share_log 2024 Forecast Update: Mortgage Relief Is Finally on the Way 2024 Forecast Update: Mortgage Relief Is Finally on the Way 2024年预测更新:抵押贷款救济终于来了
PR Newswire ·  08/14 06:00

Buoyed by a Strong U.S. Economy, For Sale Inventory and the Existing Home Median Sales Price are Now Expected to Close 2024 with Year-Over-Year Gains, at 14.5% and 4.6%, respectively

受强劲的美国经济、待售房屋库存和现有住房平均销售价格的支撑,预计将于2024年末出现同比增长,分别为14.5% 和4.6%。

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Home price growth and inventory are now predicted to end the year with year-over-year gains, according to the 2024 Forecast Update. For sale inventory is forecasted to see the biggest change as home sellers patiently wait for buyers instead of delisting. Existing home median sales price is forecasted to increase year-over-year despite elevated mortgage rates, rising inventory, and homes sitting on the market longer.

加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉,2024年8月14日,PRNewswire/ - 根据 2024年预测更新,房价增长和库存现在预计将以同比增长结束这一年。预计出售的库存量将发生最大变化,因为房屋卖家耐心等待买家而不是摘牌。尽管抵押贷款利率居高不下、库存增加和房屋停留时间更长,但现有住房平均销售价格预计将同比增加。

"During the first half of this year, we have seen home buyers continue to remain sensitive to mortgage rates, and while home sellers are also affected, the binds of the mortgage rate lock-in effect appear to be loosening for some homeowners," said Chief Economist Danielle Hale. "These trends mean that home sales in 2024 will eke out only a small gain over 2023, but homebuyers have a fair amount to look forward to in the latter part of the year. Mortgage rates have finally begun to ease, and this trend is expected to continue as improving inflation enables the Fed to relax its tight policy, boosting homebuyer purchasing power. Furthermore, gains in the number of homes for sale mean that buyers have more negotiating power than they have had in recent years which should help buyers and sellers find the middle ground necessary for more sales. Fall has historically been a shoulder season for the housing market that benefits flexible buyers, and this year is setting up to be even more advantageous."


Lower Rates Finally Arrive
Earlier this month, mortgage rates dropped to their lowest rate since May 2023 and recent data trends, especially relating to job growth and unemployment are providing evidence that Fed policy is working–perhaps working overtime–and a rate cut, even a large one, may be appropriate. Therefore, our forecast for mortgage rates has been revised slightly lower. Our yearly mortgage rate average forecast is slightly lower at 6.7%, and we revised our year-end forecast to 6.3% from 6.5%.

本月早些时候,抵押贷款利率降至2023年5月以来的最低水平,最近的数据趋势,特别是与就业增长和失业率有关的趋势,正在提供证据,表明美联储的政策正在发挥作用——或许是加班——即使降息,甚至是大幅降息,也有可能适当。因此,我们对抵押贷款利率的预测略有下调。我们的年度抵押贷款利率平均预测略有下降,为6.7%,并将年底预测从6.5% 下调至 6.3%。

Annual Home Sales Rebound-ish
Despite affordability headwinds persisting and mortgage rates hindering buying power, we have revised home sales upwards marginally to 4.1 million – an annual increase of .08%. Although there has been more inventory than expected, high mortgage rates this spring which coincided with the peak of the homebuying season had a dampening effect on home sales. For example, this June's Existing Home Sales dropped to 3.89M, the lowest level in 6 months. The arrival of lower mortgage rates will help draw homebuyers back into the housing market, but with a short runway left in 2024 and a sluggish first half to overcome, home sales are unlikely to take off.

尽管支付能力问题持续存在,抵押贷款利率也影响购买力,但我们将房屋销售上调了0.8% 至410万,即年度增长率。尽管库存比预期更多,但今年春季的高抵押贷款利率与房屋购买季重叠,对房屋销售产生了抑制作用。例如,今年6月的现有住房销售量下降至389万,为6个月以来的最低点。抵押贷款利率走低将有助于将房屋买家吸引回房屋市场,但在2024年的短暂时间内,以及要克服上半年低迷的情况下,房屋销售仍然不太可能起飞。 今年6月的现有住房销售 跌至6个月以来的最低点,是389万。随着短期内剩下的时间越来越少,上半年低迷的情况仍在持续,房屋销售不太可能起飞。

Home Sale Prices Continue to Climb
Despite elevated mortgage rates, rising inventory, and homes sitting on the market longer, sales prices continue to rise. As a result, we've revised our initial forecast of a small price decline of 1.7% in 2024 to a rise of 4.6%. This significant revision reflects a resilient U.S. economy and a housing market that is still more broadly undersupplied despite recent upticks in inventory. What's more, the nation's largest housing markets remain a competitive marketplace and sellers still have the edge, though it has dulled over the past few years with higher rates. Of the 50 largest markets we track, only 12 are back to or above their pre-pandemic inventory levels.

尽管抵押贷款利率居高不下、库存增加和房屋停留时间更长,但销售价格仍在上涨。因此,我们将2024年1.7%的小幅跌幅预测上调至4.6% 的涨幅。这一重大修正反映了一个有弹性的美国经济和一个尽管库存最近有所上涨、但住房市场仍然普遍低供应的市场。更重要的是,全国最大的房地产市场仍然是一个竞争激烈的市场,卖家仍然占优势,尽管在过去几年里随着利率的上升已经变得不那么明显了。在我们追踪的50个最大市场中,仅有12个市场恢复或超过了疫情前的库存水平。 12个产品的库存已经恢复到或超过疫情前的水平.

Mortgage Lock-In Effect is Easing Aiding Inventory Woes
One of the factors that has hampered home sales - an under-supply of homes for sale - has finally started to ease. We have seen substantial improvement in inventory in the first half of 2024, climbing by more than 35% on a year-over-year basis. This is in stark contrast to our initial 2024 forecast that inventory would be down by 14%. Our revised estimate - the largest adjustment in our forecast - is now that inventory will be up 14.5%. Our revision reflects two somewhat unanticipated market developments this spring. First, some sellers who postponed their decision to sell last year - hoping that mortgage rates would be lower this spring were spurred to action by the better-than-expected mortgage rates at the start of 2024. Second, sellers who have put their home on the market seem willing to wait for a buyer rather than delisting, leading to longer time on market and inventory accumulating at a higher rate than expected.


The NAR Settlement and Election are Wildcards, But Housing Policy May Not Be So Wild
In the coming months, two major events are noteworthy, though their impact on the housing market could vary. The impact of the NAR commission settlements on the market and home prices are a wildcard and will depend equally on macroeconomic conditions and industry and consumer adaptations, with any changes likely to occur gradually over time. At the same time, we don't expect the wildcard election year to be that wild on the economy or housing market in 2024 since both the Republican and Democratic candidates have served in the White House recently. Markets should be able to handle whomever is elected, though acknowledging that the closer the race, the tougher it is to predict the outcome, which can spark volatility.


Rents Remain Largely Steady
Rents have remained largely steady in 2024 as the tug of war between rising multi-family completions boosting rental supply and elevated rental demand has resulted in a nationwide stalemate. We see demand from new households and continuing renters who might like to buy a home but find that today's rent versus buy scales are tipped too far in favor of renting, but rental supply has kept up as builders work through the backlog of multi-family units under construction.

2024年,由于增加的新家庭和继续租房的租户可能喜欢购买房屋但发现当前的 供应不足的 租房与买房比例已经倾向于租房太多了,但出租房屋的供应量已经跟上了,因为建筑商正在处理积压的多单元公寓建筑工程 的施工.

Housing Indicator 2024 Forecast REVISED 2024 Forecast (Nov. 2023)

2023 Historical Data

Mortgage Rates

Average 6.7% throughout the year, 6.3% by end of year

Average 6.8% throughout the year, 6.5% by end of year

Average 6.8%, 6.6% at end of year

Existing Home Median Sales Price Appreciation

+4.6 %

-1.7 %

+1.1 %

Existing Home Sales


4.1 million


4.07 million


4.09 million

Existing Home For-Sale Inventory

+14.5 %

-14.0 %

Single-Family Home Housing Starts


1.0 million


0.9 million


0.9 million

Homeownership Rate

65.5 %

65.8 %

65.9 %

Rent Change

-0.5 %

-0.2 %

+11.8 %

住房指标 2024年预测已修订 2024年预测(2023年11月)





























65.8 %

65.9 %





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媒体联系人:Mallory Micetich, [email protected]



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