
Garmin Introduces Revolutionary Technology to Help Avoid Runway Incursions

Garmin Introduces Revolutionary Technology to Help Avoid Runway Incursions

佳明 ·  08/14 01:00

OLATHE, Kan./August 14, 2024/PR Newswire – Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) today announced the certification of Runway Occupancy Awareness (ROA), marking the first certified software solution utilizing the Surface Indications and Alert(SURF-IA) technology. ROA uses ADS-B traffic to alert the crew of potential runway incursions caused by nearby airborne aircraft, aircraft on the ground and ground vehicles. The initial FAA certification was received by Textron Aviation on the G1000 NXi-equipped Cessna Caravan.

2024年8月14日,股票代码为纽交所:GRMN的Garmin公司在新闻稿中宣布,Runway Occupancy Awareness (ROA)已获得认证,这是首个使用Surface Indications and Alert(SURF-IA)技术的认证软件解决方案。ROA使用ADS-b流量向机组发出警报,以警示附近空中飞机、地面飞机和地面车辆可能导致的跑道侵入。德事隆航空公司是最初收到FAA认证的公司,其装备了Cessna Caravan的G1000 NXi。

Garmin also expects to receive FAA certification for ROA in their G5000 STC covering the Cessna Citation Excel, XLS, XLS+ and XLS Gen2 in September of 2024 and expects for the technology to be certified on more Garmin-equipped aircraft in the coming months. ROA is initially available on select Garmin Integrated Flight Decks ranging from G1000 NXi to G5000 equipped aircraft serving the broad general and business aviation markets.

Garmin还希望在2024年9月获得其G5000 STC对Cessna Citation Excel、XLS、XLS+和XLS Gen2的ROA认证,并期望该技术在接下来的几个月内获得更多Garmin装备的飞机的认证。ROA最初可用于从G1000 NXi到G5000配备的选择的Garmin集成飞行甲板,为广泛的通用航空和商业航空市场提供服务。

"With the rate of runway incursions increasing, there is a real need for increased safety tools in the cockpit. Equipping pilots with this technology can reduce the risk of runway incursions and help provide confidence for pilots navigating busy and complex airports." –Phil Straub, Garmin Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Aviation

Garmin高管Phil Straub表示,随着跑道入侵速率的增加,驾驶舱中需要增加更多的安全工具。装备飞行员使用此技术可以减少跑道入侵的风险,为飞行员在繁忙和复杂的机场中导航提供信心。

ROA technology analyzes aircraft GPS and ADS-B traffic information relevant to the airport's runways and taxiways to assess and alert the crew of a possible runway incursion or collision. ROA provides visual crew-alerting system (CAS) caution and warning annunciations on the pilot's primary flight display (PFD) and highlights the runway yellow or red, depending on the level of threat, on Garmin's Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT). It also provides similar caution and warning annunciations on the SafeTaxi map displayed simultaneously on the multifunction window.


Both visual and aural alerts are provided to the flight crew based on the potential hazard, ranging from no immediate collision hazard to a warning level alert where a collision risk could occur within 15 seconds. Indications and alerts to the flight crew include: any traffic landing, taking off, stopped, or taxiing on the aircraft's runway; traffic on approach to the aircraft's runway or runway that crosses the aircraft's runway; as well as any traffic on the runway at which the aircraft is holding.


ROA builds upon Garmin's other Terminal Safety Solutions that help increase situational awareness while navigating runways and taxiways, including Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System (ROAAS), Garmin SafeTaxi and Garmin SurfaceWatch. To learn more about Garmin's ROA technology, visit

ROA建立在Garmin的其他终端安全解决方案之上,可以增加在机场跑道和滑行道导航时的情境感知,包括跑道溢出意识与警报系统(ROAAS)、Garmin SafeTaxi和Garmin SurfaceWatch。欲了解更多有关Garmin的ROA技术,请访问。

Garmin products and services have revolutionized flight and become essential to the lives of pilots and aircraft owners and operators around the world. A leading provider of solutions to general aviation, business aviation, rotorcraft, advanced air mobility, government and defense, and commercial air carrier customers, Garmin believes every day is an opportunity to innovate. Recipient of the prestigious Robert J. Collier Trophy for Garmin Autoland, Garmin developed the world's first certified autonomous system that activates during an emergency to control and land an aircraft without human intervention. Visit the Garmin Newsroom, email our media team, connect with @garminaviation on social, or follow our blog.

Garmin的产品和服务已经彻底变革了航空业,并成为全球飞行员、飞机所有者和运营商生活中不可缺少的东西。Garmin是通用航空、商业航空、旋翼机、先进空中机动性、政府和国防以及商业航空客户的解决方案提供商,认为每一天都是创新的机会。Garmin Autoland获得了著名的罗伯特·J·科利尔奖,Garmin开发了世界上第一个自动化系统的认证,该系统在紧急情况下可以激活,无需人为干预即可控制和降落飞机。请访问Garmin Newsroom、给我们的媒体团队发送电子邮件、联系@Garminaviation社交媒体,或关注我们的博客。



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