
ImmPACT Bio Appoints Ian Somaiya to Its Board of Directors

ImmPACT Bio Appoints Ian Somaiya to Its Board of Directors

ImmPACt Bio任命Ian Somaiya为其董事会成员
PR Newswire ·  08/14 07:45

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ImmPACT Bio USA Inc. (ImmPACT Bio), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing a new generation of cellular therapies that have the potential to bring transformational benefits to patients, today announced the appointment of Ian Somaiya to its board of directors. Mr. Somaiya, currently chief financial officer (CFO) of NewAmsterdam Pharma Company N.V., brings more than 25 years of financial and operational leadership, including more than two decades on Wall Street as a prominent biotechnology research analyst.

2024年8月14日,美国ImmPACt Bio公布新闻,任命Ian Somaiya担任其董事会成员。ImmPACt Bio是一家处于临床阶段的生物制药公司,正在开发新一代具有潜在变革性疗效的细胞治疗方案,旨在为患者带来积极的变化。Somaiya先生目前是NewAmsterdam Pharma Company N.V.的首席财务官,拥有25年以上的财务和运营领导经验,包括在华尔街担任杰出的生物技术研究分析师20年以上。

Ian Somaya
Ian Somaya

"Ian is an experienced executive with a deep understanding of the industry landscape and expertise in corporate strategy, financial planning and fundraising," said Sumant Ramachandra, M.D., Ph.D., chief executive officer of ImmPACT Bio. "We are pleased to welcome him to our board of directors where his guidance will be important as we continue to scale the company."

ImmPACt Bio的首席执行官Sumant Ramachandra万.D., Ph.D.表示:“Ian是一位经验丰富的高管,深刻理解行业趋势,并拥有企业战略,财务规划和筹款方面的专业知识。”“我们很高兴欢迎他加入我们的董事会,在企业扩张过程中,他的指导将非常重要。”Somaiya先生补充说:“ImmPACt Bio具有革新性的双特异性CAR t细胞治疗方案,有望在多种癌症和自身免疫性疾病的治疗中发挥变革性作用。我期待加入ImmPACt Bio的董事会,并与团队合作,进一步推进其临床项目并发布预期的数据结果。”

Mr. Somaiya added, "ImmPACT Bio has the potential to make a transformative difference in the treatment of multiple cancers and autoimmune diseases with their innovative bispecific CAR T-cell therapies. I look forward to joining ImmPACT Bio's board and partnering with the team as they further advance their clinical programs with several anticipated data readouts."

Somaiya先生曾担任高管领导职务,包括Elucida Oncology的首席财务官和首席业务官,他在该公司领导筹款和企业战略,并担任TCR2 Therapeutics的首席财务官,在该公司的首次公开招股及两轮后续募资中引导公司,他已在华尔街工作了20年,是一名备受推崇的股票分析师,曾对100多家生物技术公司进行了广泛的研究,涉及不同的治疗领域,技术平台和发展阶段。他曾是BMO Capital Markets生物技术研究主管,及Nomura Securities,Piper Jaffray和Thomas Weisel Partners的分析师。他在摩根士丹利和保德信证券担任研究分析师,并因多年在生物技术报道中的优异表现被《华尔街日报》连续数年评为“最佳行业分析师”。Somaiya先生还获得了纽约大学生物学和神经科学学士学位。

Mr. Somaiya has held executive leadership positions, including CFO and chief business officer of Elucida Oncology, where he led fundraising and corporate strategy and, before that, as CFO of TCR2 Therapeutics, where he guided the company through its initial public offering and two subsequent follow-on offerings. Throughout his 20-year tenure on Wall Street, Mr. Somaiya was a highly esteemed equity analyst who conducted extensive research on more than 100 biotechnology companies across diverse therapeutic areas, technology platforms, and stages of development. He served as a managing director and head of biotechnology research at BMO Capital Markets and as managing director and equity analyst at Nomura Securities, Piper Jaffray, and Thomas Weisel Partners. He launched his Wall Street career as a research analyst at Morgan Stanley and Prudential Securities and was recognized for several consecutive years as the "Best on the Street" by The Wall Street Journal for his biotechnology coverage. Mr. Somaiya received a B.A. in biology and neuroscience from New York University.

Somaiya先生已经担任过多个高管领导职务,包括Elucida Oncology 的CFO和首席业务官,他领导筹款和公司战略,并且之前还担任过TCR2 Therapeutics的CFO,他引导公司完成了首次公开募股和两次后续跟投。在华尔街任职20年期间,Somaiya先生是一位备受尊敬的股权分析师,他对100多家不同治疗领域、技术平台和开发阶段的生物技术公司进行了广泛的研究。他曾担任BMO Capital Markets的生物技术研究主管、Nomura Securities、Piper Jaffray和Thomas Weisel Partners的资深董事和股权分析师。他是作为摩根士丹利和普天证券的研究分析师开启他的华尔街生涯,并因为对生物技术的覆盖获得连续数年的《华尔街日报》“最佳街头”称号。Somaiya先生获得了纽约大学生物学和神经科学学士学位。

About ImmPACT Bio
ImmPACT Bio USA, Inc., is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing a new generation of cellular therapies that have the potential to bring transformational benefits to patients. The company's logic-gate-based chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies, licensed from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Technology Development Group, are specifically designed to address antigen escape, reduce toxicity, overcome immunosupression in the tumor microenvironment, and improve cell persistence. The company's technology is based on the work of pioneering scientists, Yvonne Chen, Ph.D., and Antoni Ribas, M.D., Ph.D., both from UCLA. For more information, visit .

关于ImmPACt Bio
ImmPACt Bio USA,Inc.是一家处于临床阶段的生物制药公司,正在开发新一代具有潜在变革性疗效的细胞治疗方案,旨在为患者带来积极的变化。该公司基于UCLA Technology Development Group授权,开发基于逻辑门的嵌合抗原受体(CAR)T细胞治疗方案,旨在应对抗原逃逸,降低毒性,克服肿瘤微环境中的免疫抑制,并改善细胞持久性。该技术是UCLA的先驱科学家Yvonne Chen, Ph.D.和Antoni Ribas万.D., Ph.D.的研究成果。欲知更多信息,请访问该公司网站。


来源:ImmPACt Bio USA Inc.

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