% $ 454 (16.4)%
工业解决方案 63,660 72,038 (8,378) (11.6)% 1,196 (13.3)%
总收入 $ 114,848 $ 132,732 $ (17,884) (13.5)% $ 1,650 (14.7)%

(1) To assist in the analysis of the Company's revenue trends, the Company estimated the impact of foreign exchange on year-over-year revenue growth by recasting revenue for the three months ended December 31, 2023 by applying the foreign exchange rates used to translate 2022 non-US functional currency revenue to 2023 non-US functional currency revenue.
(2) Represents the estimated impact on "as reported" revenue due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates
(3) Represents the % increase or decrease in revenue excluding the estimated "FX effect"
(4)Amounts in table may not foot due to rounding

(1) 为协助分析公司的收入趋势,公司通过应用用于将2022年非美国本位币收入转换为2023年非美国本位币收入的外汇汇率,重估了截至2023年12月31日的三个月的收入,从而估算了外汇对同比收入增长的影响。
(2) 表示外币汇率变动对 “如报” 收入的估计影响
(3) 表示收入增加或减少的百分比,不包括估计的 “外汇效应”
(4) 由于四舍五入,表中的金额可能不足

Year Ended December 31, Constant Currency (1)
(in thousands) 2023 2022 $ Change % Change FX Effect (2) % Change (3)
Healthcare Solutions $ 213,216 $ 260,988 $ (47,772) (18.3)% $ 817 (18.6)%
Industrial Solutions 274,853 277,043 (2,190) (0.8)% 971 (1.1)%
Total revenue $ 488,069 $ 538,031 $ (49,962) (9.3)% $ 1,788 (9.6)%
截至12月31日的财年 固定货币 (1)
(以千计) 2023 2022 $ Change % 变化 特效效果 (2) 百分比变化 (3)
医疗保健解决方案 $ 213,216 $ 260,988 $ (47,772) (18.3)% $ 817 (18.6)%
工业解决方案 274,853 277,043 (2,190) (0.8)% 971 (1.1)%
总收入 $ 488,069 $ 538,031 $ (49,962) (9.3)% $ 1,788 (9.6)%

(1) To assist in the analysis of the Company's revenue trends, the Company estimated the impact of foreign exchange on year-over-year revenue growth by recasting revenue for the year ended December 31, 2023 by applying the foreign exchange rates used to translate 2022 non-US functional currency revenue to 2023 non-US functional currency revenue.
(2) Represents the estimated impact on "as reported" revenue due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates
(3) Represents the % increase or decrease in revenue excluding the estimated "FX effect"
(4)Amounts in table may not foot due to rounding

(1) 为协助分析公司的收入趋势,公司通过应用用于将2022年非美国本位币收入转换为2023年非美国本位币收入的外汇汇率,重估了截至2023年12月31日止年度的收入,从而估算了外汇对同比收入增长的影响。
(2) 表示外币汇率变动对 “如报” 收入的估计影响
(3) 表示收入增加或减少的百分比,不包括估计的 “外汇效应”
(4) 由于四舍五入,表中的金额可能不足

Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin (1)
Three Months Ended December 31,
(in thousands) 2023 2022
Gross Profit Gross Profit Margin (2) Gross Profit Gross Profit Margin (2)
GAAP $ 43,957 38.3% $ 54,630 41.2%
Amortization expense included in Cost of sales 382 (398)
Restructuring expense included in Cost of sales 1,427
Non-GAAP $ 45,766 39.8% $ 54,232 40.9%
毛利和毛利率 (1)
(以千计) 2023 2022
毛利润 毛利率 (2) 毛利润 毛利率 (2)
GAAP $ 43,957 38.3% $ 54,630 41.2%
摊销费用包含在销售成本中 382 (398)
重组费用包含在销售成本中 1,427
非公认会计准则 $ 45,766 39.8% $ 54,232 40.9%

(1) Amounts in table may not foot due to rounding
(2) Calculated as non-GAAP gross profit as a percentage of total revenue.

(1) 由于四舍五入,表中的金额可能不足
(2) 按非公认会计准则毛利占总收入的百分比计算。

Year Ended December 31,
(in thousands) 2023 2022
Gross Profit Gross Profit Margin (2) Gross Profit Gross Profit Margin(2)
GAAP $ 196,421 40.2% $ 214,233 39.8%
Amortization expense included in Cost of sales 506 14
Restructuring expense included in Cost of sales 1,427
Non-GAAP $ 198,354 40.6% $ 214,247 39.8%
(以千计) 2023 2022
毛利润 毛利率 (2) 毛利润 毛利率 (2)
GAAP $ 196,421 40.2% $ 214,233 39.8%
摊销费用包含在销售成本中 506 14
重组费用包含在销售成本中 1,427
非公认会计准则 $ 198,354 40.6% $ 214,247 39.8%

(1) Amounts in table may not foot due to rounding
(2) Calculated as non-GAAP gross profit as a percentage of total revenue.

(1) 由于四舍五入,表中的金额可能不足
(2) 按非公认会计准则毛利占总收入的百分比计算。

3D Systems Corporation
Unaudited Reconciliations of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures
Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022
Net Loss to Adjusted EBITDA (1)
Three Months Ended December 31, Year Ended December 31,
(in thousands) 2023 2022 2023 2022
Net loss attributable to 3D Systems Corporation $ (292,668) $ (25,553) $ (362,688) $ (122,711)
Interest income, net (3,092) (2,522) (16,210) (6,541)
(Benefit) provision for income taxes (1,045) (771) (641) 2,140
Depreciation expense 5,656 5,104 21,346 21,096
Amortization expense 2,391 5,207 12,067 15,480
Stock-based compensation expense 8,361 10,980 23,504 42,489
Acquisition and divestiture-related expense (1,202) 2,978 (1,070) 12,360
Legal expense 3,174 (1,418) 8,053 19,062
Restructuring expense 4,774 381 11,487 733
Net loss attributable to redeemable non-controlling interest (116) (54) (265) (238)
Loss (income) on equity method investment, net of income taxes 535 1,282
Goodwill and other assets impairment charges 290,148 3 304,359 18
Gain on repurchase of debt (32,181) (32,181)
Other non-operating expense 1,272 857 4,699 10,331
Adjusted EBITDA $ (13,993) $ (4,808) $ (26,258) $ (5,781)
3D 系统公司
截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日和 2022 年 12 月 31 日的三个月和十二个月
净亏损占调整后息税折旧摊销前利润 (1)
截至12月31日的三个月 截至12月31日的财年
(以千计) 2023 2022 2023 2022
归因于 3D Systems 公司的净亏损 $ (292,668) $ (25,553) $ (362,688) $ (122,711)
净利息收入 (3,092) (2,522) (16,210) (6,541)
(福利)所得税准备金 (1,045) (771) (641) 2,140
折旧费用 5,656 5,104 21,346 21,096
摊销费用 2,391 5,207 12,067 15,480
股票薪酬支出 8,361 10,980 23,504 42,489
收购和资产剥离相关费用 (1,202) 2,978 (1,070) 12,360
法律费用 3,174 (1,418) 8,053 19,062
重组费用 4,774 381 11,487 733
归因于可赎回非控股权益的净亏损 (116) (54) (265) (238)
权益法投资的亏损(收益),扣除所得税 535 1,282
商誉和其他资产减值费用 290,148 3 304,359 18
回购债务的收益 (32,181) (32,181)
其他非运营费用 1,272 857 4,699 10,331
调整后 EBITDA $ (13,993) $ (4,808) $ (26,258) $ (5,781)

(1) Amounts in table may not foot due to rounding

(1) 由于四舍五入,表中的金额可能不足

3D Systems Corporation
Unaudited Reconciliations of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures
Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022
Non-GAAP Diluted Loss per Share (1)(2)
Three Months Ended December 31, Year Ended December 31,
(in dollars) 2023 2022 2023 2022
Diluted loss per share $ (2.25) $ (0.20) $ (2.79) $ (0.96)
Amortization expense 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.12
Stock-based compensation expense 0.06 0.09 0.18 0.33
Acquisition and divestiture-related expense (0.01) 0.02 (0.01) 0.10
Legal expense 0.03 (0.01) 0.06 0.17
Restructuring expense 0.04 0.09 0.01
Goodwill and other assets impairment charges 2.23 2.35
Gain on repurchase of debt (0.25) (0.25)
Non-GAAP diluted loss per share $ (0.13) $ (0.06) $ (0.28) $ (0.23)
3D 系统公司
截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日和 2022 年 12 月 31 日的三个月和十二个月
非公认会计准则摊薄后每股亏损 (1) (2)
截至12月31日的三个月 截至12月31日的财年
(以美元计) 2023 2022 2023 2022
摊薄后的每股亏损 $ (2.25) $ (0.20) $ (2.79) $ (0.96)
摊销费用 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.12
股票薪酬支出 0.06 0.09 0.18 0.33
收购和资产剥离相关费用 (0.01) 0.02 (0.01) 0.10
法律费用 0.03 (0.01) 0.06 0.17
重组费用 0.04 0.09 0.01
商誉和其他资产减值费用 2.23 2.35
回购债务的收益 (0.25) (0.25)
非公认会计准则摊薄后每股亏损 $ (0.13) $ (0.06) $ (0.28) $ (0.23)

(1) Amounts in table may not foot due to rounding
(2) Amounts in table are stated per share

(1) 由于四舍五入,表中的金额可能不足
(2) 表中的金额以每股列出


Source: 3D Systems Inc.
来源:3D Systems Inc.
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