
Sustainable Impact Through Cross-Sector Partnership

Sustainable Impact Through Cross-Sector Partnership

Accesswire ·  08/14 13:45

Feature by Hemang Desai


NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2024 / With over 10 million social enterprises operating globally, generating US$2 trillion in revenue annually, and creating 200 million jobs, these businesses are effecting sustainable societal change by putting people and planet first.

马萨诸塞北安普顿 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年8月14日 / 全球有超过1亿个社会企业在运营,每年创造2万亿美元的收入,并创造2000万个就业机会,这些企业通过把人和地球放在第一位来实现可持续的社会变革。

With the world in a state of polycrisis - a term describing the simultaneous occurrence of several catastrophic events such as conflict, poverty, unemployment, and climate change - social enterprises are more critical than ever. These organizations, like Faces Up Uganda, Elli Cares, Key Farmers Cameroon, and Alexa Goodman Consulting, are a powerful force for change, and although it may seem like a recent trend, MovingWorlds reports that social enterprises have been around for over 600 years.

由于世界正处于多重危机的状态——这个术语描述了诸如冲突、贫困、失业和气候变化等几种灾难性事件的同时发生——社会企业比以往任何时候都更为关键。这些组织,如Faces Up Uganda、Elli Cares、Key Farmers Cameroon和Alexa Goodman Consulting,是一股强大的变革力量,虽然它似乎是最近的趋势,但MovingWorlds报告说,社会企业已经存在了600多年。

However, despite their growing impact, these organizations face a number of hurdles. Limited access to financing, lack of public awareness and recognition, lack of government support, inadequate legal or fiscal frameworks, and restricted access to procurement processes can all hinder their ability to thrive.


At SAP, we actively support social enterprises through our comprehensive corporate social responsibility strategy, which includes knowledge and skills transfer from employees and social procurement. Through this strategy, we facilitate pro bono consulting, mentorships, and coaching opportunities to help support social enterprises to scale their businesses, as well as connect them with new B2B markets like SAP Business Network. This approach can empower social enterprises to overcome business challenges, scale their impact, and achieve their ever-important missions.

在SAP,我们通过我们的全面企业社会责任策略积极支持社会企业,这包括从员工和社会采购方面的知识和技能转移。通过这种策略,我们促进无偿咨询、导师和辅导机会,帮助社会企业扩大业务规模,并将它们与新的B2B市场(如SAP Business Network)联系起来。这种方法可以使社会企业克服业务挑战、扩大影响并实现其至关重要的使命。

Pro Bono Consulting: A Win-Win for Social Enterprises and SAP Employees


Building on more than a decade of experience executing pro bono consulting programs, SAP introduced a new way for more employees to share their expertise and experience with social enterprises through the Acceleration Collective initiative. The initiative is hosted on the TRANSFORM Support Hub, a global platform launched in partnership with MovingWorlds, Unilever, and the TRANSFORM program as a resource for social enterprises to access free, ongoing, bespoke support to scale their business.

在执行无偿咨询项目十多年的基础上,SAP引入了一种新的方式,通过Acceleration Collective计划,让更多员工通过TRANSFORm Support Hub倡议向社会企业分享他们的专业知识和经验,TRANSFORm Support Hub是与MovingWorlds、Unilever和TRANSFORm项目合作推出的全球平台,是社会企业访问免费、持续、定制支持的资源。

Last year alone, 120 SAP employees leveraged their expertise on the platform, completing 51 projects and generating an in-kind contribution of $458,835. This initiative can not only offer growth for the social enterprises but can also foster SAP employees' development through valuable experiential learning.


Employees Creating Change and Being Changed


SAP employees tap into skills from their day-to-day role and harness this expertise to create a solution to a real business challenge their social enterprise client is experiencing. Through this collaboration, employees contribute to the social enterprise's mission while given the opportunity to flex and grow valuable leadership skills like cross-cultural collaboration, active listening, and a greater understanding of the challenges that small businesses face. To bring that to life, here are a few inspiring stories from employee participants of Acceleration Collective:


Collaborating with a Youth Art Education Organization on Its Strategic and Funding Plans


David Elliott, a senior user assistance developer at SAP UK, collaborated with Faces Up Uganda, a youth development NGO supporting young people from vulnerable backgrounds. The organization uses arts and crafts education to help young people overcome psychosocial challenges and develop essential personal and professional skills.

大卫·艾略特(David Elliott)是SAP Uk的高级用户辅助开发人员,与Faces Up Uganda合作,这是一个支持弱势背景青少年的青少年发展非政府组织(NGO)。该组织利用艺术和手工艺教育帮助年轻人克服心理社交挑战,并发展必要的个人和职业技能。

Elliott reviewed the organization's website and strategic plan, enhancing the communication of its vision, mission, and values, and wrote grant applications to help secure funding. His work included regular meetings with the organization's founder, Ssekitto Kalule Emmanuel, who praised Elliott for making "every word count" and inspiring the team.

Elliott审查了组织的网站和战略计划,增强了其愿景、使命和价值观的传达,并编写了申请拨款的申请书。他的工作包括定期与该组织的创始人Ssekitto Kalule Emmanuel会面,后者赞扬了Elliott“让每个词都起到了作用”的做法,并激励了该团队。

"My experience with Faces Up revealed the potential of my skill set," Elliott added. "Clarifying grammatical rules and style taught me about the impact of language in specific contexts, which has influenced my role at SAP. Seeing my work's impact and receiving gratitude has motivated me to donate many hours to these projects."

“我与Faces Up的经历揭示了我技能集的潜力,”Elliott补充说。“澄清语法规则和风格让我了解了语言在特定语境中的影响,这影响了我在SAP的角色。看到我的工作产生的影响并得到感激,激励我捐赠了许多小时的时间参与这些项目。”

Partnering for Growing an App Supporting Independence for People Living with Dementia


A team of SAP employees from across the Asia, Pacific, and Japan (APJ) region - Binh Pham, senior value advisor; Sandra Chang, senior commercial business partner; and Summer Zeng, delivery manager, Product Engineering - worked alongside Elli Cares, a startup focused on supporting people with cognitive impairments. The team brainstormed with the founder, offering insights and recommendations on scaling and growing to take the business to the next level.

来自亚太地区和日本(APJ)的SAP员工团队——Binh Pham,高级价值顾问;Sandra Chang,高级商业合作伙伴;Summer Zeng,交付经理,产品工程——与Elli Cares,一家专注于支持认知障碍人士的初创企业合作。该团队与创始人一起进行头脑风暴,提供有关扩大和增长的见解和建议,以将业务提高到新的水平。

Pham found the experience fun, insightful, and humbling, as the team learned the challenges that startups like Elli Cares face and provided recommendations and solutions. "I was pleasantly surprised that my skill sets from my day-to-day job were transferrable and applicable to the case of this organization," Pham said.

Pham发现这种经历有趣、深刻和令人感慨,因为团队了解了像Elli Cares这样的初创企业面临的挑战,并提供了建议和解决方案。“我很惊讶我的日常工作技能是可转移和适用于这个组织的情况,”Pham说。

Enhancing the Funding Strategy for an Organization Empowering Rural Agricultural Communities


A Germany-based pro bono team - Fabio Westphal, solution advisor; Cansu Günay, enterprise customer success partner; Charlie Vu, specialist solution advisor; and Lilly Selzer, customer success partner - focused on strengthening Key Farmers Cameroon's investor and donor outreach. This enterprise empowers rural communities through sustainable agriculture and vocational training. The SAP team refined the organization's pitch deck and social media presence, enhancing its chances of securing funding. Westphal highlighted that he learned the importance of clear, trustful communication and concise storytelling in conveying complex ideas.

德国一支无偿团队——Fabio Westphal,解决方案顾问;Cansu Günay,企业客户成功合作伙伴;Charlie Vu,专业解决方案顾问;Lilly Selzer,客户成功合作伙伴——专注于加强Key Farmers Cameroon的投资者和捐赠者联系。这家企业通过可持续农业和职业培训赋予农村社区权力。SAP团队完善了该组织的路演和社交媒体存在,增强了其获得资金的机会。Westphal强调,他学会了在传达复杂理念时,清晰、值得信赖的沟通和简明扼要的叙述技巧的重要性。

Scaling the Online Presence of a Consulting Firm Dedicated to Addressing Environmental Challenges with Creative Scientific Communication


Jaime Atilano, digital solution advisor, and Mallory Rioux, Customer Success, used their expertise in technology, brand building, and customer success to assist Alexa Goodman Consulting. Founded by scientist and environmental activist Alexa Goodman, the firm offers services in environmental education, science communication, professional development, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and team building.

数字解决方案顾问Jaime Atilano和客户成功经理Mallory Rioux运用自己在技术、品牌打造和客户成功方面的专业知识,协助Alexa Goodman咨询公司。该公司由科学家和环保活动家Alexa Goodman创立,提供环境教育、科学传播、专业发展、多样性、平等和包容性(DEI)、团队建设等服务。

The SAP team optimized the organization's website SEO to drive traffic and grow its online presence. "This experience was eye-opening. It's one thing to learn about moving from empathy to action, but this opportunity allowed empathy to thrive," Atilano shared. "I learned new skills, collaborated with a great team, and supported an entrepreneur working to save our oceans and advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights. It brought SAP Corporate Social Responsibility to life and confirmed that there is good in this world, and we can be part of it."


Are You a New Pro Bono Consultant?


Two of our experts share their advice:


"Have confidence in your ability to provide value where you least expect it."
- David Elliott, technical communication specialist at SAP

- SAP技术传播专家David Elliott

"Embrace the uncomfortable. You won't know everything, but you are there for a reason. Lean on your strengths and bridge gaps, even in small ways. Learning a new skill can seem daunting, but it's a win-win: upskilling for you while supporting a social good endeavor. Your effort will make a difference for the client and the world."
- Jaime Atilano, digital solution advisor at SAP

- SAP数字解决方案顾问Jaime Atilano

Looking Ahead


The challenges we face in today's world may be vast, but the potential for change that is created when social enterprises and professionals come together is even greater. As we move toward solutions, social enterprises have emerged as a springboard to a more just and sustainable future. Through collaboration and the power of collective action, we can further enable these changemakers to create innovative solutions to some of the world's biggest challenges, all while bolstering the skills and expanding the perspectives of our own employees.


Are you inspired to utilize your skills for good and join the pro bono consulting movement? SAP employees and alumni can find more information through the Acceleration Collective launch page, and professionals from other organizations as well as social enterprises can learn more through the TRANSFORM Support Hub.


Hemang Desai is global program director of the Pro Bono Consulting Portfolio for Corporate Social Responsibility at SAP.

Hemang Desai是SAP公司社会责任的专业咨询组合全球计划总监。

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